#noisuf-x the typical fuck you song
tippy-spiral-fan · 7 years
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''Fuck You!'' by BlackSpiralDancer1
Title inspired by the song 'The Typical 'Fuck You' Song' by Noisuf-X https://youtu.be/MEBsEjCYou8
Given the standing I have established in what I suppose could be considered my 'day job', there comes times in which attacks are launched against me while at home. Sometimes I manage to shield all my loved ones inside and handle the shit myself; other times I don't make that move fast enough and those that can fight join in on the ass kicking. Either case, it's all often over in, at most, half an hour. And after having first found out about the attacks, Levi took to bringing his VME over with him when I bring him to this universe; the house size and the amount of trees surrounding the area make the equipment very effective. Good times.
On an artists note I AM DAMN PROUD OF THE CABLE PERSPECTIVE!! I've tried doing it before, but it never worked well; me thinks it finally did. ;u; Yay~
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gabedamage · 6 years
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The Typical Fuck You Song by Noisuf-X https://ift.tt/2qjLkj1
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absenthia · 6 years
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