thecameronowens · 6 years
Ending An Era [Noah x Cam]
Cameron had had enough of waiting around for Noah to come around, for Noah to decide to want him. He knew Noah had feelings for Misty and he was told by rumors around the castle that Noah was going to pursue her since her and Nibs had ended their relationship. The papers that Noah had told him not to sign were in his hand. The divorce papers. His heart ached as he took the pen and signed his name on them, a few tears falling as he did so. The ring on his finger meant that their love was now dead. Noah didn’t want him. Cameron sealed the envelope with the ring and papers inside before making his way to Noah’s room and knocking on the door. “Noah, can you please open up. We need to talk.”
“Yes Cameron?” He asked opening up the door. Noah was only visiting Grace and Liam seeing as he had never been a fan of the castle life anyway. He never stayed there. It’s not what him and Cameron promised each other and their whole life wasn’t going the way they had intentionally talked about. Their kids shouldn’t have been raised in here and they shouldn’t have had this life. Cameron has once promised him a normal life in their cove but a crown changed him and Noah wasn’t in love with the person he had become. He didn’t want to be with the person Cameron was.
“I um...I went to the cove to see if you were there but you were never there when I came home. The kids were asking where you were and I didn’t know what to tell them. I know I have been in a lot of meetings recently but that was because I was trying to convince my brother to come home. I finally was able to convince him to come home. I gave him the throne, the kids get to move back to the cove. I know you have feelings for Misty and you don’t want to be with me anymore so..now you don’t have to.” He hands Noah the envelope.
“I signed the divorce papers like you wanted. I will be moving my stuff out of the castle. I found a nice cove to live in and I told the kids that they are free to come and visit whenever…” He could feel his body shaking before he gave Noah the papers. “Here. I don’t want to bother you anymore and you don’t have to see me either since I know you want her so...good luck. And goodbye Noah.” Cameron offered him a small smile before leaving.
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