thecameronowens · 6 years
Date [Cameron x Noah]
Noah hadn’t been on a date in a long time, let alone a first date. He wasn’t so much as nervous because of who he was going out with, it was just the thought of it all. When he was with Cameron they didn’t have to do the whole impressing each other thing, Noah could be himself, but first dates were about getting a second one. Which required impressing someone. He got dressed and smoothed out his newly dyed blonde hair before heading out of his room.
Cameron notices Noah walking out of the room at the castle all dressed up and he goes over to the other. “What do you think you are doing? You aren't going anywhere.” He growls while pinning Noah to the wall. “I never signed those papers, you are still mine whether you like it or not. Til death do us part. If you want to go out, you have to kill me first.”
He hadn’t even noticed Cameron walk up to him so when he was pushed against the wall he was taken by surprise. “Cameron get off me. I’m not yours and you aren’t mine.” He said removing Cameron’s hands before stepping away from the wall. “You’re being ridiculous, I’m not killing you. Would you keep your voice down before the kids come out? It took forever to get Grace to go to sleep.”
Cameron took the others arm and held him in place, “You are mine, we are not legally divorced. So if you want to go out, you need to kill me first because there is no way in hell I am letting you go out with someone else, much less someone who murders and tortures people like us. I love you and I am not going to stand by and not do anything about it. He will hurt you and I am not letting that happen. You are my husband and I am not losing you. Tell me what you want, I will do anything. Please…” Cameron pleads while looking into the others eyes for some sort of recognition that this is his Noah.
“I’m not a fucking child Cameron and you aren’t my dad. I can do whatever I want to do because I don’t belong to you.” Noah said before fixing himself and looking at Cameron. “I want you to make sure that the kids stay in bed. I will be back before they wake up, I think we’re just eating or whatever so it shouldn’t be too long. Don’t you have future wives to meet or get ready for? Just let me leave without this becoming a big thing for no reason.”
Cameron shook his head, “No, Nibs found Zephyr’s son. He takes the throne tomorrow, I will no longer be King. I never wanted to be King, I only ever wanted you. With Zephyr’s son on the throne the promise that was made with the Crystal Mother will stay valid. Our people aren't going to die anymore. I can be with you the way it should be.” The siren responds while looking at Noah to see what Noah would think about it all.
“That’s great I guess.” Noah replied before smoothing our his hair once again. “I’ll see you later Cameron, I have to go. We can talk about this when you tell the kids.” He said before turning to walk away.
Cameron takes Noah’s hand once more. “Wait, I don't understand. You wanted the divorce because I was going to have to marry someone else...I don't have to do that anymore. I am here for you and the kids who have my full attention. You wanted more attention and for me be there for you and that's what I am doing so why are you leaving? What do you want from me? What am I missing? What am I doing wrong?” Cameron's eyes flashed blue in distress.
“Cameron just stop, I wanted the divorce because not once have you actually asked me what I want. You only knew that’s how I felt because I told you once I asked for the divorce. You never just randomly asked. Do you know how hurtful it was to hear you talk about having another kid with someone when you said you didn’t want anymore kids? You don’t want anymore with me but you want them with some random pureblood? We don’t love each other like we did when we first got together or got married. We’re dull, I’m about to go on a date and I can’t remember our last date. Be here for the kids, but leave me alone.” He said removing his hand from Cameron’s. “We aren’t Coah anymore so just...get used to it.” He said before heading towards the exit of the castle.
“No, wait. I told you I never wanted another kid with the pureblood. It was something that was being required and even though we were talking about it, they were just ideas. I don't want to have kids with anyone but you. I want us to have more kids but I wanted to wait a bit. I grew up with so many siblings, we were born so close to each other my parents never had enough time for each of us. If we space it out it would allow us more time with each of our kids. Fuck Noah, I want us to have a huge family but I don't want them to feel neglected. I was going to ask you on a date when you got back, I had a whole surprise planned for you but when I wanted to say something you started to talk about a divorce. I still love you as I did when we were married, if you don't feel that love then that is my mistake. I should have done better and tried harder. But I still love you so much please give me another chance. I will do anything. There isn't anything stopping us from rekindling what you think we lost except this damn date with the siren murderer. Don't go, please, our kids need their mother alive, not dead.”
Noah just sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. “Cameron maybe I liked being wooed. Maybe I like the spontaneity. If you really wanted me back you would have asked me on a date or something. You would have came to me and said let’s start fresh. Let me make you fall in love with me again. All that you are saying, I wanted to hear this so long ago. And you wait until I’m damn near out the door to tell me? I can’t Cameron...I can’t keep waiting for when you want to talk. I’m done...just let me be done.”
“No, I wanted to start fresh and you tried to fucking venomize me so don't say this is so late. I wanted a fresh start when I went and found you in the bar. You are pushing me away and not giving me a chance to woo you. I am taking you on the date I had planned for us when you started to tell me about the divorce when you get back so don't tire yourself out when with Jack. I am not letting you give up because you told me not to when we first fought and I let you walk away. I am not letting you do that. You want me to woo you I will do that, we can start fresh when you get back but until then.” Cameron pulls Noah closer to him and kisses him passionately, and slowly so that Noah could feel the love he had for the other in the kiss. After a few seconds, he pulled back, “I love you Noah. Please stay.”
Noah felt Cam’s lips on his and his body instinctively responded by kissing him back. Hearing his words Noah just pulled away from Cameron, “I’m not your husband anymore Cameron. I’m just not.” He said looking at the ground and walking around Cameron back to his room.
“You are still my husband so stop saying you aren't damn it. You want me to do all these things for you yet you never gave me the chance. You left without letting me surprise you with the trip I promised you before you left. You came back, I told you about it and next thing I know you are talking about a divorce. I don't understand you at all. All these problems you are listing...we addressed all of them. I came to you asking for a fresh start. You never replied to me. You tried to venomize me that was your answer. You think it's okay to venomize me yet if I were to do that to you, you would hate me forever. I can only do so much to show you I want you. I have done everything. I asked you out after you tried to venomize me and you never replied. You give up so easily, if you wanted us to do more why didn't you say So? You know I would have done it for you, I can't read your mind Noah. What really changed? Why don't you want to fight for us anymore?” He stops the other from leaving.
“Cameron I was having a really good night and I don’t want to talk about any of this actually. Like at all. I am going to go grab my stuff and then I’m going out.“ Noah said looking at him. “Now go back to bed and just drop all of this. Please.”
Cameron frowns at Noah’s words. “I am not giving up. I don’t care what it takes, I will have you back.”
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