I wish you could see who is talking to your bot on Chai and ban them from talking to your bot.
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acelq · 5 years
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wtfdystopia · 4 years
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Quand Igneel attaque le laboratoire ennemi ...
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yesyoutuber20 · 4 years
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unappreciated art that i think you need to take another look at!!!
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lukeios · 4 years
The plot holes of Eldarya
Hello wonderful people of Eldarya fandom! Along with some other players we have prepared a little something for you: The list of all the plot holes in the first season of Eldarya. 
The list has over 2000 words in total. I am so, so proud of us and I would love to give special thanks to @aokane-eldarya who wrote probably over 1/3 of this by herself! Everyone who participated is tagged, so make sure you check out their blogs! 
And of course, before we start: this is not an attack on Beemoov - it’s merely a critic of their writers. More under the cut. 
- Chrome surviving Leiftan's attack. Leiftan isn't an amateur killer and wouldn't let him stay alive.
- Game said Leiftan never kills children and yet the next episode he tries to kill Chrome.
- Chrome saying he contacted Leiftan, event though the other episode informed us he "summoned" him. 
- A plot hole between Valkyon's spin-off and the game. In the spin-off, he dreams about his mother even though in the game he couldn't have seen her at that point. 
- During the Leiftan & Erika vs Lance fight in the last chapter, Lance acts like he thinks Erika is just a simple human, yet in chapter 26 he fainted precisely because he discovered she was an aengel and thought he knew why Leiftan wanted her.
- Leiftan “sacrifices” to tell Valkyon about Lance’s weakness (a neck injury). None of this is mentioned in the last battle nor ever again. Why did Leiftan sacrifice for then? What was the point of making him betray his pact with Lance and risk his life if that info doesn’t matter? 
- Leiftan threatens Lance to kill him, as well as all the other members of his race, if he hurts Erika: not only does he do nothing when Lance kidnaps Erika (while we have the proof in episode 30 that Leiftan is still able to subdue Lance), but Valkyon is the only other dragon in existence.
- By extension, he didn't react as expected (if we refer to his personality) to the story of the potion.
- Leiftan who is the demon of the crystal: he was able to act normally while having a part of his mind threatening the Oracle, which is absurd (nonrespect of the principle of the cost of use of magic ). During his imprisonment, Miiko talks about the fact that the corruption stopped suddenly and Leif explains that he stopped because Erika suffered from it. If Leiftan had had the power to stop the corruption caused by the Naytili crystal (and therefore, by someone other than him), he would have done it immediately since he knew from the start why she was suffering. In any case, it was not Leiftan who stopped corruption, it was the use of the Fenghuang flute.
- Leiftan tells Erika that he did it all for her. But the fact is that he started acting before Erika arrived on Eldarya and she doesn't think it's strange. 
- In the spin-off, Leiftan says he will respect that Erika doesn't follow him, suggesting that he will pursue his goal. In the end, as soon as Erika holds it against him, he decides to abandon his projects and accept his "mistakes". The funny thing is that it's been weeks, even months that we know what Erika thinks, he could have given up before.
- Episode 30, the "Lance VS Erika and Leiftan" confrontation. The writing suggests that Lance doesn't know Erika's race, which is wrong. It will also be noted that Lance didn't think of using the dragon spell that had allowed him to imprison Leiftan the time he came to destroy the crystal.
- In episode 15, the history teacher tells us that the daemons refused to sacrifice themselves.
- Then thanks to Fafnir, we learn that, in reality, Lilith and her supporters were for the sacrifice, Dagon and his supporters were against; they killed each other.
- Episode 30, Erika says that she and Leif must sacrifice themselves because their ancestors refused to sacrifice themselves.
- It will also be noted that hundreds of dragons sacrificed themselves for the Blue Sacrifice, but that it lacked just the equivalent of a daemon / aengel for the vegetables to be nutritious.
- Erika who doesn't remember that Dagon was one of the daemons invoked by Naytili
- Leiftan had a redemption. When he died, there was a white feather. Leiftan should have fought with his angelic aspect and not only with his demonic aspect.
- Depending on the situation, the terms aengel and daemon are used either to denote the same thing or to denote two different things.
- Lance refers to Erika and Leiftan by saying "the aengel and the daemon", even when Erika says to her "I am a daemon".
- Ezarel fights with a foil, a training weapon that cannot hurt. He uses it as thrusting and cutting weapon whereas it is only a thrusting weapon.
- The Guard sends civilians to unprotected villages; Lance just had to go there to use them as leverage.
- Lance, who is experienced, attacks by arriving by sea, a disadvantageous position because exposed, to arrive on a beach in a basin with only one narrow exit, with then the optic of crossing a meadow also exposed. The Guard decided it would be funnier if it got stuck on the beach itself.
- Lance is ready to negotiate: he agrees to allow the Guard to evacuate the faerys on Earth (The same faerys he wants to destroy). The famous faerys which are not there because evacuated in the villages. It will also be noted that suddenly the total population of Eldarya is reduced to only the inhabitants of the Guard.
- Lance donated ingredients for two gates: two gates to evacuate hundreds of people. I thought it was too expensive per person.
- Lance sent Enthraa, a mermaid who can't get out of the water, to kill Erika and Miiko ; Erika and Miiko thought it would be a good idea to be within the range of Enthraa.
- In episode 30, the hamadryads meet around the ancient tree of Yvoni. The same tree that had burned and the remains of which had been removed.
- One day, Leiftan and Lance released a monster who swallowed all the knowledge of the library. We still don't know why.
- Everyone knows that the dragons have sacrificed themselves. Even Lance. It was while reading books in the library that his hatred developed, suggesting that there is information that we don't have about the Blue Sacrifice. We still don't know this info: Lance just seems to blame the faeries for letting the dragons sacrifice themselves, nothing else.
- How did Lance and Leiftan become partners? We don't know. Why does Leif say that without him Lance is nothing? We don't know.
- How did Ykhar know that Leiftan was a traitor? Where did the hostage go?
- Ykhar and Chrome who tell an experienced killer that they are going to report him.
- Chrome who says that Leiftan manipulated him to join him whereas, in a previous episode, Leiftan reminds Chrome that it was he who called him.
- Some members of the Guard speak several languages, but no one can read the instructions on a package of pasta. And since Erika seems to have no idea where the language is located, it must be a package of alien pasta.
- Ewelein was to give us a gift. We are still waiting.
- The faerys had recent humans books, like Twilight. Ykhar didn't know what television was: yet, her favorite book was Barjavel's " The Night of Time", in which we talk about television.
- Oluhua said that it was not possible to use Leiftan's blood to transfuse Feng Zifu, without explaining why. She was not on Leiftan's list of traitors, so we still don't know what Oluhua knows.
- Miiko announces to us that there is a ritual acting as a lie detector. She must have forgotten its existence when she had to find the traitors of the Guard.
- Erika learned to understand the familiars. She quickly forgot about it.
- Erika is described as a high school student in the CGU. In the story, she is around 23-24 years old since she finished her studies.
- the Guard claimed to be able to detect dragons. Lance and Valkyon are proof that this is not true.
-  Nevra, as a vampire, is able to smell blood from a small cut. Her sister was unable to smell the blood in Ykhar’s room.
- (Death TW) Ykhar's death and her body looking pale after 2-3 days in the room. Total disregard for research. The body should be in stage 2 of decomposition.  
- The clothing and armors. Dressing a warrior into an armor that shows stomach - the most vulnerable part of the body - is somehow inappropriate, even for a fantasy setting. If they had other clothing used for battles OR the game would be pure fanservice - it would be ok.
- For some reason Lance's sword from The winter illustration seems like too much. It looks too broad, like a piece of a metal wall. It doesn't seem like it would be useful in a fight - it seems way too hard to use that thing than it would be necessary. Mind you - if something like this is happening in a fantasy setting, an explanation is mandatory. Is the sword extremely light? Is it made of a material that is changing shape? This point isn't exactly only about the sword. Beemoov keeps on throwing things at us without a proper explanation and if the explanation is even present, it's not explored enough. 
- Our pet is killed in episode 30. Does it change anything in the page section of pets? Is the exploration frozen? I don't think so. 
- Stealing food from Earth for many years without a way to preserve it. Not making a connection with any humans because "they are evil".
- Miiko told the MC there are humans in Eldarya who are searching for her. Where did they go?
- The potion fiasco. What happened to all the photos of the MC? Aren't her parents wondering "who is this girl who looks like us?" in the albums?   (according to an anon, the potion was able to erase any proof of her existence on Earth. No photos were left. Thanks, Anon! )
-They can make very powerful potions that literally erase somebody from the memory of everyone who had known them in a different realm but still cannot make a “potion” to preserve the crops they steal. 
- Ez's crimes were mentioned once and never again. This information seemed too important to just be left alone.
- How at the beginning of the game, they mentioned us several times Erika’s special eye color (purple with golden light) and how this was an important clue to know what kind of faelienne she is. It’s never mentioned again even after we found out she’s an aengel. Apparently it wasn’t that relevant.
- How the guard has a portal to Earth near the HQ facilities but Erika never seemed interested in it to go and see it for herself since she arrived at Eldarya, especially since she was determined to know everything about the portals when she still had hope of going back to her world during the first episodes.
- When Lance kidnapped Erika, she finds out Enthraa is a traitor and that she’s working for him. After she’s rescued and goes back to the HQ, she doesn’t say this to the other members. They found out about it only when Enthraa ambushed Erika and Miiko in later episodes and gets killed.
- How food was rationed and limited at the beginning of the game, but in later episodes this doesn’t seem to be a problem anymore.
- How Lance said he found out about the sacrifice of the dragons in the library archives, but during Erika’s history classes in the HQ they said there weren’t any records about the blue sacrifice and all they knew was passed down through generations through oral traditions and tales. If that’s true, then Lance and Valkyon would have known about it since they were kids with adults telling them about the stories of the creation of Eldarya.
- What happened to Marie Anne after she was captured and purified of the faerie blood? She’s not mentioned again after that.
- Humans in Eldarya were mentioned once, and that’s it.
- How Erika is characterized as a very kind and empathic person but didn’t seem affected when she found out Ykhar was killed.
- How Leiftan was the one who killed Ykhar since he was with Erika and the other guard members in Memoria the whole time.
- Alajea’s fear of water is not a thing anymore.
- Why Erika took Valkyon leaving with Lance as a betrayal, she was right there when that happened and saw that he did it to protect her. 
- Miko told us dragon’s ingrédients were necessary to open portals, but later she finally said those weren’t really “dragon” stuff but they called it like this because, you know, everything there is a mess.
- Humans were supposed to be a threat on Eldarya (Miiko mentioned secret societies like Illuminatis, Templars or Freemasons but we’ve never heard about them anymore)
- There is no real food in Eldarya and the Guard has to open portals to Earth to steal foodstuffs for Eels survival. They don’t know how to cook and eat raw pasta in the firsts episodes but a few episodes later they throw tea-parties where Karuto & Erika bakes crepes and cakes. 
- In episode 20, Leiftan says he's been waiting for Erika for years. Except that he does not seem to know who she is, nor her species or where she comes from, how she came here, nor her connection to the Oracle...
- When we’re in Ashkore PoV he said his ancestors killed the daemons
- Once upon a time we had to choose a “job” (infirmary, library, and I don’t remember the third one), but we never hear about it in the next episodes.
- On the illustration where Leiftan saves Erika from falling off the cliff, his wings are white, he’s got only 2 and his horns have disappeared 
- In episode 30 Lance calls Erika “the human” though he knows she’s an aengel
- What about the war ? Lance killed his brother, Erika and Leiftan sacrificed themselves and then what ? Did Lance just leave after all the time he tried to destroy Eldarya ?
- “In episode 29 Miiko (I think it was her) says that they will have enough water for everyone because they filter rainwater but in episode 19 someone has said that it barely rains in Eldarya...”
- Three enemies of Eldarya (Triades, Illuminati, and Templars) are mentioned but never make any appearance. It is said the Templars are trying to get MC to rescue her. Where are they?
- Until episode 20 the Guard was looking for the pieces of the crystal, that were scattered on Eldarya. That was never mentioned again. Crystal became irrelevant.
- Who taught Naytili to corrupt the crystals? Leiftan and Lance were very interested in learning that skill, but it was never touched again.
- Mary Anne is still rooting in prison. It's like she disappeared.
- Erica cannot decide if she is an aengel or a human with the blood of an aengel
- Episode 15, we never learned the consequences of telling or not telling the Guard, that Ashkore was stealing food in the HQ. 
- Ashkore doesn’t kill Huang Hua because Erica likes her, and yet he wants to kill her few episodes later. 
- Episode 26. We can kind of flirt with Lance. There is some tension on the cliff (if you pick right choices) and he protects us from the heat of the volcano. The episodes afterward completely forgot about those choices - it’s like Episode 26 never happened. 
- The episode in which Gardienne becomes a mermaid to go back from the Kappa Island to the HQ: She almost drowns and her S/O saves her and carries her up the stairs to the infirmary effortlessly and princess-style. When Colaïa was the one in the dungeon and Karen, Alajéa and Gardienne tried to bring her to the sea again, they said she was SO heavy because her tail is pure muscle, and between THREE people they had a lot of trouble carrying her.
Well, that was pretty long! Thank you for reading all of those! Have a nice weekend guys and stay healthy <3 
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ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 5 years
I'm the reader not being from a family of wealth and high social status and the huntzbergers saying you're not good enough for Logan and nor will you ever be
(A/N): I might have got carried away with this... oh, well. Hope you enjoy!
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You’ve been Logan’s girlfriend for a few months now, and though you knew Logan absolutely hate his family, you convinced him to accept the invitation to dinner for the both of you at the Huntzberger’s house. You wanted to meet his sister he talked so fondly about, and if you could manage to see what the problem between him and his family, maybe you could find a way to solve it.
It was a huge mistake. Not meeting Logan’s sister, she’s absolutely kind and amazing just like he told you so, but everything else that came with the dinner was absolutely horrible.
First, Logan’s dad wasn’t there. He said he would be, but work has stopped him from coming home even though dinner was at eight pm, which is a thing you find quite rude to do even if you own the biggest newspapers in the United States.
You managed to put up with his granddad mean comments about you and his grandchildren, simply because you kept reminding yourself that he was an old man who probably fought in a war and didn’t have the resources to develop his maturity and respect for others. You’ve met loads of old people exactly like him, so you weren’t hurt or surprised whenever he would open his mouth to let his opinions out. You would even be a little sad for Logan’s mother, who had to put with this man every day whenever her husband wasn’t coming home in time for dinner… until she said some subtle remarks about you.
At first, she seemed kind to you. She welcomed you into her house with a smile and asked you questions about your life and your relationship with Logan. You were very happy to answer her questions, happy to see that she wasn’t as bad as Logan has described her… but then she learned that you come from a normal class family back in (your home town), and her attitude kind of shifted. She was still smiling and being very polite, but you could just feel the distance she was putting between you two as soon as you spoke about your family.
You tried to stay polite and open-minded. You tried to not judge, to not start to get angry at them. Logan could feel your frustration and has been holding your hand under the table to try and comfort you, which worked for a while.
Until now… because his mother just said how ‘astonishing’ it is that you managed to get into Yale.
“Excuse me?” You snap your head back towards her, feeling the anger bubbling inside your stomach. “What do you mean exactly, Mrs. Huntzberger?”
She finishes gulping her sip of champagne while she quirks an eyebrow at you. “It means what it means, (Y/N). I wouldn’t have expected someone like you to get in such a high prestige university.”
“Someone like ‘me’?” You tilt your head at her, giving out a hard smile. “You mean someone who isn’t as rich and ungrateful as you? Someone who actually had to work to get what they deserve instead of throwing around money like a slut?”
Her eyes go wide in shock. “How dare you-”
“No, how dare you!” You threateningly point at her, trying to contain the trembles in your body. “You’re the one who insulted me first, Mrs. Huntzberger. You’re the one who’s being judgmental of others and treating them like garbage because you feel like garbage in this family.”
She scoffs, her eyes turning to Logan who’s sitting beside you with a huge grin on his face as he watches you take care of the situation. “How could you have brought this girl in here! She’s such a disgrace!”
“Oh, really? I’m the one who’s a disgrace? Me? Because I don’t remember walking away from the table every five minutes to smoke cigarettes after cigarettes to stop me from crying because my husband’s not coming home again.”
You hear Logan’s sister snort from the other side of the table, both her and Logan sharing an impressed look.
“You- I can’t believe you!” Mrs. Huntzberger sends you glares from her eyes as she stands up from her place to look down at you. “I shouldn’t have let such a downgraded girl like you into this house!”
You stand up too to be at her level, not wanting her to feel like she’s controlling this conversation. “And I shouldn’t have insisted on accepting a dinner invitation from such an immature and nonrespectful woman like you! You’re the double of my age and I can act more decent than you!”
“Logan!” Logan’s granddad’s voice suddenly comes on. “Control your woman!”
“No, I won’t.” The boy you love smiles wildly at you and his mother. “I think she’s handling the situation pretty well.”
His mother gives him a shocked look. “Logan!”
“You know what? I hope you find a way to grow the hell up, Mrs. Huntzberger.” You shake your head at her, taking your purse that was hanging on the side of your chair. “Because you won’t be able to feel satisfied with your life until you do so.”
She points at the hallway behind you, having difficulties to contain herself. “Get out of my house.”
“With pleasure.”
You don’t wait for her to say anything else that you’re already gone into the hallway towards the house’s entrance, still feeling high on the anger present in your veins. You barely hear Logan being yelled at his mother and his steps running towards your form before you get out of this gigantic manor, your hands soon holding onto your head to help you concentrate on your breathing.
“Hey there.” Logan smiles as he presses his hand against your back, the blond obviously impressed by your outburst. “So much for bringing us together, huh?”
“Oh god, I ruined everything.” You look back at him with a panic expression, the whole scene coming back into your head through another feeling: fear. “They’re gonna hate me forever now, I’m so sorry-”
“Don’t be.” He wraps his arms around your form and hugs you close to his chest before putting his lips against the top of your head for a kiss. “You were awesome. In fact, I think I love you even more now.”
You manage to get out a small chuckle at that, reminding yourself that Logan is the only person that has to be important in your life.
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I may have decided to reread the Harry Potter series. We’ll see how the magic holds up.
I’m on chapter one of book one and I have questions about that International Statute of Secrecy. Namely, where do nonmagical but magic-adjacent people (like Petunia) fall in the legal world in regards to spilling the magical secret? Vernon clearly knows about the magical world before Harry shows up on his doorstep - he recognizes the odd people in cloaks and owls and “shooting stars” as being part of the Potters’ crowd. How and when and why did Petunia tell him about Lily’s magic society-in-a-society? And how legal was that conversation - can the Statute apply to Petunia?
Alternately, a headcanon: Vernon is also a sibling of a Muggleborn witch/wizard, and bonded early with Petunia over this shared misery of having nonrespectable relations.
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citylightsnews2 · 2 years
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Yves Rocher a poursuivi pour non-respect des droits syndicaux en Turquie https://citylightsnews2.com/yves-rocher-a-poursuivi-pour-non-respect-des-droits-syndicaux-en-turquie/?feed_id=1834&_unique_id=623cd1b66b160 #des #droits #nonrespect #pour #poursuivi #Rocher #syndicaux #Turquie #Yves
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fander7sides · 4 years
For people who will be around relatives for the holiday, just remember, family is not by blood. It is what you make it. If you can, safely, fight against their beliefs and stand up for your own. You do not have to respect their beliefs if they are nonrespectable. Plus this is the best time to drink their tears so.... Make the most of it!
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pasulya · 5 years
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Il est où le respect de la nature ? #Environnement #Planète #Pollution #Océan #O… Il est où le respect de la nature ? #Environnement #Planète #Pollution #Océan #OcéanPacifique #OcéanPlastifique #Plastique #Pollueurs #Humains #Animaux #Poissons #Mammifères #Oiseaux #Nature #Déchets #RichHorner #Pacifique #Océans #Bali #Terre #Textile #Synthétique #AbrasionPneus #Pneus #Cosmétiques #Respect #NonRespect #RTS #Médias #Environnemental Source
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fernlom · 7 years
Whatever you say edgelord
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jintrospeccionv · 5 years
I am so stupid! I can't believe it.
He has no respect for me.
And apparently I have nonrespect for myself.
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robomoboto · 6 years
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