#noir; lfrp
strigwrites · 4 years
Lord help me, after a few months of total RP hiatus, I’m making another hardboiled character to satisfy the aesthetic I couldn’t quite hit with @eliahext and I am unreasonably excited about it.
Might make a proper LFRP post soon and the carrd is forthcoming, but I am Lydia Thane on Balmung if anyone wants to get tangled up in some real film noir murder mystery shit.
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corvvii · 5 years
Working on a new blog that will include all of my alts because my tag scheme on this one is thoroughly fucked and I’m too lazy to fix it! Should be up by the time Crystal launches. I wanna code everything from scratch myself, including a dossier page so I can keep all my character bios and my OOC info in one place.
Preview of who you can expect, characters-wise—
(Main) Leonnaux Altoix: scholar, mage, part-time mixologist, and corvid enthusiast. Director of Alizarine and leader of the Ebonguard, ostensibly. Enjoyer of good music and high fashion. From Gridania, lives in Ul’dah. Duskwight. Alchemist and arcanist for now, pending plot.
(@ Beginning of SB) Percival Rigel: widowed monetarist left her wife’s trading company after the Calamity. Enjoyer of fine dining and sharp objects. Born in Ala Mhigo, a homeland she barely knew. Lives in Ul’dah. Highlander. Rogue, but you didn’t hear it from her.
(@ Beginning of HW) Wren Leyland: travelling musician always in search of new venues and new drinks. Stricken by a peculiar wanderlust, and has some talent for mapmaking. Enjoyer of sight-seeing and bar brawls. Past is a mystery, doesn’t seem to have a home. Midlander. Bard, of course! Probably dual specs pugilist ‘cause short people are closer to hell.
(Needs Jump) Emrys Noire: crooked journalist with a streak for smearing people who piss him off as the presses, and a sometimes Sharlayan spy. Enjoyer of rhetoric and theatre. Born in Sharlayan but will claim Ul’dah as his homeland. Midlander. No real IC job, needs jump so undecided. Will probably decide based on glamours.
Am also toying with a Garlean character concept and will probably take Viera for a spin in the benchmark to see if it spawns any ideas. Also some undeveloped character inklings for a Keeper, a Raen, and an Ishgardian...
Everyone will get shiny new LFRP posts when my new blog is done too!
I need to finish a members page for my FC though, so that’s higher priority. After I code all this stuff I will probably also see about coding themes for Alizarine and Ebonguard from more or less the ground up, cause their themes feel super stale and aren’t doing everything I want them to do.
If I’m happy with all the codes I need to make maybe I’ll release them for public use!
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dukeofishgard · 6 years
Updated Duke Character Info
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The Duke of Ishgard
The Basics ––– –
Age: Unknown, his best guess is around a thousand something.
Birthday: 15th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Race: Wildwood Elezen
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi, male-leaning.
Marital Status: Married
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: White, (Black when he was younger, turned white from shock.)
Eyes: Red
Height: 6′10″
Build: Lithe
Distinguishing Marks: Heavily scarred across his entire body. Right eye currently covered by a patch.
Common Accessories: Wedding ring, rapier, small card stating “If found dead, contact Dracyn Navarre in Limsa Lominsa Immediately.” a dagger or two.
Personal ––– –
Profession: Sometimes Adventurer, chef, hype man. all around renaissance man.
Hobbies: Cooking, reading, training.
Languages: Fluent in most languages, but better at understanding/speaking some.
Residence:  The Mists. Has an Estate in Ishgard.
Birthplace: Ishgard
Religion: Not particularly religous anymore, but will say Halone’s teaching s if asked
Patron Deity: Halone
Fears: Losing his loved ones, leeches, his dead wife. 
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: Dracyn Navarre. (Antoinette Sauvage, deceased.)
Children: Westley&Josette (twins, from Dracyn’s prior marriage.) Cemi Jinjahl (stepdaughter, adopted by Dracyn.) Minette and Alitte (adopted, deceased. )
Parents: Nobility from Ishgard, long dead.
Siblings: None.
Other Relatives: A myriad of descendants living in Ishgard that take care of his House affairs. Most notably, Lady Hatsu who is his current chatelaine. They are a secretive family, due to their Au’ra lineage- Minette and Alitte having been found by the Duke as children and sheltered and adopted at great risk to himself. While still retaining the typical Au ra horns/tails (which they keep hidden even now.) - their faces typically bear little to no scales due to mixed heritage. 
Pets: A black chocobo, Boco. A black kitten, Noire. His husband’s cat- Hunter.
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: A secret vice he keeps very well hidden.  Drugs: None. Alcohol: Socially
RP Hooks ––– –
Duke is cursed with immortality and has lived for quite a long time! It’s incredibly likely for either your character has heard of him, met him before, or has a family member that has come across him! I’m perfectly okay with having pre-established connections with him, as the nature of the character means he’s met a LOT of people. Perhaps your character came across and is intensely curious about him. Or maybe they’re an enemy Duke doesn’t know about! LITERALLY ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES! \o/
Ishgardians in particular may know of him- whether it’s curiosity or disgust from the rumors surrounding him. Most Ishgardians who grew up with the stories about him, believe it to be just an exaggerated story and legend. There are those who’ve sworn they’ve met him. He was an accomplished Dragoon during the beginning of the war, so again. The possibilities are endless. His House is quite secretive, and stays hidden though they wield considerable power- it’s mostly used to help those in need. 
Scientists, mages oh my. Duke’s curse is void-based. While he’s not a voidsent, the magic used to curse him is based on void magic. While he’s given up on finding a cure, he’s had plenty of people interested in studying him and the curse. He’s well aware that while his curse may be off-putting to some,  others may have an insatiable curiosity about it.
What I’m Looking For  ––– –
This isn’t a super cereal LFRP post, it’s more of just an updated character page for Duke. That being said, I’m always up for more RP contacts and friends! I am not looking for any romance or anything else however. Duke’s happily married. Friends, associates, enemies- all fine in my book. I’m also up for darker themed roleplays. As an aside about Duke’s curse- while he is immortal, and cannot die. There are specific caveats about his curse that prevent him from being infallible (in part due to the person having cast the curse being pretty inept.) He cannot be healed by potions, conjury or typical healing. 
Contact Information  ––– –
Either hit me up on here via ask or IM, or you can hit me up on Discord - Selphie/The Duke#7705
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hellsbovnd-archive · 5 years
tag dump!
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