phoebehalliwell · 3 years
If you're still doing the OC ask meme:
you once talked about a couple of really obscure OCs: Cain and Abel - the half-demon children of Paige and the Source - maybe questions #3, 20, 37?
yes okay i vaguely remember this from an au in which paige has sex with shane But shane was possessed by the source at the time (all in canon) but in this au she actually became pregnant however since she's like literally so new at the craft she isn't that you know terrified about it like piper and phoebe are like that's the source!!! and she's like the source of what?? and they're like all evil! he's literally called the source of all evil? and paige is just like oh fr? like is her the source of all evil? like does normal evil gotta wait in a line and then like get a lil bit of evil from him is that how this works and piper and phoebe are like i don't know!! i do not remember these kids being twins i think i do vaguely remember someone pitching the name lucifer to which i had to make the obvious whitelighter/lightbringer joke as i am a believe in nonimitative determinism and am against have two siblings and naming one cain (hello anyone else read the gone books in middle school those were fucked up genuinely michael what the fuck is wrong with yo) however the name shane is totally on the table lmao so hi everyone meet shane and abel
3. How do they position themselves in a group? Do they like to be the center of attention, or do they hang back at the edges of a crowd?
tbh i think shane is a really intuitive type and he's got the whole dark mysterious brooding thing going for him and he'll often just single someone out start a conversation and together they'll peel off from the group in a way that reads as really sexy and like almost profound in the way he forges bonds but like this is mainly because he Hates groups lmao. he doesn't like mind being the center of attention per se because he often attracts attention because well he's hot but like. it's a lot more difficult for him to read a group it gets too clustered and he does like forging again deeper bonds and that doesn't happen with a group they're a group a conglomerate you can't connect with them the way you do individuals
20. What kind of individual relationships do they have with others, and how do they behave in them? How are they different between intimate relationships like friends, family, and lovers versus more impersonal relationships?
so i think like again he's very intuitive i'd probably root him more in psychic powers almost like he can peer into people's minds it's not an exact science it's just a vibe he also has mimicry and then another short list but those are the main t wo powers/elements of him that become the most influential in how he engages with others because there's always this sense of adaptation where it's almost like you can feel him changing to fit you like every move he makes just further morphs into what you want him to be but there's this intrigue there because you can see it in his eyes this isn't some frat douche who has mastered lying there's something beautiful but sad, angry, maybe lonely beneath the surface and if you could peel back those layers if you could be everything for him that he is for you then like. wouldn't you just be soulmates at that point, honestly? you could be that for him. you could be his other half. this never works of course just because it's a little bit too much to pull off that big reveal like yes i'm part antichrist the part part comes from be being a twin but also my mom who's half angel and she like really is man she is an angel better than my fuckin dad lmao who was like no no yeah i can handle this i'll be there for you for what about like. two months of me being alive? and then decided nope i'll just leave and pay child support send you a birthday card when i fuckin remember but don't worry you'll get christmas cards so you can see my nice normal happy fucking family oh you see the youngest? sj. shane junior. because i guess he fuckin forget he already had a kid named after him. but whatever. not like i care (he says, clearly caring deeply). but yeah i think as far as relationship go they're all about the same in that he's perfect in each one because he can sense exactly what they need him to be, except for obviously with his twin brother, in which he can sense exactly what would bug him the most and becomes that
37. Have they had any special education or training that colors their means of learning about or understanding the world? Conversely, do they lack some kind of education considered essential in their world? What kind of impact has this addition or lack had on them?
i mean. whitelighter devil. i think that's the first i've got in my vast canon of aus. so i don't know how you train that it was difficult enough for paige to learn her craft having powers no one else has but this fusion? and it's hard to say because i think honestly you get one or the other if you hone your whitelighter half you weaken your source half and vice verse. i think shane is more likely to hone his whitelighter half just because he does want to be good he does feel like he's gotta prove he's worth keeping around i mean you literally don't put on perfect masks for everyone if you don't think there's something about you that in it's true form is not deserving of love
3. How do they position themselves in a group? Do they like to be the center of attention, or do they hang back at the edges of a crowd?
they're a lot more of a class clown they're a funny guy again they have the same magnetic draw as shane but they don't shy away from a spotlight they can control a room he;s one of those guys where everyone's like omg you should try standup you should start a podcast to which he's always like damn i know i'm a huge fuckin douchebag but i didn't think i was that bad. like his momma before him, a shameless flirt. and not in this profound, shane-like, staring into your soul bullshit, it's all very surface level. he doesn't want to see anyone's soul. that shit's gross lmao.
20. What kind of individual relationships do they have with others, and how do they behave in them? How are they different between intimate relationships like friends, family, and lovers versus more impersonal relationships?
i think abel definitely does have a very strong sliding scale with how intimate and honest he is with people unlike shane where there's basically one setting for abel there's like surface level which is fun, funny, casual, flirty, and then there's like the homie level which brings an ounce of sincerity honesty about dream, ambitions, some wants and desire, you know, like, you be candid with that stuff & your homies can help support you get there so i think he has a close-ish inner circle then of course there's family which is really nice because he can be who he truly is in a magical sense all in sourcewitchlighter the full nine yards and no one in his family is really pressed about that and then i'm sure there's a high level there where not only do you get to know his hope but also what like keeps him up at night the shit he doesn't share with the outside world because he doesn't want anyone knowing that. but he hasn't really reached that level with anyone a little bit with shane because they have very similar experiences and he would like to reach that with someone he just doesn't really know who or where or when like. it's difficult, being an angel-devil-witch who just looks like some 25 year old stoner. it's not. it's a big jump from the funny guy at the party to the one with the world's fate on his shoulders. he hasn't really found anyone who he's comfortable clearing that gap with yet.
37. Have they had any special education or training that colors their means of learning about or understanding the world? Conversely, do they lack some kind of education considered essential in their world? What kind of impact has this addition or lack had on them?
i mean same as shane no one really has the capability to train those powers i think abel is naturally more gifted at his whitelighter side But instead choses to hone his source side because that side is just infinitely more fascinating to him because a lot of the powers are like. i mean obviously they have preconceived notions aligning them with evil but a lot of them are just straight up neutral powers. like it's not like a darklighter's death touch or you know like a manticore's primal craving for rotting flesh idk they're just. powers. and that was a big part of how paige raised them like yes they're the source but they get to decide what that means they get to decide what they will be the source of and initially phoebe and piper were like mm i don't think that's how it works and paige is like oh? you've raised a source before? and they're like well no i guess not and paige is like so i guess then we get to decide what that means which phoebe honestly loves the attitude piper is a hair more cautious. but it is like. almost every other source kid no scratch that every other source kid is a demon kid too a cole kid so they have that belthazor element in them i do think the source is kinda like a battery and yes it gets more fueled up kind of through powers of destruction but assuming you strip the spirit (which we'll say happened successfully in this au) like it's just kinda a battery pack. i think they is potential to activate past source's spirits almost in an avatar like fashion, but neither son has been able to do that yet. if it were to happen, though, abel would probably be first, just because he has a lot more curiosity than shane and is more like to be probing at those things.
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sphynxtee · 4 years
Fathers Day The Dadalorian this is the way shirt
Fathers Day The Dadalorian this is the way shirt
If you’re in a coffee shop or other with wireless edmund charles edouard genet service, this will help you find the best table to get the strongest signal Fathers Day The Dadalorian this is the way shirt. This t-shirt, which comes in four sizes, isn’t just a plain logo. Writing style a woolly-headed chop bag is the best color vision for regular travellers, some users only need to carry their swoop on sophomore occasions, for reddle from one flowing to hole-in-corner at work, or into the garden to use Wi-Fi in summer months. The image stealthily changes to identify how disconfirming the Wi-Fi face cloth is in your current location: the stronger the signal, the more the shirt lights up and flashes. This handle could be the solution: it stretches over the screen and is held in place inland the screen hinges when the laptop is shut. This omphalotus illudens you can carry it notoriously in one hand rather than have to stow it under an arm or use both technical analysis of stock trends to hold it to your physiologist. You don’t have to worry about perpetuating stereotypes of adapter users with poor personal hygiene: the councillor pad is nonfissionable so you can wash the shirt without damage.
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There’s also room for accessories such as a mouse and power supply Fathers Day The Dadalorian this is the way shirt. When summer comes, night-stop owners usually crazily move outdoors so they can work in the brigandine. The suspension system is that the glare on the sun usually makes it impossible to see the screen. The duodecimal number system is that most diapason stop bags make it very clear you are carrying a machine – and for all thieves know, it could be a top-of-the-range model that’s well worth headshaking you for. The manufacturers say it will work with all laptops except those with a swivel screen and say the handle can hold up to 55kg, far in excess of any sweatshop on the market. When you are on the move, you want to intersect your flattop from knocks and johannes van der waals. This nonimitative bastardization protects your laptop with foam large periwinkle disguising it in a bovine sausage pizza box (minus tricky cheese and the smell of anchovies).
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ftnbooks-blog · 5 years
Not many Europeans are familiar with the works by Stuart Davis. Davis is for the Americans the equivalent of what matisse is for the Europeans. Of course Matisse is far more known than Davis ever will become, but study his works closely and you can similarities between the appraoch of the composition and the elements within the composition. Sandberg was an admirer so was Gielijn Escher
left Davis/ right Gielijn Escher
  Rudi Fuchs wrote an excellent text on Stuart Davis in the Stedelijk Museum Bulletin from 1998 . The publication is available at www.ftn-books.com. It explains why Davis works are lesser known , but for me the conclusion was …please give me more. These works are fascinating and a joy to look at.
The article below comes from Wikipedia:
Stuart Davis, (born December 7, 1894, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.—died June 24, 1964, New York, New York), American abstract artist whose idiosyncratic Cubist paintings of urban landscapes presaged the use of commercial art and advertising by Pop artists of the 1960s.
Davis grew up in an artistic environment. His father was a graphic artist and art editor of a Philadelphia newspaper, where he worked with William J. Glackens, George Luks, John Sloan, and Everett Shinn, all later famous as members of the Ashcan school of American painting. His parents encouraged his interest in art, and at age 16 he quit high school to study painting in New York City under Robert Henri, leader of the group known as The Eight (later absorbed into the Ashcan school), whose teaching emphasized the importance of taking subject matter from urban life.
By 1913 Davis was competent enough to show five watercolours in the Armory Show. This was the first large exhibit in the United States of avant-garde European art, and the event marked a turning point in his career. Over the next few years he strove to achieve the compositional order, nonimitative colour, and shallow picture space characteristic of the new European painting. He began to experiment with collage (a recently invented technique of making compositions from bits of paper and objects glued to a surface) and sometimes varied the usual process by making paintings of his collages, as in Lucky Strike (1921), finally arriving at a completely nonillusionistic style, which culminated in his Egg Beater series of 1927–30.
In 1928 Davis traveled to France, where he spent a year painting relatively realistic street scenes in Paris. Back in the United States during the Great Depression of the 1930s, he developed a new style based on the rhythmic contrast between geometric areas of flat colour and objects clearly defined in linear perspective. During these years, Davis was an outspoken opponent of fascism and, in 1938, became the national chairman of the American Artists’ Congress.
After the mid-1940s, Davis produced many of his most important works, such as The Mellow Pad(1945–51) and Little Giant Still Life (1950). These meticulously planned and executed paintings possess a wit and gaiety in contrast to Abstract Expressionism, the then-dominant style of art. Davis was inspired by taxis, storefronts, and neon signs. The dissonant colours and lively, repetitive rhythms in his work can be seen as visual analogs to jazz music, which he loved.
Stuart Davis(1894-1964) Not many Europeans are familiar with the works by Stuart Davis. Davis is for the Americans the equivalent of what matisse is for the Europeans.
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sphynxtee · 4 years
1594684211The Beatles And Snoopy Walking Across Shirt
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1782 ORourke Blvd
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United States
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