nonbiteyzombie · 2 years
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Hello New Deadies! I am Raven the Nonbitey Zombie, come join The Deadie army and Rebel against anti-Zombie laws! Links can be found here: http://thenonbiteyzombie.carrd.co My art tag is #DeadieArt My Live tag is #callthedeadies Zombie Art by @/ce_rolan on twitter
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asktherebelzombie · 2 years
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Hello New Deadies! I am Raven the Nonbitey Zombie, come join The Deadie army and Rebel against anti-Zombie laws! Links can be found here: http://thenonbiteyzombie.carrd.co
My art tag is #DeadieArt My Live tag is #callthedeadies Zombie Art by @/ce_rolan on twitter
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robotpoetry · 2 years
To Tenfold Life Betray Obliterating
Back Was Thought A Little Black Retrofitting
Lost Children Of Har Arm Deploy
Every Clime And Girls Raising Joy
Duty And Of Har Hutt
That None Can Lyca Lay Gutt
Sit Both Gone He Is Nonbiting
And All Our Souls Have No Reinvigorating
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pathologising · 3 years
Weird ask but while we’re talking about rabies I have a . Massive fear of catching it? Like irrationally. I’ll eat something and be worried I’ll get rabies. Any info that could de-fear me a bit?
rabies is like incredibly rare With about 25 reported cases in the US in the last decade. Around 30-60k people worldwide require rabies post exposure prophylaxis (according to the cdc)
Best way to avoid rabies? Leave wild animals alone! From the CDC:
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sheoptimist-a · 6 years
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❝ DON’T EVEN think about it ! ❞
@nonbite     /     ♡’d for a starter !!
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dustlnda-blog · 6 years
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lost souls pass through the dustland every day. she’s got this theory in her mind, that this place is purgatory, & those who come here aren’t lost, just lost to who they were before. & that’s enough reason to be kind, isn’t it ? to keep atoning, over & over, until somehow that boulder’s over the mountain, until they can be free, one way or another. & smile, she does. the kind of truthful, tired smile of someone who knows this is all a game, but enjoying it itself is an act of defiance. she smiles, & greets the strangers who walk into the diner the same way — with a look that says you’re welcome here, sit down, you deserve some rest. “ hi, sweetie. can i help you ? ”
@nonbite​ / sc / accepting.
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trustinginthelight · 6 years
@nonbite liked for a random muse! [ Missy Kanagawa ]
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When she heard the ruffle of somebody making there way through near where she was, Missy didn’t flinch. Didn’t prepare her gun in case of a raider. No, the young woman instead kept her gaze firmly on her fire. 
God, it’d been days since she’d had a drink. Maybe she’d be able to find a group, and try to get herself integrated long enough to  steal a few bottles of liquor. Otherwise, she really didn’t like being in groups. Not because she felt like she could survive out on her own, but because she’d been waiting for things to go south.
She’d keep fighting back, but she was just waiting for the day she’d fuck up and get herself killed.
Maybe that was really why she didn’t give a damn about people that might’ve intended on robbing her.
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nonbiteyzombie · 2 years
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So I took advice from this post "VTUBER TUMBLR IDEAS" and went ahead and made an ask blog. Anything asked there will be entirely answered in character as Zombie! Check it out and send some asks! https://asktherebelzombie.tumblr.com
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mysterynerda · 6 years
[ stare ]
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𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐌𝐀 𝐂𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐒 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓  ,  𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐔𝐒𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐃𝐎𝐄𝐒  .  𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐍 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 eye contact for approximately four straight seconds before she is blinking away  ,  lashes fluttering  ,  a flustered sort of discomfort in being STARED AT for so long  .  fingers come to nudge the specs higher up her nose  .    ❛   wuh  -  what  ?  is there something on my face  ?   ❜
🔎   𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄   ››   @nonbite .
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morefinesse · 6 years
send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses !  i’ll bold what i want for their relationship,italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t .
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  /  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
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redeemlove-blog · 6 years
‘ oh my god, you assholes are right. ’ for chris !
chris died first in my playthrough and i’m still so mad about it. / open.
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❛ always trust the assholes, they’ve got dick - tuition. ❜ he sees no reason to explain his amalgamation of dick and intuition, instead favoring for trudging through the snow and wrapping his scarf tighter. ❛ kaboom. that was your mind right there after that conspiracy theory. ❜  
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immoralitys · 2 years
the way i got absolutely JUMPED at work today 🥴
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anirobot · 4 years
Heikki Paatelma from Helsinki, described a strange phenomenon on his bike ride: "It was like a dancing, white figure"
- It looked like a dancing white figure. It stayed put, so I went closer to filming, Paatelma tells Iltalehti newspaper. - I quickly recognized them as insects, so I didn't have time to be scared, he laughs.
Chironomidae or The Lake Flies - Wikipedia
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kissedfrog · 3 years
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So, as someone who's had about twenty rats now I have a lot to say about this actually.
When I got my first rats, I was terrified of them. They were rescue boys, already a year old, and I was warned one of them bites. I had never been bitten by a rat before and I heard it could be bad. The first time I held my rat, Remi, the nonbiter, I refused to put my hands near his face and just held him in a ball on my jeans.
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I was incredibly cautious with them. I never picked them up, I always let their cage door open and let them come to me. Once they started sitting in my lap, I started hesitantly petting only their lower backs. They always seemed incredibly nervous around me.
And of course they were. I was scared of them.
I got two more rats. More boys. Less traumatized, more people friendly, despite still being year old rescues. The big one- the biggest of my rats- was a huge baby who demanded closer cuddles and affection and forced through my nervousness.
And then, I finally had my first rat bite. I ate alfredo sauce, a rat favorite, and then got too close to my rat Rufus- one I was warned was a biter. He bit my nose, hard, and I bled quite a bit. I learned the first lesson. To not be bitten by a rat, never smell like food.
I was extra scared after that. My first bite was actually a fairly bad one, ranks in the top 5 bites I've received from a rat.
However, shortly after that, my huge baby of a boy desperately needed a bath. He had an oil issue that he ocassionally needed washed. He got pissy with me mid bath and gave me a bite. I panicked as I watched him bite me, thinking it was going to be like a shark attack and my blood would just burst out into the water.
And then it just. Didn't really hurt. A soft press of teeth on my skin to let me know he didn't like his situation. I pulled him out, dried him off, and gave him the usual drying treatment.
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After that, I continued to be close with my rats in ways that got me "bit", but it was never like that first, food driven one. I got even more rats, including a few babies that loved to nip and wrestle.
The more time I've spent with my rats, the more I've known them and the more I've trusted them. The more I've trusted them, the more calm I've been, the more they feel like they can trust me and the less likely they are to bite.
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I've had rats for about 2 and a half years now. In that time, I've had about 5 bites that hurt, all of which in situations where I knew it was possible (smelling like food and breaking up rat fights). Which, we plan to solve with a nice pair of leather gloves to protect our hands in those sorts of situations.
You have rats. You're going to get bit here and there. But if you pay attention to what you're doing and what their doing, you should be able to prevent most painful bites.
A rat nipping at you won't hurt. I have HEDS, meaning my skin is paper thin and it doesn't hurt. It's just them pressing their teeth on you, like a baby with a TV remote.
Rats are empathetic as well. If you don't like them nipping at you, squeal like a rat each time they do and it'll usually stop. This is a good thing to train if you have children in the house especially.
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If you have any specific case questions (realistically if anyone has specific case questions) go ahead and shoot me a message. I've only had rats for 2 and a half years, but I've had mice for 12 years and this is really kind of my only interest.
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cascaade · 4 years
midge flies are soo good in a betta tank because as long as you have a decent lid, they will reproduce and continue their life cycle. now these flies have a larval stage, and once mature, they go to the surface to pupate. these flies are tiny, soft, and nonbiting once they pupate. anyway theyre great enrichment for bettas because as we all know, live foods are highly favored. if you can get them to reproduce in your tank, your betta basically has a self propogating supply of live food. theyre definitely not a replacement for standard betta foods, but are a great dietary supplement and enrichment tool. anyway 10/10 organism, very lucky pull for me.
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lydstm · 6 years
how can i live up to this?
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❛   𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐘  .   ❜    𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄  ,  𝐅𝐀𝐔𝐗 𝐎𝐑 𝐍𝐎𝐓  ,  𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 lydia martin put on in the morning  .  before her makeup  ,  her pretty pretty skirts  ,  her heels  —  even if her cheeks are still tear  -  wet  ,  even if she has to force that smile  .  this was her first step  .  here  ,  she shrugs  ,  but the smile on her mouth is sweet  .  almost understanding  .  she  ,  too  ,  wondered sometimes  .  but  —    ❛   stop trying to live up to something someone else wants  .  you’ll hate it  ,  believe me  .  you don’t have to live up to ANYTHING  .  do your own thing  ,  make THEM want to live up to you  ,  instead  .   ❜
♡   𝐀 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄      ››      @nonbite .
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