echofromtheabyss · 4 months
Tons of identities have suddenly made sense to me now that I'm not trying to make them fit an Atomic Twentian worldview in my head
Nonlocal, possibly nonsynchronous distributed polycules may be a growing foundational social system in the Third Wave and lots of the ways that people are describing their habits, are legible within that system but not legible in the dual "this is my monogamous marriage and these are my friends" Twentian world.
We were going to go back to some people having a girl in every port, inevitably, once it got convenient for those girls in each port, to coordinate stuff by smartphone. And Jira. And once those girls could coordinate with each other, it was inevitable that you end up with something like a social system that includes many people who are involved, but not romantically or sexually involved with each other. Modern orientation and relational preferences are absolutely vital to navigating this and Twentian ideas of identity will absolutely not help
Social structures are always downstream of infrastructure, labor, subsistence, etc and we are social beings who relate to ourselves in terms of our place in that structure
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medicalexpressnews · 1 year
%Empowering Epilepsy: Unveiling Life Beyond Seizures 2023
Epilepsy The epilepsies are a group of disorders of cerebral functions characterised by chronic recurrent, paroxysmal, nonsynchronous
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thelonguepuree · 3 years
The revolutionary line of knots in which the contradiction eventually becomes entangled at a single point and drives with leaps for the revolutionary solution, can take place only in keeping with synchronous contradictions, which themselves are the growing child of the Future or of Being-different, not with nonsynchronous ones, which as historical contradictions have their greatness behind them and with it the adventure of their quality. Even the possible late ripening of what is actually incompleted in this past can never to turn into a new quality of its own accord, one that is not already known from the past. That end could be served at best by an alliance, which liberates the still possible future from the past only by putting both in the present. … The proletarian as the self-dissolution of bourgeois society, indeed, of all class society, is the subjectively and objectively incarnate contradiction of synchronous society itself, and his revolution—as the fruit of dialectical knowledge of synchronous contradictions—does not take exception to any figures or memories, nor in the first instance, to any contents from the past. Rather, it activates purely the future society with which the present on is pregnant and towards which the nihilisms and anarchies of present society seek to transform themselves. … Thus, it is our task to extend the agitated Now. First, one must distinguish the falsely from the genuinely nonsynchronous contradiction, the latter from the synchronous contradiction, and then, in both of them, the objective and subjective factors of the contradiction. The subjectively nonsynchronous contradiction is pent-up anger, the objectively nonsynchronous one is unsettled past; the subjectively synchronous one is the proletariat's free revolutionary act, the objectively synchronous contradiction is the impeded future contained in the Now, the impeded technical benefaction, the impeded new society, with which the old one is pregnant in its productive forces.
Ernst Bloch, “Nonsynchronism and the Obligation to Its Dialectics” (1932)
This version from New German Critique, spring 1977, translated by Mark Ritter
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gdbot · 4 years
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new-letters: Exhibition guide for 1971 Parallel Nonsynchronism... https://ift.tt/3quBNSO -> Telegram Design Bot
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maskmoth · 4 years
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so i said “fuck it” and made a hylics 2 OC. this is Kasveskn.
i imagine they were a worker in the New Muldul mines before taking up the Giant Nonsynchronous Banjo in search of openings to the Accretion.
theyre kinda tall and id presume rather a softie despite obvious use of Muscle Appliques. they probably dont talk all that much.
actual sculpt images below the cut:
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started as a sculpt of dedusmuln at like 2am but then my big creativity took over.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 years
“Underlying Bloch’s argument is the idea the the socius is criss-crossed by plural temporalities; the class structure of modern society is shadowed by multiple cultural and historical times that do not exist synchronously. The racist, conspiratorial occultism of the Nazis taps this lived experience of uneven development:
The infringement of ‘interest slavery’ (Zinsknechtschaft) is believed in, as if this were the economy of 1500; superstructures that seemed long overturned right themselves again and stand still in today’s world as whole medieval city scenes. Here is the Tavern of the Nordic Blood, there the castle of the Hitler duke, yonder the Church of the German Reich, an earth church, in which even the city people can feel themselves to be fruits of the German earth and honor the earth as something holy … Peasants sometimes still believe in witches and exorcists, but not nearly as frequently and as strongly as a large class of urbanites believe in ghostly Jews and the new Baldur. The peasants sometimes still read the so-called Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, a sensational tract about diseases of animals and the forces and secrets of nature; but half the middle class believes in the Elders of Zion, in Jewish snares and the omnipresence of Freemason symbols and in the galvanic powers of German blood and the German land.
[From Ernst Bloch, ‘Nonsynchronism and the Obligation to Its Dialectics,’ (1977); text from The Heritage of Our Times)]
Where the class struggle between capitalist bourgeoisie and proletariat is a struggle over modernisation, the synchronous or the contemporary, both socially and physically many (indeed most) Germans in the interwar period lived through social forms and psychic fantasies embedded in different rhythms and histories. Mindful that it would be wrong to view any of these as merely primitive, in a country where social relations of production were never actually outside capitalism, Bloch wants us to detect the ways in which, when it comes to their fears (of social demotion or anomie) and desires (for order and well-being), these groups are somehow out of sync with the rationalizing present of capitalism - the enlightened space occupied by the mainstream socialist and labour movements. For Bloch, the Germany of the 1930s is a country inhabited not just by disenchanted citizens, workers, and exploiters. Crisis has brought ‘nonsynchronous people’ to the fore: declining remnants of pasts whose hopes remain unquenched, easily recruited into the ranks of reaction.
In a sense at once social and psychic, the political conjecture is torn between the antagonistic and unfulfilled Now of capitalist conflict and the incomplete pasts that teem in its interstices.”
– Alberto Toscano, “Notes on Late Fascism”. Historical Materialism (blog). 2 April 2017.
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edwad · 4 years
Scholars of time i know are sarah sharma and michelle Bastian. Also doreen massey and henri lefebvre are spatial theorists who consider time. Ernst Bloch's theories of nonsynchronism are useful for theories of capitalist development, as are histories of work (post marx obv). Sorry i would send this direct to your anon if i knew who they were!
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artfromthefuture · 2 years
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releaseteam · 3 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/releaseteam
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internetandnetwork · 4 years
How to Optimize Your Website Speed for Better Site Performance
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As a website owner, we always hope to improve our impression rate, drive more engagement, and boost conversion rate. But often, we are confused about where to start. Do you want to know the key to achieving all this? – Improve your site speed.
This is a common-sense approach since studies prove that slow page loading speed decreases customer satisfaction. Plus, most buyers tend to shift to another website for shopping if your product and checkout pages are unable to keep pace.
It is pretty easy to evaluate your site speed. In fact, Google provides a free tool, PageSpeed Insights, that indicates your overall website performance as scores in various colors – green, yellow, and red. But what do you do if the results are not so good?
If you still feel confused about what to do next, this blog has got you covered. What follows are 17 solid strategies that will supercharge your page load times and offer a satisfactory customer experience.
Analyze Your Website
Prior to introducing any changes that affect the way your website loads and manages content, it is better to analyze your current site performance. Of course, this starts with utilizing tools such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights but consider including firsthand experience in the process too. Access your site using multiple devices and see for yourself how the experience visitors get when they land on your site. Is it smooth and speedy or clumsy and tiresome? The more accurate website performance data you acquire, the better you will be able to spot and fix the existing issues.
Prioritize Potential Fixes
Once you pinpoint all the existing problems with your site speed, it may be enticing to fix all of them right away. But don’t.
Rather, you should prioritize potential fixes according to what you think matters the most to your site visitors. For instance, if your website takes too much time to load, you need to focus your efforts on fixing this because even if your content also struggles to deliver speedily, it won’t really matter because the page itself takes so long to load, that the visitor gives up and leaves your website only.
Assess Your Current Hosting Provider
When it comes to your website speed issues, your hosting provider might be its potential source. There are multitudes of factors that might be contributing to these site speed problems, including your hosting provider’s geographical location, their physical infrastructure, and network connection’s overall bandwidth. Other than these, the type of web hosting your site uses, whether shared, VPS, cloud-based, or a dedicated server, can also affect its performance significantly.
Even though shared web hosting stands to be the most economical option available out there, the hosting resources here are divided up among various websites, which eventually reduces the overall site performance. On the other hand, while dedicated servers are more costly compared to shared or VPS hosting, they boost your site speed significantly.
Consider a CDN
When all the data required to load your website completely is stored in a single place, the page load times are going to suffer. CDNs or Content Delivery Networks store your content’s cached version using multiple servers across multiple geographical locations. When a visitor lands on your website, the CDN picks the server(s) nearest to the user’s location in order to optimize content delivery. However, you must make sure to evaluate various CDNs, as all of them aren’t made equal, to find your ideal fit.
Optimize Your Images
Sure images are an excellent way to engage your site visitors and improve your website’s impact. But they can significantly affect your page load times, mainly if they are high-resolution images. However, compressing your images before publishing them on your website can help you mitigate their impact on your site performance. Most image editing apps now come with a “save for web” option that provides you with optimized images for websites. However, there are plenty of online tools available that offer options to compress common image file types, including jpeg, gif, png, etc.
Decrease Total Redirects
Redirects are what sends visitors and search engines away from the page or URL they have clicked initially. While these redirects are a great way to connect high-ranking and high-traffic pages to the recent content you have made, the more redirects you have, the more loading time will be required. This will eventually affect the overall user experience on your website.
No doubt it’s good to utilize redirects initially to keep your content views stable but, be sure to replace the old redirects with new content as early as possible to minimize page load times.
Limit Your HTTP Requests
Whether for images, fonts, scripts, or stylesheets, each HTTP request increases your website’s overall load times. As your website grows, these HTTP requests start piling up, and gradually it develops a discernible gap between the time a user clicks and the page actually loads.
However, in-browser features like Google’s Developer Tools can pin down all the HTTP requests that have been made by your website and help you determine the old or too complicated requests that you can remove or merge with other functions in order to keep load times short.
Compression Is the Key
The more you can scale down your image file sizes without ruining its quality, the better your overall site performance will be. There are various methods that you can opt for to compress your files without affecting the user experience. Find out what type of compression your web hosting service is using; if they aren’t using any, it’s time to consider a new hosting provider.
Cash in on Caching
Caching lets browsers pre-load some of your content to accelerate content delivery. A lot of CMS (content management systems) will cache the latest versions of your website, but you can easily extend this caching timeframe through CMS settings, which is especially useful for content that doesn’t change on your website frequently.
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Monitor 404 Errors
“Page not found” or 404 errors crop up when a person tries to access a page you have either removed or moved elsewhere. Once visitors bump into 404 errors, it is highly unlikely for them to even bother reaccessing your website, which means you lost a potential customer. Use external tools to review your websites in order to monitor these 404 errors and remove dead links.
Prioritize Mobile Devices
More and more users are shifting to mobile devices to browse the web and shop for products online primarily. There are various reasons behind this shift, the most prominent one being that these devices are readily accessible anytime. Because of this shift, it has become vital to have mobile-friendly websites that load speedily across all devices. While it is possible just to display the same desktop website on mobile devices and hope things will turn out the way you want, doing so usually leads to delayed load times and interactivity problems, leaving the users exasperated. Therefore, it is best to invest in developing a mobile-friendly website with maximum page load times and better response times.
Streamline Your Content Management System
The right CMS can considerably boost your overall site performance by streamlining content retrieval and offering full options to customize website operations. There are both free as well as paid tools available in the market. So spend some time trying out various CMS to find the one that suits your site best.
Merge Key Files
If you have expertise in web development, you must be aware that it is possible to merge the sets of CSS and JavaScript files and minimize the total number of steps needed to entirely load your website. Again, you can easily find many tools and plugins to simplify this process further for you and get it done within several clicks only. However, it is worth considering combining key files to boost your load times.
Ascertain Your DNS Speed
If your domain name server (DNS) takes too long to respond, your TTFB (time to first byte) will be higher, and ultimately, your site load times will be slower. There are plenty of free online tools available to help you compare your DNS provider against other alternatives, which will help you identify different performance issues. While in a few cases, your web hosting provider will also offer DNS services, in other cases, you will have to get these services from different suppliers.
Choose Nonsynchronous Loading
By default, many functions and files on your site are loaded together, meaning they are loaded in the same order they show up on the page. For instance, elements will only load after the preceding script or service is completely loaded, boosting website loading speed.
However, with the new CMS tools and plugins, it is now possible to opt for nonsynchronous loading for JavaScript and CSS elements, allowing them to load at the same time.
Select Fewer Fonts
Web fonts are certainly a great way to make your website stand out, but they can also have a negative impact on its performance, particularly if your chosen fonts require unique character sets or are uncommon. Hence, to maximize your page load times, the best thing to do here is to use fewer fonts and focus on the ones optimized for the latest browsers.
Identify Problematic Plugins
Lastly, identify the plugins that are actually crippling your site performance. Plugins provide an array of beneficial features that can help you in managing your website more efficiently. However, these plugins can also harm your site’s overall performance, even more so if you are using those plugins to load a considerable amount of assets or perform large database queries. So here, the key to optimizing your site performance is straightforward – only keep the plugins that you really need and always use their latest versions.
When it comes to your website, always remember the faster it is, the better.
The bottom line is the faster your website loads, delivers content, and responds, the lower your bounce rates and higher your conversion rates will be.
However, keep in mind that transforming from a slow to a superfast website is not something that happens overnight. But deploying any of these 17 strategies discussed in this blog can help kickstart the process.
Hariom Balhara is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles for Tireless IT Services. Tireless IT Services is a digital marketing, SEO, SMO, PPC, and web development company that comes with massive experiences.  We specialize in digital marketing, web designing and development, graphic design, and a lot more.
SOURCE : How to Optimize Your Website Speed for Better Site Performance
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gdbot · 5 years
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Exhibition guide for 1971 Parallel Nonsynchronism - an... http://bit.ly/2IxukAT
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kin3347tennis-blog · 5 years
Arwen: Age 6-12
Arwen is a 12-year-old female, who is healthy and very active. Compared to Julien’s, Arwen’s serve is much more efficient. Arwen is able to toss the ball to herself and uses the proper mechanics involved in an overhead tennis serve. Arwen uses the correct foot-up loading stance to increase mobility, as well as holding the racket properly (Kovacs, & Ellenbecker, 2011). Arwen’s preparation phase is decent, with some flexion of the knees, and sufficient flexion of the elbow (Kovacs & Ellenbecker, 2011). However, external rotation of the shoulder, as well as the backward tipping of the racket, is poorly executed. Arwen’s acceleration phase is hindered by the fact that she did not extend her arm and slowly rotates at the shoulder joint; thus, not allowing Arwen to perform a powerful serve. Additionally, good pronation of the wrist upon ball contact and effective follow-through was observed. Arwen requires a step forward after the serve to decelerate, meaning she produced an adequate amount of kinetic energy. On the other hand, Arwen does not demonstrate the sequential rotation of the limbs. Rather, the serve is a very rigid, nonsynchronous in motion, and movement originates only from twisting of the torso. In addition, Arwen minimally uses her lower body to transmit energy into the swing resulting in low racket velocity (Kovacs & Ellenbecker, 2011).
In contrast to Julian’s serve, Arwen’s is much more powerful and she effectively completed an overhead tennis serve. Arwen’s technique, speed and accuracy are much more advanced compared to Julien which is due to physical development continually improving with age (Boyd, Johnson, & Bee, 2017). During the period from 6-12 years-old, Arwen developed a healthier diet, grew about 5-8 cm and put on approximately 2.75kg of mass per year (Boyd, Johnson, & Bee, 2017). Given that there is an eight-year difference between Arwen and Julien, it is reasonable to infer that Arwen has much more muscle mass which will allow her to manoeuvre the tennis racket with strength and speed. Throughout this age period, there is also an increase in hand-eye coordination and spatial cognition due to motor function development association areas of the brain (Boyd, Johnson, & Bee, 2017). The motor function development explains why Arwen’s serve is more productive than Julien’s. A 2013 study examining the age-related differences in the kinematics of tennis serves discovered that external rotation of the shoulder is reduced in children of this age group and is compensated by twisting of the trunk, as seen in Arwen’s serve (Whiteside, Elliot, Lay, & Reid, 2013). It was also concluded in this paper that prepubescent athletes have reduced racket velocities compared to older groups (Whiteside, et al., 2013).  Overall, in children, the development of motor skills can be mainly attributed to the maturation of the body as can be seen by the superior execution of Arwen’s serve compared to Julien’s (Barnett et al., 2016). [word-count: 479]
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sphynxtee · 4 years
Aunt Bees Kerosene Cucumbers Mayberry Vintage Shirt
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releaseteam · 3 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/releaseteam
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epaenetu09 · 5 years
Understanding Mule flows
Mule is on the basis of the idea of Event-Driven Architecture, by which messages are initiated by external resources such as for instance events (from HTTP, JMS, File, Scheduler and more). These events are processed as messages by Mule applications through message processors formed together in a flow. Mule still offers the ability to process large or streaming messages as a record using the batch job approach. Learning the fundamental flow architecture and batch job structure is an important thing to understanding Mule. In an extract Mule flow contains a chain of message processors that accepts, then process messages. Usually, Mule applications are combinations of linked flows and/or batch jobs, by which to perform the integration needed for the use case.
A flow may be the construct within which you link together several individual elements to deal with the receipt, processing, and eventual routing of a message. You are able to connect many flows together to build a complete application which you can then deploy on-premise, on Mule or another application server, or in the cloud.
Flows are sequences of message-processing events. A message that enters a movement may pass by way of a wide variety of processors. In the below example, the message by way of a request-response inbound endpoint received by the Mule and transforms this content as into a new format and processes the company logic in an element before returning a reply via the message source.
Batch Jobs
A group job is really a top-level the component in Mule exists outside all Mule flows and provides record I/O for Mule message processing. Batch jobs split large messages into records which Mule processes asynchronously; in the same way, flows process messages, batch jobs process records.
A group job consists of one or extra batch steps which therefore contain a number of message processors that act upon records because they move through the batch job. During batch processing, record-level variables (recordVars) and MEL expressions can be used to enrich and route or else act upon the records.
A batch job executes when triggered by an order executor in a Mule flow or even a message source in a batch-accepting input; when triggered, Mule creates a brand new batch job instance. Once every record has passed through all batch steps, the batch job instance ends and the batch job result maybe summarized in a report to indicate which records succeeded and which failed.
Message Sources
Mule processes messages, also known as events, which can be transmitted from resources external to Mule. Like, an email may be initiated by an event like a consumer request from a portable device, or even a change to data in a database, or the creation of a brand new customer ID in a SaaS application.
The initial building block of all flows or batch jobs is really a receiver which receives new messages and places them in the queue for processing. This message source, an inbound HTTP endpoint – receives messages from one or more external sources, thus triggering the carrying out of a movement or batch job.
Message Processors
In Mule, message processors are grouped by category.
Mule transformers are the important thing to exchanging data between nodes, because they allow Mule to convert message payload data to a structure that another application can understand. Mule also enables content enhancement of messages which lets you recover additional data during processing and add it to the message.
Mule uses components to conduct backend processes for specific business logic such as for instance checking customer and inventory databases. Components route messages to the proper application, such as for instance an order fulfillment system. Mule uses Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA) for core nonsynchronous message processing inflows. Prominently, components are not mandatory to have any Mule-specific code; they are able to simply be POJOs, Spring beans, Java beans, Groovy scripts, or web services carrying the business logic for processing data. Components can even be developed in other languages such as for instance Python, JavaScript, Ruby, and PHP. Mule's catalog of foundations supports the most commonly used Enterprise Integration Patterns.
Flows and batch jobs can also contain filters, scopes, and routers. Like, a filter can be used to whitelist IP addresses from your application accept messages; you can use a scope to “wrap” around numerous message processors and cache the consequence of the processing they perform; you can use a switch to send messages down different paths in your application with respect to the content of the message payload. Mule includes many different filters, scopes, and routers to customize what sort of flow or batch job processes messages.
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gdbot · 6 years
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Rois typeface in use for 1971 Parallel Nonsynchronism (an... http://bit.ly/2HZExqh
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