Chapter 13
Hello! I finished earlier than expected! And I'm very happy to be posting this chapter, hope you all like it as well ;) Remember to read the full chapter here.
Pair: Nobunaga x OC
Warning/s: Smut! (enjoy)
13-First Love.
Being in my room, all clean and ready to get to sleep, I wondered if I’d see Nobunaga soon. He had to catch up with his vassals and decide their next moves. I imagined it’ll be pretty late by the time he came to sleep, but I didn’t want to bother him if he had work to do. Their next battle was far more important than my desire to sleep beside him.
I kneeled down and was about to get into bed, when I heard the door slide.
-You’re still awake?
“Speak of the devil!” Nobunaga came in, dressed in just his cotton robe, and my heart jumped when I saw him.
-Hey! I thought you’d be caught up with work all night- I couldn’t help getting happy.
-There’s not much to discuss tonight- he walked to sit in front of me in a slow pace, taking a hand to delicately caress my cheek. I was already caught in his intense gaze –You weren’t hurt?
-No, I’m fine- I smiled at him –And you? You’re not too tired? Have you eaten yet? – I was about to offer getting something, when he grabbed my wrist stopping me from moving.
-That’s not important- he said with a serious expression, leaving me confused –What I want is for us to finish our game of Go.
-Excuse me? – I wasn’t sure where he was going to, but it soon hit me –Is there something you want to claim? I already told you…
-It’s not a part of you that I intend to claim tonight- he interrupted me again, so I decided to let him have his say –You wanted me to talk about my feelings, and this is what I know. In the beginning, I thought you’d be good to cure my boredom. I figured once you gave yourself to me, I’d let you go. But now I’m aware that won’t do. I’ve already had you and it helped me realize that your body is not enough for me.
I worried for a moment that perhaps this meant I wasn’t enough –What else do you want?
-I want you- his expression tightened. I could see it was hard for him to say that, and my heart pounded hard in my chest –Tonight, when I defeat you, I want you to hand over everything to me, heart, body and soul.
I had a momentary flashback of our horse ride when he told me something similar; “it wasn’t your body I was interested in. It was you”. He truly meant that. He’s been wanting me the same way I did him.
So there was room for me in his mind.
-You’re upping the ante, then- I was happy to know that –But you still don’t need the game for it. I meant what I said, whatever you ask for is yours.
I smiled at him and he gave me a look full of passion. He was surprised that I was willing to hand it all to him. Even after everything that we’d done and said, he didn’t realize how I felt about him. Because he never cared for someone before, never knew what it’s like to have such strong emotions, the only way he could express his feelings was with these clumsy words.
I sighed realizing just how out of practice he was, despite the cool, know-it-all image he tried to give, when he was finally faced with love, he was helpless. I had to show him he wasn’t, that I was there to give him a hand, always.
I grabbed his face and kissed him slowly, breathing with desire. I tasted his lower lip and stared close at his hazel eyes when we parted –I told you last night, Nobunaga. You won. You’ve already conquered everything about me. That’s why you don’t need the game anymore.
-Mia…- his voice was soft as I held his face in my hands –No, you’ve defeated me and taken something of mine. You conquered my heart.
I was taken aback by his confession. I didn’t expect him to say such thing, didn’t think I’d get to hear those words so soon. I had no idea what I’d done to earn it, but all I cared about was seeing that there were no more doubts in him, which meant there was no reason for me to hesitate either.
He smiled for me and I took a second to appreciate his handsome face, his light expression. I realized my eyes were a bit teary with joy and laughed a little. My love for him was overflowing in my chest.
He pulled me to his lap, holding me tenderly. The sudden closeness lit up a heat in me and his impassioned gaze turned it into a bonfire –I’ve never felt this way before. For the sake of my ambition I’ve taken hundreds of lives, and I will take countless more. I don’t deserve to feel this warm or to have these feelings- his frown got deeper, troubled by his own thoughts –But even knowing that, I want to hold you. I want to touch you. I can’t stop myself.
I sighed hearing the desire printed in his voice. He didn’t just become cold because of his goal. He thought that after all he’d done, he simply wasn’t allowed to pursue anything else, and the thought of that made me sad.
I shook my head –I don’t care what either of us deserves. We’re here now, we’re alive and all I want is for you to have me, all of me- I held him in my hands –I’m already yours, Nobunaga. And I’m here whenever you need me.
“Whatever it is that makes you happy, take it. Anything that I can give you, I will. Because I know that it will also make me happy. I’ve always loved each and every one of your conquests. And now I also love you, I’m sure that’s a plus”.
-Mia…- Nobunaga whispered my name so lovingly, I thought I’d melt right there. And then, he showed me a content smile –I’ve stumbled upon a truly amazing woman. I won’t hold back anymore.
I returned his smile before we finally kissed. I let the essence of him occupy all of my senses. He was so quick to meet my tongue with his, to hold me so strongly, the only thing filling my body was a desire that made all of my skin utterly sensitive. I had a sense any place he touched or kissed now, would make me moan without filter.
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The Devil’s Wife
Hello! Chapter 7 is up! Thank you for the hearts in all previous ones, hope you keep reading and enjoying this. I don’t know how, but no matter how much I try to keep it short, my chapters are still twelve word pages long xD 
Still, I’m glad you like it. Here’s a sneak peek for this chapter. Make sure to read the full version on Ao3. 
A/n: I thought about writing this scene in his POV as well, but I already did that for the previous chapter and the one that comes after this. If you’re interested in reading it anyways, let me know.
Warning: slight angst in this chapter, with some fluff after.
For this first time ever, I was honestly happy to play Go. I sat down in front of him, and placed every stone with calm, not really caring about the result anymore, just enjoying the game. After so much practice, I felt like I knew Nobunaga’s way of playing. I detected certain patterns and managed to anticipate a few moves. I didn’t give it much relevance, though, until I stared at him and he looked troubled.
-You’ve become dangerously good at this. I can’t leave my guard down.
I jumped in amazement –Really?
-Indeed. Just not good enough- he smirked while placing another stone. When I looked down, he had secured his victory.
-What? You cheat! You distracted me on purpose!
-It was too easy. That’s why I said you weren’t good enough.
I grunted and tried to regain my advantage, but it was too late. He defeated me in seconds.
-I win- he said smugly.
-Only because you cheated.
-Distracting your enemy is strategy as well. But don’t frown. This game was to make peace, so I’ll let the victory belong to both.
-What does that mean?
-It means you can ask for whatever you want, and I’ll allow it.
-Oh! - that surprised me. I’d always been so far from winning, I never stopped to think about a favour to ask him. My mind started running until it came up with something –Maybe I could learn some skill to protect myself? Like, uhm...
I marvelled at the idea –Yes! I only ever did it for fun. I’d love to get better at it.
-Then, I shall arrange for someone to instruct you- his voice was always deep and firm, but this time there was a touch of kind joy in it that made my heart pound –Now, come closer.
-Yes, yes- I rolled my eyes, jokingly annoyed, and went to sit beside him, ready for whatever he claimed next. But when his hand travelled right up my thigh, I couldn’t help complaining –Wow, wow. What are you doing?
-My next claim- he answered calmly, like he usually did when I objected at his choices.
-Oh, no you don’t. I see where you’re trying to get there.
-Do you, now? - he mocked at my protests and slid his other hand slowly down my back, until it reached my ass!
The second he squeezed it without shame, I was elevated from my place, almost standing on my knees now. My mouth fell open with shock –You have three seconds to take your hand out of there.
He laughed at my dramatic reaction –I'm just continuing my last claim, and this is what comes right under your back.
I’d always had zero tolerance with guys that tried to randomly grab my ass. I didn’t allow it unless we were close enough, and Nobunaga was not there yet. I knew he was just taking advantage of the situation. Although, it was also a bit funny. I never imagined a warlord would be daring enough to do something so naughty.
I gave him a warning look and started counting –One.
-You really think you can stop me? You can’t escape our deal.
I was about to count again, when he startled me by lowering his head. For a moment, I was prepared to push him away, until I realized he had just laid down on my lap, getting comfortable like it was completely normal.
-What are you doing?
-This is now my territory. I can use it however I want.
I snorted. “He tricked me again!”
-Are you disappointed? - he asked vainly.
-Oh, spare me. You know full well what you were trying to make me think. You always do the same!
-And yet, you keep falling into my traps- his self-satisfied expression never failed to make me sigh, but as if he needed to make it worse, he moved his head, rejoicing in his new claim –This is fine territory. And bountiful.
My eyes widened “did he just...? Of course, he did”. I bit my bottom lip and shook my head. He was really just impossible.
Yet, all of the sudden his hand was on my face, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. I was taken aback from the surprise and stared down at him –What?
-I couldn’t see your face through your hair- he kept his hand on my cheek, almost caressing it with rough fingers. I tried to interpret his expression. He looked pleased, as usual, but there was something different in his gaze. It warmed me up, instead of making me feel cold. He even added; –You're warm. Stay still for a while.
When he asked like that, I just didn’t have it in my heart to refuse. I stayed in my place, accepting my new job as a pillow. At least for tonight.
As he closed his eyes, I couldn’t help taking the chance to see his face. I’d always neglected it in fear of getting caught, but now everything was in my favour. Having him so close made it easier, even felt good. Though my attention was soon caught by his collar. It was all bunched up right under his neck. I tried to straighten it, when he suddenly tensed and opened his eyes, even grabbing my wrist.
-What are you doing?
I didn’t know which of the two was most surprised –I was just fixing your collar.
His reaction really startled me. “Could it be...?” -Nobunaga, did that tickle?
The expression on his face grew more serious –Tickle? That was utter torment!
I let my chin drop upon the new discovery –Oh, my God.
“This is too good”. I stretched my free hand to go behind his head, and to the other side of his neck, gently caressing it. He tensed even further, dropping my wrist to shield his ears.
-Will you stop!
-Ah! - I let a cry of surprise out, laughing so loudly I had to cover my mouth –Well, who knew the Devil King was so ticklish?
-What if I am? Stop laughing.
His usual profound and intense voice made it all worse. It was his serious, commanding voice, but this time annoyed at being the one in a weak position before me. My amusement just grew every second, until I simply had to stop myself.
-Okay, okay- I tried to hold my laughter, seeing his pouting expression –I won’t laugh anymore, I’m sorry. It’s just so funny.
-There’s nothing funny about this. It’s unacceptable.
I was drying the tears from my eyes, but his severe complaint didn’t help. The fact that he was so serious about something so funny was hilarious and adorable –That's because you’re the one in trouble this time. Finally. But I’ll stay put now, you can relax.
-Are you luring me into a trap? I’ll kill you if you are.
-You try to kill me and I’ll tickle you again- my threat made him growl and I smiled –You simply stay there, and I’ll behave. Promise.
He didn’t look fully convinced –Can I trust you?
-Hey, we’re supposed to be on a truce, remember? – I raised my hands in surrender.
Nobunaga sighed, eventually taking his hands off his ears. The temptation to tickle him again filled me inside, but his angry face was too cute to do it. Instead, I just wanted to kiss his nose. He got comfortable, closing his eyes again, until I finally felt him relax. After a few minutes, I even realized.
“He’s not just relaxed, he fell asleep!”
I didn’t think he’d do it so quickly, but since I had the chance, my hand was immediately drawn to his hair. Careful not to go anywhere near his ticklish spots, I caressed it softly at first, searching for some reaction. But he was sleeping profoundly, so I dug my fingers a bit further. I’d always been fascinated by his hair. It was abundant and smooth. Seeing his peaceful expression, I felt really content with having him there.
-Aren’t you a puzzle, Nobunaga Oda- I said to myself. How could he annoy me so much, then make me laugh like there’s no tomorrow? I remembered his pouting expression and I really wished I’d kiss him on the nose. I never thought I could find him so cute. I was discovering sides of him my own imagination couldn’t have created. I knew it wasn’t convenient, but I was too content to care. All I wanted were more moments like this.
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The Devil’s Wife
Yes! Even I can’t believe how fast I’ve been moving with this fic, but I guess I was inspired. I’ve been DYING to post this chapter so I really hope you guys like it. You can read the full version in Ao3 and also in his POV. 
I just liked Nobu’s version a bit better so that’s why today the sneak peek is in his pov. Enjoy!
Pairing: Nobunaga x OC
Warning/s: Some lime in this chapter ;)
8-Jealousy (His P.O.V.)
-Enough of this- I grabbed the goban and put it aside. It must’ve been the least satisfying game we ever had, so I stared back at her frowning –I’m disappointed.
–Sorry I just heard someone may be trying to stab you in the back, and got distracted.
-But it wasn’t me you were concerned about, right? It was Hideyoshi.
There was no point in denying it. Her whole story was full of comments about him. She mentioned his name so many times, I lost count.
I grabbed her hand, bringing her bright eyes back to me –How could you be concerned with him when you’re here with me? He doesn’t need your worry. He’ll work things out whether you think about him or not.
She stuttered -Why, yes but it’s normal for me to be worried when a friend is in a bad situation.
-It doesn’t matter. I don’t like the fact that you’re interested in other men.
“Since when does her attention wander so much? Does she always think about other men when she’s not with me? Is this the first time she does it while we were together?” I was suddenly filled with an urge to know everything that went through her mind. I had wondered about it before, thinking I’d find thoughts that revealed new things about her character, her story. But if they were about other men, then it was a different tale.
-I wouldn’t call it “being interested”- she replied -And since when do you care so much?
-Because tonight you’re here with me.
I locked eyes with her. Staring motionless into her blue gaze, I tried to fathom what was going on behind it, where her thoughts were taking her. She was still, glancing only at my eyes. The depth in her look drew me closer. I needed to ensure she remained that way, so I took my hands to her tiny waist, pulling her into my arms. She let out a soft gasp, but didn’t mover her face away.
-You said you wanted to understand me. Then look at me.
“Just last night you claimed my thoughts. You demanded I shared them with you, so that you could understand my reasons. Then why did you let yours be stolen by someone else? How is that a fair treatment?”
I kept my eyes on hers, but could still notice the blush in her cheeks, her opened mouth that drew me to her lips. I fought the urge to stare at them, and yet she soon looked away.
-You’re going against my command already? That’s brave of you.
She was alarmed –N-no! I just… ah!
I pushed her to the carpet, and seeing how she refused to lay down, I positioned myself in a way that gave her no escape. I felt compelled to put my hand on her face, making sure her gaze would be fixated on me.
-Look at me.
This time, she obeyed. She put her eyes on me, and didn’t move them. I tried to shut down my senses, ignore everything that wasn’t her deep blue look on me. The warmth that radiated from her body, flowing into my hand, threatened to invade my mind. The way her neck moved when she swallowed, and her lips trembled slightly. I could see some despair in her face. Her hands were on my shoulders, as if ready to push me away.
–How much more do you want me to look at you?
-I don’t know- I truly didn’t. Because no matter how much I thought of it, no amount of time seemed like enough. I realized it wasn’t just her momentary attention that I wanted –How can I make you look only at me?
-Y-you can’t ask that!
-I can’t? – is there truly no way? Why? –You’re stubborn.
-I could say the same thing about you.
I sighed, troubled by her rebellious attitude that I always found entertaining, but tonight, was only bringing me sorrow –Come to think of it, I haven’t chosen my next conquest yet.
Since I couldn’t demand her eyes, my fingers were drawn to the territory I’d craved since our wedding. I ran my thumb over her lips, but she didn’t even seem to notice, so I pressed it, opening her mouth. She let out a sweet gasp that fed the fire inside me.
-Tonight, you will surrender this to me.
She trembled beneath me -W-why my lips?
-Because you keep talking back to me. Maybe if I close them, you’ll finally give me some peace.
“Maybe after I claim them, you won’t allow your thoughts to wander again.”
But she didn’t respond well. Her brows frowned and her eyes were filled with fire –I won’t stop talking just because you kiss me. If that’s your only reason, you might as well choose another spot.
“That was not our deal. Why would you try to go back on your promise?”
-Are you certain I should choose another?
“Are you truly going to deny me my claim? How much more do you plan on torturing me?”
-I… mmmm! – her answer was interrupted as I let my thumb enter her mouth slightly. I felt her tongue teasing me, making my finger wet before I traced her lips again. Her breath changed immediately, her eyes darkened with passion and surprise as she opened them.
-You look like you’re satisfied with this one.
“It’s obvious you enjoy this, so will you consent to my claim? Or are you going to make me wait even longer?”
-But… mmmm! – this time, she moaned loudly at the feel of my thumb. Her lips closed on it, sucking it, tasting it with her tongue. But it wasn’t that sensation what warmed me up. It was the look on her face, the sounds she made as a response to my stimulation. The way her breathing changed and her body burned with heat, a heat that was soon passed to me.
I took my thumb out, stroking her lips with the wetness she left on it. Her beautiful eyes opened, showing me the lust in them. Her pants left her opened mouth, drawing all my attention to it. “If you’re going to refuse, you shouldn’t look at me like that. It’s not helping to maintain my composure”.
-You still say no? Even when your eyes look that way?
She shivered in my arms –Nobunaga…
The whisper of my name, the expression in her eyes. There was no turning back -I told you, you can’t escape our deal.
I put my hand on the carpet, leaning into her blue gaze. The fear that she would reject me vanished as her hands went to the back of my head. I let myself drown in the sea that were her eyes, and my lips make the claim they so long desired.
I’d wondered countless times if her lips would escape mine when I took them. Now that I had them, there was no way I’d allow that to happen. A lovely cry came out of her mouth and like every time I claimed a part of her, the sound made me determined to get more.
-Hmmm! – she complained inside my mouth as my tongue explored her, deeply, passionately. The more she moaned, the more I wanted her to continue. I moved my head, finding a new angle, trying to calm my desire. But there was end to it when she cried in response –Mmmm.
Her lips struggled to follow my lead, and I let them try. I caught them with mine, again and again, giving her no escape. I felt her hands suddenly move to the sides of my head and I growled at the ticklish sensation, refusing to let her go in spite of it. She then grabbed my collar, pulling me closer, letting me know she didn’t want to stop either.
I let my kisses gradually slow down, without losing intensity. As much as my tongue explored her, my hunger didn’t drop. My desire for her burned as much as her hot body underneath me did. Then, she put her arms around me like a tender hug. My confusion grew, but her hand grabbed my hair again, and I knew she still wanted more.
I gave her what she asked for, in a pace that she was finally able to keep up with. I let myself focus on the way she was responding. Now that she grew silent, her body showed me how she felt. Her breathing was hard, her lips never ceased to look for mine, and her hand on my hair alternated between soft caresses and strong pulls.
I realized just how much I’d lost control, and felt troubled about it. I’d never allowed anyone to alter my composure, how did she achieve it with just a kiss? Was it the build up to this moment, or just her that made me behave like this? I didn’t know the answer, so I let her lips go and searched for one in her eyes.
I waited for her to speak, expecting her fiery protests. But despite what she declared before, she was silent. Her gaze filled with nothing but desire, one that I felt as well. Her hand on my cheek was hot like fire. My eyes fell on her lips, and she soon invited me to claim them once more. I took her invitation and caught her upper lip, savouring it like sweet candy. When we parted, I caught another glimpse at her eyes, the look in them that almost made me tremble. I knew then, my need of her was much stronger than I anticipated, that from this point on, I would struggle to keep my impulses under control.
I sighed before that realization –Tonight I shall be satisfied with this. But I won’t forgive that you to let your thoughts be stolen again.
I didn’t know what she did to me, how she managed to turn me into this, only that I would find no answer in staring at her, not when she looked at me like that. Instead, I demanded she served as my pillow again. Perhaps sleeping would help me clear my mind.
She put up no fight as I rested my head on her lap. I believed it would allow me to put my thoughts in order, but instead, I fell asleep in seconds. Another change she’d brought to me and that I had no explanation for. Rest had never come easy to me, let alone deep, undisturbed slumber. Yet, it always took over me as soon as I had her near. I had no clue how she did it, but I wasn’t keen on driving her away either. I wanted her at my side. I wanted the warmth she provided so effortlessly, to remain with me and only me. I’d allow her to be the only one to warm me, if that’s what it took.
“I won’t let you leave me, Mia. I need to keep you near until I can figure out what it is that you cause on me, that no one else is able to”.
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Chapter 15
FINALLY! I can't believe how long I took to sit down and write this. I've been working on different things, but I promise the next and final chapter should be coming soon. Meanwhile, enjoy the drama in this chapter, which you can read the full version of here.
ALSO, if you’re interested in some writing advice, you can follow my new blog. I created it not just for writing tips, but to promote my first novel which I hope I can release this year. If you’re perhaps interested, you’ll find all the news about it there. 
15-The Enemy Side.
There was only one thing in the cell and it was the bed I woke up on. Neither the pillow nor the mattress would be of help to hit someone, so I removed them to check the box spring underneath. It was made out of pieces of wood and maybe if I pulled one of them, I could use it. I checked each part of it until I found a piece that was loose.
With that done, I put everything back in its place. I had two strategies. I thought that if a guard came in, I’d knock him out. But if it was Shingen or Kenshin, I’d try to reason with them. They were men who had fought against Nobunaga, I didn’t trust my strength or speed to defeat them. However, I would consider my options even with a common soldier. I’d have to catch them off-guard to be able to hit them.
I would’ve been scared if it wasn’t because I was getting used to this time period. I was determined to survive and I’d fight to the last second to do it.
Yet, my determination started waning as time went by. I was so ready to escape, but no one was coming near. The place was silent as a crypt, no outside noise filtered in. The loneliness made my mind betray me, by giving me thoughts that I was trying to avoid. I realized, by that time they already must’ve given Nobunaga the fake news that I was dead. I worried about his reaction, that he did something which got him killed. I couldn’t bear the idea of getting out of here, just to find out he didn’t make it.
I shook my head, trying to make the negative thoughts go away, but my hands were trembling now. If anyone came in, I felt like I’d be more invested in finding out what happened to him, rather than attempting to escape.
The overwhelming silence began to scare me, as the light started getting lower. Night was coming near, and soon I’d be trapped in complete silent darkness. My stomach growled for some food, my mouth got dry with thirst. If they weren’t going to kill me, they’d have to bring me something to eat and drink, right? It didn’t seem like they’d let me starve to death.
Fear was taking over me, when I finally heard a door opening. I stood up with a mix of panic and relief, trying to see who was coming. And the person I saw was one I didn’t expect, yet I realized I should have.
-Sasuke? – my confusion turned into realization as my memory started working –I forgot! You work for them, don’t you? That’s why you were in Azuchi. Wait, did you have something to do with this? Sasuke, did you bring me here?!
-I assure you I had no part in this- he finally spoke as he moved the engine that lifted my cell’s bars –Lord Shingen must’ve realized I had some sort of attachment to you and would be against taking you hostage, so they didn’t tell me anything about this.
-How did you find out? – I asked while getting out. The feeling of freedom was remarkable, but I still had a few questions left.
-I was on the field, in the battle against the Oda, when I heard Masamune and Hideyoshi talk about how our side had taken you. It was then I realized something even more important, the reason why Nobunaga could’ve been absent.
-He wasn’t there? – fear came back to me as I heard Sasuke explain everything.
-Mia, you need to get out of here quickly.
-What about you? What if they find out you helped me?
-Yukimura assured me, before I came here, that he’d be answering for me as Lord Shingen’s closest vassal. Plus, I don’t think neither he nor Kenshin would be happy that Nobunaga died at the hands of someone else. They might even thank me for saving him.
He seemed fully confident in what he was saying, but there was something that still wasn’t clear for me –What do you mean save him? Where is he?
-The Oda were surprised when they saw Lord Kenshin in the battle. They said Nobunaga had received a challenge from him, but Kenshin knew nothing about it. And if our side didn’t defy Nobunaga, there was only one person left.
-Kennyo- I said, cursing the man in my head.
Sasuke put a hand on my shoulder and got closer to me –I believe Nobunaga must’ve made a deal with Kennyo, offering him what he wants in order to save you.
He didn’t tell me what that involved, but I could make up the idea in my head, and it made my blood get frozen with terror.
Nobunaga arrived at the old temple of Honno-Ji. He didn’t see anyone there, but he was confident his enemy would show up. He climbed the steps to enter the place and walked towards the centre of it. Once he reached that spot, he took his sword, still in its sheath, and put it on his lap as he sat on the floor to wait, which he didn’t need to do for long.
Just a few minutes, and he could hear footsteps approaching. He was staring at the wooden floor, and only looked up when the man was right in front of him.
-You really came alone- Kennyo had a bit of surprise in his eyes full of rage.
-Did you do your part? – was all that Nobunaga asked.
-If I tell you I didn’t, what would you do?
He chuckled and just looked down –Hope.
He was looking for some hint of doubt in Nobunaga’s intentions, but he wouldn’t find any. Nobunaga had already made peace with the idea of his death. If Kennyo didn’t give Mia an antidote to save her, then at least his dying would open back the portal to take her back home. Her time surely had advanced medicine that could save her. So, one way or another, at least she’ll get to live. And if she went back to her time, she’d return to the life she should’ve lived if they had never crossed paths.
Because dying was his real destiny, and sooner or later, destiny would’ve set them apart. It had been foolish of him to think he could have something as precious as her, after all that he’d done.
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The Devil’s Wife
Chapter 4 is up! Here’s a sneak peak, you can read the full chapter in Ao3.
4-Azuchi Castle.
-Very well- I said stretching my fingers -Let’s see how it goes.  
-You’re feeling confident again- he grinned -Will you ask for a rematch when you lose?  
I opened my mouth in offense  -IF I lose, you mean. I’ve been practicing, just so you know.  
- I’m impressed. Do your best, Mia.  
With a sigh to take out the nerves, I prepared myself for our kind of battle. This time, I could see where he was going when he placed some of his stones and managed to prevent a few assaults. It wasn’t long until I stole a glance at him, and realize his attitude was quite different from our first game. He was more  focus ed, analysing the board to make his moves,  treating me like a real opponent.  
-It’s your turn, don’t get distracted- his voice suddenly got me out of my thoughts.  
-I’m not- I complained, even though he was right. It was evident how much he enjoyed the game, just like Mitsunari said.  It  sort  of made me forget about winning, which was probably a good thing, because shortly after, he’d placed his final stone.  
-I won - he declared, making me growl with a bit of annoyance.  
-So, you did.  
-Don’t let that get you down- he encouraged me, something I hadn’t expected -You’ve improved  admirably in very short time .  
That was flattering, but I couldn’t let it get to me -And I’ll continue to. Mitsunari agreed to help me and I’ve got every intention of winning.  
- So, you’ll keep fighting. I’m pleased to hear that- this time, his smile gave me goosebumps -Now, come closer.  
That’s why I felt uneasy. Whatever his next claim would be, I better prepared myself for the worst. Although if he went for anything lewd, there would be trouble. Hot warlord or not, I still had some dignity.  
He leaned back to watch me as I came closer, and that already got on my nerves. Why did he have to look so pleased  with himself? When I sat down to his side, he put an arm around my waist to pull me closer. My hands fell on his hard chest to keep balance. He stared at me as if he was studying  his options carefully .  
-I think I’ll go with both- he said, and I gave him a warning glance -I’m curious to see  which one is more sensitive.  
I didn’t like the sound of that, at all. But then he turned his head to a side and I was confused. He’d already conquered my neck, what was he after?  
Suddenly, he breathed on my right ear  -Is it this one? – he spoke so softly it was but a breeze,  but it  already made me tingle with fear.  
“My ears? Wait, wait, wait. That’s a spot even worse than my neck”. Dammit, this is because I overreacted when he whispered to me there. That’s probably how he got the idea. “Keep it together, Mia” I said to myself. Like that would help.  
He soon went to the other one, without doing anything to neither of them  -Or maybe this?  
“Ooooh, that’s just tortuous”. His lips didn’t touch me, he was only teasing me, making me anticipate his kisses as he slowly switched from one ear to the other. I kept my eyes close, but I could feel his face moving so near my own. When he went back to the  right , I felt his mouth open like he was going to devour it, before he kissed the arc of it, going down to my lobe. It was softer than I expected, more like a caress , yet the contact made me tremble .  
-How do you feel when I do that? - he whispered, knowing fully well the answer to it.  
“Oh, no you don’t. I won’t fall into that trap” I said to myself.  
He then changed to the other, and I could hear his breath in the silent room.   A gasp escaped my mouth when instead of just kissing, he bit and ran his tongue on my  lef t ear. I had to let a soft moan out, my throat seemed like it would hurt if I didn’t. My breathing was already a pant.  
-I think you like this one.  
“I can only imagine the   smile he must have on his face right now” . I was about to answer when he reassumed his task, making me  tingle, my chest expanding with each deep sigh.  
-Should I stay here? – his guttural voice was a torment even worse than his kisses.  
“Yes” .  
-No- I said, and he sighed a chuckle, moving his head again.  
-Here then? – he let out a long sigh on my other ear, which was all I could hear in the silent night. It made me straighten up and hold my breath at the same rhythm.  
“Alright, this needs to end already” .  
-I think I’ve had enough.  
I tried to make my command sound definite, but to my surprise he sounded kind of disappointed -Already? – the bit of sadness in his voice had me reconsidering, until he whispered so close to my ear, I could feel  his lips touching it  -I was looking forward to hearing more of those sounds you make.  
And that’s why I had to stop him -Well, I’ve had enough for today.  
He chuckled without moving from his place -Just remember you asked me to stop.  
“Where  is he going  with that?”. I shot a puzzled glance at him, wearing his usual smug grin. His eyes, however, seemed like they were dark with a bit of desire, even if his expression made him look like he had everything in control. That was the reason I found his conquests so frustrating, because he always kept himself so cool, knowing exactly how good he made me feel. It was hard to give into pleasure when  all  my partner seemed to want was making me feel weak .  
-Nobunaga, why did you marry me? – the question came out of me without even realizing.  It was him who gave me a curious look then.  
-You looked so terrified as if all you wanted to do was run away, yet you spoke to me without a hint of fear. I  knew  having you near would make things entertaining.  
I made every effort to find some emotion in his eyes or voice, but it was like reaching into the void. He simply showed amusement, nothing else. It was time for me to accept he didn’t think much of marriage. He’d probably do it again if he found another woman that delighted him as well.  I wasn’t sure why, but the idea really annoyed me.  
-Mia? – he called for me as I got up from my place.  
-I’m tired, I’m going to sleep- without even turning to see him, I went to get my sleeping clothes and changed behind the screen. He didn’t talk again, or do anything else, simply sat at the balcony after I got into my bed ,  without speaking either. That night he didn’t ask to join me, and I struggled to fall asleep even longer than last time, hating how cold the bed felt when I was laying there alone.
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The Devil’s Wife
Hello! It’s yo girl here telling you chapter 9 is up! Read it on Ao3 and as always, here’s a sneak peek.
-Now, it's getting late and we have a trip tomorrow. You will serve as my pillow again tonight, Mia- he suddenly asked.
I wasn’t fully against the idea, but I knew how it would end –How about a different deal? I won’t oppose to sharing a bed tonight, if you agree to answer a few questions.
He looked at me puzzled –A curious request. Will we be discussing this battle?
It was clear he wasn’t thrilled about that topic –If you don’t want to, I won’t ask about it. But I still have other questions.
-…Very well, then.
I rose from my place, put my bag back in its shelf and changed into my night gown. I had to admit, sleeping in my usual clothes wasn’t quite as comfortable. The dress I wore to sleep was soft and a lot lighter. Not to mention that as much as I enjoyed letting Nobunaga use my lap as a pillow, it made some parts of my body ache after some time.
When I came out from behind the screen, Nobunaga was just wearing his light cotton robe and sitting on the futon with his legs crossed.
-Come closer.
I raised my eyebrows –I didn’t lose a game tonight, you know? You can ask nicely.
Even as I complained, I was sitting down next to him and grabbing the sheets to cover up. I lowered myself into the futon and he awkwardly followed my actions. I guess he didn’t expect my interrogation to happen while we were lying down, but I already felt comfortable being with him, and with all the truth out, it was time to focus a little more on us.
-What did you wish to ask? – he said, and it was alarming to see the effect his voice had on me, how different it sounded from when he was acting as commander, to us being alone and so close to each other. I had to force myself not to remember its sound when he whispered in my ear.
-How did you come up with that idea? To rule all of Japan?
He frowned, showing some confusion –You ask the strangest questions- but after some thinking, he finally answered –It was after my coming of age ceremony. That was when I swore to gain more power than anyone.
He told me about the first man he ever killed, an assassin sent by his brother due to a succession dispute. He explained that was the moment he decided he’d put a stop to all the fighting. I remembered his talk about abolishing the class system, and Hideyoshi’s story when Nobunaga told him status and caste were meaningless to him. It was all because he almost got killed due to it, because he saw that all fighting came from a thirst for power. He wanted to erase privileges so people would seek other goals.
-How old were you when that happened?
-Thirteen- he answered calmly, but I was horrified.
-Thirteen?! Weren’t you scared?
-I don’t remember it well. He was a man at my bedside. I grabbed the sword by my pillow and my body reacted. That’s all.
-Your bedside? – his brother sent an assassin to kill his thirteen year-old brother, and on top of that, the man tried to sneak on him sleeping. I can only imagine what a shock that must give anyone.
-I’m not surprised that startles you, but it’s not an unusual thing to happen- he added -There’s nothing more troublesome than relatives.
By the way he spoke, he might as well be talking about how annoying mosquitoes are, but I felt sad. I grew up in a normal loving family, was always surrounded by good friends. I was aware not everyone was so lucky, even in my own time, yet knowing that Nobunaga had to grow up that way was disheartening. I thought I understood it from movies, that commanders had to be ruthless to face their enemies at war, to kill so many people for their ideals, but it was a whole different experience meeting one.
-You were never close to any of your relatives? - I asked.
-Of course not. When my father died and his great legacy was in for dispute, I had to defeat them all until my position was unquestionable.
I took in a deep breath. I couldn’t help remembering the time I asked him if he ever let himself be vulnerable. How stupid it must’ve sound to him. He grew up chasing one goal, of course he could never take time to be weak and express his true emotions. He didn’t have friends like most people, just enemies or allies, and he had to impose respect on both.
I didn’t know what the future held, but looking at Nobunaga, I realized I wanted him to have moments when he could forget about fighting and just be himself. To show him that he could relax around me and not worry about a thing. I wanted him to be happy.
-What are you thinking about? – he stared at me with a troubled look and I smiled.
-Nothing. I’m done asking, you can go to sleep now- I laid my head on the pillow, but he still looked puzzled.
-This way I might as well be sleeping alone. Come closer- he gave me one of his devilish smirks and I narrowed my eyes at him.
-You don’t waste a chance to take advantage, do you?
-You were the one who agreed to us resting together.
-Yes, yes- I rolled my eyes while just getting closer, but he lost no time in wrapping me in his arms, and I noticed how he let out a relaxed sigh as he got comfortable. From my position, I could see the starry night beyond the balcony, and feel the cool air coming from the open space, but none of it bothered me. Because the man that was holding me kept me from any chill.
-You’re warm- he whispered out of the blue, making my cheeks feel hot. I sensed that he was relaxed, and it just made me happy.
–You too- I sighed in his chest.
I was glad to be able to stay like this. I liked the sound of his heart beating, his slow breathing. I could definitely get used to sleeping this way, especially if he liked it as well. I thought about the story of his assassin, and wondered if that was the reason he couldn’t sleep alone. I remembered all those nights he didn’t join me. Did he truly spend all of them awake? And before I arrived, what did he do? I can’t imagine staying up and alone for most nights of my life.
I moved my head closer to the beat of his heart, telling myself I shall help him feel less scared, show him that he didn’t need to always have his defences up. That he too could be happy and have someone who cares about him.
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The Devil’s Wife
Hello! Chapter 6 is here. Hope you like it. Don’t forget to check out the full chapter on Ao3. Here’s a sneak peek. 
You can also find this scene in his pov.
Pairing: NobunagaxOc
Warning: there’s some implied smut in this chapter. Enjoy ;)
6-The Hot Springs
-Are you serious?! - I yelled, but calmed down a little when I saw people in the hallway. I entered the room, closed the door and tried to lower my voice, without hiding my anger though –You had the seamstresses do this? Can you be any more obvious?
-They work for me. I can make any requests I want. Now sit, it’s time for our game.
I could see how much he was enjoying the view. His eyes wandered over my uncovered parts, I almost felt like his hands were there as well. Then, I noticed my bag was lying right beside him. Dammit, going for it would imply getting dangerously close to him. Something too risky to do when I was dressed so suggestively and his eyes were already devouring me.
-I won’t play like this- I said crossing my arms. His gaze became even more focused, and I realized crossing my arms only highlighted my breast even more, so instead I put my hands on my shoulders, trying to cover myself.
-I told you, you won’t have other options- he answered.
I stared at my bag again, fidgeting while considering my options, until I just groaned and reluctantly sat in my place.
-You’re definitely not going to win tonight.
-Do put up a fight, fireball- he said smugly, placing his first stone.
I grunted at the sound of his nickname for me. “And to think I enjoyed our ride together”. Now all I could think about was how urgent was that I destroyed him. I focused on every move, particularly his, and went for a more aggressive approach. Whenever I stole glances at Nobunaga, he too looked serious, even a bit frustrated. I wondered if I actually had a chance of winning this time.
However, he was soon at an advantage that was too hard to defeat. Every time I moved forward, he pushed me back. I could see the game coming to its end, and I just spaced out, facing my defeat. As I predicted, he won. I felt all the exposed parts of my body already becoming more sensitive, and all I wanted was somewhere to hide. So, I took the bowl with my stones, dropped the ones left on the floor and put it over my face.
-What are you doing? - Nobunaga sounded confused.
-I’m hiding my shame.
Without surprise, I heard him burst into laughter –You're rather theatrical, aren’t you? You know you can’t hide your emotions, but you did put a praiseworthy fight.
“Praise is not what I needed this time”. I let my eye go to the door. I was close to it, maybe running was an option?
-I told you before- he interrupted my thoughts –You can try to run, but I will catch you.
-I don’t know, aren’t you supposed to be wounded? - I remembered the reason we were there, and also realized something –Wait, are you hurt? You look just fine to me.
-I told you it wasn’t serious- he shrugged –Besides, I have the feeling you’ll get tangled in your skirts before you’re able to get up.
“Dammit, he’s probably right”. Looking at the way I was sitting and my layered dress, I had no doubts getting up quickly wouldn’t be easy.
Since I was being so hesitant, this time, it was Nobunaga who stood up and walked towards me. In a state of alert, I put the bowl on my chest like a shield, but he simply laughed at my actions. And as it was becoming a habit of his, he surprised me by instead, sitting down behind me and brushing all my hair to the side.
-What are you doing?
-My next claim- he answered, caressing my uncovered back. Wait, that was his claim? So, the exaggerated cleavage was just a distraction? “Oh, my God. I’m going to kill him” I growled.
His teasing seriously knew no boundaries. It was obvious by the way he kept rubbing my back. I knew it was just like he did with my ears, he was making me anticipate the moment he’d start kissing me. Although his touch didn’t exactly feel so tingling this time, it was more like a massage. It made me want to relax into it, but at this point I knew full well what would come next.
-You’re tense- he said suddenly.
-What did you expect? - “I can’t get comfortable so easily around you”.
-Do you refuse to this claim?
I frowned and looked behind me –Is that an option?
-A distraction- he smirked before finally putting his lips on my shoulder, nibbling slightly on the skin, on a spot so close to my face, I witnessed every second of it. Jerk. He probably knew I wouldn’t have reacted so much if I hadn’t been watching. I moved my head back to the front and closed my eyes, trying to focus on keeping my breathing stable. He kept kissing without biting again, I had the feeling he’d already achieved his goal and left a mark where he started.
Bite aside, I did notice he had a pattern when he kissed me. Always started as softly as possible, then got more passionate towards the end. But this time, I felt different. Because he was usually more aggressive at the end, it was that side of his that I often remembered. And for some reason, the fact that now his kisses were so soft, they almost felt loving, caring, instead of filled with nothing but lust. They made me feel even hotter. Hot with thoughts of just turning around, kissing him back and have a passionate love-making night, instead of all this teasing.
He was kissing down my spine, using his tongue slightly, just the perfect amount of sensation, and I let my imagination run free. I wondered what it would feel like to dig my hands in his hair, to taste his hot kisses, feel his weight on top of me, his bare muscles against my skin. I couldn’t quite picture the way he would move if he were inside me (would he be slow, sensual, rough, wild?). I wondered what his moans would sound like, what his face would look like if he lost control, if he fell into pleasure as much as I did.
His kisses went up to my neck, and far from resisting, I tilted my head to give him more room. He made his way to my ear and whispered with a voice so deep, I thought it was still just my imagination –You're very responsive tonight.
-Ahh, that’s… hmmmm…- as if it was instinct, I was going to deny it. But he probably already knew that, because he started sucking on my ear before I could speak, causing my mind to imagine his tongue in other places. My breath was heavy, my head fell backwards and my hand was burning with the desire to grab his and guide it between my legs.
-I’m finding my new conquest very satisfying.
Lost in my thoughts, I almost wanted to tell him how good I felt, everything that he did to me. But then I opened my eyes, and it was as if the illusion just broke. There he was, with a smug face and eyes that showed no feelings, no involvement. As always, he just looked content to be making me surrender. I could swear I felt my heart shrink.
-Why are your eyes always so cold? - I said without even realizing it, and he put on a confused expression.
-What if they are?
He was serious, completely unaware of the thoughts going through my mind. I felt sad, asking myself if I would ever be able to make him lose control, feel what I felt when I was with him. Make him want me. I’d had one-night stands before, it wasn’t that I needed him to love me, but at least feel something, something more than just a lust for power.
Lost for words, I brought my fingers to his cheek, and asked him –Nobunaga, have you ever let yourself feel vulnerable?
His eyes were locked on mine, yet his expression still looked so severe –Why are you asking me that?
I felt myself slowly being brought back to reality. I really shouldn’t have mentioned it. I shouldn’t be trying to get closer to him, getting to know him. The whole reason I didn’t want to travel with him was to avoid such things, because I was supposed to leave him.
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Chapter 11
*Sighs*  I bring you peace, i bring you SMUT. I'm really sorry I took so long, this next month I'm going to be loaded with work and I'm also writing a book I really want to publish. But I promise I won't abandon this fic, I love it as much as you do and we're more than halway throught the story, so there's not that much left. Anyways, chapter 11 is finally up and it’s also wirtten in his pov. I’m using Nobu’s version for the sneak peek because I really like writing in his perspective.
11.5-The Last Conquest (His P.O.V.)
The moment that Mia started gagging, my body instinctively moved to hold her. I grabbed her hand in mine and called her name countless times. I didn’t notice him approaching, but Ieyasu showed up at her side as well and studied her for a moment. When he deduced the cause of it was poison, I was filled with determination. I wouldn’t allow it. Under no circumstances would I let her be taken from me.
I managed to make her regurgitate as Ieyasu studied the food and went away to create some medicine. Masamune called all the men that hadn’t been affected and guided them to retain every person who worked at the castle, giving them no room to escape.
I was deaf to all of it. My mind was completely occupied with the picture of Mia trembling in my arms, letting out raspy breaths. I decided to lift her up and take her to our room. I asked one of the soldiers to inform Ieyasu about it, so that he knew where to go as soon as he was ready. It wasn’t long after I laid her down on the futon, that he arrived with an antidote.
-She’s cold- I didn’t know if my arms were shaking because she was too or because I was afraid. Her body that always felt so warm to my touch was now getting colder and colder. It felt as life was being taken from her, and the thought of it made me tremble.
It was hard making her drink in her unconscious state. She choked with the first bit, but we didn’t stop until she had taken every last drop of it. I used my clothes to clean her face, desperate to see some improvement. She was still cold, as much as I held her closer to me, as much as I tried to cover her with the blankets. I couldn’t warm her.
I put a hand on her cheek, waiting for the moment it recovered its rosy colour. I promised her I wouldn’t let her die. That no matter what, she shall live.
-She’s stabilizing- said Ieyasu, whom I forgot was still there.
I paid closer attention and noticed it was true. He breathing was more peaceful and it didn’t sound so raspy any longer. I kept my tight grip on her, feeling the warmth that she always radiated, return to her little by little.
-I’ll go attend the others. Call me if she gets bad again- Ieyasu told me, but I didn’t answer.
Once he left the room, I lowered my head to her chest. I heard her heartbeat and sighed, releasing some of my anxiousness. I noticed just how tense I’d been, which was something I never felt before. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt fear like this. I stared at Mia, so small, so delicate in my arms, and frowned, overcome by my own feelings.
“When did I turn into this?”
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The Devil’s Wife
Here’s another sneak peek for my new fic, make sure to check it out here.
Pairing: Nobunaga x MC
Warnings: None
-You should get some  rest - Nobunaga said, sounding more commanding than worried, but I was starting to get used to it -Tomorrow you’ll start your new job.  
I paused before that -My new job?  
-You said you wanted to help in the kitchens, didn’t you?  
-Oh- I thought he’d forgot about it -Why, yes. I’d love to.  
-Then, be ready. I’m looking forward to tasting things  I’ve never tried before .  
I  couldn’t believe he even remembered my exact words. His memory was quite impressive, and I also got the sense I’d have to be more careful with anything I said.  
Happy to know I’d get to do what I liked, I  got up and stretched a little while  walking  to my futon. I noticed there was only one on the floor again, and  looking at him , Nobunaga didn’t show any intentions of following my actions.  
-Aren’t you going to sleep?  
-I  wasn’t planning to - he said, then smiled at me again  -Unless you wish for me to join you.  
I tilted my head with disapproval -Of course not. But you fought a battle and we travelled quite a lot today. You shouldn’t stay up too late.  
- There’s no need to be concerned about me .  I rarely sleep.  
-What? Everyone needs to sleep. Conqueror or not, you’re still human- as I talked, I went to take another futon from the shelves. I had asked  the maids  that morning to show  me  where they kept them, in case Nobunaga ever had the idea of  getting into  mine.  
-If you want me to sleep, then you’ll have to warm my bed. I can’t sleep alone- his smirk made it clear he was looking for something, but all he was going to get were trouble.  
I smiled with  false  tenderness -Is that so?  Then  I’ll  show how to . In- I pointed at the futon and tried to use my most demanding voice. Since I was nearly half his size, I didn’t think it would work. Yet, he surprised me by obediently approaching and laying down.  
-Now what? You won’t expect me to simply fall asleep- he was on his bed, with only his head poking out.  I tried not to laugh at the way he resembled a little child, but even with my exhaustion, I just couldn’t resist the idea.  
-In that case, I  wi ll tell you a bedtime story to help you.  
-It might take some time to get it- he teased me -And you look tired. Don’t you think it would be easier  to  join me?  
-I’m not joining you, and you can’t stay up all night.  
-I certainly can. I’ve done it many times. Something tells me you can’t say the same thing about yourself.  
I   narrowed my eyes   and  took a deep breath. He showed no sign of trying to force me, he thought it would happen because he told me to. I could see he liked to act on logic, so I should use logic against him.  
-Very well, I’ll join you- I said  contently while laying on my own futon.  
-What are you doing? – he asked with curiosity.  
-What you asked me to. I’m going to sleep as well.  
He left out a chuckle and I defied him to make a  comeback  for that -If you’re going to sleep in your own bed, then I will get there.  
I jumped in alert , even though he didn’t move  -You wouldn’t.  
-What would you do about it?  
“Alright, Mia, just calm down. Use logic”.  
-You  take pride on winning battles, right?  Tonight, you want me to  sleep with  you, but if you’re the one who comes to my bed, that would mean you lost.  
-Oh? – he seemed to be  considering  the idea -I suppose you’re right.  
I smiled with satisfaction, and turned around to finally get some sleep, when he spoke again.  
-Then, if you don’t  come to my bed , I won’t sleep  at all .  
I angrily turned to him -You can’t go a whole night without sleeping!  
-So, what will you do? – he smirked with arrogance, knowing he had me beaten. I tried to think of another solution, but it was hopeless. My head couldn’t come up with any ideas. I grunted in frustration and  after a lot of internal complains,  very reluctantly moved to his futon.  
-You remember our deal, right? – I asked -No  hands on  unconquered territory.  
-I remember  it  well- he looked completely satisfied  with  getting what he wanted, and I told myself I’d get back at him once I got some rest. I laid down with my back towards him and closed my eyes ready to fall asleep, when suddenly he  hugged me .  
-Hey! We had a deal!  
-And I’m following it. I’ve put no  hands on  unconquered territory.  
I  tried to  process that and realized his hand was on the one he had conquered, and the other was nowhere near me. So, technically, yes. He was following our deal. I didn’t put any rules against cuddling after all.  
I grunted again  -You better not get the idea of making this a habit.  
I could feel him release a soft chuckle  on my hair  and then hold me tighter -Just go to sleep, fireball.  
“Fireball?”. God, he’s impossible. I swore that as soon as I recovered my energy, I’d make sure to  put him in his place .  He was seriously a child. A very  spoiled one.
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The Devil’s Wife
Here’s another sneak peek to my new fic. Just like in the game, I chose to write a few scenes from his p.o.v. as well. Make sure to check it out on Ao3, and feel free to make requests for future chapters!
Pairing: Nobunaga x MC
Warning(s): Teasing.
2.5-Wedding night (His P.O.V.).
Now, we were finally left alone. I let her stay at the tenshu because my nights were always long, silent and boring. Even just having her sleeping while I sat at the balcony would surely be good enough company.
-Why did you insist you’d agreed to the match, despite being so scared? – I chose to speak in her own language, so that she would understand exactly what I said.
-Well, Akabori threatened to throw me to the bandits if I didn’t agree. I got the feeling he’d blame me and do it all the same if you refused me.
-You’ve got good survival instincts, then- she was clearly a fighter, it was the only way she could’ve survived a trip from England. It made me curious to see how far she would take it. I had another sip at my cup, and decided to check what kind of reaction she’d have -Now, to your wife duties.
-Oh, wow! Uhm…- she tried to walk away from me. So she wouldn’t submit easily. Good -Yes, about that. I actually had a few suggestions, I thought maybe we could strike a deal.
Her back finally hit the railing, and I pressed her by putting my hands to her sides. Her blue eyes shone with the light of the moon. They were almost stars on their own. Her body felt warm against mine, and her lips looked slippery from her drink. It tempted me to try and see if they would slip away from mine.
-What kind of suggestions? – I asked, intrigued about her answer.
-Uh, well… I’m very good at making sweets. Perhaps I could work in the kitchen or something. Make your food, maybe? – her clear nervousness continued to amuse me, but I had better ideas for what we could do.
-I already have people who work in the kitchen- I answered -If you want to make a deal, you’ll have to offer me something only you can do.
She jumped at the comment -I can assure you I could do things you’ve never tried before.
I was interested in what she was suggesting, but there would be plenty of opportunities for that. And I was hungry already.
-If that’s the best you can offer, I’ll select your job instead. You will be my cup.
She stared at me in confusion, and I took the cup from her hands -What?
-You’ll let me drink from your lips- I was ready to indulge myself, when she was brave enough to grab me. My curiosity grew.
-What? That is so weird. Why not just ask for a kiss?
She called me up on my intentions without hesitating. It was as if she had no idea she was talking to a lord, which I found almost fascinating. Even my vassals that had served me for years didn’t speak to me with such lack of formality.
-You don’t hold back your tongue, do you? Very well, then- I put the cup to a side and leaned into her -Kiss me.
Her whole body was tense, I could almost hear the engines in her head turning. She was determined to use her brain to get out of situations she didn’t like, and I was eager to see what she would come up with. If she was truly resolved to refuse me.
-How about a hug? – she opened her arms and gave me a forced smile. I stared at her in complete disbelief. That was her solution?
I could not hold my laughter -You’re really entertaining, woman. I knew I was choosing well.
Now, I was resolved. She relied on her brain to get what she wanted, so I should test it, as well as her persistence to not giving up. And I had just the perfect idea.
-If you won’t submit to me despite our marriage, then you’ll have to make a bet with me- I searched among my stuff for the goban -Are you familiar with Go?
-The board game? I’ve seen it but I never played, why?
-I’ll teach you how to play, and this will be our deal- I put the board on the floor, and two bowls with stones. I’d decided I wanted her, but mostly I wanted to see how long it would take to make her surrender -Every time you lose, I will claim a part of your body as my own. That means I’m able to touch or kiss it. I will take no pleasure in using force. So I’ll have you willingly submit to me, piece by piece.
She seemed to be shocked at first, and then oddly relieved.
-And if I win? – she asked.
It was funny she considered that possibility, but also interesting. I was hoping to see how she would behave in order to win -You may ask for whatever you want.
She raised an eyebrow at me -Like, anything at all?
-Yes. You can even ask to go back to your land, and I shall allow it.
-Wait, you would let me go if I asked?
-If you can defeat me, you would have earned it- her shock was so notorious, it made me smirk -Now sit.
Her mind was clearly still trying to process everything, but she obediently sat before me, and listened to my explanations.
-Did you understand?
She nodded -I think I got it.
The game didn’t last long, yet I could see the way she tried to up a fight. She even held some territory in the end, which was surprising for a beginner. But she wasn’t happy at all.
-Hey! Couldn’t you go a bit easy on me? I’m just an amateur! – there was her informality again. I truly enjoyed it.
-I’ve never gone easy on anyone. Not in Go and not on the battle field. Now, to our deal- I grabbed the delicate hand she had been playing with. Her fingers looked so long as she placed her stones, I was eager to feel them -Tonight, I’ll take this. Starting from now, your hand is mine.
It felt as soft as I expected it. Cold from the night air, but warming up utterly soon as I kissed it. First the back of it, then to her fingertips. Her skin was almost silky, it made me want more, so I used my tongue to taste it. Suddenly, she gasped louder.
-A good reaction- I smiled satisfied, and she frowned at me.
-Yes, well, you’ve had your laugh. Can we move on now?
-Move on to what?
-I want a rematch– she said, and I lifted my head in surprise. She wasn’t just refusing me anymore, she was ready to defy me. She showed even more of a fighting spirit than I anticipated.
-You’re eager for me to make my next my claim already?
-You have to beat me first.
She was so clearly upset and determined. The fire in her eyes fascinated me -Then, let’s get on with it.
I let go of her hand, and we got ready for another game. She was more focused than before, and I was astonished when she maintained even more territory than the previous time. I thought perhaps she could defeat me someday. Luckily, today was not it.
-I win- she growled at her loss, but remained silent. This time, I moved the board to a side -Now, come closer.
Mia had amazed me beyond comparison, I decided to take things further. She hesitated to walk towards me, but gave up in the end. As soon as she was near enough, I grabbed the hand I’d conquered, and pulled her to my lap.
-Oh! – she supported herself on my shoulders, leaving her face so close to me, I could feel her breath. It tempted me to steal it away, but there was a spot that had caught my interest even more.
-For your bravery in asking for a rematch, this time I’ll take this- I traced the curve of her neck. Her hair was tied up, leaving it completely unguarded, and whether she realized it or not, she had been leaning hear head back many times, as if showing it off. Yet, she trembled at my touch -You’re blushing and I haven’t even started.
-I’m not! You’re just—Hey! – I kissed the spot I’d set my eyes on, and she jumped.
-Quiet. I’m enjoying the fruits of my victory- the sound of her voice was most enticing, but the sounds of pleasure she could make were what I was searching for.
I started with short kisses, just feeling the softness of her skin. She sounded more in control than before, but not for long. My mouth was getting hot with the desire to taste her, so I indulged it. I opened it and let my tongue run through her skin. Mia gripped my shoulders even tighter and began panting. I could feel her giving up to me as she moved her head, granting me more room to savour her. The taste of her was better than I imagined, but the feel of her softness was just as good. I made my kisses shorter again, and as I moved down, she jumped like she had been abruptly woken up.
-Okay, that’s enough- she said.
“Trying to escape now?”. I hadn’t yet gotten what I wanted though, so I bit her neck slightly, sucking on her skin. Finally, she made a sound that wasn’t just breathing. “So that’s how the bird sounds when it sings?”.
-I think I can see why- I kissed the mark I left on her, pleased to know she’d be carrying it for a while -It seems I chose well.
It was too late, suddenly I didn’t want her to fight anymore. I moved to the other side of her neck. She was gasping softly, so I went for more. Every time she grew quiet or tried to move away, I tightened my grip on her, tasted her all the more eagerly. Her breath turned into pants, and for a moment I thought she would moan again. I was determined to making her do so, and then she spoke.
I could feel her so hot in my arms, before realizing I was almost the same. I’d enjoyed that more than I thought, and was reluctant to end it just yet.
-Is that what you want? – I whispered in her ear, and felt her hold back a gasp. I was already considering my next conquest.
-Yes- despite her heavy breathing, she spoke firmly, and I went to meet her face again, anxious to see the emotions she was unable to hide. It was almost red in fluster, yet her eyes were full of determination. Her expression was far more serious than I expected.
-I wonder if all my conquests will be this pleasurable.
-It will not be that easy for you, you know?
-We’ll have plenty of time, and I’m looking forward to it- that’s why I married her, so we wouldn’t need to rush. I grabbed her hand to place a kiss on her knuckles, trying to get another reaction out of her -It’s been a fine wedding night, you have my praise.
I thought maybe she’d give up now, but she surprised me by letting a sigh out and immediately rising from her place. It looked like things wouldn’t be easy, which I was pleased to know. It would all be too boring otherwise, and now I expected a lot of entertainment with her by my side. Perhaps the so long nights would finally get shorter as she fills in the hours.
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Chapter 14
Hello! I'm so sorry, this one came in really late. I thought holidays would mean more free time, but it was the opposite. Luckily (for me) there are only two or three chapters left, so just be patient. Here’s the new chapter, and below the cut is your sneak peek.
14-Farewells and Welcomes.
-This was an enjoyable idea- Nobunaga whispered in between kisses and heavy breaths –But I would’ve preferred something away from the camp.
-You’re right- I could feel my temperature rising at an increasing speed, and I didn’t care –It would probably be a lot of noise for this hour.
-Noise is not of my concern- he stopped his passionate kissing to caress my lips. We both stared at each other with darkened eyes –But I don’t want the men to hear how you sound when you sing.
A large smile drew on my face when I saw him so serious –And I wouldn’t like having to stay quiet while we do it either.
We were at our tent, wrapped in towels and sitting in a wooden tub with hot water. The idea had come to me when I helped set up the tents and accommodate our stuff in the one we shared. One of the assistants said the men often washed themselves in the nearest river, but they put together a simple bathtub for me. It was simple, indeed, but I soon noticed it had enough room for the two of us.
The plan had been to share a relaxing warm bath. We weren’t even naked, but it turned out to be really hard to keep our hands off each other. Just a few minutes in and we were already hotter than the water. However, it wasn’t the best idea to make love in that moment. Not only because of the people outside, but after all the work we’d both done.
-Also, I think that as eager as we both are, we really shouldn’t spend any more energy. It has been a long day- I mentioned.
-Indeed, we should rest- he put on a devilish smirk –It’s a shame. I was looking forward to giving you much more pleasure tonight.
I narrowed my eyes at him –Just because you’re the Devil, doesn’t mean you have the right to try and tempt me at every chance.
-I wasn’t trying to tempt you. It’s the truth- he could be saying that, but I saw it in his face that he enjoyed making me fluster. There was no hiding I was as horny as him. Still, I crossed my arms and went back to my old “don’t let him win” habits, which he soon noticed –Oh? Have I upset you, fireball?
He was teasing me and I answered with a sarcastic laugh. It didn’t bother me anymore, after all –From the beginning, I planned for this to be a perfectly innocent bath. I just wanted you to relax. I can’t even imagine how tiring it must be to fight all day.
-It’s not something new to me. But I will admit knowing that time like this with you awaits me, makes it all the more bearable.
I was consumed by joy, seeing the honesty in his gaze. I gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and stopped crossing my arms to snuggle against his chest. I was more than content there, listening to his heartbeat, yet I heard him sigh as if he was annoyed.
-That won’t do- looking at him, he was now frowning –I want a redo. Kisses go here.
He pointed at his lips and I almost burst into laughter –Were you always this childish?
-I don’t know what you mean…- whatever he was going to say next, I kissed him before he could finish.
-Happy now? – I asked, still amused by his attitude.
-I am- he smiled like a child that just managed to get his candy. It was so easy to forget he was a great powerful warlord when he behaved that way, and I loved it. I went back to cuddling, as his arms wrapped me gently. A joyful sigh left my mouth.
-What is it? – Nobunaga questioned as if I’d done something unusual.
-Hm? Nothing. I’m just happy. I like spending time like this.
-I’ll remember that- his reply made me feel even better, and I snuggled up closer –I like that look on your face.
He was gazing down at me and I reached a finger to draw his features –I too enjoy seeing you happy.
We both stared at each other, before he grabbed my hand to kiss it, as he’d done before. His lips traced my fingers, while a soft expression occupied his face. I lay my head on his shoulder, delighting in the sweet, intimate moment. At some point, I too grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles. Our fingers interlocked, as I thought about all the loving caresses his hands had given me. It made me sad that they also had to be used to kill. I’d never been super moralistic about him killing people, because I knew this time period pretty much forced most people to do it. But for a moment I wished he could just experience what it’s like to live in a world where he doesn’t need to fight to achieve his goal.
-What are you thinking? - he broke the silence, and I stared at him curious.
-Am I that easy to read?
-You are. I always thought it was amusing, but right now I preferred the look you had earlier. You were full of joy.
I instinctively smiled. It was so easy around him –You don’t need to worry. I’m always happy when I’m with you- I rubbed my nose against his -I was just wishing this whole fighting was over already.
-Would you prefer I gave up my ambition? – he put on a troubled face and I jumped right away.
-No! Of course not. I think it’s a good dream and you should pursue it. I meant that I’d like to see you live a simpler life. I imagined what it will be like when you’ve achieved your goal and moments like this aren’t so unusual.
He studied my words for a few seconds –That’s all the more reason for me to fight and live. Before you came, days were long and dull. I would’ve given my life for my ambition with no regrets. So it was unusual to me, seeing how much you let your emotions control you, but now I find it even necessary to hear you talk about them.
I had to say I was also surprised by how he’d opened up to me lately. I realized that letting him know how much I wanted us to be together, gave him all the more strength to fight. I might wish he didn’t have to, but I was glad to know at least I had a positive impact. If hearing me say that I loved our time together made things better for him, then I would just have to say it more often.
I smiled and gave him a soft kiss on the lips –Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere, remember? You’re going to have me at your side, babbling about my feelings for a looong time.
-A fine answer- he finally smiled again, which made me so happy. We went back to snuggling in the bathtub, enjoying the peace of our tent and our promise of being together. The fights would be a common thing for the time I stayed with him, so I had to appreciate moments like this. In the present, it’s easy to take them for granted. There was a bit of melancholic magic in thinking that we were alive and that these moments wouldn’t always be possible. It made them all the more especial.
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Chapter 10
Hello! It’s been longer than usual so apologies for that, work, life, you know, the old stuff. But chapter 10 is now up on Ao3, I hope you like it. I really enjoy writing about these two more and more. Here’s your preview:
-We have a whole day of travelling ahead. You can sleep for a while, Mia.
I searched his face for some sign of naughty intentions, but he was just making a thoughtful offer. I tilted my head a bit, eventually accepting it. I thought it would be nice and only take me a few minutes to fall asleep, considering how comfortable I always found him, yet his armour wasn’t really helpful. The front of it covered his entire torso, and it was just cold and hard, the opposite of his warm, soft chest where I’d rested before. So instead of closing my eyes, I just stayed there, contemplating the landscape.
-You seem bothered.
“How did he even notice so easily?” Yes, I was kind of disappointed. A nap in Nobunaga’s arms sounded so pleasant and now it didn’t look like it would happen anytime soon. Though, I couldn’t just say that to him.
-You don’t need to worry so much about me.
-Is that so? Then I expect you’ll be in a good mood tonight. We’ll be sharing a room at the manor. We can entertain each other better there.
I narrowed my eyes at him –Is that all you ever think about?
-I do enjoy our time together. And you make for an excellent pillow- he started fondling my thigh over the fabric of my pants.
-I’m not a pillow!
-And yet you’ve given me such pleasant rest.
I gave him an angry look. I hated it when his teasing managed to make me feel hot. But Nobunaga caught me by surprise when he suddenly kissed me.
-Mm! – I protested and he pulled back. It was just a second and yet, I gasped when he parted –What was that for?
-Don’t pout, Mia. I prefer to see you smile.
I snorted –Too bad that’s not up to you.
-Should I kiss you until you do?
-N-no! – the idea made me aroused all of the sudden, but it was not the time nor the place –You can’t just kiss me whenever you want!
-But your lips are my territory. I shouldn’t need to remind you.
“Ohhh, curse you and your stupid game. How could I ever get myself into it? I wish somebody had warned me how much I’d pay for it”.
-And my domain doesn’t stop there- he grabbed my wrist and brought my hand to his soft lips –This is where my conquest started.
I tried not to sigh too much at the feel of his kisses, but his face and the whole show was so near me, it made every other sound disappeared. All I could focus on was seeing his lips move over each fingertip with delicacy, nipping at them slightly. It was inevitable to remember the first time he did that, and notice how different his touch was now, the look on his face. He wasn’t focused on making me react, only on gently caressing my fingers. I could tell he was enjoying it, and it made me even hotter.
Then his hand caught a lock of my hair, brushing it away –Next, I conquered this.
Realizing what came now, I was taken aback with astonishment –We’re on a horse back!
-It is a shame- he breathed on my neck, before kissing it a well, ignoring my complaint. I had to bite my lip, putting all of my effort into not panting too hard.
-Mmm, that’s not what I meant- I was starting to get carried away, when my eyes opened and caught a glimpse at the curious looks of the soldiers on us. I gasped in surprise and lowered my head to hide behind Nobunaga, who gave me a puzzled face.
-What is it?
-Everyone’s watching! – I whispered, and yet he ignored it, moving to the most sensitive spot he’d conquered.
-And? All I care about is you- he murmured in my ear, soon kissing it as well. I couldn’t stop the cry that left my mouth, not just for his action but his words. The way he spoke when he was so close was pretty much a kink of mine by now. I put my hand on his shoulder, seeing that when he kissed my ear, at least he covered my face from the looks of the soldiers behind. They weren’t that near after all.
-And do you remember the night I conquered this? – he asked hoarsely as he caressed my back.
“How could I forget? With the outfit that you made me wear”. Deep down, I almost wished I had it on now, so that I could feel his callous hands on my bare skin.
-And then…- his hand descended to my rear, and that was where my tolerance stopped.
-Hey! No. Not here.
-Didn’t I tell you? You can’t escape our deal– before I could complain, he sealed my lips with his. Taking advantage of my inability to protest, he fondled me with more emphasis, squeezing my cheeks at times. Even in our kiss, I could feel him rejoice by the way I jumped when he pressed me. This was definitely not a show I wanted to make in front of so many people.
-Okay, that’s enough- I had to break the kiss, but he just went back to my neck, his hand never leaving my rear –You keep doing this, and I’ll make you pay for it.
-A bold threat- he sounded very amused as he whispered, unaware of what was coming over him –How will you make me pay?
-Just remember you asked for it- I knew he wasn’t taking me seriously, considering the way he kept nipping at my ear. It would only make it all the more funny when he found out what my plan was.
-Mm? – he hummed, holding my lobe in his teeth. But I had a mischievous smile on.
-If you keep touching me, I’ll tickle you.
He tensed immediately -What? No…!
I laughed really hard at the way he backed up and put his hands on his neck to protect it, giving me a very upset look.
-I-I’ll kill you! I threatened I would…
The fact that he was so confident before and now could barely speak straight, made me laugh even more. His face was just a spectacle and I thoroughly wished I could take a picture of it.
-Oh, what? Like the warmth but can’t take the heat?
-This… this is no laughing matter, Mia. I’m serious.
-How can I not laugh? You look like a kid when I tell them the tickling monster is coming.
-Tickling monster? – he acted confused. I raised my claws at him and roared the way I used to when I played with my little cousins. Nobunaga backed up even further with fear, until I had to hold him by his arms.
-Be careful! You’re going to fall off!
-I’m just trying to escape from you.
I giggled at how cute he looked when he was so desperate –I won’t really tickle you, Nobunaga. I promise.
He slowly went back to his position. His face came closer to mine again, but all I could do was laugh. Somehow, my amusement hit him as well, because he started giggling with me, making my smile widen. It was relaxing and even lovely, having him so near and just laugh together.
-My wife might be a curse instead- he smiled while putting an arm around me in a way that was definitely not a hug.
-What are you doing?
-I’m preventing you from doing anymore of your tricks. Now, if you tickle me and I fall off, you’ll be dragged down with me.
-Ohhh, you’re no fun- I jokingly pouted and he grinned.
-That’s the point. Now you have to behave yourself.
As a protest, I made a face at him, sticking my tongue out. But it was inevitable to laugh any way.
-Who’s acting like a kid now? - he joked –It seems it was a mistake to use you to cure my boredom. I almost fell off my horse.
I frowned at him, getting quite mad again –Well, that’s what you get for using people’s bodies as entertainment.
-It wasn’t your body I was interested in. It was you.
Glancing at him, I noticed his attitude was suddenly different. I realized the meaning of his words, and my cheeks lost no time in feeling hot again. The way his eyes stared at me could’ve made me melt any time. The expression in them was so intense, I felt like they pulled me right in. His face was so close, our noses touching, that it just felt right, so I leaned in and kissed him. It was only a peck, but when he didn’t try anything else, I realized what I’d done. I backed up with wide eyes, and the smug grin he had on made me all the more coy.
I shook my head and looked down in embarrassment –Don’t get ideas!
-It’s too late- he leaned in my ear to whisper seductively –I really can’t wait for tonight.
I bit my lower lip, trying to stop the flustered smile that wanted to come out. Now I was also very impatient for our evening together.
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New Ikesen Fic!
Hi, everyone! I just began posting my first Ikesen fic with our favourite Devil King, Nobu. If you want read more of it, check it out on Ao3. I’ll give you some sneak peeks for some chapters when I update.
It’s called The Devil’s Wife. It’s pretty much Nobunaga’s route with some new twists and additions, one of them being SMUT in future chapters. Hope you check it out, if you have any requests for something you want me to include in future chapters, feel free to ask. In the meant time, here’s a sneak peek for chapter 2. Enjoy!
The Devil’s Wife
2-Wedding Night.
We walked in silence for quite a few floors, before reaching a long hall and a door at the end of it. Nobunaga opened it, letting some space for me to enter.
-Get in. This will be your room from now on.
“My room?” I was confused at first, but then I thought maybe the Japanese are so formal, couples don’t even share a room in these times.
I entered the place and took a look around. It seemed awfully masculine. It had a set of armour in a corner, which I soon recognized as the one Nobunaga was wearing when I met him. Suddenly, I noticed he had entered as well and closed the door behind him.
-I thought this was my room- I questioned, not sure with what purpose.
-It was only mine before, now it is also yours.
So we will share a room. Great. Well, can’t say I’m completely disappointed, though maybe I should be? Either way, he just walked pass me and went to grab something from a shelter. I turned around in the meantime, and started getting closer to the balcony. It seemed like it had a beautiful view, but I wasn’t sure it was okay for me to leave the room.
-You can take a look- Nobunaga spoke, as if reading my mind -This is your place too from now on. You may go to whatever part of the palace you fancy.
He offered me a cup of sake, having one himself. I accepted it, but also got a bit worried remembering I saw him have quite a lot of it already. Just looking at him, he didn’t seem to be drunk, but looks can be deceiving. Nevertheless, since he gave me leeway, I stepped into the balcony. I was right. The view really was beautiful, with a full moon on sky full of shiny stars. I took in a deep breath of fresh air.
-Why did you insist you’d agreed to the match, despite being so scared? – Nobunaga suddenly talked to me in English, and I turned to see him coming to my side.
-Well, Akabori threatened to throw me to the bandits if I didn’t agree. I got the feeling he’d blame me and do it all the same if you refused me.
-You’ve got good survival instincts, then- he said taking a sip from his cup. I was about to ask him if he hadn’t had enough, when he left it on a side and all of the sudden came over me whispering -Now, to your wife duties.
-Oh, wow! Uhm…- I started walking backwards trying to think of a way to get out of this -Yes, about that. I actually had a few suggestions, I thought maybe we could strike a deal.
He kept getting closer to me until my back hit the railing. Dammit, he was so tall and broad. I really was a little bird in front of a massive lion, one that looked very eager to catch me no less.
-What kind of suggestions? – he put his hands on both sides of my body and I struggled trying to ignore how close his face was, how his breath hit the tip of my nose and his wild hazel eyes kept intentionally staring at my lips.
-Uh, well… I’m very good at making sweets. Perhaps I could work in the kitchen or something. Make your food, maybe? – I was nervously talking. I knew I had no way out of this, there was no possibility he would let me go on our wedding night. But my brain wasn’t listening to reason.
-I already have people who work in the kitchen- he answered -If you want to make a deal, you’ll have to offer me something only you can do.
I jumped at that comment -I can assure you I could do things you’ve never tried before.
Being from the future and having travelled so much, I knew there were recipes he surely didn’t even know that existed. But he just grinned at my answer.
-If that’s the best you can offer, I’ll select your job instead. You will be my cup.
I frowned really confused, watching him take my glass from my hands -What?
-You’ll let me drink from your lips- he tried to put the cup on my mouth and I instantly jumped to hold him from doing so.
-What? That is so weird. Why not just ask for a kiss? – “like a normal person” I thought. I was glad I kept myself from saying that last part, though. I felt like what I said may already upset him.
Oddly enough, he was just surprised by my answer -You don’t hold back your tongue, do you? Very well, then- he put the cup on a side and this time, got his face so close to mine our noses touched -Kiss me.
His voice was so deep and low, a whisper that disappeared into my open mouth. I needed to just stretch my lips and I’d probably be kissing him already. His smirk made it clear he was going to wait for me to make the first move, and part of me actually wanted to. I couldn’t help wonder what his kiss would feel like. But of course, that wasn’t what my brain ordered my mouth to do.
-How about a hug? – I opened my arms and smiled innocently, slapping myself mentally so hard for it. Nobunaga stepped back in surprise and I was scared for a moment that I might have made him mad. But a second later, he laughed in complete amusement.
-You’re really entertaining, woman. I knew I was choosing well.
He walked away from me and went back into the room, leaving me disoriented and a bit flustered. I followed behind him to see what he was doing. He wasn’t letting me go, was he? It couldn’t be that easy.
-If you won’t submit to me despite our marriage, then you’ll have to make a bet with me- he started taking something from his shelves while he spoke -Are you familiar with Go?
-The board game? I’ve seen it but I never played, why?
-I’ll teach you how to play, and this will be our deal- he put down the board on the floor, and two bowls full of white and black stones -Every time you lose, I will claim a part of your body as my own. That means I’m able to touch or kiss it.
“Say what?”. First, he asks me to be his cup instead of just kissing him, and now this? He’s a grown-up man, did nobody teach him how to flirt with a girl?
-I will take no pleasure in using force- he added -So I’ll have you willingly submit to me, piece by piece.
Now that he declared he wouldn’t press me, I actually felt quite relieved. The deal sounded like it could turn into some Fifty Shades of Gray kind of thing, but I was somehow intrigued. It can’t be that bad, can it? Like I said before, he is good-looking.
-And if I win? – I asked.
-You may ask for whatever you want.
I raised an eyebrow -Like, anything at all?
-Yes. You can even ask to go back to your land, and I shall allow it.
-Wait, you would let me go if I asked? – I was utterly surprised by that.
-If you can defeat me, you would have earned it- he grinned -Now sit.
Still in shock, I obeyed and went to sit in front of the board. It didn’t seem like he’d answer many more questions. Once ready, he patiently explained to me the basics of the game and I tried to listen carefully. My head was rather overwhelmed by everything that was happening, but I’d played chess for a long time, I’m actually quite good at strategy games. Surely, I would beat him at some point and it would be important. In times like this, I could certainly use a favour some time.
-Did you understand? – he asked.
I nodded -I think I got it.
The game started and I realized it was happening, I didn’t even get a practice match. I tried to analyse my every move before placing each stone, but chess strategies were completely useless in this game. It wasn’t even a few minutes, and he’d already defeated me.
-Hey! Couldn’t you go a bit easy on me? I’m just an amateur! – I complained quite loudly.
-I’ve never gone easy on anyone. Not in Go and not on the battle field. Now, to our deal- he grabbed the hand I’d been placing my stones with and I gasped in surprise -Tonight, I’ll take this. Starting from now, your hand is mine.
My hand? That was not what I expected. He really is a strange man. After such idea, I thought he’d be more daring. Maybe he has a hand-fetish? Is that a thing?
I continued making sarcastic comments in my head until his lips touched my skin, and my thoughts went everywhere. He kissed the back of it with a softness I didn’t anticipate, making me wish it wasn’t just my hand that he was kissing. He traced his way to my fingertips, getting me quite flustered by how long he took with each, until he suddenly caught my pinkie in his teeth, and a gasp left my mouth without warning. I could feel the tip of his tongue and his hot breath. Since when was my hand so sensitive?
-A good reaction- he smiled smugly, making me furious this time. I didn’t care how good he made me feel, I wasn’t going to let him mock me.
-Yes, well, you’ve had your laugh. Can we move on now?
-Move on to what? – he asked with vain interest.
-I want a rematch– I defied him, and actually managed to surprise him.
-You’re eager for me to make my next my claim already?
I narrowed my eyes, quite mad at his attitude. The competitive chess player in me was taking the best out of me -You have to beat me first.
He smirked with satisfaction and I did not let myself get intimidated -Then, let’s get on with it.
I got my hand back, still feeling his lips on it, and decided I would not be defeated so easily. I gave it my best this time, and only realized how stupid it was to ask for another game when he placed his final black stone.
-I win- he declared, in case it wasn’t obvious, and I growled.
“Can I time travel again to slap the past me?”.
This time, Nobunaga moved the board to a side with a muscular arm, and then stared at me -Now, come closer.
I hesitated for a moment, but just sighed and decided to go along with it. I got myself into this mess after all. Besides, he started with my hand, how bad could his next request be? Clearly, he’s not the predator he pretends to be.
-Oh! – I almost tripped when he grabbed me as I was approaching and pulled me to him. He sat me on his lap on the side, and I had to put my hands on his shoulders to maintain balance, leaving his face to centimetres of mine again.
-For your bravery in asking for a rematch, this time I’ll take this- one of his hands traced my neck with such softness, it gave me goosebumps. “This is how bad it can be, Mia” said the voice in my head. I didn’t need anyone telling me I was sensitive there, it had always been one of my weak spots.
-You’re blushing and I haven’t even started- he grinned at me and I jumped.
-I’m not! You’re just—Hey! – he placed a kiss where his finger had been a moment ago and I gasped again.
-Quiet. I’m enjoying the fruits of my victory.
“Oh, you’re so infuriating”. I didn’t care what time I was in, I didn’t like being bossed around, especially during a moment I would otherwise find quite pleasant. His kisses were soft and short, which made it easy for me to control my breath this time. I sighed thinking maybe this claiming would at least be tolerable.
Boy, I was wrong.
Without warning, he started opening his mouth and using his tongue, making me feel the hotness of his breath. I felt myself beginning to pant and hold tighter to his shoulder. I tried to fight it, yet my eyes closed and I moved my head to give him more room. Only when his lips started descending, was I awaken from my cloud of pleasure.
-Okay, that’s enough- I said.
I knew he was smiling down there, even if I couldn’t see him. I was prepared to answer when he suddenly sucked on my pulse using his teeth as well, and no will of mine could help the moan that escaped from my mouth.
-I think I can see why- he added to my embarrassment by softly whispering, kissing the spot where I was sure he’d left a mark -It seems I chose well.
His caresses moved to the other side of my neck. He had no intentions of stopping despite my asking. I tried biting my lip to stop the sounds that were screaming to get out, but then I heard how strong my breathing had become, and realized it was completely useless. He had me exactly where he wanted. Whenever it looked like I might have myself under control, he’d start using his teeth again and there was no stopping the sounds that left my mouth. If I tried to back up, he would hold me closer, making his kisses all the more intense. My hands burned wanting to be buried in his hair and pull him closer. I was about to moan really loud.
-Stop- I asked, and this time he listened.
-Is that what you want? – as if to punish me, he whispered in my ear, making it tingle, letting me hear a bit of arousal in his voice. I was a hot mess at this point.
-Yes- I answered out loud, trying to sound firm. I wanted him to stop, but only because I feared I’d give myself up if he continued. I could already hear my heartbeat in my ears. Nobunaga faced me again and while I stared at his close face, I wondered if I would’ve spared myself all this torture by simply kissing him when he asked.
-I wonder if all my conquests will be this pleasurable- he smirked.
-It will not be that easy for you, you know? – I had to give myself a pat on the back for at least keeping some composure in the face of danger.
-We’ll have plenty of time, and I’m looking forward to it- he grabbed the hand he’d conquered before and place a kiss on my knuckles -It’s been a fine wedding night, you have my praise.
I rolled my eyes. At least someone was happy with it. But now that I knew he wasn’t so dangerous, I wasn’t going to tremble and surrender that easily. I would definitely put up a fight and show I was no stranger to this type of sensation. I won’t let our married life be entertaining just for him.
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Chapter 12
Hello! I'm back! Really sorry, this should've been up earlier but I got sick this week (it sucked). But I'm here now and hope you enjoy this chapter. Here’s your usual sneak peek (I loved writing this scene btw).
12-True Feelings.
Nobunaga was the first one to wake up, feeling incredibly at ease. With a long sigh, he opened his eyes and saw the weak sunlight. It was still early. He looked down at his wife, peacefully sleeping in his arms, her breath coming out in a slow serene pace. She was still undressed, so he could indulge himself in the feel of her soft skin.
He had fallen asleep on her chest, but when he woke up in the middle of the night, he thought his weight might bother her, so he moved to a side and she surprised him by following his actions. She curled up against him, as if she was pulled to him by some invisible force. Nobunaga just didn’t know what to do with her anymore. He had covered them both with the blankets and went back to sleep while holding her body.
-Mia…- he called her name in an attempt to wake her up. He had a deep desire to at least hear her voice before getting out of bed, but then remembered how much she disliked having to get up early and decided to leave her be –No, you should rest.
He tried to move her from on top of his chest, yet the motion was enough to pull her out of her slumber. She took in a deep breath and rubbed her eyes, trying to open them.
-Mmmm, Nobunaga?
Her half lidded eyes, her drowsy voice, her tangled hair, her uncovered skin, all of it was a sight that stirred his heart. He had to force his gaze away and focus on getting dressed, otherwise his itchy hands would end up on her again.
-It’s not morning yet, get some more sleep- he said without looking at her.
–Where are you going?
-I have a few matters to attend.
-But if it’s not morning yet, won’t everyone still be asleep? – he stopped himself in the middle of tying up his obi. How could he explain that he needed to put some distance between them? At least until he was able to tell her how he felt.
-You should get some food first- she continued –Let me get dressed and I’ll go with you.
He looked at her, sitting up and ready to get out of bed. She was always so tired in the morning, refusing to get up until it was late in the day. What made her so determined now? And most important, how could he let her go after seeing that?
-You’re really not going to let me off easily, are you? – he frowned, troubled by his own need to stay there and go back to holding her.
Mia acted shy all of the sudden –Do you want me to leave you alone? – there was fear in her voice, yet it also showed she’d do it if he asked her to. The touch of sadness in her face made his chest tighten.
His straight answer brought a lovely blush to her cheeks. She tried to hide it like she was hiding her naked body with the covers, but a coy smile formed on her lips as well.
-Do you want me to convince you to stay? – her insecurities vanished, leaving a touch of coquettish playfulness that kindled his desire. Was she enjoying torturing him?
-You really shouldn’t- he felt himself getting flustered and, as if she could read his true emotions, Mia laid back on her stomach, staring at him from that angle with a naughty smile and deep blue eyes.
-I can be quite convincing- she flirted –I’ve been learning from a certain someone.
He sighed, getting overwhelmed by heat –There’s hardly any need for that.
His voice came out more severe than he planned, and she tilted her head at him –Why?
-Because I’m unable to refuse you anyways.
Saying that, he followed the object of his desire, the thing that made his hands itchy and his blood feel like it was on fire. He took the blankets to uncover Mia’s beautiful body and caught her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. Just the previous night he decided he’d take his time to resolve his emotions, but how could he stay away from her when she behaved like that?
-Mmmm- she moaned in his mouth when she couldn’t keep up with him, then cried as he moved to her ear –Ahh, are we going to do it again?
-If you don’t want us to, you shouldn’t tempt me that way- he trailed down her neck, indulging himself in her creamy delicious skin. His ears got filled with the melody of her gasps and sighs, which turned into cries again when he reached her breast, using his tongue to play with one of them.
-Ohh, wha… nggg, what if somebody hears us?
-You said it yourself, they’re still asleep- she arched beautifully beneath him, his breath on her bosom seemed to make her even more sensitive. He tilted his head, ready to use his mouth again, but hesitated and instead gazed at her –Do you not want this?
She stared back at him, her mouth slightly open, and bit her lip to hide a smile –It seems I can’t say no to you either- she grabbed his hair to pull him closer for a sweet kiss. He covered her mouth, tasting, exploring, and in the quietness of a peaceful morning, their sighs of pleasure filled the room as they revelled in each other’s bodies once again.
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Chapter 5
Hello! I just published chapter 5 from The Devil’s Wife. It is quite a transition chapter, but with a major reveal, and also a scene I had a lot of fun writing, so make sure to check it out. Any way, here’s a short sneak peek.
5-The town.
-Nobunaga! - I yelled, and  it wasn’t long before he  came out of the room.  
-Mia? - he looked confused as I finally reached him and was able to hide behind  him , catching my breath the best I could. Running upstairs had not been the greatest idea, but at least I was finally safe.  Though he  kept waiting for an explanation –What happened?  
Masamune  came to us and didn’t seem half as exhausted as I was –So you’ve reached your destination.  
-What are you talking about? - I said panting –What is wrong with you?  
-Masamune, explain  this - Nobunaga ordered him.  
-The lass was sulking again .  I simply offered a solution.  
-Oh, why don’t you tell him what your solution was? - I complained.  
Nobunaga gave him an amused smirk, apparently understanding what I meant –Did you lay hands on my wife, Masamune? It’s brave of you to challenge me.  
-I mentioned a possible solution would be a kiss, which is obviously why I brought her to you- he explained raising his hands at us, and I froze. That could not have been his plan all along, could it?  
- Masamune , Mia-  Hideyoshi  showed up, looking more upset than ever –That behaviour is unacceptable. Don’t ever repeat such risky actions again.  
-You can deal with him, Hideyoshi. I’ll take care of my wife- Nobunaga grabbed my wrist and took me inside the room, closing the door behind him. Leaving a scene so  insane  I couldn’t believe I’d just been a part of it.  
As soon as we were inside, he began walking towards me  while frowning  and I backed up  with every step he took  –You made me think you were in danger.  
-What? - I said. “He’s seriously mad?”  
-You t roubled  my right-hand man...  
-And left your work station.  
-Oh, c’mon!  
-Should I punish you? - he smiled again as I gasped from hitting the wall behind me –Or should I take  Masamune’s  advice?  
He put a hand on the wall, trapping me as he leaned in closer. “Is it wrong that I’m kind of turned on? Of course it is .   S hut up, dirty brain”.  
-But it wasn’t my fault...- I tried to stand up for myself, but he put his thumb on my lips.  
-I can’t let my wife go around behaving like that. I should teach you a lesson.  
I swallowed hard. “Seriously, brain. Shut up . He wouldn’t go that far... right? ”.  
To my disappointment, I mean, relief, he stood straight again –We'll do that tomorrow. During our trip.  
-What trip? - I frowned.  
-I’m going on a retreat to the hot springs. I’ve decided you’ll come with me.  
“Hot springs? Hot springs!” -What, why?!  
-There’s a wound from my last battle that hasn’t yet healed- he explained as he went back to his desk –My retreat shall help me be in perfect condition for any upcoming battle.  
-Wait, you’re  wounded ?  
-Nothing serious.  
-But if it hasn’t healed yet, it could be serious. Have you seen a doctor?  
-I did, and he said what I just told you. So, don’t be concerned. Just get ready to leave in the morning- he didn’t give any relevance to the matter .  H e was reading some papers as he spoke, but I wasn’t so certain. In times like this, medicine isn’t that effective. A simple wound could be lethal if it got infected. Can that be the cause for which Nobunaga loses the battle where Sasuke said he dies?  
But regardless of that... -If you’re going on a retreat, I don’t see why I have to join you.  
-Because I command it- was all he said.  
- Ooooh , and God forbids I ever disobey an order from the great Nobunaga Oda- I spoke with exaggerated sarcasm –That's not a reason!  
He looked at me amused –It is when you live in my castle. Now go back to work.  
-I’m not your servant- I crossed my arms on my chest with defiance. Some way or another, I’d teach him to treat me better.   But the smile he showed made me quite nervous. Especially when he got back up and walked towards me, only this time I didn’t move, determined to make my point clear.  
-You refuse to obey me, then? - he whispered with his face pretty close to mine.  
-You know, there are two magical words that can help you a lot if you care to use them. They’re called “please” and “thank you”.  
My comment made him laugh loudly –You're teaching me manners?  
-I’m teaching you how to treat a person with respect. Particularly, if that person is your wife, not one of your vassals or maids.  
He kept smiling and suddenly raised a hand to pinch me on a side, a gesture that made jump from surprise. Mostly, because I was too damn ticklish for that.  
-What are you doing? - I asked seriously and he leaned into my ear –Wait...  
-If you refuse to obey me, I’ll simply have to teach you a lesson now- he was making me walk back again. His hands kept pinching me on the sides, making me squirm, but his lips began teasing my ear, and I didn’t know whether to laugh or moan while he whispered –Will you listen to me now?  
-You can’t force me to... aa h !- I gasped loudly when his teeth found my neck. Afraid that I would get another mark, I finally gave up –Okay, okay! I’ll go, just stop it!  
Luckily, I had backed up towards the door, so all I had to do was open it to escape, complaining in a low voice all the way t hrough the hallway -What kind of king he thinks he is? That I have to follow everything he says just because “I say so”- I tried imitating his voice –Oh, please. A dog is what you should’ve gotten if you so wanted to be obeyed. We’ll see who ends up crawling on the floor at the end.
I heard a laugh behind me and turned to see Nobunaga at the door of his room, staring at me mockingly –I thought I heard barking.  
My mouth opened in full incredulity. Where are the things I can throw at people when I need them? Unfortunately, there was nothing near and he closed the door before I even had a chance to reply. Could he get any more on my nerves? “Wait, we’re going on a trip tomorrow, maybe I don’t want the answer to that question”. But I had the feeling I’d be getting it anyway.  I may only have a few days left here, yet it seemed they'd be longer than I anticipated.
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