hgqdev · 7 years
With the release of 2.0.3 out in the open, work is coming along slowly, but surely.
New paths are being written, and I’m expanding upon the MAGES.’s path at the moment.
Thanks for sticking with me, and showing me your support!
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hgqdev · 7 years
How far along as the project come so far? Still a little hyped for the part 1 revamp and full part 2
Here’s a small update for you!
New to part 1; is a new path you can take! So there’s two ways part 1 can play out, which of course, will affect your ending. And, with a new path, comes a new partner, as seen below.
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Players who aren’t confident in winning, can activate Mercy Mode. Mercy Mode grants you a one time only use in battle skill, that drastically turns the tide in your favor! Although it may affect your ending.
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And of course, new paths mean new opponents!
Stay turned for the release up my next update!
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hgqdev · 8 years
Sorry for the long silence everyone!
Right now, currently Part One Of Hyperdimension Girl Quest is being completely revamped! Meaning, new events, new dungeons, and new foes to fight will be present in part One!
Expect the new update soon!
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hgqdev · 8 years
Hyperdimension Girl Quest Part 2 demo release!
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After months and months of nothing, I’m proud to say that this is the official release of the part 2 demo! Please please, please spread this around with reblogs and such.
If you have the RPG maker assets, then go here.
If you have no idea what RPG maker assets are, and just want to play the game, then go here.
Inside, you’ll find a bunch of remastered CG from part 1, as well as a revamped difficulty, more items, and a newly implemented Monsterpedia!
The start of this demo starts off right after acquiring Sylph. After heading West, your path and story will branch dramatically. And although there are way fewer areas to explore than the demo, you’ll find a bunch of different opponents and CG that can be encountered!
FAQ, Credits, and what not are under the Read More;
Q: What kind of game is this? A: This is more of a Monster Girl Quest game with some HDN characters in it. If that does NOT interest you, then this game may not be for you.
Q: When can we expect part 2 to be done? A: I’m not entirely sure. One thing though, it won’t be completed this year. Solely cause of the fact that the year is almost done, and part 2 will have tons more content than part 1.
Q: My save isn’t working! What’s going on? A: Due to the fact that I’ve implemented so many things, and changed things around, you'll have to start a new save file. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Q: How long is this demo? A: If you’re going for all the paths, then maybe around 2-3 hours? If you’re doing just one path, then it’ll maybe be completed in under an hour. Q: These cutscenes are long. Is there any way to skip them? A: In addition to save points, hold Ctrl, to skip text.
Q: How do I full screen the game? A: Easy! Just hit F5! Q: I found a spelling bug/error/words cut off. A: Please by ALL means, tell me what, or even better, show me WHERE. I can’t fix it, if I don’t know it’s there. Q: Some of the attack animations look weird. A: I know. They were originally for use with a 544 x 416 resolution, but as of now, I have no clue how to fix that sorry. Q: The game won’t start up. I keep getting an error. A: If that’s the case, submit a message to me, along with a picture of the error, and I’ll see what I can do. Q: Is this game safe for work? A: Although there is a Safe For Work option in the beginning, I’m gonna play it safe and say that this game is heavily NOT Safe for work. Q: Some of the bosses are redrawn, and the others are stock photos. What happened? A: Due to the budget shrinking incredibly, I couldn’t afford to have everyone redrawn. I got what I could get sorry!
Q: What changes have been implemented since the last update? A: The following; A Monsterpedia Revamped Lunatic mode Changed some loss scenes from part 1 Changed the way enemies display their HP Added a Combat Log so you can see what’s going on previously in battle!
Q: How do I access the Combat Log in battle? A : While you’re at this menu;
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Hit ESC. or the Left Arrow to go back.
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The following names will consist of links. A few won’t because their accounts have been deactivated.
Avistella Butterlux Blissful-Rouzes Colorecho Haarmades Haylau Hipponova Kuroxara Lillinapocalypse @ponehanon Razorkun Scarletnutella @the-cursed-swordsman TwistedScarlett @cruentusscarlet (a.k.a. Tempusumbra)
@basisfazer Pintsizedartist Retro-Sprite-Resources Tajuhe
Supporters and Playtesters;
@heroine-knight @magician-of-red-dreams @mandythereaper
And that’s all for now folks.
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hgqdev · 8 years
Everyone! Hyperdimension Girl Quest part 2 demo is a go!
Expect the announcement post, and the download tomorrow! It’s uploading as we speak! Stay tuned till tommorow everyone!
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hgqdev · 8 years
As far as progress goes. I’m just waiting for my main artist to come back from vacation.
Once she does, consider the demo to be complete, and uploaded.
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hgqdev · 8 years
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Just a small update. By the time the demo is out. I will have a fully operating credits opening, as well as difficulty exclusive characters.
Expect the demo release sometime this month, or early the next month.
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