iruludavare · 11 months
{ ooc.
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cichole · 4 years
--> @nonpareiltactician​ said:  “ do you remember anything unusual?” ||  interrogation starters
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❝ The bandits near the mountain side were organized in such a way that it seemed as they were led by someone who had some military background. Although we were able to fend them off the monastery, it is a concern. ❞
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jasperlion · 4 years
Thinking about… | Accepting
“... He looks like the kind of guy you don’t want to cross when his patience wears thin, honestly.”
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“Kind of like Lukas...”
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lightfated · 4 years
@nonpareiltactician​ said: 🏰 = Does your character feel any connection with the land/country they were born in, what sort of connection? 
@cichole​ said: 🏰! // Fantasy Character Development :: not accepting.
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well, since seliph is the mx. worldwide of jugdral i’ll just be thorough...
AGUSTRIA: seliph has NO connection to agustria at all.  his closest relationship to it is through ares, and if that man doesn’t want to speak about something seliph is not about to make him.  never once has seliph really thought of agustria, and no one around him has tried to make him think about it.  even oifey, who was present for his birth there, probably views the experience as a temporary station, and therefore it ‘doesn’t really count’ on a list of things that seliph should think about.
GRANNVALE: being ethnically grannvallan and raised by oifey and edain, seliph at least feels like he’s grannvallan.  he probably knows the holidays, the language, and some of the culture.  he knows the food, because edain cooked it, and he knows some military protocol, because oifey lived it, but it was never his homeland and coming to it after taking miletos is probably alien and strange to him.  even if his last name is chalphy, he has no draw towards chalphy, and no family there, so the entire country feels like a place he should really care about but he just... feels distant to.
ISAACH: if seliph were asked where his home was, he’d probably say it was isaach, or more specifically tirnanog.  even if he has a knowledge of grannvale or a small curiosity of verdane, he was raised in isaach and is much more familiar with all things isaachian.  i’d go as far to say as he keeps some isaachian traditions in practice even into his rule as king just because it’s something you do?? why would he not do it
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caraidean · 5 years
One-Liner Call (Acc.) || @nonpareiltactician​
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“You always seem like you’re so scared to get to know me. What is it about me that makes you so scared to speak to your family...? As far as I know, we’re all either of us have left.”
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fatedsummoner · 5 years
@nonpareiltactician​ liked for a short starter!
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“Hey, Saias? I have a question for you. A magic-based question, actually. Do you have time to go over it?” 
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emblemcrowned · 4 years
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@nonpareiltactician​ ➥ He has never really been the sort to place much importance on celebrations like this. Yet with all that has transpired in the last handful of months, Saias had decided that it would be best to try and lift the Summoner's spirits, if only by a little. It nothing extravagant-- just a tome focusing spells that could be used outside of battle--, and as the archbishop places the book next to the other, he clears his throat. "I know it's not all that lavish, but I thought you would appreciate a gift."
       She looked up from her work to gaze at the Archbishop when she heard his approach. It didn’t take long for her to figure out who entered the formally silent space. There were some people in the Order where she simply knew. Because just them being near was a comfort. Saias was one of those people. Admittedly, once again she had forgotten about the Day of Devotion, opting to retreat to one of her safe spaces and remain in peaceful solitude.
       Karina greeted him with a small, weary smile. In the days since the end of the war with Hel, she was still trying to recover from lack of sleep - from the torments of the forests of Helheim. Those specters played with her mind.
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       Her smile only grew when she saw the book, picking it up to read the title. She looked up at him with a glimmer in her eyes that had been rather infrequent. It was touching, the gift - he remembered her interest in continuing her studies of magic despite wartime leadership taking up her hours. 
       ❝ Thanks, Saias. ❞ She reached over after a moments to take his hand gratefully, giving it the briefest and gentlest of squeezes. So slight, it couldn’t even be considered a squeeze at all. She would’ve given him a grateful hug but opted not to. She assumed that would encroach on his boundaries. ❝ Lavish doesn’t matter, you know. Thank you... So much. ❞
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loptyrant · 4 years
⌚ : Is your muse good with keeping on schedule for meetings, appointments, or events, or are they always late? Or, are they always a bit early?
Headcanon time
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A pretty short answer! Julius always marched to the beat of his own drum. Meeting times are mere suggestions, and the world should absolutely revolve around him.
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👑 = If your character is part of the aristocracy how do they feel about their responsibility? If not how do they feel about their local governing body.
Fantasy Character Development | Accepting
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“Well as the consort to Lord Berkut, I must prepare to be his future princess. That in itself is a lot to take on, but I love him dearly. As much as I would wish to have a calmer life...that cannot be the case for me.”
//Honestly I feel like while she understands the responsibility, she would rather live a quiet and peaceful life away from the spotlight. This of course is not the case if you are going to marry a prince...she was going to accept that even if she felt unhappy about it...which is sad when you think about it. 
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cavaliant · 4 years
🐉 = Of the fantastical elements in their world what does your character actually find strange, or hard to believe? {pick however many muses you want and go for it!}
Fantasy character development
Literally the first thing I thought of was how he resolutely does not believe in things like unchangeable fate/destiny. He believes in forging your own path and making your own future, which absolutely does not work out for him at all in Jugdral. He doesn’t believe in Deirdre’s cursed fate and vows to defy it with her, only for both of them to fall prey to unfortunate ends.
Even his own status as the descendant of a crusader--I don’t think he strives to liberate people and fight for justice only because he thinks that’s his fate as a majorblood. It’s more because he thinks it’s the right thing for him to do. Even if he was some non holy-blooded nobody from some random village, I think he’d try to become as strong as he could to fight for what he believes in. It’s just...because he’s a majorblood and the son of a duke, it allows him to get a lot farther than he could’ve gotten if he had no special powers or status at all. He has the freedom to make certain choices that other people might not easily be able to. He doesn’t consider that “fate”, but I’m not sure he fully understands the extent of the privilege he’s been afforded in life (imo shown when Lewyn calls him out in Agustria).
Even thought he literally lives in Jugdral the land of lizard blood giving you status and power supreme, as a royal of the ONE country (or one of the only countries) to not be ruled by holy blood, he...kind of finds the whole dragon blood thing a little weird. And like...unfair that having it instantly grants you the power to instantly terrorize hundreds of people if the wielder so chooses, and that a lot of other lands seem to be ruled not by who is most fit to rule but by who has the most powerful blood.
Obviously he knows that it’s kind of hypocritical of him to be critical of blood ruling all considering he’s a prince by birth because his own country still passes kingship down through the family...but fighting alongside an army full of holy bloods and seeing the sheer destruction they can cause when they want to is really a wild time.
Also obligatory all Tellius muses:
Thinking the blood pacts are absolutely ridiculous and shouldn’t even have worked with their vagueass conditions and logic to begin with :///
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companaich · 5 years
Cont. From Here || @nonpareiltactician​
“But it’s not fair! I know what I’m talking about too, they don’t have to talk down to me like that!”
Swanhild wished she’d been allowed to stay at training, but no, apparently diplomatic functions on this scale were something that took precedent over joining the military. She stared at Saias in disbelief, wondering how the man could be so calm - and, inwardly, furious that he was the one sent to help calm her down instead of her parents.
God. Her mother was being such a hypocrite right now and nobody else could even see it.
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“My father has a reputation of pure steel at this point, nothing could tarnish it - and I really doubt that I could reflect badly back on mother.” She scoffed. “No worse than her own reputation is, anyway. What with her having to back out and leave whenever the Isaachian royals are visiting, in case she lashes out.”
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jasperlion · 4 years
💗 = Any unique traditions where your character is from that wouldn’t work or apply in the real world?
Fantasy Character Development | Accepting!
Before Mila was removed from Zofia and thus her bounty, there was a tradition in Zofia that would basically count as overhunting otherwise. Once a year, at the height of summer, coastal cities and towns had a festival where they would compete to catch the most fish, some bringing in a haul that would be considered unethical by today’s standards. Villages and towns near lakes and rivers partook as well, although the catch wasn’t as plenty, but it was still pretty much what you’d consider dangerous to the environment in a normal setting.
Considering how sharply things declined after Mila’s removal by Rudolf’s hand, it suffices to say that by the time Alm left Ram the festival proper hadn’t seen as much fanfare as it did in its hayday.
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lightfated · 4 years
                                                          for @nonpareiltactician​.
          Everything seems to be happening all at once.  After Julius dies, the restoration effort begins in earnest.  A whirlwind of people all have things to say to Seliph: pledges to make regarding reclaimed duchies and plans for the future.  Among them, Saias Velthomer, the hidden first born of the previous emperor, and as Seliph learns so shortly after his departure to his birthright, Seliph’s cousin.
          He felt so much more assured of himself during the war ( which said nothing at all, considering the nights he’d lie awake crying ), before he knew all the dominoes that had been carefully placed to tumble down into Loptyr’s arrival.  He preferred it when he didn’t feel so physically and spiritually connected to the proverbial ground zero, and there was no tangible proof of it.
          But this is so much bigger than leading an army.  Even as the face of the liberation, Seliph could never take full responsibility.  Every one fought so hard, each of those who pledged their lives to the cause are strong warriors of their own right.  As King... It’s all on Seliph.  He’s alone, for the most part, and it’s terrifying.
          He wants to do it right.  He wants so badly to revitalize the continent, he wants so badly to please the people as the empire of his childhood had.  That goal spurs him to visit each duchy to learn as much as possible.  He wants to know that duchy’s imports, exports, political strife, and duke, at the very least...
          So he goes to Velthomer, announced fully ahead of time.  This is different than visiting Jungby or Dozel.  Saias is some one different.  Seliph has no idea on how he’ll be received, even if the sparse conversations they’d had in the past seemed amiable enough.  Familial ties aside, Belhalla had historically close connections with Velthomer...  Will Saias help him similarly?
          Even though he’s been coronated, and the last holy war closed over two years prior, Seliph still keeps a sword on him at all times.  It’s maybe the first boon his holy blood grants him -- no one faults Baldur’s scion when he keeps Tyrfing close.  He steps off the carriage and steps through the door that a butler holds open for him.  It’s another few luxuries he’s still yet to get used to.
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           Saias must be waiting for him, so he pins on a smile.
                                                                          ( ⚔ )
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caraidean · 5 years
“don’t close your eyes, please don’t close your eyes!” {for aida but... child!saias...}
“You mustn’t cry.”
Aida kept her hands clasped tight over the burns on her side, wanting nothing more than to reach out and comfort her child - but the thought of him seeing her wounds hurt more. She glanced at her father, holding his grandchild back even as he started to sob. 
“Get him out of here.” She asked Cowen, quietly. She didn’t know where he could go now, where he could be safe. Maybe with…no. No, her sister would be a poor choice. They hadn’t spoken in years, and she was just a commoner still. She closed her eyes, taking a deep and painful breath as she tried to think of something, think of anything. She was meant to be good at that. She had always been good at that…
I should never have helped Arvis plan Barhara. 
Finding out that Sigurd had his own child, what she would be doing to so many families, now that she was seeing it play out in front of her - it was so cruel. She had the starts of a plan half-formed on her lips but threw them aside, reaching out with one shaky, blood-covered hand to gently grasp her son’s arm. 
“Please. Go.” She pleaded, tears in her eyes. She looked at Cowen for a moment but then looked away, feeling everything in her life - everything she’d fought and worked for - fall away in the face of her pleading child. “You are the most important thing I’ve ever worked for…”
She heard footsteps coming down the hall, and deep in her heart she knew they wouldn’t be healers, or temple guards looking to help them. Looking into Cowen’s eyes told her he knew the same, and her father tugged the pleading Saias away as she tried to smile. 
“Goodbye, Saias. Please, when you find a path,” She hesitated, the advice she’d always followed about following her convictions seeming to ring hollow given what was happening. “…make sure it’s the right one.”
She turned away from him as he left, unable to muster the strength to stand as she glared down the hallway at her approaching killers. She heard his screams and forced herself to ignore them, a growl building in her throat as she stared up at Manfroy and tried, desperately, to summon the strength to strike him down. 
She’d never been a fighter. But perhaps she could buy her father and her child a few more precious moments to escape. 
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“I hope Arvis makes sure you burn for this.” She said weakly, summoning her own fire - and everything cast itself into darkness as Manfroy defended herself, a single sigh escaping her lips. 
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fatedsummoner · 5 years
“ it’s okay to be confused . nobody has all the answers . ”
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Nobody has all the answers.
It was a hard thing to swallow. Everyone expected Kiran to have all the answers, come up with the strategies to win their battles and continue to defeat their foes, holding the peace in Askr. Day-in and day-out, Embla continued with their flow of attacks, trying to cover their territories, pushing them back against the brink and take over. 
At least, that’s how things were. After Veronica came Surtr, then Hel. It never ended, seemingly and endlessly.
He felt powerless. 
“I…” His hands ran through his hair, gazed up at Saias. Kiran took a moment, forcing the fear and apprehension aside. Inhaling and then exhaled. “Right. We just need to find those answers, right?” 
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mygrandpaistheworst · 5 years
Of all the people in this army, Saias never guessed that a girl younger than his own sister would be the one to strike so much fear into his heart. He has heard rumours, and with each one, the horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach worsens. She does not act like him, but what if that is a facade? What if she is but another pawn of his? His expression is blank, but the tactician's gaze betrays him, reflecting his uncertainty. "My apologies, Lady Sara. I find it... difficult to speak with you"
“It’s alright.”
She knew why. She always knew why. Sometimes she was afraid of herself. Lying in the dark between dreams and waking, watching scenes she wasn’t sure were real or not - she wondered.
Wondered if she had really escaped. Or if his magic would find her here. If she couldn’t trust herself, how could anyone else?
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“Maybe I wouldn’t like me either. If I wasn’t me.”
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