#no. this is the world's most fuckable twink who can easily pass for a beautiful girl just by putting on a wig and dress.
lloydfrontera · 7 months
Does the novel make such a big deal out of Lloyd and Javier's looks in the mermaid arc as the webcomic currently is? Sometimes I can't tell if it's taking itself seriously
i gotta admit. that in this one arc yes their looks are very much a part of the plot. mostly javier's. like. this man has so much pretty privilege it actually moves the plot along. it's infuriating. i love him.
the difference between the webnovel and webcomic is that the latter wants you to believe that lloyd is the ugliest guy in the world and javier just happens to be very handsome. while the webnovel really fucking wants you to understand that javier is extremely pretty. like. unbelievable so. he's the most beautiful guy in the whole wide world. and lloyd just has the unfortunate luck of standing beside him while having a plain face.
there's a difference there and i hate that the webcomic went that route but i guess i can see why they wouldn't want their protagonist to constantly be thinking about how fucking gorgeous his best friend is at any moment possible including while he's about to be squashed to death. like. i guess i can understand how that could alienate some of their target audience lol
so yeah, in the novel, particularly in this arc, we hear a lot about how pretty javier is. and not really that much about lloyd's looks. because there's really not that much to say. he's Just a Guy™.
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