satchaccuss · 6 years
Dragon Age. What’s next?
I seriously need to know Solas’ plan; because if he removes the veil, demons come into the world. Then what the f*ck happens?
Demons mostly only possess ppl to cross over the veil in the first place right, so without it what will they do?
Sure they will still possess mages for the power obviously but normal ppl will be useless since the demons only have their own power initially anyway when merging with a normal human, right?
And I seriously doubt that elves will just magically become immortal or capable of magic (tho I don’t remember if all elves knew magic, I don’t think so but...) the moment the veil is removed, so why so many elves are following him is a mystery to me. They are a proud ppl but I didn’t think they were idiots. lol
It is such a cool edition that the elven pantheon or whatever it was called actually existed and still exists, they will also not be trapped anymore when the veil is gone. Solas had a plan, what was it?
How does the pantheon relate to the Blight? I am assuming solas trapped them in the golden city and then the magisters went there and.... then what? Are the pantheon the archdemons? No, that doesn’t work; there aren’t enough of them, right?
How does the “old souls” relate to anything? The one in Kieran (I think that was his name), what or who is it? And I take it Solas absorbed Mythal’s soul into himself or something in the end there, right? So is she dead for real now or?
...and if Flemeth has been Mythal for quite some time, why hasn’t she been doing “Mythal-y”-things? The rumors about Flemeth states she was stealing her daughters bodies to live forever and such, of course she moved “fate” along a few times too, but is that it? And seriously her lie in DA:I that Morrigan was “never in any danger” from her just irked me! The outfit you can acquire after killing Flemeth clearly states “-1 willpower” and the description says that Flemeth would have gifted it to Morrigan when the Blight was defeated and it would slowly drain her willpower so Flemeth could easily possess her. Lying f*cking c*nt!
Here is the kicker tho, ppl are saying that if Anthem fails, Bioware is toast.
And that can NOT happen ppl! I need closure!
Unfortunately I have no interest in Anthem, so I won’t buy it and a lot of other ppl have no interest in it either so they won’t buy it! No one wanted this game!
...actually, “someone” clearly wanted this game, otherwise it wouldn’t have been made. I wonder who?
It just looks boring. The story better be f*cking amazing, the short trailer that is playing right now tells me f*ck-all about the actual game honestly... and why name some magic mcguffin “Anthem”... that word already defines something doesn’t it, ya can’t just use it to define something else because it sounds cool!
...there better be some amazing customization options!
The kind of suit: fat, skinny, medium.
The colour of the suit.
...and your character, although it has only been showed as first person on that end so I doubt we get any control over that.
Honestly! Who f*cking wanted this game?!?! I want the next Dragon Age! OR a new KOTOR, since a lot of ppl seem to like that series and are sad there have been no public plans to ever make it (or something like that, I am not caught up in it since I never played any of them games).
There. Rant over.
EDIT: Actually, it turns out I won’t even be able to play Anthem even if I bought it. Ppl are saying now that it is an “always online” game (yes, I could’ve probs looked that up before, but as I said; I have no interest in this game so...) and I am in general too poor to have xbox live gold membership which is required to use online modes, so; no Anthem for me.
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