#none of the resources or suggestions she gave in the report felt even remotely helpful
oncominggstorm · 2 years
So I got the written report from my autism assessment today (it was meh, some interesting things but mostly stuff I already knew, and she recommended I try cognitive behavorial therapy YET AGAIN & also recommended autism speaks as a resource so 🤢).
But there was one part that kind of shocked me. One of the many things they had me do was read these “social stories,” short little stories about people interacting, and then indicate if anyone said anything that could offend someone else. And I thought it was like, super easy. I figured I got them all correct, like to the point where I was worried that she wasn’t gonna believe me when I said I have difficulty with social stuff.
And then I get my written report back and it says:
“Beth was asked to read social stories and to identify both blatant and subtle statements that may upset people in various situations. She was able to identify three out of ten blatant statements and none of the ten subtle statements.”
Like bro. I thought I ACED that shit lol. Now I’m even more worried than before that I’ve been walking around unintentionally offending everyone I’ve ever met 🙃
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