#noctor art
owlhead650 2 months
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"Searching For Something at your desk, but in The World"
Anastasia is a very enigmatic character, we have never seen her take her glasses off and we don't know why she joined team Xen when almost all other notable members have made what drives them very clear to us. It's also strange how much help she gives Ren, and how she even came to the Xenogene premier. As time goes on she seems less like an antagonist, yet I suspect we'll have to fight her during the Xen raid regardless.
This painting idea was suggested by @pokefangamebrainrot and I suppose you could say I'm doing this as a thank you for the nice drawing of Erin they did. I like Rejuvenation.
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plac3h0lder 4 years
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Goretober 11
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owlhead650 3 months
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"The Devil of Darchlight Caves"
1012 word essay below discussing Erin as a character in Rejuvenation.
I find it interesting that in v13.5 Erin's first major appearance is in her Darchlight Form, as a devil. This is different to how in V13 her first appearance featured her normal design. It could be that this form, the one said to be 'the true reflection of your soul' is how Jan wants us to see her. Erin declared herself the devil who defies Vitus, a man that sees himself as God. Conventional myth portrays the devil as a prison warden keeping sinners trapped and punished. The devil also normally hates God, despite only punishing people God wants him to. Erin is a much stronger character than the classic devil, rather than punishing those God considers evil or unworthy she accepts them. We see this when she encourages Kanon to embrace his individuality and to reject the idea that he's less than human and only exists to serve. Rather than punishing people Erin liberates them.
This aligns perfectly with how she behaves in Darchlight Caves. The first thing she does is help Florin, Flora and the Interceptor escape confinement witin the glass boxes. During the rest of this sequence of the game we see her wit and cunning as we learn more about Bladestar and decide what to do with this information. I remember in v13 I exposed Flora during that playthrough, but I didn't make the mistake of sharing information with Cassandra because Erin beforehand warns: "Analyse the information, then make a decision. Don't you ever do it the other way around." To my memory that's how it was worded.
Erin's backstory also parralels the devil. She at first obeyed Vitus and basically acted as a spy in the drama between him and Anathea. She was basically parentified and forced to help mediate an unhappy marriage between two adults who weren't mature enough to settle their differences the correct way. Vitus superficially apologised for this and said it was because she was the eldest daughter. This is somewhat similar to how the devil was once a beautiful angel that served God but later wanted to be greater than God and was cast into hell as punishment. Erin eventually reached her breaking point and defied Vitus. She fought him with her archetype powers and was eventually dragged to the basement. Vitus banished her to the unknown dimension and left her there to be forgotten, along with the twins Alice and Allen, which is fundamentally the same as how the devil was banished to hell.
I would also like to comment on how Vitus and Erin fighting with their magic powers until Erin got dragged into the basement is essentially a glorified version of a father beating his daughter, physically disciplining a child and abusing them. When you examine the incident from a grounded domestic angle, that's all it is. Really of all the atrocities Vitus commits as Indriad, his treatment of his children is really the only one I feel personally motivated to make him answer for. I was delighted when I saw his name on M2's (S)hit list.
In future versions of the game I look forward to seeing how she handles the confrontation with Vitus/Indriad, most likely taking place after the Xen raid. Although Erin is resolute and clever, Vitus is still her biological father and the memory of his abuse and power over her isn't so easily forgotten. Defying her creator won't be simple and it will definitely be frightening. The renegade route parralels the paragon route in some ways, like how both routes featured a battle against Talon on top of his tower but in two completely different contexts. I'm excited to see how the confrontation with Vitus plays out on both routes.
I'm expecting Erin to triumph in either scenario, but the overall meaning of the outcome could differ. I wonder if we'll get to see a karma beast design for her like how we saw one with Talon. Talon turned into a Flying/Poison type bird monster, I think it's rather obvious what Erin would turn into. Her personality is subtly befitting of a dark type already, and if we want to take the devil motifs to their logical extreme then she should be a Fire/Dark type that looks like it crawled out of Dante's Inferno. The Infernal Field would be perfect for this battle. It's message is:
"The souls of the damned burn on."
In a worst case scenario like a fight between Erin and the Renegade Interceptor I think this field effect would suit her karma beast transformation. Before Karma turned Talon into a monster we had a trainer battle against him in which he used a Tornados and other strong flying types. I think that Darkrai and the Dimensional Field effect would be powerful buffs that could turn a fight against Erin into an incredible ordeal for the player, even some of her current pokemon like Absol have abilities and moves that the field empowers.
Returning to my more narrative focused predictions, we must consider how Alice being possessed by Vitus will influence events on the Renegade Route. In Paragon her new "Queendom" rose and fell within a day, but that's only because her siblings quickly mobilised to deal with the situation. In the Renegade route we never saw that incident resolved and Melia was swapped with M2, distracting Erin with other challenges. She considers Kanon family and managed to free him, will she achieve the same with her sister Alice? Or will Erin fail to liberate her and instead embrace a darker interpretation of her role as the devil? Erin has a logical mind but her temper can inhibit it. Maybe on the Renegade Route despair at the devolving situation will drive her to fixate on punishing evil rather than helping the innocent.
No matter what she does in either route Erin will always be the cunning, quick witted, candid and beautiful tactician that massively improves Rejuvenation's narrative and cast of characters. If you actually read my whole essay here's some extra pictures as a thank you.
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I wouldn't mind going to hell if she's the one running it.
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I can't be the only one who looked at Flora's sprite in Darchlight Caves and saw her in a Jotaro Kujo outfit. The true reflection of Flora's soul is that she's like a jojo character I guess. Go on, punch Cassandra for ten pages. Scream ora ora.
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Florin is literally such a good boy that his soul is that of an angel. His design was a bit simple but I enjoyed doing the toga he seems to be wearing.
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My personal Interceptor oc Asopo. I want to give him as many variants as Melia has, which will take time but I'll get there. This is his darchlight form. I saw how many Darchlight forms turned people into fantasy creatures/characters from general media. I decided that making Asopo a merman would fit in with the other Darchlight forms while being a nice nod to his backstory. His hair in this form is meant to look like the black void of space with some white stars in it. He has a celtic bracelet on his arm and a badge on the cloth that looks like The Core. I gave him that yellow cloth because I didn't feel like drawing him shirtless with nipples.
I hope you liked this artwork and essay, it's probably my most proud work I've put on Tumblr.
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owlhead650 2 months
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"The Sibling Gathering"
This is an Artfight mass attack focusing on pokemon ocs. In real life I have two siblings and my relationship with both of them is very different to each other. Having a sibling can mean many different things and with all the potential differences between ages and gender, there are probably innumerable ways two siblings can feel about each other. Brother, sister, whatever else, it's special. This scenario is meant to be all the characters at a fancy event or party or ball or whatever occaision makes people dress like this. I hope you all liked the choice of outfits for your characters. Jazzkitty doesn't fit the theme but it wanted to join in anyway so it busted open the door. The kitty is crashing the party, just because.
The owners of the ocs include:
@kiroonsmoon @gree-gon @pokemonsillysys @jazz-kitty @percephilous as well as myself and ram_horns.
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owlhead650 4 months
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Butterfly Solis! Wanted for arson, manslaughter, vandalism and more! This terrible villain is suspected to have fled to the Aevium region! Please report any sightings to your local authorities.
Explanation below.
I gave Butterfly, the oc created by @lemonade-juley a wanted poster inspired by One Piece. Obviously the modern pokemon world wouldn't have bounty hunters and wanted posters for criminals, the reality of such a system is rather horrifying and unethical, yet in many fictional worlds a good wanted poseter makes a fugutive character seem even cooler. @lemonade-juley (who I think is also sometimes called strawberry? I'm pretty sure so I'll call her that) didn't create a wanted poster for Butterfly yet so I thought I'd do it myself.
When you read my short story, 'Asopo Interceptor of Persistence meets Lepidopterist Butterfly' imagine that this is the wanted poster that gets shown to Asopo. Even if my earlier explanation says the wanted poster isn't accurate to canon. The word 'Interpol' in the corner is a reference to the international police from the pokemon world which characters like Anabel and Looker are from. I presume that Elaura, the main detective chasing Butterfly is also one of those agents so I put that word in the corner to show who published the wanted poster in world.
But yeah I think Butterfly is a very cute character with an interesting backstory and I wanted there to be more content about her so I created this and the short story.
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owlhead650 5 months
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Hi, I heard that @tired-needs-sleep got their Saras stolen. I understand how hard that must be, so here's a new one. If you can't tell already, I like white haired characters.
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owlhead650 14 hours
A drawing of Cal,? Maybe? Perhaps?
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Here he is. Cal and Magmortar atop Pyrous Mountain.
I'm really glad that they gave Cal an earlier introduction. His character arc is more impactful when we get to see how he started. I liked the redesign he has where his hair is dyed blue so I drew that version. Some bad stuff happened on top of Pyrous Mountain but he's not letting any of his mistakes or regrets define him, instead he's back in this place unashamed and ready to train. Apophyll Academy still stands and thrives with its current leadership. I really like the song choices for this whole area. I especially like "Battle - Inner Peace".
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owlhead650 2 months
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"Asterope Stands In The Void"
382 word explanation below.
The renegade route is weirdly cathartic. I find myself feeling really excited for it, especially after the first sample of it I experienced. I love rejuvenation's cast and by the time you're given the option to go down the renegade path you're already very far into the story and have already spent a lot of time getting to know each of the characters. As much as I like Melia, Aelita, Erin, Venam, Ren and everyone else, I'm looking forward to destroying it all. I want to see how everyone is going to act under those circumstances and I want more funny M2 moments.
Asterope is a renegade version of August. You might know August, the winged Aevis lookalike who has a brother named Cassius. Seeing him in this other style is cool and I like drawing him this way. The hardest part was balancing the different shades of grey, black and white.
This was an artfight attack for @percephilous otherwise called Perkitty7 on Artfight. This is also probably my final artfight attack this year. Thank you Percy for the attack you did of my oc Asopo, I love your interpretation of him.
Thank you @kiroonsmoon for encouraging me to get involved in this event and also thanks for the drawing you did of Asopo. I was always curious about how he'd look in your style.
Thank you @pokefangamebrainrot and @pokemonsillysys for the attack you did for my oc Atlanta, you mixed the colours nicely and gave her a cool pose. I liked drawing your oc Halley and her sister Violet. When I first saw Violet's profile I didn't think she was the sort of character I'd like, but after drawing her as part of that mass attack I did she really grew on me.
Thank you to ram_horns from Artfight who did a cute portrait of my oc Zorina, but with a unique touch of giving her brown hair instead of her usual black hair.
If I get any last minute attacks on top of these four I'll edit this post but overall I had lots of fun being on team stardust and doing artfight this year. Honestly I'm already excited for next year. I'll have some new ocs lined up to give people more options when attacking me. Until next time.
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owlhead650 3 months
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Oh yeah I forgot to post this painting. It's titled "Junebugs fly in August" and it's an artfight revenge directed at @percephilous who I just call Percy most of the time.
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owlhead650 7 days
may i request an anju or a hazuki for the road? been brainrotting about them. also you look lovely today :3
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One Anju for the friendly meteors. Yes thank you, I hope I made Anju look lovely too. Below I discuss a prediction I have for Rejuvenation V14 that pertains to Anju/Angie and what she will be doing for the rest of the story. Spoilers warning for both routes.
Okay so Angie has seemingly abandoned Cera and the spirit of Vitus that was possessing her has moved on to possessing Alice. We haven't really seen much of Angie since she lost to Erin during chapter 15. Honestly I don't know why more Rejuvenation fans aren't discussing the obvious here, the fact that Angie is no longer possesed and should soon be reverting back to Anju.
I'm of course making the bold assumption that Vitus's spirit can only possess one person at a time, but if Angie wasn't slowly becoming sane again then why would she abruptly abandon Cera? I don't think there's any other likely explanation. In that case then we might be seeing Anju's remorse, we might be seeing her reflecting on the things she did as Angie. If she survives the rest of the main story and the whole world isn't destroyed, then she'll likely spend the rest of her life trying to atone.
I don't think the "She was possessed." excuse exonerates her completely. We learned from the Regice sidequest that freezing people to preserve them is somthing that the real Anju has always wanted to do. It's just that being possessed brought out the worst in her. Anju will recognise her own personality and desires in the actions of Angie and she'll feel responsible.
I think that Anju's remorse could be very wholesome drama on the paragon wrote, but much more tragic on the renegade. Mainly because M2 has named her on the (S)HIT LIST. We know that M2 isn't mindlessly hateful, she spared Ren and claims she would have spared Karrina if she showed remorse. I'm really looking forward to seeing how Anju behaves when confronted by M2 because it could be really sad to watch. Honestly I don't know exactly how a lot of this should play out but it's going to be good.
So yeah, Rejuvenation predictions. Fun. How likely do you think these are?
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owlhead650 13 days
Now Taking Requests
Hi everyone, I think it should be said that I'm an author who likes creative writing but also drawing. I'm currently passionate about the Rebornverse fangames and its characters.
If you send a request into my ask box then I will create new content for that character as long as they are from either pokemon Reborn, Rejuvenation or Desolation. This content could be any of the following:
-A short story of 200-300 words
-A drawing of the character
-A theory or headcanon about the character
So yeah I'm using this as mainly a way to encourage myself to do more creative writing because normally I only do it when it's part of a larger creative project. (Like that novel I'm working on.) But yeah all the requests are free but even if you make one there's no guarantee I'll do it right away. Just say "I want new content for [character name]" and I might make something.
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owlhead650 17 days
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"Fisherman Alon wants to battle!"
Alon is Asopo's Dad and Loraine's husband. He fishes for pokemon and met Loraine on that large route that she battled to gain renown on. He was born in the Fiore region and travelled the word. He's very adventurous and persistent, but also stubborn. He's seen many cultures and different places but he still thinks his own way of doing things is best. His skin tanned to its current colour after years of fishing out in the sun. He caught Shepherd the vaporeon after chasing it for hours across the sea. He was convinced he found a new pokemon species but it was just a weird looking shiny vaporeon dog thing. His name is pronounced 'A lawn.'
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owlhead650 27 days
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Lavender from pokemon rejuvenation in the clothes of Kyoko Kirigiri from the game Daganronpa. There are some moments in rejuvenation that reference Daganronpa so I thought that using this outfit for Lavender in the Rejuvenation Art Collab would be cool.
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owlhead650 1 month
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It's Huey! This is an alternative design for pokemon trainer Huey from Pokemon Rejuvenation. He is dressed in attire that is meant to be a similar style to The Puppet Master. There's a specific reason for that, if you've beaten chapter 15 then you know what that is. I made this as part of the Rejuvenation art collab hosted by @twixstari which is a really cool event.
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owlhead650 1 month
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I'm part of the Rejuvenation art collab and I'm the one drawing Huey. The Bluey is some practice and the masked Huey is the first part of a big drawing I'll do for his alternate outfit.
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owlhead650 4 months
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This is Asopo's Terajuma design. He takes off his rain jacket and puts the black shirt and swimming togs on. The black and pink shirt is meant to be a symbol of mourning over Nancy. The sun on his head starts to bother him so he puts on a strawhat that's not a reference to anything. The blue vest is based off the one that Crawli and the rangers wear. The idea is that he gets it after doing the challenges in Crawli's gym. I found it really funny how everyone kept going on about how Asopo beat Madame X at blacksteeple. He was rather frightened by the big dramatic wanted posters for himself and Melia, but then he wasn't as frightened when he saw that Valerie was a Lapras for some reason. Despite finding that amusing in a bleak sense Asopo felt rather resentful towards team Xen at this point. He had little sympathy for anything members of the group went through until he saw Sharon on Mt. Valour and saw her get pushed to her death. (Even though Saki caught her.)
Hearing Crescent say aloud the awful things he was thinking about team Xen and its members struck a nerve with him. Thinking that it would be best if they all just disapeared and that they deserve the same suffering they inflicted on others. Asopo realised how dark those thoughts were when he saw the reality of it
This arc was when he caught Spiorad the Aevian Froslass. He took a quick liking to Amber and Tesla partly because Amber subconsciously reminded him of Zorina from his previous life. Also because after Tesla offered the room to him he took a couple hours to process it and then cried in the corner for an hour afterwards. He's all about rain but he'd love a sunny day in Terajuma if it's with the two of them.
In general my Asopo lore is just my headcanons and interpretations of Pokemon Rejuvenation's interceptor.
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