squeakygeeky · 1 year
Patrick Rangsimant put up an unofficial English translation of the first chapter of the My Ride sequel for free online. I have no idea if the whole novel is out in Thai and whether this means it will eventually get an official English release (he's talked before about how costly it is to put out international editions).
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noobfics-btsblog · 6 years
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Pairing: JK x reader
genre: some smut *crude language/sex/alcohol use.
summery: Jungkook is all grown up now and he wants to prove it to you.
inspired by ‘Molly Cool’ by Atmosphere and the fact that jk just had a birthday :p
a/n: if you read my fluff ‘Rain’ try my smut ‘Girls like her, Guys like him’ part 1 of a series I’m working on
This night club was a bit “underground” and not many people knew about it and it was smaller than maybe a more popular night club would be, it was more like a bar that just so happened to have a dance floor. even so, it was pretty crowded and at 12 a.m., the party was at full swing.
we were “celebrating” my 21st birthday tonight. i say it with a hint of sarcasm as i hadn’t been the one who wanted to come out tonight. I was with two of my best friends, jimin and taehyung, who were 2 years older than me and seeing as i was turning 21 they had been planning this night out all week.
“i’ll buy you your first drink, but after that, you’re buying all the rounds” jimin said with a laugh “gotta flaunt that ID, you know?” he didn’t give me the opportunity to protest, he was making his way pretty quickly through the crowd of people toward the bar.
i looked over at tae who had stayed by me- laughing of course- and decided i’d complain to him  “couldn’t we have just gotten a few beers and hung out at home? i don’t even like partying”
“you’ll have fun after a few drinks” taehyung said, putting an arm around my shoulder. “come on, lets find a place to sit”
Surprisingly, he was right. he guided me over to some empty couches off to the side of the dance floor where eventually jimin found us with 3 beers in hand. i did eventually buy 2 additional rounds of beer followed by 3 rounds of shots-courtesy of taehyung- needless to say, we were having a pretty good time laughing and bullshitting- tae even trying to give me a lap dance at some point. And speaking of dancing, the music wasn’t bad either. some night clubs have the tendency to play trendy pop songs or aggressively hip hop (or so I've been told). tonight this place was mixing it up well; everything with heavy bass. i was getting into it myself as i started to nod along with the beat.
“Ah..we need to find some women soon!” tae began as he took his 4th shot “i feel way too good and this music is too nice to just be sitting here with you two...although...you are starting to look kinda cute jungkook-ah” he pinched my cheek and i rolled my eyes. this dude was definitely drunk. i gave him a swift punch in the ribs to which he responded to with a grunt. “ah punk” while we were laughing, jimin sitting across from us, cut in.
“actually, I’ve been eyeing the group of girls over there.” he pointed at the direction behind us. “the group of girls over there by that pillar” when we turned, it took me a moment, but I found the group he was talking about.  They were sitting on a L-shaped couch that was against a wall in one of the corners of the club pretty far from the dance floor. “I saw them come in and they don’t seem to be here with any guys” jimin continued “it’s perfect there’s 3 of them and 3 of us..although, that one at the end looks a bit...” he didn’t finish his sentence, offering only a head tilt with a shrug of one shoulder.
I knew which one he was talking about. the one on the left end. I knew because she was different from the two other girls. the other girls were the cute type, they were bubbly, talkative, wore cute clothes and cute make up. this girl, the girl who had her hand on her cheek and arm on the arm rest, wore all black. she had long hair that fell in gentle waves, smokey eye make up and a bold red lipstick, a black strappy crop top, ripped black jeans, and short black boots with studs. and i saw it all in that order as i looked at her from top to bottom. when i shifted my focus back to her face i noticed something else: she seemed..bored. the other two girls were talking to each other but this girl didn't seem to care to take part as her eyes danced around the club.
“mm, yeah i see” teahyung’s voice cut through my thoughts and i turned back to my group. “well”, he continued slamming a pat on my back, “since it’s your birthday, which do you want?” he gave me a quick up and down of his eyebrows to egg me on.
“they aren’t puppies” jimin chimed in “they might not want either of us”
“it doesn’t matter” I cut in “I definitely cant talk to any girls right now”
“aw don’t tell me you’re shy” jimin teased with a giant smile on his face.
“no..I’m not shy” i lied “just drunk. i don’t want to look stupid”
“ah this kid” tae this time “they don’t call it liquid courage for nothing” jimin jumped from his seat to sit on the other side of me and they both began harassing me, poking at me, shoving me back and forth between them. finally i gave up.
“ok, ok!..” i huffed a breath and turned back to look at the girls. “i guess..the girl in black isn't too bad.” she was still looking off into space, but this time, as if she felt me looking at her, her gaze shifted and our eyes met. neither of us wavered and i wondered what that meant..
“really? I thought the other two would be more your type” jimin said. I was still looking at her, she had leaned into her friend and whispered something in her ear and returned her gaze in my direction with a smirk on her face. after the second girl whispered in the ear of the third girl, they were now all three looking at us. my eyes widened and i turned swiftly back to my group. taehyung laughed and nudged me in the arm
“i think you have to now” he handed me my 4th shot that was still on the table in front of us. i took it and knocked it back.
“ah...here goes nothing” i hesitated a moment looking back and forth between my two friends who gave me some looks of encouragement. i stood up first and slowly made my way over to the group, my two friends close behind. the two bubbly girls on the right became giggly, leaning into each other. but not HER, not MY girl. she kept it cool, she looked calm as her eyes smiled along with that sexy smirk of hers. i felt my heart start to race and i hoped that i at least looked as cool as her on the outside. when i was finally face to face with the girls i realized something, i had no idea what i was going to say! i had been to focused on her and her look that i completely disregarded the fact i needed an opening line! for a moment i just stood there in my panic, my eyes shifting back and forth as i searched my mind for something, anything. eventually it was jimin who jarred me out of my stupor with a swift pat on my back.
i laughed nervously and smiled . “um hi..uh..me and my friends..” i started,  pointing to the guys behind me, they had big smiles on there face (trying not to laugh at my weak attempt at a pick up) and tae waved “we noticed you guys from across the way and..thought we’d ask if we could join you?” as i said that last bit my eyes floated over to the girl in black. taehyung, practically pushing me out of the way, came up from behind me.
“actually..” he said extending a hand toward the girl in the middle, “i was wondering if you’d like to dance?” the girl blushed as she turned to her friends looking for their approval, the other bubbly girl was the only one to give her a sway of the head and a hushed “go”. she smiled and with a nod took his hand.
as they walked away tae gave us his signature ‘peace sign’ goodbye. putting the ‘v’ up to  his face then pointing it at us. it was kind of stupid but i had to admit, it looked cool just then. as i watched them disappear into the crowd, jimin was already making his move.
“what about you, lovely? would you like to dance, i promise I’m really good” he emphasized the word with a quirked brow and that classic jimin eye smile. these guys were starting to make me look bad. i mean, objectively, we were all pretty good looking guys but they were smooth when it came to women. and then there was me. i have good facial expressions or whatever, but when it came to talking to girls, it didn’t come so naturally to me.
the girl looked into jimins eyes and simply nodded. and then they were gone. leaving me alone with the girl in black. i turned to look at her. she still had the same expression on her face. like she was daring me to say something and didn’t think i was up for it. i took the dare.
“um can i sit with you”
“what? you don’t dance?” she raised a brow. her voice was even and smooth, like her voice was made of velvet and drenched in seduction- or at least that’s the effect it was having on me- i licked my lips, my mouth suddenly felt dry. i took a seat next to her, hunched over a bit (elbows on my knees, my attempt at looking relaxed), and wringing my hands nervously between my legs.
“I’m actually a dancer- all three of us, actually. I just thought we could talk first”. i cringed internally. how many times was i going to say ‘actually’?
“And what do you want to talk about?”
I shrugged “I don’t know. what’s your name..for starters..I’m Jungkook” I tried to shake her hand but she didn’t take it.
She narrowed her eyes  and began to lean closer to me and i felt my body tense as i sat a little straighter. “how old are you”. she was smirking.
I looked away for a second trying to think if I should lie, then back to her. She looked like she was around my age so I couldn't understand why she was asking me. So, I decided on the truth. “I’m 21″
“Aw, cute” she smiled. “are you having you’re first drink tonight? Is that why you’re here?”.
Was she mocking me? Did i just lose my shot before...  “No. Its not my first drink. Don’t we all have our first drink early?” I felt defensive “How old are you? It’s not like you look any older than me”
“I’m 25.” she said evenly. I furrowed my brows and shrugged. she understood what i was trying to say: so? “That’s a whole 4 years older. I mean, don’t get me wrong, physically you’re man-” she raised her brows while her eyes danced around my body. i shifted in my seat, rolling my shoulders back once. “-but mentally, in my experience anyway, guys like you are immature..” she got even closer until she was right up next to me. she put a hand on my knee and leaned in to speak  low and slow into my ear. “I know what you’re thinking: 4 years isn’t that far apart. But it is, and you start to realize it slowly. Guys like you, haven’t lived life yet. Your mind is somewhere between cocky high school fuck boy and early college frat douche bag. Guys like you..think life comes easy because why not, it always has?-” she started to move her hand up my leg, then up my torso, and finally finding its home on my neck, her thumb resting just under my jaw. And she leaned back a little so that we were face to face. “Guys like you...still care to do a bunch of stupid shit to impress people.” The hand that was on my neck began to slide down and she ran a finger along my jaw. And then, the little tease just clasped her hands on her lap and smiled at me, satisfied that she had left me speechless.
Now any guy would have taken the loss and left. maybe even call her a bitch as they did. But me, I felt a sudden curiosity come over me. So I didn't leave, Instead I snorted a laugh. Her face twisted into an angry sort of confusion. “You think you have everything all figured out?” I wasn’t mad. I genuinely wanted to know -was she always like this, and why? and why did i like it? “You think i don't know anything? Let me tell you what i know." I felt a smile grow on my face seeing her still confused. "Girls like you.." I began slowly (I needed to think), "Girls like you think they're cool. But really, girls like you are just bitches." I was wondering if I was going to far. I've never called anyone a bitch, much less a woman. but she only smiled..so I kept going. "Girls like you, like to make people feel small. Girls like you, like to feel superior. Girls like you, act like you don't care about anything. But it takes energy and practice to be that way. This-" I said waving my hand over her, "took a lot of practice. And girls like you practice because you don’t want to let people in. Because girls like you act like they know everything when really...you're just as clueless as me." she didn't say anything so I continued. "As far as who's trying to impress who, I haven't done anything..yet..but you, you've made quite the impression on me" The corners of her mouth were threatening a smile. "So, what else should we talk about?" I was feeling confident- almost a little cocky- probably thanks to the alcohol.
"Jungkook..." She said, dragging her eyes all over me again, tilting her head to the side as her eyes returned to meet mine. "Have you ever been with a woman?" Aaand all of a sudden, all that confidence I felt washed off me in a wave of panic.
"y-yeah..I have" and it was true, I had been. One thing she had right was that things did come somewhat easy to me, one of those things being women. I wasn't any good at talking to them, but it didn't matter, they weren't interested in talking. But this lady..she caught me off guard.
"not like me you haven't"
She was so bold I wasn't sure if that was an invitation or just more of her confusing ramble. But I took my shot. "do- do you wanna get out of here? Or should we stay a while?"
For the second time she pressed herself against me with her hand much higher on my thigh than before and again, her voice nice and even, she said: "I don't care" for a second I didn't know what to do, but then, I swayed my head back, gesturing toward the door.
She smirked, stood up and started walking toward the exit. I was dumbfounded for a moment, I couldn't believe that's all it took. But after coming to my senses I stood up abruptly and practically jogged up to her. I caught a glimpse of Jimin on the dance floor, he saw me, I gave him a peace sign and my cockiest, head tilted back, look. I saw him laugh and i was out.
The taxi ride back to my apartment was uncomfortably silent. I didn't really know what to do, I mean, what was proper etiquette when someone so easily agrees to come home with you? I wasn't lying when I said I had been "intimate" with a girl before, but, there were steps to get there: a conversation, buying of drinks, a dance, make out session, heavy petting over the clothes. Or, if it was someone I wanted to go steady with: getting to know each other, flirting, a FEW dates, and then MAYBE sometime down the road if she was into it. But what the hell do I do when she went from insulting me, to inviting herself over to my place? A thought crept it's way into my mind. I looked out the window -away from her- as I shut my eyes tight, rubbing my forehead, trying to will the thought away. But it was too late...what if she was a hooker? Fuck. What if I walked into an elaborate scam. What if, after we..and she demanded payment after..and I refused..and she leaves, only to come knocking my door down with the pimp that had been following us the whole time? Nervously, I looked behind us. Good, no one was there. I turned to look at her and she winked. That didn't make me feel better.
We got out of the taxi and she let me walk ahead as I lead her to my apartment. I lived on the second level, and my legs felt like jelly walking up to my door. I opened it and motioned for her to walk in first, extending my arm.
"I have a roommate but he's out of town" I started to say as I entered and turned away from her to lock the door behind me. When I faced her again, she was topless, displaying proudly lush and perfectly round breasts. I froze, looking at her with wide eyes.
"what's the matter? You don't like what you see?" She said in a forced pout.
I blinked a few times "i-its not that..you're beautiful".
She smiled. "Do you want to touch them?" I could only nod. Slowly, she closed the distance between us. She took my hand and drew my forefinger to her lips. She kissed it, before she put it her mouth and drawing it out again, slowly, licking the underside, and giving it another kiss. The whole time looking into my eyes through her thick lashes. And that's when I lost it.
I drew my hand out of hers and buried it in her hair as I crashed my lips into her hard. She stumbled back a little at the force. I caught her, grasping her hip with my other hand. She let out a soft moan as our kissed deepened and that made me weak, I whimpered and started to walk her backwards to my room that was just across the hall from the entrance.
Without taking my lips off her I kicked the door closed behind me. I was feeling good. Euphoric. All the tension left my body. I wasn't just drunk from all the drinks at the bar, I was drunk off her as I drank up everything she had to offer. My hands snaked around her body. First from her hip, up her side as I let my thumb just barely graze the side of her breast. Then around and up her back to feel the smooth bare skin. She was soft. And with that thought I took the hand that was Tangled in her hair and slid it down her neck, my finger tips barely grazing the skin, brushing passed her prominent collar bone and down the middle of her cleavage. She broke our kiss and let out a shuddered sigh and I saw the goosebumps start to form. I looked deep into her eyes as I let my fingers roam further down her torso where I found two things: a belly button piercing and (most importantly) the button to her pants. I undid the button and zipper with one hand and feathered my fingertips from the other back down her back to free her from the denim. I kissed her lips, her neck, her chest, and finally her stomach as I dropped to my knees and pulled off her pants. I was gripping her hips with both hands as I bit and kissed the flesh just above her panties. She was wearing a satin black thong. My left hand slid down and around and gripped her thigh. I wanted to tease her a little, pay back for how she treated me at the club. I was going to lay a few more sloppy kisses on her leg right along her bikini line, maybe nibble at her through the thin material covering her mound until she begged me to go further. But instead, something caught my attention. She had a large snake tattoo. It wrapped around her thigh once with the head ending on the outside of her leg facing her hip bone. I don't know why it intrigued me so much. I tracked it with my fingers for a moment marveling at the intricate detail of the scales that were sticking up like scales on a dragon. It was a deep red color with some yellowish tones around the mouth and had a black line down the middle. But I think what I focused on more was the deep, dark look in it's eyes.
I must have paused for a moment too long and I felt her hand slide from my shoulder to the back of my neck.
"Do you like it?.." I looked up at her as she spoke. "It's said to be the most venomous yet least aggressive. And some say the second most beautiful snake in the world. Wanna know which is the first?" I didn't speak, I couldn't, the only response I could give was the eager look in my eyes and my undivided attention. She leaned in close so her face was only inches away. When she spoke again it was only a whisper.
"The first one is me"
She stood straight again and was now looking down at me with her head tilted to the side and a smug look on her face. And here I was, still on my knees and speechless. Fuck this. For the millionth time tonight I was glad I was drunk and I let the alcohol take over.
As I stood up I took her with me, lifting her up swiftly and wrapping her legs around me. She gasped at the sudden movement and I felt her squeeze me tighter. I walked over to the bed where I basically dropped her on her back. She still had that same smug look on her face except now she was giggling.
"What's wrong love? Are you afraid of snakes?"
Now it was my turn to make her speechless. I didn't answer her. Instead I crawled on top of her and lowered my body, one hand falling on her hip as I supported myself on my elbow with the other arm.
"No.." my voice came out in a raspy whisper, "and I'm not afraid of you either, so stop trying to scare me away" her smile started to fade and for a moment she looked as cute and innocent as her friends did earlier as she looked at me with those dark eyes.
All at once lunged up and wrapped her arms around my neck and she was kissing me with more hunger than before. As her tongue swirled around with mine my hand slid up from her hip and finally made its way to cup her breast. I squeezed the supple flesh and ran my thumb all around the nipple as I pressed my Jean covered erection into her.
Suddenly, she broke away from me. She grabbed the collar of my and pushed me off her.
"Get against the headboard" she demanded in a husky voice. And being the gentleman I was, I complied. I switched her places and scooted up so my back was against the headboard and supported by pillows.
"Undress. Shirt first" she cocked an eyebrow. My head tilted to one side and I smirked. I was confused but amused at the same time. What was she up to? Again I obeyed. I started to unbutton my shirt, tilted my head back keeping my stare on her to see any hint of reaction. She seemed to enjoy what she was seeing and she bit her bottom lip.
After seeing that I was satisfied enough to take my stare off her and instead looked down at hands to unbuckle my belt, still wearing a slight smirk on my face. I took my pants and underwear off in one swift motion letting my erection bounce off my stomach. Nothing had really happened, just a few kisses and touches, but the mystery of her and what was about to happen had left my mind open to the imagination and that was enough to leave me fully erect and throbbing. I lifted my graze, and slowly she looked up from my cock and gave me a mischievous grin. She started to crawl closer. She licked her lips as she did. She straddled one of my legs and smugly sat up straight, licked the palm of her hand, gripped the tip, and slid it all the way down to the base.
My breath hitched, and with each up and down glide I moaned and hissed. And soon enough I was pudy in her hand.
"Does it feel good?" She sighed out. I let out a staggered breath and nodded. "Tell me"
"it feels amazing" I groaned and let my head fall back only to be brought back up by the sudden feeling of her warm wet lips sucking the tip. I huffed out a breath and reached out for her shoulder to regain my self. Her tongue swept passed her lips and licked the underside of my cock from base back to tip where she closed her mouth and came off it with a light pop that sounded more like kissing noises. She played with it a little, sucking the head, rubbing the underside of her tongue along the top and then swirling it around. I was a mess of hisses and soft sighs until she finally took me into her warm wet mouth. I groaned loud and slid my hand into her hair as she wrapped her mouth tightly around me, making sure her tongue was always in contact.
My head was still laid back against the wall, which apparently she had a problem with. I felt her poke my chest with a single finger. When I looked down she came off me with a pop.
"I'm doing this for you..why aren't you watching?" Her voice sounded almost innocent, but it was forced and it was apparent it was a "good girl" act when she tilted her head to one side.
"I'm sorry" I said breathlessly.
Slowly, a big smile started to form "that's a good boy"
Without warning she plunged down on me faster this time. I groaned and winced. All I wanted to do was shut my eyes and concentrate on not fucking cuming! But I didn't. I kept my eyes on her as she asked. The room was dark, but the moonlight was seeping through the window hitting her like a spotlight.
The scene it illuminated, objectively, was obscene. Her bobbing up and down on my dick, spit everywhere, lipstick smeared. But I couldn't help but think 'beautiful'. My train of thought was interrupted by her again. Literally sucking and making her tongue pulse against me. The feeling was similar to when a woman is about to orgasm. The walls clenching and releasing. I was about to come undone. At this point I was holding her face with both hands and nearly bucking my hips deeper into her.
"I'm guna cum" I mumbled. As soon as I said the words, she swung her head back and sat up on her knees.
"No you're not. Not yet" she said with a small grin. She slipped off her black silky thong and crawled closer. Each move looked slow and precise. The way maybe her snake would when it found its prey. She straddled me, not yet letting me in. She held me in her hand still rubbing it with the left over spit.
"Do you want to be inside me jungkook?" Sje whispered in my ear. I sighed out as I let my head fall on her shoulder and wrapped my arms around her. One hand on the small of her back, the other in her hair again.
I really did. I wanted to grab onto her shoulders and push her as deeply down on my throbbing cock and fill her up with the whole length of me as I also bucked into her slow so she could feel how hard she made me. But there was no gentlemanly way of saying such things. Which left me to only whisper:
"I do"
She stood up on her knees and she led the tip of my dick to her. I found out she was wet as she swirled it around her entrance, coating it in her arousal. How was she wet already? Just from sucking my off? I didn't have time to have a second thought as lowered herself slowly, taking every inch of me.
We both gasped. We settled like this for a moment; my forehead against her chest, I wrapped my arms around her tightly and pressed her as close to me as possible as she waited to adjust to the feeling.
I needed some time to adjust as well. For one, I had been so close to coming just a few moments ago, but the pressure of her tight silky walls were calming the feeling a bit. I felt my self shutter as I let out a few staggered breaths.
She ran her fingers up the nape of my neck and in my hair. I looked up at her and she smiled. It was a small and kind of shy smile, but for the first time tonight it was a true, genuine smile. I huffed a smile myself and she giggled with me. It was like, for a moment, we both realized how crazy this was.
She leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips. When she pulled away, that mischievous grin was back. She grabbed my wrists and unwrapped my arms from around her. She held my arms down as she started to rock her hips into me. I sighed out with every movement. They were short and precise strokes. It felt good and she seemed to be enjoying herself. Her eyes had closed and her mouth had parted slightly.
The room filled with soft sighs and low moans as she continued to ride me.
The wan was driving me crazy as she quickened the pace. She didn't let me touch her. She had my arms pinned down and I let her take control. I liked it, I only half pretending to try to break free. But I wasn't going to let her getting away with this so easy. She wouldn't let me touch her- fine. Instead I bucked my hips up in rhythm with her. That earned me a deeper groan falling from her. She let her face fall into the crook of my neck. She sighed and moaned in my ear as the movements became more precise, stronger, deeper.
I felt her walls start to tighten. Her nails dug into my arms and I knew she was close. Her moans were turning into whimpers and her lips were grazing my ear. Her hair was in my face. I couldn't see I could only feel and it was amazing.
Her breath hitched and she hesitated only for a second and she went back to rocking her hips back and forth, riding out her release. She quivered and panted. I couldn't take this anymore.
I broke free from her grip, wrapped my arm around her, and swiftly flipped her on her back, taking my place. Now I was in control. She squealed excitedly at the sudden movement.
I pressed myself against her core, trying to bury myself deeper. She wasn't laughing anymore. Instead now she wrapped her legs around my waist tightly and let out a dragged out, relieved almost, moan and let her arms rest above her head. I pressed her arms down this time and began to land kisses anywhere I could. Her lips, her neck, her collar bones. All the way down until I reached her breast and took it in my mouth. My tongue played with her nipple. Swirling in circles and flicking it across the sensitive flesh. I was keeping my rhythm hard and deep. Not too fast at first. Not until she was a whimpering mess. Her back arched and she cried out. She tried to wiggle her arms out from under me, but unlike me, she actually couldn't.
"just tell me what you want" i said against her chest, my voice a husky whisper. I wanted her to beg this time. I slowed the pace so give her the opportunity to speak. Now I was coming out fully and slowly driving myself back in. Her moans were now mere sighs, she was catching her breath. She swallowed before she went to speak.
"I want you"
"I'm right here" as I spoke the last word, I let my throbbing cock dig deeper and I lingered there for a moment to emphasize my point. She let out another dragged out moan and my name followed.
"kiss me" her eyes looked deep into mine, they were pleading. I looked at her parted lips..and I couldn't resist.
My mouth went crashing down on hers. My hands slid down from her arms and down her body. She grabbed the back of my head and deepened our kiss. I snaked a hand around her and cupped the back of her head and the other cupping the curve of her ass. She tightened her legs around my waist as I practically fucked her into the mattress. We were both loud this time. The room filled with her cries, my grunts, and the sound of flesh repeatedly against each other. I felt her start to quiver again and the walls of her pulse around my dick. The more she closed on me the more my own pressure started to build. Her nails were digging into my back again. I buried my face into her neck as we both climaxed at the same time. I felt the heat spill out into her and I slowly rode out my orgasm.
I collapsed on her. She giggled. We were both panting. I pulled myself out of her and kissed her once more before rolling off. We payed there for a second catching out breath.
She let out a satisfied sigh and all of a sudden she sat up, got up from the bed, and started getting dressed.
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welcometothegayvy · 7 years
Pushing Buttons Pt. 1 So here is my first fanfiction, hope y’all like it. It is adult (swearing) It is smut (of the malexmale kind) It is probably trash but idgaf
“Why is it necessary that werewolves sweat so damn much?” Liam thought as he completed his last shot into the lacrosse goal.
It was a blazing hot day for northern California, yet here he was hurling balls on the pitch in a tank top, (which he had previously shed) and running shorts. He toed off his shoes and socks, feeling the warm grass beneath his feet, grounding him.
It had been a week since everyone went their separate ways; Scott taking a last-minute road trip with Isaac, Stiles returning to Quantico to answer for his absconding with Derek, Lydia off to Harvard for her pre-law program, and Malia doing her “quality bonding” with Peter-he didn’t want to take a stab at what that entailed- and the rest were off enjoying their last summer before senior year.
Technically he was alone. And for once he didn’t mind the fact. He was meant to be finding a new anchor, since now he had a split second of spare time to do so with the momentary defeat of the hunters. He thought he could get lost in Lacrosse, focus on improving his skill for the scouts that were sure to show up next season.
But no. With every swish of the ball into the net, his mind conjured up another scene from the days past- the dead wolves in the forest, a bleeding Brett dying at the hospital, Scott clawing out his eyes to fight the Anuk-Ite, over and over they sped through his brain, making his blood boil at the thought of being so helpless in those moments.
Scooping up the ball, he launched it harder with each flash, rage propelling him to send the images away by flinging a ball at them. Gritting his teeth, his breathing labored, he continued until he was out of balls before whipping his stick towards the goal with a grunt and falling to his knees.
“What did that net do to you?”
Resting on his hands, Liam looked up towards the drawling voice, panting with a scowl painted over his face as he confirmed that the voice did in fact belong to Theo.
Immediately, his anger spiked as another memory shot towards the surface-the two of them at the abandoned zoo, Theo repeatedly punching him in what he said was an attempt to channel Liam’s rage that had chosen that moment to surface.
“What do you want?” He spat, rising to his feet. “Don’t you have anywhere better to be?”
“Nah. Even if I did, your waves of angst are noticeable in a three block radius. It’s distracting.”
“What’s wrong pup, Hayden finally call it quits?” He mocked with a wicked smirk, placing a hand on Liam’s shoulder.
He roughly brushed it off, biting his tongue to quell the increasing spikes in anger. If there were any rogue hunters left in the area, he could channel it usefully. As it was, Scott and Derek had dispatched the last of the stragglers days ago.
“Fuck off.” He retorted, grabbing his shirt and wiping his forehead.
“Aww, still haven’t found an anchor yet? Better get it figured out soon. Don’t want to make Alpha Scotty come clean up your mess again, do you?” He stood coolly, a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Scott’s ten times the wolf you will ever think of being.” He spat with venom and hate.
“Please. Scott had to have help from how many people? And how many of those ass-saving plans were actually his?”
Grabbing the mesh bag, he started collecting the stray balls, remembering his mantra to keep from shifting.
‘The Sun, The Moon, The Truth. He chanted in his head. ’ The Sun, The Moon, The Truth.’
Finishing his task, he picked up his stick and stormed off towards the locker rooms, fists clenched dangerously tight. He manually slowed his breathing, in through his nose, out through his mouth, focusing on calming his stormy thoughts.
Theo was looking for trouble. He had no logical reason to stick around with the last of the hunters gone. Liam couldn’t wrap his head around why the shit-stirrer was still hanging out in town. Why wouldn’t he just leave already?
He let those thoughts consume him as he hastily showered, changing into clean clothes and jumping on his bike-a parting gift from Scott-and heading home.
 After arriving home, he tossed his dirty clothes in the general direction of the laundry and made his way up to his room. Collapsing on the bed, he mentally thanked his dad for installing the air conditioner last week. The cool breeze helping to calm his frayed nerves.
Gazing up at the ceiling, he found his thoughts once again straying to the infuriating chimera. What was he even doing at the lacrosse pitch? Sure he said he could smell his anger, but did he really have nothing better to do than to seek him out and get him even more riled up than he currently was? What was up with that anyway? Did he get off on pushing peoples buttons?
At that moment, his thoughts strayed on their own accord to the ridiculous image of Theo with his devious grin, hands running down his defined pecs, trailing down his washboard abs before firmly grasping his—NO.
He reeled back, denying his mind the chance to go there again. He tried not to let it wander, but ever since the moment in the hospital where Theo took Brett’s pain away, his perception of Theo shifted. He found himself drawn to the guy that only brought trouble and left chaos in his wake. But still, maybe he wasn’t a total ass …
No. He refused to believe for a moment that he was capable of emotion outside the catty, toying moves he had made to assure his own safety. Theo was not a man of substance.
Restless, he paced his room for a few moments, before heading downstairs for a drink. Grabbing a water, he uncapped it and drained half of it before setting it on the countertop.
“I see you cooled down. Good. Seems you’re not totally incapable of staying out of trouble.”
Liam sneered before spinning on his heel to find Theo casually leaning against the kitchen island.
“Taking a page from Peter and following me around now?”
“Of course. Someone’s gotta keep an eye on Scott’s pup while he’s away.”
At that, Liam scoffed. Did Scott really not trust him? Enough to send Theo of all people to check up on him?
He shook his head as Theo stepped closer.
“You left your wallet on the bleachers. You really should learn to stay more focused. Can’t afford to slip up too bad, can we?” He added in a patronizing tone.
Liam grabbed his wallet and shoved it in his pants as he strode out of the kitchen, making his way back up to the solitude of his room, followed closely behind by Theo.
“What, no ‘thank you’?” He complained, reaching the top of the stairs.
“Sorry, I wasn’t aware I was supposed to thank my babysitter for following me around.” He shot Theo a look of distaste and continued back to his room.
“Oh trust me, I’m no babysitter. Scott’s not paying me enough for running around after your ass.”
So that confirmed his suspicions, he thought. Scott really didn’t trust him.
Feeling the familiar rise in blood pressure, he quickly turned and strode up to Theo, getting in the boy’s face.
“Maybe you need to bring that up with him.” He retorted. “That or rethink your desire to keep playing Scott’s bitch.” He added with a knowing grin. Score one for Liam.
Theo chuckled as he grabbed Liam by the hair and hastily switched their positions, successfully pinning him against the wall with a thud.
“Oh, you seem to be mistaken pup.” He corrected, popping the ‘p’ with finality. “If anyone is the bitch here, it’s definitely you.” He countered, breath fanning out against Liam’s face.
Being this close to Theo was something that Liam tried his hardest to avoid. Ever since the moment in the locker room where they found themselves in a similar position, he found that as infuriating as Theo was, he was powerless when it came to the chimera’s fiery dominance and determination.
Narrowing his eyes, he gritted his teeth before muttering, “Don’t. Call me that. Again.” He gathered up his strength to push at Theo’s chest.
Theo chuckled darkly before gathering the beta’s wrists and pinning them above his head.
“I’ll call you whatever I want. I’m the one in charge, remember?” He whispered, mouth dangerously close to Liam’s ear, lips brushing against the shell.
A shiver traveled its way up Liam’s spine at the hot breath caressing his ear; combined with the dominance the rogue wolf was displaying, he knew he was going to have to try harder or lose this battle. And he wasn’t going to lose to someone like Theo.
He bit his lip and curled his toes to center himself, not wanting to give way to the unwarranted thoughts that plagued his sleeping hours.
Theo stilled for a moment, staring into Liam’s face and snorted.
“Just as I thought.” He stated, backing up.
Liam chanced a look into Theo’s face, seeing a very pleased smirk plastered there.
“All this time…I thought it was Scott.” He muttered.
“What are you talking about?”
“I always thought it was Scott that you were pining after…following along like the ever obedient puppy.”
Holding his hands together with one of his own, Theo trailed his other down the trembling Beta’s chest, slowly down further before firmly cupping Liam’s growing erection in his palm. He squeezed and chuckled at the intake of breath.
“You’re dripping in lust and frustration.”
Liam rolled his eyes and huffed.
“I am not going there with you.” He muttered annoyed.
“Oh don’t worry pup. You don’t have to go anywhere. I’ll take you right here.”
Theo moved fast. Placing his lips firmly on Liam’s, he brought his knee in between the boy’s legs and dropped his hands to his sides, holding him firmly in place.
‘Shit.’ Liam thought to himself. ‘If this is the game he wants to play, I’ll show him I’m better.’
Liam wrapped his arms around Theo’s neck and kissed back with renewed passion. Slipping his tongue inside the older boys mouth, he fought Theo’s for dominance. He would bring the chimera to his knees. Ha had to.
Theo lifted him up, and wrapping his legs around his hips, Liam clung to him, their clothed erections rubbing and bumping against each other. Hands travelling down, Theo cupped the beta’s pert cheeks, keeping him pinned to the wall with his hips.
“Fuck, Theo.” He breathed out as Theo trailed kisses down the beta’s bared neck. He was trying but it was as if he knew exactly how to unwind him, always one step ahead.
“Say it. Tell me that it’s not Scott.” Theo demanded, looking straight into the younger’s eyes. The barely-there whisper bringing a return of the chills through his body.
“You’re crazy, what are you—“
“SAY. IT.” He ordered once again, reaching his hand down Liam’s pants, sliding his hand down the bulge in the boy’s briefs, drawing out a low moan.
“I—it’s you…fuck. It’s always been you.” Liam whispered, defeated as Theo softly thumbed his head, causing a low throb to pulse through his erection.
At that, Theo released his hold on him, backing up and letting him drop unceremoniously to the ground with a thud.
“What the-“ He began.
“On the bed. Now.” Theo growled darkly.
Taking a moment to steady his nerves, he steeled himself once more. If this was the way he was running this, Liam would not be the first to break. Theo would be the one to lose this match. Not him.
‘Let the games begin.’ He mused to himself, grinning as he was driven to the bedroom.
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noobfics-btsblog · 6 years
Pairing- min yoongi & reader
genre-fluff (in my opinion)
a/n- this is an excerpt of a fanfic im currently working on. i posted this to showcase my writing in hopes people would be interested in seeing the whole story in the future.
also, still working on the title
...I didnt know why i was so nervous, we were just friends after all. at least thats what i try to convince myself of, but in the back of my mind i knew the truth. im not sure how it happened-well, thats not true either-, i knew exactly when my feelings shifted from a place of pure lust...to something...a bit more. 
it was some time last year. i was on my way out of the office and i noticed through the glass doors that it was raining outside. i knew it was on the forecast and i did have an umbrella, but i forgot it back in my studio. as i turned to retrieve my forgotten umbrella, i noticed something else- some one else- HER. She was leaning against the wall looking up at the sky, occasionally taking sips from the coffee she was holding, and...she was completely drenched. I walked over to the door not believing what i was seeing. why was she just standing there? i called out to her twice (barely poking my head out through the door) before she stirred from whatever deep thought she was in.
 “what are you doing?”
“oh sorry sir! Did you need something?”. at that time she had only been working with us for a few months and i was the only one she still called “sir” or “Mr.” mostly because i never gave her the ok to refer to me otherwise..call it a kink i guess. At that time she had been assigned to be a sort of personal assistant to me, and her being the professional she was, was concerned i might have been roaming around the building looking for her.
“No you idiot! What are you doing out here?”. she was younger than me by a year and i had gotten used to talking to her the way i talk to the rest of my dongsaengs and, also like the rest of my dongsaengs, she got on my nerves sometimes.
“um..just..enjoying the rain...” her eyes darted around her for a second before looking back at me.  As if it was so obvious and i was the stupid one for asking. i rolled my eyes and with a frustrated sigh i jogged over to her. she was a bit a ways from the entrance of the building so as i approached she she had a chance to return to her previous activity: leaning against the wall and contemplate the sky. i leaned on my shoulder against the wall next to her. i had my hands stuffed in my pockets and i coward and winced with each drop of water that hit me. 
“what i meant was: WHY are you out here? Normal people usually “enjoy” the rain without actually being in it”. she smiled and answered without looking at me,
“you dont like the rain?”
“i dont like getting wet” i answered very matter of fact, “i dont mind the rain itself..its just water after all. but no, i dont enjoy being cold and wet like you seem to”. she didnt answer right away, so i followed her gaze. it was raining pretty intensely, it was like someone had turned on the shower head over the city of Seoul. but the sky she was so interested in was typical of a rainy day: thick grey clouds and nothing else. when she spoke again i jumped a little.
“The rain gets a bad rap sometimes doesnt it?” it wasnt really a question for me so i stayed silent and let her continue. “it floods, seeps into buildings, and when the right things come together perfectly...you get a storm...leaving destruction and chaos...destruction.” I remember she spoke low and slow, that was the longest she had ever spoken to me, and she had my full attention as i stared down at her. “and during those times, we forget that it also brings life. its because the destruction is in your face..you can see evidence of it immediately. but todays rain might be growing next months grass, trees, or flowers. maybe a puddle today helps relive the thirst of a few stray animals. maybe it fills drought threatened lakes and rivers. we need the rain.” Then and now, what she said reminded me of that one saying that goes something like: people only notice your mistakes. i reflect on that from time to time..
“ that still doesnt answer why youre willingly getting caught in the rain.” she smiled and ticked her eyes at me.
“i like it” she shrugged “people sun bathe all the time...just to feel the rays of the sun..i want to FEEL the rain.” 
“its wet.. what else is there?” i was in fact interested. i had spent the last few months trying to figure her out and it was my first opportunity to find out what goes on in her mind..
“its not just the physical feeling..” she was annoyed then her usual tone with me..
“youve heard the saying ‘the calm before the storm’ its a real thing. the clouds start rolling in..they start thick and plush..and i dont really know how to describe it...its like world goes quiet. even when youre driving in it things seem more relaxed and quiet. and the smell..much better than the pollution and dust and whatever else we breath in all day long. but my favorite part is when it actually starts raining..” her words trailed off for moment “whats that thing called in music that helps keep the tempo?” i wasnt sure if she was really asking me or just talking to herself at that point. at that moment i wasnt sure if she even knew i was still there, but i answered anyway.
“metronome” she smiled at me
“metronome...thats what the rain sounds like. Did you know its sometimes used to hypnotize people- the metronome i mean- its supposed to help you concentrate on a particular rhythm and put you in like a sort of trance i guess. rain is like that.each drop of rain that falls against the concrete, or your window, or peoples umbrellas is like natures metronome putting you in a trance and clearing your mind of all the constant inner chatter.” her eyes had started to fade, growing distant, the way people do when they were thinking. in her case she was reliving a memory..
“there’s a powerful thing about sound and smells too that can bring up things in your mind you thought were left forgotten. like every time it rains and im in that “trance stage” i cant help but relive stuff from when i was young and-”
“you’re still young” i cut her off; she was only 23. she gave me a look
“when i was youngER” she corrected, “i guess what i mean is that feeling of being free. like when you're a child and you run around jumping in the puddles. getting muddy and dirty even though you knew your mom would get mad. you didn’t care because you were young and having fun.” she began to chuckle “and really anything can happen in the rain..and again sure, tragedy, like a car crash or whatever. but also a lot of wonderful moments...i mean thats why they put romantic rain scenes in movies right?” her eyes flashed me a glance..i swallowed. “and those scenes with teenagers sneaking out and getting into trouble and making bad decisions- actually there was this one time a few of us snuck into this apartment complex to hang out by the pool. it was a summer night and we were off school and we had a bunch of beer- one of my friends had a fake ID- and we just needed a place to drink where we wouldnt get caught and a friend suggested these old apartment complex he used to live in since he knew security was..well not good. anyway as the night went on, that ‘about to rain’ smell started to grown and all of a sudden it was pouring.” she smiled as her eyes started to grow distant, lost in the memory. “we all laughed and then one by one we started to jump into the pool fully clothed” she started to laugh again as was coming out of that memory. ”i think that was one of the best times i had with that group of friends. its like the rain had washed away all the..front..you know what i mean? like they each had their persona. what they want you to think they are like. always trying to pretend like they were something else. but when that rain came it washed away all the bullshit..sorry..” she flashed a worried glance at me and i waved it off. “anyway its like they were finally able to be themselves and just have fun instead of trying to act cool all the time. and the rest of the night we just had a ton of laughs and good conversation.”  she paused for a moment and i waited patiently as i myself was taking in everything she had said. “i guess all i mean is, to me, rain is more than just water from the sky. its not just weather. its life. its beauty and growth and smiles and laughter. some bad times, some good times..and some good con..versations..” she had turned to look at me as she pronounced that last word, letting her voice fall to nearly a whisper. She looked..surprised...and she had stiffened. She looked guarded as she held her coffee tight with both hands. At first i couldnt figure out what had caused her sudden change in attitude. Then her eyes flicked between my eyes and...i wasnt sure what..something lower on my face? my lips? why was she looking at my lips?
That’s when she let out a staggered breath and the smell of her coffee hit me. i was suddenly aware of how close to her face i was. I’m not sure when, but at some point, i had begun to lean into her as she had me mesmerized. i swallowed hard, blinked a few times, and straightened myself out turning away from her awkwardly- but not before i caught a glimpse of her blushing, looking down at her coffee smiling.  I couldn’t bring myself to do much else other than stand there fidgeting with my earring. After what seemed like the longest 2 seconds of my life passed, it was her who broke the silence.
“um..anyway, what are you doing out here sir?”. I turned to look at her, then down at myself, and i sighed as i let my head and shoulders drop. i hadn’t noticed until now, but i was as soaked as she was. i had a thin, black, long sleeve shirt that was clinging on to my skin and my jeans felt heavy with all the water they had soaked up. i went to rub my hair, my fringe was stuck to my forehead, it felt like i just got out the shower. i laughed a bit bitterly at myself. “what, what is it?” she asked. i looked at her and grinned.
“i was actually on my way out and saw it was raining...i was going to go back and get my umbrella but...” i let my sentence end there and just shrugged. 
“oh...oohh..”As she started to realize it was her fault i didn’t need the umbrella anymore, we both started to laugh. “I’m sorry sir i didn’t mean to keep you..ugh now look at you” i waived off her worry and just shrugged again.
“it’s only a little rain. come on, I’ll walk you home.” she smiled and nodded.
I dont remember what all was said on that short walk to her place, what i do remember though was how i felt. before that moment, all i wanted to know about her was how she would feel when i touched her, what her lips would feel like against mine, i wanted to explore all her body had to offer. But suddenly things were different now. As we walked along-and in between catching the other starring- i started to think differently. i wanted to know more about her. i wanted to explore her MIND. This person who i always called dumb or an idiot actually had me wanting to know more. What did she think about music? would we like the same songs? Does she like MY music? And the fact that her opinion of me mattered was different in itself. I wanted to know her opinion of a lot of stuff. i wanted to know what made her mind tick. what makes her mad? what makes her sad? whats her favorite food? can i take her to eat it? what makes her happy? i hoped it could be me..
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noobfics-btsblog · 6 years
Rational Decisions
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Yoongi has given up on the idea of having it all. He has made his choices and is willing to deal with them. That is...until YOU came around.
Pairing: yoongi x reader
Genre: Angst x Fluff
The beginning of a LONG series I started working on when DNA came out.
*if you read my previous story 'rain' this is how it all started
Part 1: Prelude
When I woke up, I found myself laying on the futon in my studio. I looked around a bit confused, when the hell did I fall asleep? The last thing I remembered was working at my computer...and laying down here...to take a break? It was about 11 at night the last time I checked the time and my lights were still dim in the studio from when I fell asleep. I checked my watch wondering how long I was out for. Well that cant be right, i thought to myself. my watch said it was 9:00..I sat up and looked around for my phone, finding it on the floor and checking the time, it was in fact 9:00 but in the morning. What the fuck? I slept through the night? Damn. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and walked over to the computer. It was on sleep mode, and when I turned it on I remembered why I had writers block.  It was the song I was supposed to be working on for Suran. She wanted a break up song of all things, and I had a bunch of old work from when I was feeling "inspired" I had pulled them up and started putting some of them together until I came up with something new and changing the pronouns to match a female singers point of view, and not me, a male rapper, who they were originally intended for.
I am drunk on you
I am drunk tonight
In the bad memory that you left
I'm still wandering, searching for you
I will just forget
I want to know your heart boy (originally girl)
Just forget me
Baby please don’t go
As I was putting this together last night it reopened an old wound and memories of HER started flooding my mind. Needing a break, I decided to scroll through social media on the futon where at some point, I fell asleep. And now this again. I was about to start torturing myself again and finish working on this when my phone chimed. I was going to ignore it but a flurry of "dinging" was coming from my phone one after another. I checked it when it finally stopped. I don't text much, so there was only a few conversations in my messaging app. Apart from scattered messages to the few friends and family I had/ cared to talk to, there was the group chat between me and the rest of the members. This one, was one of the reasons my phone had chimed, but there was also a new chat. This one was also for me and the members, but it was formed by a number I didn't recognize.
All i read was: My name is y/n, I'm the new health specialist.
annoyed, I muted the notifications, and I chucked my phone over to the futon. I dont understand why we always have to go through this. Every so often we get a new "health specialist". It's always the same thing too. They come in and "talk to us", they call it a consultation. And despite anything we say, its always the same outcome: diet, lose weight, starve. I gave up on that a long time ago.
I sat back down in front of the computer. I stared at the screen for a moment waiting to see if anything came to me.
"Baby please don't go". I read that line over and over. I sighed. whether in anger, frustration...even sadness, I couldn't tell anymore.
"Coffee" I thought to myself, "definitely going to need coffee. But first.." i swiveled my chair around to face the shelf off to my right. This wasn't the first time I had fallen asleep here. It was so much a habit that i had started to leave toothpaste and a toothbrush here. I grabbed them from off the shelf and walked out of the studio.
Another habit I had was procrastinating. I was well aware that that was exactly what I was doing now as I was brushing my teeth in the company bathroom. "I just need coffee and i can work again" or "let me just eat first and I'll start" along with other excuses I give myself. Another habit I had was starting a new project before finishing another. That’s the sort of state i found myself this morning. With writers block and a lot on my plate. With this sort of excuse i found it easy to lie to myself. I didn’t need coffee to finish my work. It wasn’t caffeine that helped write hit songs. It was emotion, pain, and experience that did. and that’s what I was afraid of. In the back of my mind I knew this. I knew i was afraid to revisit old memories and reopen old scars. Even so, after i finished brushing my teeth, i made my way to the lounge for that coffee.
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noobfics-btsblog · 6 years
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Yoongi has given up on the idea of having it all. He has made his choices and is willing to deal with them. That is..until you came along...
*this is a preview of chapter 2. For the full version and the previous chapter go to this link: https://archiveofourown.org/users/ygc_btsfanfic25/pseuds/ygc_btsfanfic25
Preview pt.1
In the end, isn't this just same old same work for you?"
Technically she wasn't wrong. In the US I worked in a holistic type of health center. Not only did I have a degree in nutrition but I was a certified trainer. So I'll be doing the same basic things I usually do: Initial consultation, discussing diet and weight goals, coming up with a meal and/or work out plan, and from there its just a series of trial and error and fixing and tweaking the plan...no big deal, but..
"This is a bit different.."
"Oh come on, it'll be even easier-" she interrupted "Instead of having a bunch of different clients to keep up with, now you only see 7 guys..and even get paid more!"
"7 celebrities," I corrected. 7 celebrities that I've admired since 2014! That's two years now of listening to their music, watching them online, and two years of fantasizing what it would be like to meet my bias- which I needed to remember NEVER to refer to him like that EVER again! And then it hit me. Again a fresh wave of dreadful realization came over me: I'd be meeting HIM
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welcometothegayvy · 7 years
Pushing Buttons Pt. 2
Here it is folks! Thanks for all the comments and likes! 
Graphic Depictions of same sex sexy times
Liam landed unceremoniously on the bed leaning back on his elbows, watching as Theo hastily stripped off his shirt. There was a certain grace in his movements, even when he removed the garment with enough haste that Liam feared it would rip in two.
The bed springs creaked as Theo fell upon it, crawling predatorily over to the younger beta. Leaning down, he began pressing light kisses to Liam’s jaw, neck before making his way back up to his lips.
“Shirt off, pup.” He commanded in a gruff tone. Rising to his knees he watched, arms folded.
Liam sat forward and reached for the hem of his shirt, lifting it up and off in one swift motion. Theo’s eyes traveled up as he watched the material give way to the smooth expanse of muscle and skin; skin that he yearned to reach out and touch.
He did just that, sliding a hand up from the boy’s navel trailing up higher, between the developing pecs, before cupping around his neck and pulling him close.
Their lips locked, and the two began a heated battle for dominance. Liam, not forgetting his master plan, took this as his chance; grabbing Theo’s hips, he quickly flipped them over, pinning the taller teen beneath him.
Biting his lip, he ground down, hips pressed close against the snarky chimeras. A sharp intake of breath alerted him that his plan was well on its way to working. He could taste victory.
He folded his knees beneath him and planting his ass in Theo’s lap, he rocked back and forth slowly, yet purposefully.
“Fuck. Liam…” Theo groaned low and rough. That in itself woke up so many things in Liam’s body that he had to bite his cheek to remain centered.
Scooting higher, just resting over the tops of Theo’s hips, he reached behind and tugged on the older boy’s zipper. Popping the button skillfully, he reached down and applied the lightest bit of pressure, gliding his hand down over the quickly growing bulge in Theo’s skin tight compression briefs.
He marveled at the feel of the warm weight being held back by the thin satiny material; staring at the outline on display, he wondered what he had gotten himself into. Had he once again acted without thinking?
Before he could continue his musings however, he found himself being flipped once more. Towering over him, Theo grabbed Liam’s pant legs and yanked, pulling them clean off his body.
“Don’t think for a second I’m blind to what you’re doing. You’re not winning this one, pup.” He growled, tossing the pants behind him in the general direction of the closet.
He grinned down at the beta, the pair now in matching states of undress. Even playing field. He liked his odds.
“Asshole.” Liam mumbled, knowing full well the chimera heard him.
Grabbing next for the last piece of clothing on Liam’s body, he made quick work of the boxers that barely held back the boys straining erection. They quickly joined the previously removed pants, somewhere in a corner of the room.
Not wasting any time, Theo laid on his stomach between Liam’s legs, and grabbed his warm cock firmly in hand. He started stroking at a leisurely pace, thumb swiping over the deeply reddening head on each upstroke.
“I bet Scott never thought of reining you in like this, did he?” Theo teased darkly, confident smirk in place as he picked up his pace. He was going to hold this over the sorry excuse of an alpha for as long as possible. Being the only one to know how to control the younger beta, exactly how to turn him to putty, or to wake up the beast inside. With a flip of a switch he could have whatever he wanted.
“You’re seriously bringing Sc—AH SHIT!” He began to retort, but was quickly sidetracked by a warm wet mouth encircling his throbbing erection.
Liam fisted the sheets, drawing in deep breaths as if more air would help him cling to his sanity. How in hell did Theo seem to know exactly what he was doing? He moved with such confidence, such certainty that it threw him for a loop. Had he been practicing? Why was he thinking these thoughts while he was getting incredible head?
“You’re thinking too loud. Stop.”
He choked back a gasp as Theo renewed his motions, this time adding a hand stroking up and down while his tongue worked wonders on his sensitive head.
The sweat started to pour from his forehead as Liam swallowed back a moan. He may not have been in the position to follow through with his plan, but no way in hell was he going to give the pompous ass more fuel for his ego fire.
He felt a cool breeze against his cock at the absence of Theo’s mouth as his legs were pushed up against his body; strong hands holding them in place as the same mouth trailed down, brushing over his balls, travelling even lower until he felt the firm yet pliable tip of a tongue darting around his entrance.
“Whoa, wait, I-“ He began with a jolt
“Quiet.” Theo started, planting a strong slap to Liam’s smooth cheek. “You’re gonna need this.” He added, massaging the mound in a relaxing manner before returning to his ministrations.
Initially, Liam found it disturbing. The thought of what was happening planted in his head as gross or wrong. He quickly changed his mind though, as he felt the tongue penetrate the tightly coiled ring of muscle.
Letting out a low moan, he curled his toes as waves of pleasure overtook him. Fuck this game, he thought. He was starting to lose the ability to think clearly anymore as it was, the further they went down this twisted path of pleasure. The cat-and-mouse game was over.
Breaths labored, he turned his body over to the current of bliss running through his nerves. His body had never felt such intense responses, even when he was with Hayden.
He knew what was coming next. He wasn’t so naïve as to fumble when Theo asked for the lube. That did not mean, however, that he didn’t feel the buzz of nerves for their next move.
Reaching under the bed, he pulled out the small bottle of lube that had sadly remained unused for longer than he would like to admit. Tossing it to Theo, he tried to relax as much as possible, against his minds wishes.
“Remember to breathe, and try to stay relaxed. Trust me, it helps.” Theo informed him as he popped the cap and drizzled a proper amount onto a finger before re-capping the bottle and setting it on the floor beside him.
Theo reached a hand up and soothingly rubbed at the nervous beta’s stomach, before returning to casually stroke at Liam’s slowly softening dick.
“Breathe, Liam.” He reminded him one last time.
Taking a deep breath in, he closed his eyes and let it out. The digit slipped in with minimal pressure, aided by the lube. He had to admit it was the weirdest sensation; not too uncomfortable, but not quite there yet. He couldn’t quite place it, but remained as still as possible.
He decided it was better when it started to move. Slowly at first, Theo exploring carefully, mapping out the places that made Liam squirm just so. He looked up at Liam and his breath caught at the sight before him.
The beta’s cheeks were flushed, a plump bottom lip worried between his teeth as his chest rose and fell with exaggerated breaths. A full smile worked its way across Theo’s face as he surveyed his work.
This started out as a game, that much was understood. A simple test of wills and endurance. Theo was determined to come out on top.
But now?
Now he wasn’t so sure. He still felt the need to make the blue-eyed beta come undone beneath him, but that need was no longer driven by competitiveness and bravado. The game was over. But he couldn’t let the snarky teen find out.
He added a second finger slowly, twisting and angling them as he stretched and prepped Liam for what was to come.
“I’m adding one last one.” He communicated, watching Liam’s face for signs of pain or discomfort. Assured by a mumbled “mmhmm”, he continued and added the third and last finger.
Feeling that Liam was properly readied, or as much as he could do, he removed his fingers slowly one by one.
“You ready, Dunbar?” He asked, sly grin in place as he rose to his knees and unrolled the condom over his dick, giving it a few quick strokes as he placed himself in position between Liam’s legs. He gently nudged them apart with his knee.
“You HAVE to tell me if I’m going too fast. Remember to breathe and relax.” He reminded him once more as he applied more lube to his cock.
Placing the tip just outside the ring of muscle, he grabbed Liam’s hip and slowly pushed inside, once again watching for signs of distress or pain. Seeing his chest rise and fall with a bit more effort than expected, he stopped immediately and waited for a response.
“I’m fine just…need a minute.” Liam replied panting.
Theo gently rubbed the boy’s hip in comforting circles as he waited.
“Okay, go.”
Resuming his slow pace, he pushed until he was flat up against Liam’s cheeks, the heat and pressure short circuiting his brain. Everything in him demanded he start pummeling away, until the beta was screaming his name, but this time was different. He didn’t need to be gentle, necessarily, but this had to be done right.
He must have stayed still for too long, because he soon felt Liam wrapping his legs around him and pulling him in with great urgency. Blinking a few times, he screwed up his face in concentration and began to thrust in short spurts, allowing Liam to get used to the feeling being filled.
Before too long, however, he picked up speed and his thrusts started keeping time with his heartbeat. Gripping Liam’s thighs, he started making longer and longer thrusts, over and over until he was sliding almost completely out before snapping his hips and filling the younger beta’s eager hole once more.
At this time, Liam’s moans were endless; he watched as he wound his fists in the sheets repeatedly, his breathing erratic and stuttering. The sight alone of the little beta completely wrecked because of him had him flying towards the edge. He had to pace himself if he was going to last much longer.
Leaning down, he caught Liam’s lips in his own once more, teeth nibbling as he drove the boy beyond the point of no return.
Running his hand down Liam’s chest, he toyed at his nipples, dragging his nails across them, pulling and tugging. The ragged breathing and increased pulse gave away Liam’s state; Theo grabbed the boys cock and pumped as he slammed against his prostate over and over. HE would be the one responsible for unravelling the mouthy beta. It would be HIS name spilling from those sinful lips. No one else. Liam was his.
“Look at me. I wanna see those eyes when you come.”
Liam’s sphincter muscles clenched and released repeatedly as he fell over the edge, urged on by the chimera’s last command.
“God---THEO!” He roared as he rode out his orgasm, Theo following immediately behind, pushed over by hearing his little beta cry out in pleasure.
“Fuck!” He growled as he pumped shot after shot into the condom, thrusts sputtering to a halt as he slumped over the beta’s slowly relaxing form.
The boys collapsed next to each other on the bed, chests heaving as they came down from their post-orgasm buzz. Theo looked over to his side, at the picture of debauchery that was Liam; messy bangs stuck to a forehead with sweat, lips kiss (and bite) swollen, pools of cum slowly drying on his chest.
Upon seeing everything, Theo smirked, proud of his work. Liam looked down at his current state and let out a groan of frustration before looking back at Theo. He couldn’t help the small smile that worked its way across his features when their gazes met.
 “Uh, I think we’re gonna need some towels or something. I would suggest a shower, but I’m not moving. For a while.” He announced.
Theo begrudgingly rose to his feet and tossed the tied up condom in the trash, making a mental note to dispose of it properly before the Geyers got home.
Grabbing two wash cloths from beneath the sink, he wet them with warm water and returned to the bedroom. Bending down, he gently wiped at the mess on Liam’s stomach and chest before cleaning himself.
After rinsing out the cloths, he returned to the bedroom.
“So this is where we—“ He began, entering the room.
He stopped as he caught the sight of a fully sated Liam snuggled down in the comforter, eyes closed and mouth slightly parted, breath flowing in and out in a peaceful rate.
Leaning against the doorway, he smiled; a full, truly contented grin. He hadn’t a clue where things were going to go from here honestly. But one thing he was sure of.
He would have to push Liam’s buttons more often.
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