#no yamato tho gonna draw him another time
crow-person · 1 month
Have you ever drew Yamato or Corazón ⁉️😋
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ofc i have drawn this loser i adore him <3
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mokutone · 2 years
THANK YOU for keeping kakashi’s mask on for that. Whenever I see art of him kissing someone with his mask down it’s like “you think a guy who wears that thing 24/7 365 even to bed is gonna take it off so someone can put their lips all over him? No way”
dgjhdsgkjh this is really such a funny response to my post and i enjoy your passion for kakashi saying the mask stays ON for kisses. thank u + im glad that u enjoyed it!! i also prefer seeing his mask on, tho perhaps for different reasons!
i did actually draw another boruto era scenario where kakashi pulls his own his mask down to give yamato a quick kiss, but we still dont get to see his face
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n then more needlessly detailed kakashi mask thoughts under the cut:
tbh i do think he wears it p much all the time, but i don't think its like he wont ever take it off? and i don't think hes like, as protective of it as he acts like he is with the kids...i think he just likes playing with them 🥺
its like, its like the bell game, can these kids get the mask off? its a good team bonding exercise AND good practice for kakashi, bc even if hes out of their league in terms of skill, they are determined, a group of three vs his group of one, and even if they get tired fast they also bounce back fast. i think its genuinely so fun for him, if it wasn't, and if he was serious about never letting them see his lower face, i think he'd be a lot more harsh! but in the eps where team 7 is trying to get a look at his face, he seems to be teasing them and encouraging them to try harder which. is genuinely really cute.
honestly the reason i had him keep the mask on is because i DEEPLY resent the anime for making any version of kakashi's face "canon," especially using a sketch kishimoto drew that pakkun + the ninken specifically said, in some other additional part of the manga, was NOT what his face looked like (which i thought was really funny and an entertaining way to play w/ the whole face-hiding-situation!! im annoyed that it was retconned...and for what? fanservice? no thank you. stop serving me!!!)
honestly i do not want to know what kakashis face looks like and i refuse to accept any depiction as canon! i think we should just never have found out what his face looks like. this knowledge does not enhance my experience of naruto whatsoever! i don't need to know! let me stay in my own lane! Kishimoto and Studio Pierrot, i do not want to see it, stop trying to show it to me!!!!
anyway. so i just refuse to draw any direct depiction of kakashi's face. closest ill go is drawing another character speculating abt his face, but kakashis face itself? not for my eyes thank u. i do not want to see it.
does this make sense? it's less about how kakashi as a character feels about his mask and more about how i as somebody who consumes naruto feel about kakashi's mask.
#yamswers#agstudio9#kakayama#this is like actually one of the things i am soooo annoying about. i am annoying about a lot of things but this ones near the top#i also dislike hc's that he is hiding his face because he thinks its ugly or because he was bullied for having dog teeth#like i cannot believe that theres a whole clan of people with dog traits including teeth. AND naruto. who also canonically has fangs. AND#kakashis formost companions this whole time have BEEN DOGS...and hed be like ''oh no im fucked up and evil for having dog teeth :(''#+ i just. dont like the idea that he has to have something ''weird'' to justify hiding his face...it feels. bad? like im saying it deserves#to be hidden if its ''weird'' (big feelings abt that word) enough? but. i also dont think you need somebody to point at a feature#on your body and go ''thats bad'' for you to start hiding yourself#which people can do and is! obviously traumatic! especially as a kid + esp if ur the only person who seems to have that feature!#puts chin in hands. okay honestly i think its more that kakashi was probably born ashamed for existing u know?#since we see him covering his face like. even before he was academy-attending age + before he was interacting with other kids#like sakumo is obviously somebody who is so ashamed and embarassed for himself. and hes kakashis only parent#so kakashi is going to learn how to be a person from somebody who is ashamed of himself—sakumo doesnt even need to say anything#but kids who are imitators will learn shame from adults that they immitate. it happens! largely the parents dont even know theyre doing it#like if u look at the sakumo bits in there. kakashi does anything and sakumo is immediately apolozing for him...hes like#not confident enough in himself as a parent or his kid as a kid. and is apologizing for kakashi...and himself for ''messing kakashi up''#like for real this man needed so much more support. for raising this kid. but the village didnt have any to spare i guess#i think him wearing the mask is less about ''i have to hide a Bad Feature'' and more about ''i dont want to be seen at all''#its about SHAME. its about hating himself before he was even conscious of his ''self'' as an entity#this is also why i think hes generally fine taking it off in front of people who know him well bc. mask or not theyre seeing him#mask cant protect him etc etc#i also think that yamato has an especially neutral stance abt kakashis mask...i rlly dont think he cares if its up or down or anything#(well. kissing aside. i dont think he likes kissing fabric much)#like. he was basically raised in root. people having their whole faces covered isnt exactly weird for him?#and i dont think the first time he saw kakashis face was like. A Big Reveal or whatever. i think yamato was probably just like#''weird. he looks naked like that. i'm going to cover his face with the edge of the hospital blanket.''#but like. again. i have strong feelings and opinions on things but my opinions arent Right they are only what i Like#so straight up like. just follow ur naruto headcanon self indulence bliss. thats what im doing
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shiranuigenma · 7 years
Genma for the character or, if he's already been done (heh), how about Kakashi?
how about both? :)
do I like them:
yeh he’s my main bae :)
5 good qualities:
Loyal as fuck. To his Hokage, to his village, to his teammates, to his mother, to anyone that’s important to him.
Hella badass. We don’t really ever get to see him fight, but it is canon that he is a damn skilled shinobi. First of all, he was probably about somewhere between 14-17 when he was tapped for the Hokage Guard Platoon. Second, dude took on the Sound Four with only Raido, and they all had to activate the second stage of their curse seals to beat them. Bruh.
Brave. This is standard for pretty much every shinobi, but back to the Sound 4. He had no idea their skill level, or how powerful they were with their curse seals. He and Raido fuckin took them on anyway like the fuckin bosses they are.
Very confident of his own abilities. (See above)
You thought I’d get through this list without mentioning how goddamn hot this motherfucker is? XD
3 bad qualities:
This isn’t exactly specific to him, but he is not on the screen enough.
Doesn’t talk enough. Given how little screentime he has, and his whole “No words, but action” thing, he does not speak enough.
This is purely headcanon, but I got nothing else - he can be inappropriate, at the worst times.
favourite episode/etc:
Literally all of them. I love any episode where we get to see him.
GenRai. Rhoen (@namiashiraidou​) pulled me into this ship and I am never going back. My boys deserve to be happy together ok
Also GenRai. They’re first and foremost best friends and to me that’s one of the most important things :)
GenRaiYama. Oh lawdy. Another ship I was brought onto thanks to Rhoen, and now I honestly can’t imagine it any other way. Think of how good they’d be together, especially post-war. Raido and Genma are older, have more experience with the traumas of war, and they would fuckin take care of Yamato like nobody’s goddamn business. I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP OK 
GenIno. That 17 year age gap, and the fact that Ino is underage af in the series, is a no from me. 
best quote:
“When captured birds grow wiser, they try to open the cage with their beaks. They don’t give up, because they want to fly again.”
head canon:
Oh lord I have so many. The most important one to me tho is that Genma is not a goddamn playboy ok? Yes, he’s a massive flirt. He can be dirty and inappropriate. Has he slept around? Probably a bit. But when it comes down to it, he’s more of a romantic. He’s not checking horoscopes and taking compatibility quizzes, but he does like to take the time to get to know someone, take them on dates, make a real connection.
This got a bit longer than I planned so Kakashi’s beneath the readmore :)
do I like them:
You bet your ass I do!
5 good qualities:
Protective of the people he cares about - almost to a fault. He would put himself on the line, without hesitation, without giving a single shit if he lives or dies, to make sure that his people are safe.
So goddamn loyal. He won’t betray his people for anything, even if it means abandoning a mission. He learned it the hard way, but it stuck.
Quick thinker. He assesses a situation a lot quicker than most, and formulates a plan of attack just as quick.
Cool under pressure. Can he get a bit heated if the situation calls for it or he’s pushed too far? Yes. But he’s not gonna crack. He doesn’t lose sight of what he has to do if he’s provoked.
That face tho. I would like to thank not only God but also Jesus.
3 bad qualities:
Top of the list: he does not deal with his emotions, especially pain and loss, well at all. He’d rather just say he’s fine and push down everything that hurts him, pretend that he’s unbothered by all the traumas of his past.
Bit of a martyr. He takes on all the blame and guilt of missions gone wrong, anything bad that happens on his watch. Maybe it’s because he truly blames himself for it, or it’s some twisted way of taking care of everyone else so they don’t have to, but it is very unhealthy.
He pushes away everyone that cares about him. Sure, it’s probably his way of protecting them. He thinks he’s cursed, after all, that the people he lets himself care for always die, but it keeps him from forming any real connections.
favourite episode/etc:
The entire ANBU arc.
KakaYama. First off, they have so much goddamn chemistry it’s ridiculous. The way they interact with each other, verbally and physically, speaks to a connection Kakashi doesn’t share with a lot of other people. You can tell just how comfortable they are with each other by the way they interact and a;dkfja I should probably stop there because I could go on for hours about what makes them so good together and why I ship them.
KakaGai. Sure, he spent most of his childhood ignoring Gai (where we again come back to him pushing people away) but over the years, Gai pushed his way in and was like “nope you can’t ignore me we are eternal rivals!” and it’s one of the few connections Kakashi actually let himself form, even if most of their friendship is just ridiculous challenges. Again tho I could go on forever.
I honestly don’t really have one yet.
KakaSaku. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but the age gap is too much for me personally. The KakaSaku fandom tho, they are all extremely lovely people and they write/draw some fantastic fic/art.
best quote:
“Sorry I’m late, I’m afraid I got lost on the path of life.”
head canon:
Oh boy. I could go on and on with headcanons for Kakashi. One of my favorite (and most painful) ones that I’ve ever thought up for him is actually featured in my OC fic We Were Emergencies? Canon probably disagrees with me, but if I remember right all we see is him standing over Sakumo, no indication that he’s already dead BUT ANYWAY:
So OK - I headcanon that Sakumo was still alive when Kakashi found him. He’s bleeding out, gasping for breath, and Kakashi has no idea what to do. He’s crying, trying to stop the bleeding, but it’s not enough, and he feels his father die, feels his chest stop moving beneath his hands. (Because that moment definitely wasn’t painful enough amirite)
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