#non alcoholic fatty liver disease In Gujarat
anandkhakar · 5 days
Types of Liver Damage - best liver transplant hospitals
The liver is a vital organ that conducts hundreds of functions including metabolism, energy storage, and detoxification. best liver transplant hospitals
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nimbanaturecure · 8 months
Fatty Liver and Ayurvedic Treatment
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When too much fat gathers in the liver, it causes a problem known as fatty liver disorder. It can be cured, but if not treated properly, it might get worse over time. Fatty liver is often linked to excessive drinking of alcohol and similar substances that can intoxicate. Fatty Liver Disease (FLD) happens when liver cells hold too much fat, leading to inflammation and increasing the risk of hepatitis. FLD makes it hard for the liver to naturally remove fat from the body, creating a harmful cycle. Because drinking alcohol is a major cause of FLD, more than all other factors combined, the disease is divided into two types: Alcoholic steatosis and nonalcoholic steatosis. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease disrupts the liver’s normal functions, while alcoholic fatty liver disease shows specific symptoms like jaundice, fever, spider veins, and a higher-than-usual white blood cell count.
Ayurvedic Perspective on Fatty Liver
According to Ayurveda, the liver is the source of one of the primary energies, called pitta. Pitta, characterized by its hot and light qualities, governs metabolic and biochemical functions that generate energy and heat. On the other hand, Kapha possesses a cold and stabilizing nature. When the Kapha dosha rises excessively, it suppresses the pitta and its role in supporting the liver. Hence, it can be deduced that fatty liver disease results from an elevated Kapha dosha.
Causes of Fatty Liver Disease
While there isn’t definitive evidence explaining why some individuals are more susceptible to fatty liver diseases than others, various studies have established a connection between underlying health conditions and FLDs. Let’s explore some of the primary causes of fatty liver. Are you seeking a natural and effective solution for “Fatty Liver Ayurvedic Treatment in Gujarat”? Look no further! Nimba Nature Cure is your haven for holistic well-being, offering a comprehensive and personalized approach to address fatty liver concerns through time-tested Ayurvedic treatments.
Being overweight is a major contributor to FLD and other health issues. Obesity isn’t just about gaining extra pounds; it also indicates an imbalance in your body’s fat-muscle ratio, putting excessive pressure on your bones. Consequently, the inclination to move and engage in physical activity decreases significantly, resulting in various health problems. The risk of FLD is further heightened when there’s an excess accumulation of fat in the abdominal area.
Type 2 Diabetes
As we’re aware, diabetes disrupts the natural insulin levels in your body, and it also seems to encourage the buildup of fat in the liver. This can lead to inflammation or the formation of scar tissue in the liver.
Drinking Too Much Alcohol
People who drink too much alcohol are much more likely to get fatty liver disease than those who don’t. Alcohol affects how the liver normally works, especially its ability to process fat. If the liver can’t break down the extra fat in its cells, it can lead to fatty liver disease and other problems that might show up in the following weeks.
High Triglyceride Levels
Having too many triglycerides circulating in the blood can also lead to fat building up in the liver. This is a big factor in causing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Symptoms of Fatty Liver Disease
Pain in the Abdomen
Abdominal pain can have various causes, but persistent discomfort over several days could be indicative of fatty liver disease. Seeking a diagnosis early is essential for proper management.
Feeling Full
Have you noticed a sudden decrease in your appetite or a feeling of fullness despite eating less? These could be symptoms of fatty liver disease. While reduced physical activity may affect appetite, persistent feelings of nausea and weakness warrant a thorough diagnosis.
Unexplained Weight Loss
If you’re experiencing unintentional weight loss and fatigue, it could be linked to a fatty liver. However, it’s crucial not to make assumptions. Consult a healthcare professional to determine the precise cause behind the weight loss and undergo the necessary tests.
Signs of Jaundice: Pale Skin and Yellowish Eyes
If your skin appears pale and the whites of your eyes have turned yellow, it’s a clear sign of jaundice, a serious symptom associated with certain fatty liver diseases. Prompt treatment is crucial, as jaundice can be life-threatening and should not be taken lightly.
Symptoms of Fatty Liver Disease: Swollen Abdomen and Legs (Edema)
While bloating and edema may both cause a swollen abdomen, if you also experience swelling in your legs, along with fatigue and unexplained weight loss, it’s important to get tested for fatty liver disease.
Managing Fatty Liver: Treatment and Home Remedies
In the early stages, Fatty Liver Disease can be controlled and cured through lifestyle adjustments and dietary changes. Consider incorporating the following home remedies and lifestyle modifications to safeguard your health.
Aloe Vera Gel
Drinking aloe vera gel is a great way to purify your blood. Moreover, aloe vera supports liver function and may assist in managing fatty liver diseases. You can consume aloe vera gel as is, with lukewarm water, or mix it with citrus fruit juice for a more palatable taste.
Take Low-Fat Diet:
As part of the Ayurvedic diet plan for fatty liver, it’s suggested to cut back on your fat intake temporarily. This helps ease the load on your liver, allowing it to naturally handle fat deposits. Trimming fat from your diet can also support your ongoing treatment, leading to positive results sooner than you might expect.
Avoid Sugar
While you might have a different perspective, it’s crucial to recognize that sugar can be more detrimental than fat, as indicated by a surprising scientific finding. Therefore, it is advisable to steer clear of sugar. As an alternative, jaggery and honey can serve as healthier substitutes for sugar. This explains their frequent use in various herbal formulations to enhance the taste.
Increase fiber in your diet:
Introducing more fiber into your diet has a purifying effect on the digestive system and internal organs. Augmenting fiber intake can potentially enhance metabolism and support optimal liver function. Additionally, it plays a role in regulating body weight, acting as a preventive measure against the development of fatty liver diseases.
Avoid Alcohol:
Heavy alcohol consumption is a leading cause of fatty liver diseases. These issues are common in regular drinkers, but even short-term binges can trigger symptoms. It’s crucial to end drinking habits to allow the liver to naturally remove fat cells while it still can.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a potent fat-cutting agent commonly integrated into weight loss programs. Intriguingly, it aids in metabolizing fat deposits in the liver, alleviating inflammation, and enhancing overall liver function for prompt relief. To incorporate ACV into your routine, consider consuming it with lukewarm water twice a day. To enhance the taste, you can add honey. Simply mix one tablespoon of ACV with one cup of water and have it before meals.
Papaya, often underrated in Indian households, holds significant benefits and is esteemed in Ayurveda. Incorporating a daily slice of papaya into your diet can aid in reducing dietary fats and naturally treating fatty liver diseases.
Ayurvedic Medicines and Their Applications
Given the unique body constitution and varied responses to home remedies, Ayurvedic medicines play a crucial role in providing targeted solutions tailored to individual needs. While some may find home remedies effective, Ayurvedic medicines offer a structured approach to addressing diverse physiological and psychological health concerns.
Nimba Nature Cure, among the oldest Ayurveda institutions in Gujarat, offers a diverse range of herbal formulations catering to individuals of all ages and genders. Take the first step towards revitalizing your liver health through our specialized “Fatty Liver Ayurvedic Treatment.” Call us today at +91 834731 3333/+91 81550 12274 or visit our website at https://www.nimba.in/ to schedule your consultation. Rediscover the balance, energy, and vitality that Ayurveda can bring to your life.
This Blog Originally Published Here: https://www.nimba.in/fatty-liver-and-ayurvedic-treatment/
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drpathikparikh · 3 years
How to treat alcohol associated liver disease – Dr. Pathik Parikh
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How to treat alcohol associated liver disease
Treatment of alcohol related liver disease encompasses multiple steps. Just asking to stop alcohol is not enough. Here are the things which we need to look at while dealing with alcohol related liver disease
best doctors for liver disease
Abstinence Counselling
Alcohol withdrawal
Alcohol Craving
Alcohol associated fatty liver and hepatitis
Fibrosis and Cirrhosis – Complication of cirrhosis
Liver Transplant
hepatic problem treatment in ahmedabad
General Measures
Alcohol abstinence is the cornerstone of therapy
Early management of Alcohol dependence is recommended in all patients
Considering the potential risk of Wernicke’s encephalopathy supplementation with B-complex vitamins is recommended
Behavioural Treatment
Cognitive behavioural Therapy
Motivational enhancement
Contingency management
Nutritional Therapy
High protein diet – Do not restrict proteins
High calorie diet – Can eat routine home-made foods including roti, sabzi, dal and rice
Can have milk and milk products – add protein powder to it
Low salt diet – Avoid papad, pickles
All fruits and vegetables including coconut water
Multivitamin supplementation
Alcohol Withdrawal
Chlordiazepoxide is preferred if patient do not have advanced liver disease
Lorazepam is preferred in advanced cirrhosis
Diazepam is avoided
Alcohol Craving
Baclofen and acamprosate may be preferred
Disulfiram to be used only under supervision
Gabapentin, Ondansetron, Topiramate has off label use
Alcoholic Hepatitis
Nutrition is the treatment of choice. All patients should get adequate nutrition. Do not restrict any foo
Steroids to be used in patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis
Pentoxyfylline, UDCA, Glutathione, Silymarin, Metadoxine, SAMe – all have non proven benefit
Hepatologist consultation is must as those patients who do not respond may need transplant
Alcohol cirrhosis
These patients are treated as same way as any other cirrhosis
Need screening for varices and hepatocellular carcinoma
Liver Transplant
Liver transplant should be considered in such patients when alcoholic hepatitis fails to respond to medical management
Liver transplant to be considered for cirrhosis of liver and its complications
Psychiatric fitness stating willingness to abstain is of paramount importance
The above is the management in brief about alcohol related liver disease. If you have any patient suffering from alcohol and associated liver problems, do consult your hepatologist. To know more, feel free to call 8652119730
Make An Appointment
Zydus Hospitals Road, Nr. Sola Bridge, S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380054
Website: www.drpathikparikh.com
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gastrosurgerysurat · 4 years
Liver Cancer: Prevention is in Your Hands
Do you know the liver is the largest internal organ of the body? It weighs around 1.36-1.39 kilograms. Vital for your body’s metabolic functions and immune system, the liver plays a crucial role in your health and well-being.
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One of the deadliest diseases that affect the liver is cancer. According to the World Cancer Research Institute (WCRF), liver cancer is the sixth most common cancer in the world. In 2018 alone, 8,40,000 new liver cancer cases were registered across the world. The American Cancer Society estimates that liver cancer accounts for more than 700,000 deaths each year.
The deadly liver cancer affects both genders and with a growing number of cases every year, it is essential to spread awareness and lower the fatality rates.
There are two types of liver cancers:
A. Primary Liver Cancer that begins in the liver cells. It includes hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, hepatoblastoma, etc.
B. Secondary Liver Cancer, also called metastatic liver cancer, doesn’t initiate in the liver but it spreads to the organ over a period of time. The origin of this type of cancer can be colon, bladder, pancreas, kidneys, ovaries, breast, stomach, etc.
Why is Liver Cancer so Common Today?
Primary liver cancer is highly prevalent in underdeveloped and developing nations. It is estimated that liver cancer is one of the top ten reasons for deaths among Indians. Lack of awareness, unhealthy lifestyle and inaccessibility to affordable treatment are a few of the reasons why liver cancer is affecting so many people today.
The problem with HCC - liver cancer is that it rarely shows any symptoms in the early stages. And, even if there are any symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, they are often ignored as common digestive issues. In order to prevent the spread of liver cancer, you must know all of its symptoms.
1. Weight loss and loss of appetite.
2. Extreme fatigue and unexplained exhaustion.
3. Nausea or vomiting.
4. Enlarged liver or spleen
5. Discomfort in the upper abdomen.
6. Abdominal pain.
7. Easy bruising and bleeding.
8. Itching.
9. Jaundice.
10. White chalky stools, etc.
Let’s find out the risk factors associated with liver cancer to understand more about the disease:
1. HCC is more common among males than in females.
2. The fibrolamellar subtype of HCC is more prevalent in females.
3. Certain ethnicities and races including Asians, have higher rates of liver cancer.
4. Chronic infection due to Hepatitis B (HBV) or Hepatitis C (HCV).
5. Cirrhosis, hemochromatosis and Wilson's disease, etc.
6. Autoimmune diseases such as primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and certain inherited metabolic diseases can cause cirrhosis. It can lead to liver cancer.
7. Excessive fat accumulation in the liver/ non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
8. Higher blood sugar levels.
9. Exposure to aflatoxins.
10. Excessive alcohol consumption.
11. Smoking and consumption of tobacco in other forms.
12. Long-term use of anabolic steroids.
13. Obesity and Type 2 diabetes.
Prevent Liver Cancer: Tips for Leading a Healthy Life
As the liver has the capacity to regenerate, it is possible to remove a part of the liver that is affected by cancer. But, if the remaining liver is unhealthy, a liver transplant may become crucial.
Even though technology has advanced in recent years and survival rates have increased, those who suffer from liver cancer can also suffer from physical, emotional and financial exhaustion. The only solution? Focus on the preventable risk factors. Work on leading a healthy life and prevent the occurrence of deadly diseases such as liver cancer.
Avoid Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C infections
Avoid sharing needles and adhere to safe sex practices to prevent the spread of the virus. If you are at risk for HBV or HCV, monitor your health and watch out for common symptoms of liver diseases.
Reduce the Consumption of Alcohol and Tobacco
Along with cirrhosis and liver cancer, these vices have the potential to cause several different problems in the body.
Maintain a Healthy Weight
People with obesity are prone to diabetes and fatty liver diseases, both of which have a close link to liver cancer. Maintain an active lifestyle and focus on eating nutritious food.
Avoid Exposure to Aflatoxins
Aflatoxins are a group of toxins that are found in agricultural crops including maize, peanuts, cottonseed, tree nuts, etc. In order to avoid exposure to aflatoxins, avoid consuming contaminated grains.
Do not ignore Routine Checkups
Early detection is the key to saving your life from liver cancer. Visit your surgical gastroenterologist for regular medical checkups for early detection and treatment of liver cancer.
Prevention is in Your Hands!
According to a report published in December 2017, JAMA Oncology found out that incidences of liver cancer have increased by 75% between 1990 and 2015. Even though the rate of increase for liver cancer is very high, there is a ray of light. Specialists have observed that a majority of liver cancer diagnoses are due to preventable risk factors.
It means if we focus on reducing the risk factors of liver cancer, there are higher chances of us leading a healthy life.
Early detection and accurate treatment by a liver surgeon can help you in leading a healthy life. If you are showing symptoms of liver cancer, visit an experienced surgical gastroenterologist today. Book appointment with South Gujarat’s first National Board Certified HPB and GI surgeon.
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obe2slim-blog · 7 years
What are the side effects of obesity?
It’s easy to gain weight. Heck, there are lots of delicious temptations all around us! What’s different is shedding the unwanted pounds/kgs and keeping them off. Admit it, we all want to eat what we want, but no one want be overweight or obese.
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                        Obesity is one of the leading problems in the world. In the past 30 years, childhood obesity has more than doubled in young children and quadrupled in adolescents and adults.
Consequences of Obesity
The consequences of obesity can be split into three groups, physical, psychological and social. You can find out more about these:
Physical Consequences
People who are overweight have an increased risk of:
Coronary heart disease
  High blood pressure 
Type 2 diabetes
Some cancers
Experiencing fertility problems
  Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
In addition to the above, obesity can reduce your life expectancy by up to 9 years and many chronic diseases can be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight.
Being overweight can also put extra pressure on joints and limbs, making activity quite difficult and sometimes any movement at all can be painful.
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Coronary heart disease
High blood pressure 
Type 2 diabetes
Some cancers
Experiencing fertility problems
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
In addition to the above, obesity can reduce your life expectancy by up to 9 years and many chronic diseases can be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight.
Being overweight can also put extra pressure on joints and limbs, making activity quite difficult and sometimes any movement at all can be painful.
  Physiological Consequences
Studies have shown that obesity can lead to psychological problems such as:
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Low quality of life
Low self-esteem
Body dissatisfaction
Social Consequences
Studies have shown that obesity can lead to psychological problems such as:
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More likely to suffer from prejudice and discrimination in some situations (for example employment, travel, schooling, healthcare, retail etc)
Fewer friends
Lower educational attainment
Lower employment
Obe2Slim Treats:
                        Obe2Slim, we deal with obesity since 2001, so we know what are draw back or side effects during weight loss.
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An Advance Obesity Care Centre, is an initiative by Dr. Nimish Bamta running the centre since 2001, is a Complete Obesity Care Weight Loss Centre Situated in Gujarat(India) at middle of the towns Ahmedabad, Baroda (Vadodara), Anand, Kalol & Mehsana with facilities for Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of obesity & its Complications.
We use most effective and safe Medicines to improve impaired hormones, metabolism or diseases generated after gaining weight. We just don’t go for Cosmetic Weight Loss / We Search cause of gaining Weight; try to help to relief in diseases & physical complain developed after gaining weight.   
For more Information Visit:
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anandkhakar · 25 days
The Impact of Sugar on Your Liver and the Role of Liver Transplant Surgeons in Gujarat
Liver transplant is a replacement of diseased liver in a patient with end-stage liver failure with a healthy organ. Liver transplant surgery in India
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anandkhakar · 25 days
best pre liver transplant evaluation in Gujarat
Dr Anand Khakhar is a well-known liver transplant specialist in Gujarat. He has successfully performed more than 1100 transplantation surgeries.
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anandkhakar · 28 days
Revolutionizing Liver Transplants: Pioneering Surgeons and Advanced Techniques
Dr. Anand Khakhar is a renowned liver transplant surgeon, recognized for her exceptional expertise and precision in performing complex liver transplant surgeries, ensuring optimal patient outcomes and post-operative care.
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anandkhakar · 2 months
Types of Liver Damage - best liver transplant hospitals
The liver is a vital organ that conducts hundreds of functions including metabolism, energy storage, and detoxification. best liver transplant hospitals
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anandkhakar · 2 months
best pre liver transplant evaluation in Gujarat
Dr Anand Khakhar is a well-known liver transplant specialist in Gujarat. He has successfully performed more than 1100 transplantation surgeries.
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anandkhakar · 3 months
Revolutionizing Liver Transplants: Pioneering Surgeons and Advanced Techniques
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Dr. Anand Khakhar is a renowned liver transplant surgeon, recognized for her exceptional expertise and precision in performing complex liver transplant surgeries, ensuring optimal patient outcomes and post-operative care.
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anandkhakar · 3 months
Liver functions - Liver Transplant - Best hospital for Liver treatment in India
Best hospital for liver transplant in India. Best Liver Transplant. Your liver helps your body by providing it with energy, fighting off infections and toxins, blood clotting, regulating hormones
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anandkhakar · 3 months
Best liver transplant surgeon in Gujarat
Dr.Anand Khakhar: Highly skilled liver transplant surgeon renowned for his expertise and successful outcomes in Gujarat Our multidisciplinary team of surgeons are experts in liver and gastrointestinal transplantation, paediatric surgery and surgical oncology from renowned centres across the world.
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anandkhakar · 3 months
Revolutionizing Liver Transplants: Pioneering Surgeons and Advanced Techniques
Dr. Anand Khakhar is a renowned liver transplant surgeon, recognized for her exceptional expertise and precision in performing complex liver transplant surgeries, ensuring optimal patient outcomes and post-operative care.
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anandkhakar · 3 months
Best liver transplant surgeon in Gujarat
Dr.Anand Khakhar: Highly skilled liver transplant surgeon renowned for his expertise and successful outcomes in Gujarat
The Centre for Liver Disease & Transplantation, is a 'Centre of Excellence' in the treatment of liver, biliary and pancreatic disorders. We are a multi-disciplinary group offering comprehensive evaluation and multi-modality treatment options. This ranges from medical treatment of chronic liver disease to liver / multi-organ transplantation. Our doctors are super-specialists trained at the world's finest institutes and they are rated as the best in their respective areas of specialisation.
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anandkhakar · 4 months
Types of Liver Damage
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The liver is a vital organ that conducts hundreds of functions including metabolism, energy storage, and detoxification. It aids in the digestion of food, the conversion of food into energy, and the storage of energy until needed. It also aids in the removal of toxins from your bloodstream.
The term "liver disease" refers to any ailment that affects your liver. These different liver diseases can arise for a variety of causes, but they all have the potential to harm your liver and impair its daily function.
Types of liver damage
Let’s look at a few main liver diseases.
Hepatitis is a liver ailment caused by a viral infection. It causes inflammation and damage to your liver, making it harder for it to operate properly. Hepatitis is contagious in all forms, but you can lower your risk by getting vaccinated against types A and B or taking other preventive measures, such as practicing safe sex and not sharing needles. There are 5 types of Hepatitis
Hepatitis A is usually transmitted through contaminated food or water. Symptoms may go away without therapy, although it may take a few weeks to recover.
Hepatitis B is either acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term). It is transmitted through body fluids like blood and semen. Hepatitis B is treated, but there is no cure. Early treatment is critical for avoiding issues, so it's important to have regular checkups if you’re at risk.
Hepatitis C can be both acute or chronic. Contact with blood from someone who has hepatitis C is a common way for it to spread. While it may not create symptoms in the early stages, it might eventually lead to chronic liver damage.
Hepatitis D is dangerous hepatitis that can only be obtained by persons who already have hepatitis B. It cannot be contracted on its own. It can also be acute or chronic in nature.
Drinking polluted water is the most common cause of hepatitis E. It usually clears up on its own after a few weeks with no long-term consequences.
Fatty liver disease
Fatty liver disease is caused by fat accumulation in the liver.
Fatty liver disease is categorized into two types:
Alcoholic fatty liver disease is caused by excessive alcohol consumption, whereas nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is caused by other factors. Experts are still attempting to understand.
Both types of fatty liver disease can damage the liver, leading to cirrhosis and liver failure if left untreated. Diet and other lifestyle modifications can help to alleviate symptoms and lower the chance of problems.
Autoimmune conditions.
Autoimmune diseases occur when your immune system attacks healthy cells in your body.
Several autoimmune diseases cause your immune system to damage your cells and liver, such as:
Autoimmune Hepatitis. This illness produces inflammation in your liver when your immune system attacks it. It can progress to cirrhosis and liver failure if left untreated.
Primary Biliary cirrhosis. Damage to the bile ducts in your liver causes an accumulation of bile, resulting in this condition. Cirrhosis and liver failure can develop as a result of PBC.
Genetic conditions.
Your liver can also be affected by several hereditary disorders that you inherit from one of your parents:
Hemochromatosis is a condition in which your body stores more iron than it requires. Your organs, including your liver, retain this iron. If not addressed properly, this might cause long-term damage.
Wilson's disease causes the liver to absorb copper rather than releasing it through the bile ducts. Your liver may eventually become too damaged to hold any more copper, allowing it to travel through your bloodstream and harm other organs, including your brain.
Liver Cancer begins in the liver. Secondary liver cancer occurs when cancer begins elsewhere in the body and spreads to the liver.
Hepatocellular carcinoma is a type of liver cancer. It usually manifests as a series of tiny tumors in your liver, although it can also begin as a single tumor.
Other liver illnesses, particularly those that go untreated, may contribute to the development of liver cancer.
Cirrhosis is the scarring of the liver caused by illnesses and other sources of liver injury, such as alcoholism. Cystic fibrosis and syphilis can both cause liver damage and, in the worst-case scenario, cirrhosis.
Cirrhosis is generally curable in its early stages by addressing the underlying cause. However, if left untreated, it can lead to more difficulties and even death.
Liver failure
Chronic liver failure occurs when a large portion of your liver is damaged and unable to function normally. Liver failure caused by liver disease and cirrhosis usually occurs gradually. It's possible that you won't experience any symptoms at first. However, over time, you may begin to notice: Jaundice, Diarrhea, fatigue or weakness, and nausea.
It's a serious condition that needs to be managed on a regular basis.
Acute liver failure, on the other hand, occurs unexpectedly, frequently as a result of an overdose or poisoning.
Acute liver failure is defined as the loss of liver function that happens suddenly — within days or weeks — in a person who does not have any prior liver disease. A hepatitis virus or drugs like acetaminophen are the most prevalent causes. Acute liver failure is rarer than chronic liver failure, which takes longer to develop.
Acute liver failure, sometimes called fulminant hepatic failure, can lead to significant complications such as excessive bleeding and increased head pressure. It's a medical emergency that necessitates admission to the hospital.
Acute liver failure can occasionally be treated and reversed, depending on the causes. However, in many cases, a liver transplant may be the only option.
Acute liver failure is a life-threatening condition that can occur abruptly in otherwise healthy people. Seek medical help right away if you or someone you know suffers sudden yellowing of the eyes or skin, soreness in the upper abdomen, or other unexpected changes in mental state, personality, or behavior.
Acute liver failure develops more slowly than chronic liver failure. You may not experience any symptoms for months or even years. Cirrhosis, which is usually induced by long-term alcohol use, is a common cause of chronic liver failure. When good liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue, cirrhosis develops.
Your liver gets inflamed as a result of chronic liver failure. Over time, this inflammation leads to the creation of scar tissue. Your liver begins to deteriorate as your body replaces healthy tissue with scar tissue.
Cirrhosis or Alcohol-related Liver Disease (ALRD) are the most common causes of chronic liver failure. According to the American Liver Foundation, the most frequent cause of cirrhosis is alcoholism.
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