#nor has it gotten lower than 68 degrees
chibinightowl · 6 years
Hi Chibi! You’re one of my favorite fan fiction writers! Your work is always so genuine and real. I know your prompts are closed so I don’t expect anything but I did want to ask you something. I’ve recently been fired from my job because of my disabilities and a very difficult manager. It’s been so emotionally exhausting and my self esteem is lower than ever. Would ever write something where Jason or Tim get fired from a job? I don’t know imagine it for myself because well, it’s them. -Love, 🐝
With an ask like this, how can I say no? Anon, this may not be exactly what you were hoping for, but the inspiration came from something that happened to me when I was in my mid 20s. It was an extremely stressful and challenging time, but in the end, I made it out in one piece and was all the stronger for it. I hope this helps you find even a glimmer of light in the dark place you’re in. 
It took some time to notice something was wrong. After all, Tim was a young and reasonably healthy adult, so why should this even ping on his radar?  
But here he was, sitting at his desk working on a report, with his heart racing. It felt like it was about to pound right out of his chest, the thuds so loud he was surprised his cubemate couldn’t hear them too. What was even more surprising though was that he didn’t feel out of breath in the slightest. Tim stopped typing and held two fingers to his wrist, searching for his pulse.
For a solid minute, he counted as his eyes watched the clock hanging on the wall.
94 beats. What the hell? Tim knew he could stand to get out and exercise more, but he wasn’t totally out of shape. Jason made sure of that when he dragged him out of the apartment on the weekend to go jogging together.
Almost as soon as he noticed the loud beat, it faded away. He took his pulse again. 68 beats.
What was going on?
Now that he was aware of it, it was easier to notice when it occurred again. And it did, twice more that day before he went home.
When he told Jason about it, his boyfriend immediately had him sit on the couch and went to get his medical kit. “Times like these makes me glad I keep this stuff at home,” he commented, wrapping a blood pressure cuff over Tim’s skinny arm and taking out his stethoscope.  
“I’ll never make fun of you about it again.” Tim breathed regularly as his own personal paramedic took his vitals.
Jason frowned as he wrapped the stethoscope around his neck in a practiced movement. “Everything sounds fine.”
“It’s periodic,” Tim reminded him. “If it happens while we’re home, I’ll let you know.”
“Maybe you should make a doctor appointment anyway.”
Tim shrugged and flopped back into the couch. “Today is the first day I noticed it. Let’s wait a few days and see what happens.”
Jason clearly wasn’t happy with his decision. “Fine. You what this means then, right?”
“No sex until it stops.”
Tim threw one of the decorative couch pillows at him.  
As much as Tim hoped otherwise, it happened again the next day at work. Three times. And again the day after that.
He sullenly made the call to set up a doctor’s appointment during his lunch break and was able to get in at 3:45 the same day so he took it. Now he had to break the news about leaving early to his supervisor.
Tim tapped quietly on his boss’s office door. “Hey, Sandra. Got a second?”
Sandra was a middle aged woman who Tim personally thought had some OCD tendencies and was completely unsuited to her job. He didn’t know whose ass she kissed, nor did he care. She was nice enough and it wasn’t like he asked for much. “I sure do, Tim. What’s up?” she asked, glancing over the top of her wire rimmed glasses.
He entered and sat down in front of her desk. “I’ve been having something odd going on with my heart these last few days. The beats are completely irregular sometimes, even when I’m just sitting at my desk. I called my doctor and managed to get an appointment this afternoon, so I need to leave early for it.”
“My goodness!” Sandra exclaimed, giving him a closer look. “You’re too young to be having heart problems.”
Tim smiled wanly. “That’s what I said.”
“Your boyfriend is a paramedic, right? Have you told him?”
“Yes, and he checked me out best he could at home. Said I should have called for an appointment two days ago.”
Sandra nodded firmly. “I agree 100%. My husband has high blood pressure, it’s no laughing matter. Go get that checked out. You can always stay late tomorrow to make up the time if you want.”
“I’ll do that,” Tim said, rising to his feet. The flu went through the office last month and wiped out a good chunk of his accrued sick time.
“I just want you feeling better soon, Tim. You’re a great asset to this team and a good person.”
More like someone who saved her ass when she screwed up, but Tim took the compliment as it was meant. He had other things to worry about.
“You want me to what?” Tim asked incredulously as he buttoned his shirt.
“I want you to see a cardiologist, Tim,” Dr. Thompkins repeated.
“I am 25 years old. I’m too young to have heart problems.”  
The old doctor shrugged. “Then do nothing and if you have a heart attack, I can give you this referral again.” She held up a piece of paper.
Tim snatched it from her and sighed heavily. This was why he liked Dr. Thompkins. She didn’t try to sugarcoat things. “No thanks. Jason would drag me himself if I didn’t go.”
“And that’s why your boyfriend is smarter than you. I’m sure he sees a lot of heart attacks in his line of work.” The doctor sat down next to him on the exam table. “Tim, I’ve known you since you were in diapers. Whatever is going with your heart is not normal for a healthy adult male of your age. It’ll take a few days for the bloodwork to come back. I’ll send the referral and the results to Dr. Sheldon.”
“Will it take long to get in?” Tim asked somberly. This was becoming all too real. What was wrong with him?
“I doubt it. Especially since I’m calling Lynn directly to let her know about the unusual case I’m sending over. It’s not every day a cardiologist sees someone like you.”
That didn’t make Tim feel any better.
It still took a week to get in to see Dr. Sheldon. During that time, Tim averaged at least two of the irregular heartbeat episodes per day, even on the weekend when he was home. He’d made Jason aware of it the one time it happened while he was home from work and his boyfriend immediately grabbed his stethoscope and pressure cuff to get a reading. He took Tim’s blood pressure twice.
Jason had looked confused when the episode ended. “That was 102 beats per minute and here you are sitting all calm like nothing is going on. Even your blood pressure is within the normal range. Maybe a little closer to the higher end, but still normal.”
“Are you coming with me to the cardiologist then?” Tim had asked.
“Hell, yeah.”
Tim was grateful for Jason’s presence in the office while he met with Dr. Sheldon. The doctor was in her mid-fifties, tall, and blonde. She had a no nonsense air about her, but her kind smile helped put him at ease.
“Tell me about what kind of work you do, Mr. Drake,” the doctor asked, leaning against the small cabinet and sink after she was finished with the physical side of the exam.
“It’s an office job. I’ve got a finance degree, so I spend most of my time analyzing data and writing up reports.”
“Is it stressful?” Dr. Sheldon probed.
Tim shook his head. “Not really. I’m good at it. The hours are regular and the pay is good.”
“What about the work environment?”
“It’s an office,” Tim replied with a shrug. “We’ve got ups and downs and the occasional crazy day. I don’t have any issues with most of my colleagues.”
Jason snorted and rolled his eyes.
The reaction didn’t go unnoticed by Dr. Sheldon. “I take it you have something to add about that?”
“There is an office problem child,” Jason said, shooting Tim an apologetic glance. “Tim’s been with them for almost a year now, but he got a new manager about four months ago. She seems to cause more problems than not.”
The doctor narrowed her eyes as she turned her attention back to Tim. “Really, now?”
Tim frowned and shot Jason a dirty look, even though he could see how this was important. “It’s gotten better,” he offered. “At first, she didn’t know her left hand from her right. She spent a lot of time sitting with all of us to learn what it is we do and how our roles played into hers. I felt like she sat with me more often than the others and she seems to come to me instead of the more tenured analysts whenever something happens.”
“You’re her problem solver,” Dr. Sheldon stated plainly. “Is that stressful?”
“Sometimes? None of the other analysts want to deal with her at all.” The days where he didn’t have to fix one of Sandra’s screw ups were good days in his book. “I think she may have bitten off more than she can chew when she got transferred to my department. Whenever I’m fixing her mess, she hovers.”
The doctor nodded slowly. “Okay. Well, here’s what we’re going to do. You’re clearly not having one of these episodes right now, so we’re going to hook you up with a Holter monitor and see if we can’t catch one.”
“A what?”
Jason stepped in to explain. “It’s a portable heart monitor that records everything going on with your ticker for a short period of time, usually 24 hours.”
Dr. Sheldon nodded approvingly. “I’ve had people wear it for as long as 72 hours if the arrhythmia is particularly irregular, but you said you have at least two episodes a day, so we’ll get you hooked up this afternoon. I want you to wear it all day tomorrow and stop by tomorrow evening to drop it off. Depending on what it records, I’ll schedule more tests.”
So that was how Tim found himself at work the next day with a heart monitor hooked onto his belt. The lead lines ran out from under his dress shirt through a gap between the bottommost buttons to the top of the machine. His jacket helped hide the device, but he couldn’t wear it forever.
Sandra somehow spotted the monitor and immediately called him into her office. “Oh, my goodness, Tim! Did they find anything wrong?” she all but gushed as he sat down.
“Not at the moment. I was fine while I was in there. Isn’t that always the way things seem to happen?” Tim replied, trying for some levity. Now that the whole stress idea had been brought to his attention, he could admit he did find sitting here to be rather stressful.
“It sure does,” Sandra agreed sagely before launching into another story about her husband and his blood pressure.
These were stories Tim had spent a great deal of time hearing for the last week and he resisted the urge to interrupt and remind his manager of that. His patience for her in general was wearing thin. As he sat there though, Tim suddenly noticed something.
His heart was racing for the first time since the visit to the cardiologist yesterday. The little box was catching it all.
Tim returned the monitor to the doctor’s office and two days later got a call to schedule a stress test and an electrocardiograph.
Jason flopped down heavily next to Tim on the couch when he got home that night and heard the news. “Fuck, Dr. Sheldon must have found something concerning if she’s having you do both of those.”
“Yeah,” Tim agreed, setting down his tablet on the coffee table so he could curl up next to the space heater that was his boyfriend. “Jay, what if something is wrong? I mean, seriously wrong with me?” He started shifting nervously.
“The only thing wrong with you is that you overthink things.” Jason placed his hand against Tim’s head to hold him still. “Are you worried that I’m going to give all this up if it turns out you only have like six months to live or something?”
Trust Jason to see right to the heart of the matter. “Maybe,” Tim admitted quietly. There had been a few random thoughts to that effect. It was just who he was, thinking and analyzing, playing out different scenarios in his head. Not exactly the best way to spend the time on the subway to and from the office, but what else did he have to do?
Jason gently kissed the crown of Tim’s head. “Babe, you’re not getting rid of me and I sure as fuck have no plans to leave you if the shit hits the fan. Besides, if things do get rough and you need a nurse, who else is gonna dress up for you?”
Tim laughed and shoved Jason hard. The teasing helped lighten his mood though, which was exactly what he needed. “There had better be stockings and a garter belt,” he quipped, imagining Jason in one of those sexy nurse uniforms. They didn’t mind a little role play in the bedroom sometimes. “Maybe even some lacy panties.”
“They’ll be fire engine red, just for you.”
The stress test came back negative, so Dr. Sheldon had Tim wear the heart monitor again until he could take the EKG a couple days later so that she could get a longer period of time to review. Over the course of those days, he had six of the damn episodes.
A technician administered the EKG while the doctor reviewed the recordings of Tim’s heartbeat. Tim laid on the exam table and tried not to think about anything as more electrodes were connected to his body. This entire experience was more mentally exhausting than anything else.
After the test was over, Dr. Sheldon came into the room to speak with him. “Mr. Drake, I’ll take a look at the EKG results here soon, but after what I retrieved from the Holter monitor, I think it may be a good idea to start a low dose of blood pressure medication.”
“But you’ve said my blood pressure is fine,” Tim said as he tugged his sweater vest back on over his dress shirt. The EKG was early enough in the day that he’d go to work after this.
“It is. However, you’ve got a definite uptick in your blood pressure during these periods of arrhythmia. It’s not dangerously high, but it is at the higher end of normal.”
Tim remembered Jason saying that same thing a couple weeks ago. “The medication is to lower my blood pressure then?”
Dr. Sheldon nodded and handed him a prescription. “We’ll start with this and see if it helps. I can tell you right now that you may experience some periods of wooziness since you do have mostly normal blood pressure. How are things going at work?”
The change in subject made Tim smile thinly. “Stressful, now that you mention it. My manager hovers even more now out of concern.”
“When was the last time you took a vacation?”
“Does having the flu for a week count?”
“Nice try.”
Tim discovered almost immediately that the dizziness the doctor warned him about wasn’t just periodic. It was almost all the time. Thankfully, the pharmacist and Dr. Sheldon had said he could cut these pills in half if it got too bad and could take a smaller dose every six hours. He started doing this after the first night where he ended up so lightheaded that he fell asleep insanely early and left his phone and its obnoxious alarm in the living room after he stumbled his way to bed. He’d been late to work the next day and had to sit through one of Sandra’s annoying stories about her husband.
It was small wonder the woman’s husband had high blood pressure though if this was what he had to deal with at home. He knew Sandra meant well, but it was clear as day that her emotional intelligence needed some work.
Still, even with the adjustment made to the medication, the dizziness and lightheadedness were almost constant companions.
The EKG test came back normal and Dr. Sheldon was at a loss over how to explain what was occurring with Tim’s heart. The medication did appear to be helping with the arrhythmia though, as Tim noticed he was down to maybe one episode per day. But the side effects were making it more and more difficult to do his job. There was more than one incident where he slept through his alarm and a couple times, Tim purposefully shut it off so he could just go back to sleep.
Needless to say, those were days when Jason wasn’t home.
When he did make it to work, Tim stared blearily at his screen as he tried to make sense of numbers and charts that were usually so easy for him to pick apart and dissect. Coffee wasn’t something that helped and more than once he found himself jerking awake when his cubemate jostled the back of his chair.
Things came to a head one afternoon when Sandra woke him up. “Tim, we need to talk.”
Tim nodded blearily, already knowing this wasn’t going to be one of those meandering speeches his boss loved to deliver. He followed her into the office and sat down heavily in the chair.
Sandra adjusted her glasses and folded her hands, trying for that matronly boss vibe she loved so much. “Tim, I know you’re going through a lot right now and that you’ve got the documentation to prove it, but I just got a call from the HR manager. Do you know how much time you’ve missed in the last four weeks?”
Had it been a month already? “I know I’ve missed a few days since I started the medication, and I made up the hours for when I was at an appointment.”
“But you’ve also been coming in late and those are hours I can’t let you make up. The occurrences keep piling up and now I’m afraid I have to give you a warning. Tim, if you miss another day of work or are late again, I have no choice but to let you go.”
It was a sign of just how out of it Tim was that the words didn’t register immediately. “What? But that’s not fair! I’m doing everything I can to do my job while the doctor figures out what’s wrong with me.”
“I know, Tim,” Sandra said soothingly. “I know. I wish there was something I could do, but I just don’t have the clout with HR to pull any strings.”
That was bullshit. She had lunch once a week with the HR manager and everyone on the team knew it. “What about that disability leave I’ve heard about?”
“FMLA? While you’ve worked the required number of hours to qualify for it before this started happening, you haven’t been with the company for a full year yet. It’s a rolling year at least, but you still have about six weeks before that anniversary.”
Now Tim was pissed. His heart started racing as adrenaline fueled it and for the first time since he started his meds, his head was clear. “So what am I supposed to do then? Stop taking my medicine because it’s keeping me from doing my job properly even though it’s keeping my heart beating normally? The HR manager does know I need to have a heartbeat to be here, right?”
Sandra sighed heavily. “I’m truly on your side, Tim. I really am. But the rules are the same for everyone. I know you’re upset right now, so why don’t you take a few minutes to go get some fresh air and calm down. Things have a way of working themselves out. You’ll see.”
Tim wanted to take what the woman clearly thought was sage advice and shove it up her ass. Rather than risk opening his mouth, he nodded stiffly and left the office.
This was not good. Not good at all. Tim wandered into one of the employee lounges and, despite the snow swirling lightly outside, stepped out onto the narrow balcony. The air was freezing, and he rubbed his arms through his thin dress shirt, already wishing he had remembered to grab a jacket. Still, the cold helped leech away his anger and replaced it with simmering resentment instead.
How could this be happening to him? He’d done everything he was supposed to and made sure to submit all the proper documentation for the majority of his absences. Dr. Sheldon had even included in the paperwork that there could be periodic days where he missed work due to his treatment. Instead of being treated like a human being, he was having it shoved in his face just how much of a cog in the wheel he really was. A body at a desk rather than a person.
Perhaps he should have taken that position at Wayne Enterprises in their finance department. He’d been swayed by the better pay here and it was coming back to bite him in the ass.
Tim sighed and rubbed a tired hand over his eyes. Now that he was calming down, the familiar lethargy was returning full force. He was so tired. Tired of not knowing what was wrong with him. Tired of all the stress the uncertainty brought with it. Hell, he was tired of cleaning up after Sandra’s messes. Who would she tap on the shoulder to help her next if he’s fired?
He leaned against the glass door and watched the snow blow through the narrow corridor between this building and the next. The wind tossed it every which way, never giving it a chance to land. In the distance, Tim heard a dull roaring that reminded him of a jet engine coming to life. Despite the cold, he felt warmer even though he kept his hands tucked up under his arms. It was snowing after all.
The snow looked so pretty and white. It hadn’t had a chance to be tainted yet by the street below.
Tim blinked heavily. The roaring was growing louder. Was there a train coming? How did it get all the way up here?
He closed his eyes and listened as the train finally caught up with him.
Later on, Tim was told that one of his colleagues found him slumped over unconscious on the freezing balcony when he’d stepped outside for a quick smoke. They weren’t sure how long he’d been there, but his lips were blue and he was barely breathing.
Hypothermia on top of passing out due to his already low blood pressure. Fun times.
Jason was there when Tim woke up in the hospital. He was still a little out of it, but the emergency room doctor cleared him to go home. Tim fell back to sleep almost as soon as they arrived and didn’t wake up again for several more hours.
When he did, the full force of what just happened struck him like the train he thought he heard outside earlier. “Fuck,” he muttered and rolled over to bury his face in the mountain of pillows Jason apparently decided he needed to be comfortable. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Jason must have been in the room because the mattress sank as he sat down next to Tim. “As much as I love hearing you use coherent words again, that’s usually one that comes outta my mouth instead than yours.”
Tim raised his head enough to glare at his boyfriend. “I don’t have a job anymore,” he announced.
“The fuck?” Jason’s eyes crinkled in concern. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“I had a lovely meeting with Sandra this afternoon before I wandered my happy ass outside to nearly freeze to death.” He told Jason what had happened.
Jason shook his head, the color rising in his cheeks as he tried to suppress his own anger. “Goddammit. And you really think that passing out at work is the icing on the cake?”
“Considering what I was told before I did, I see no reason why it wouldn’t.” Tim buried his face back in the pillow. Suffocating sounded like a great way to go and end his misery, but it wasn’t as though his paramedic boyfriend would let him. He rolled back over to gaze up at Jason. “Jay, I don’t know what to do. Everything has gone all to hell since the arrhythmia started and I’m just so tired of it all. And that’s saying something since all I do is sleep these days.”
“Tim, there’s no reason why you need to stay there. Quit before you get fired. We’ve got some money tucked away. You can do that website design stuff you did in college to get extra cash while you job hunt.” It sounded like Jason had been thinking about this already.
“But that means you’ll have to pick up extra shifts at the station. You work hard enough as it is, you deserve your time off,” Tim protested. “I refuse to be a freeloader.”
Jason bent over and sealed his mouth over Tim’s to shut him up and distract him for a moment. “You have too strong of a work ethic to ever be a freeloader, babe. I bet that if you send in your resignation letter tonight, you’re gonna have a new job in less than a month.”
Tim scowled, even though he would admit that Jason’s faith in his marketable skills was warming. Or perhaps that was the hot water bottle tucked under his feet. “I bet there’s already an email waiting for me telling me to pack my shit and go.”
“Then what are you waiting for? Just don’t forget your stapler,” Jason replied with a grin. “It’s red, right?”
Ten days later, Tim had just finished removing his first ever homemade chicken pot pie out of the oven when he heard the front door open. Looking over his shoulder, he spotted Jason staggering his way inside. He’d just pulled a double shift and was clearly running on fumes.
“Dinner’s almost ready,” Tim called out. “Go take a shower while it cools down.”
“That smells awesome, whatever it is,” Jason said as he dropped his duffel. “Been spending time on YouTube again?”
“How else do you expect me to feed you properly?” Tim retorted with an easy grin. Multitasking in the kitchen was still beyond him, so he’d cooked each component separately before tossing them all into the dish and laid strips of puff pastry over the top. He was rather proud of how it turned out.
Rather than head to their bedroom, Jason made his way into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Tim’s waist and stooped over to rest his chin on his shoulder. “I think I’ll hire you as my personal chef.”
“Shouldn’t you taste it first?”
Warm lips nipped at the side of Tim’s neck. “I think you taste great. All you need is a frilly little apron and you’re set.”
Tim chuckled as he leaned into Jason. “You know, I never did get to see you in that nurse costume. All I got was you in your GCFD shirt and sweatpants.”
“Hey, I rock this shirt and you know it.” Jason licked a stripe up the other side of his neck. “I suppose fair is fair though. And I did buy those panties I promised you.”
This was the first time in over a month that Jason had approached Tim for anything more than a kiss so the ache in his body was hardly surprising. He’d taken Jason up on his bet and quit his job before they could tell him that he was fired. It had been terrifying, sending the email to Sandra and the HR manager, but the overwhelming sense of relief he felt after clicking on send made Tim realize it was the right thing to do.
His heart must have agreed because in the days since, there had not been a single arrhythmic episode and he’d stopped taking the blood pressure medication as well. Jason still kept tabs on him when he was home, but aside from that first day where Tim slept off the residual effects of hypothermia, he felt fine.
Dr. Sheldon had personally called to check in on him after she heard about what happened from Dr. Thompkins. “Isn’t it amazing what stress can do to a person?” she’d said. “I’m more certain than ever this was your body’s way of telling you to get out of a bad place.”
Tim was very inclined to agree with her.
Later on, Tim laid in bed spooning against Jason. No one ever believed that the taller man was more often the little spoon than the big one. “Guess who I got a call from this afternoon?” he asked, idly tracing a pattern into the bare skin over Jason’s hip.
“Who?” Jason murmured sleepily.
“A talent acquisition manager at Wayne Enterprises. I have an interview on Thursday with the head of their Accounting and Finance department.”
Jason stirred in his arms. “The department head?”
“Yes.” Tim gently kissed the warm skin on Jason’s shoulder. “I apparently have enough experience now that I can be considered for a supervisory position.”
Jason’s deep rich laugh echoed through the bedroom. “Now isn’t that just a giant fuck you to that bitch. I feel like I should send her a thank you card with a picture of my middle finger.”
“I haven’t gotten the job yet,” Tim reminded him.
“You will,” Jason said with certainty. “Looks like I may be losing my personal chef sooner than I thought.”
“You can still get me that apron.”
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calloftheopenroad2 · 5 years
Best RV Air Conditioner: Keeping Cool on the Road
How to Choose the Right RV Air Conditioner
As perceived by humans, a comfortable temperature range is up to 79 degrees Fahrenheit in low humidity, and only up to 68 degrees Fahrenheit in high humidity. With average humidity, we feel most comfortable at temperatures between 64.5- and 71.5-degrees Fahrenheit. The fickle nature of human comfort makes the air conditioner one of the most important inventions of modern times.
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In 1929, Frigidaire introduced a split-system room cooler that was heavy, but small and shaped like a radio cabinet, the first in-home air conditioners. General Electric improved on this design and proceeded to develop thirty-two home air conditioner models in the early 1930s, eight around the time the first RVs were made available to consumers. With the rise in popularity of recreational vehicles as traveling vacation homes, RV air conditioners became commonplace.
Is your RV air conditioner start slow? Is the air current weak or warm? Is it leaking, or does it only work well on specific speed settings? Has it gotten loud? You may need to replace your old unit. Knowing your air conditioner model is an essential first step if you are looking for a replacement.
You should only need to remove your ceiling assembly and perhaps use a flashlight to find the manufacturer’s data tag. RV air conditioners are available for ducted and non-ducted RV campers, so knowing which you have is also important.
Typically, there is a 14″ x 14″ space in the top of your coach made for an RV air conditioner. The installation will require you to unscrew your ceiling from the inside using the four mounting bolts. Remember to disconnect from your power supply before you remove an old air conditioning unit and/or install a new one.
With the top unit off the outside, proper installation will require you to align your RV air conditioning unit with the cut out using the preinstalled gasket. If your RV is ducted, you will have to line up your face place with your ductwork and connect your thermostat to your control kit.
Whether you are replacing an old-fashioned one, or whether you are looking to purchase your first RV air conditioning unit, there are several factors to consider as you’re shopping around, including BTUs, shape, and installation simplicity. You will also want a reasonably quiet one so that it doesn’t distract you when you are driving or disturb you while you are trying to sleep.
Key Features to Look For
BTUs (British Thermal Units) describes the amount of heat energy required to increase the temperature of a pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. One thousand fifty-five joules are the approximate equivalent of one BTU. BTUs will determine how effectively your RV air conditioning unit will be able to chill your space to a comfortable temperature.
Power is a crucial consideration when it comes to RV air conditioners. 13,500 BTU is typical, and higher output will give a little better performance in extreme heat. On the other hand, if you won’t be using your unit often, nor in extreme conditions, you might reasonably be tempted by the lower prices of lower BTU appliances.
Some people prefer to install more than one unit, as a large RV may take up to 18,000 BTUs to cool satisfactorily.
Installation Simplicity
To some extent, this is about the weight of the unit. Especially if you plan to install the air conditioner yourself, you will do better with something compact and not too heavy, and that comes with well written, easy to interpret installation direction and a comprehensive unit manual.
If you are already experienced with RV air conditioners and have had a positive experience in the past, brand loyalty may factor in your shopping. Something else to consider is simply that if you already have replacement parts on hand, you may want to shop with brand compatibility in mind for that reason.
Shape & Size
Compact and aerodynamic are both features that make sense in an item that is going to be mounted on the roof of your moving vehicle. You want an RV air conditioner that will resist wind drag and allow your recreational vehicle as fast, stable, and fuel-efficient as possible. You will also want to factor your RV air conditioner into your vehicle’s overall clearance.
As mentioned above, the hole size for RV air conditioners is pretty standard. However, height can vary significantly. Keeping to a lower profile is often a trade-off between power and drag. That said, the more compact AC units with lower BTUs are also usually more affordable. Hence, it’s wise to think through your energy needs so that you are only compromising your aerodynamics and investing in maximum BTUs out of necessity.
Types of RV Air Conditioner Units
No matter the model, size, and age of your unit, chances are your RV came with a preinstalled rooftop air conditioning unit. The advantages of this installation placement include that it does not black windows or take up already limited floor space. This type of RV air conditioner is reliable and notably energy efficient at cooling a functional size space quickly.
The largest RVs, for instance, a 45-foot Class A diesel pusher, might benefit from a second air conditioner unit for the back bedroom, where you can close a door between that space and the main living area. A portable, ventless, indoor RV air conditioner. These are small, but they do take up floor space. On the upside, they often also include dehumidifier features, they require no mechanical skills to set up, and they are relatively affordable.
Window RV AC units (or floor units that use a window vent) are a less popular option. They are unsightly, and if they aren’t installed correctly can create dangerous fumes.
A loud fan or a noisy RV air conditioner fan motor can disrupt your sleep and make you an unpleasant campground neighbor. Starting with a quality appliance is the first tier toward preventing this problem. Secondarily, strange noises can crop up concerning basic mechanical malfunctions, for instance, something coming loose. Check your screen and vent before you assume it’s anything more technical than that.
Dual Use
When shopping for an RV air conditioner, you may notice that there are dual-usage units on the market. The increased versatility of these units is the advantage of an alternative heater, which means that you have less need to burn propane for heat (and therefore can buy propane less often).
Dual-usage RV air conditioners include a heat pump, allowing them to function not only as air conditioners but as heat sources, too. As one might expect, RV air conditioners with this heat pump feature are generally more expensive, and a heat pump is not designed to heat your RV to toasty comfort in the freezing cold.
RV air conditioners are great and present your key to comfort on the road and at your campsite. Like any other piece of equipment, however, RV air conditioning units do need regular maintenance, and eventually, they will wear and break. An RV air conditioner cover can also be a good investment in protecting your RV AC unit, though nothing lasts forever.
With this in mind, be sure to check your camper air conditioner for simple problems and have the number of a mechanic that you trust on hand for when things get more complicated. If you are reading here because the worst has happened, and it is now necessary to completely replace your RV air conditioner, hopefully, this post will help you feel adequately armed with the knowledge you’ll need to make an excellent selection for your RV.
The Best RV Air Conditioners: The Top 9 of 2020 Reviewed
Best RV Air Conditioner – Overall Winner
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Dometic Polar White 15,000 BTU Conditioners B59516.XX1C0 Brisk Air Ii 15.0 Pw Upper Unit
Nominal capacity,15000 BTU/Hour; Installation type: ducted or non ducted
High-performance motor and fan
Electrical rating- 115V AC, 60 Hz, 1 Phase
Easy installation and maintenance
2 Year Protection Plus Warranty
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The Dometic Polar White B59516.XX1C0 Brisk Air II is the result of two years of redesign, resulting in maximal airflow and performance thanks to a smartly designed, compact RV air conditioner unit made of high-tech materials. Airflow has been increased by 15% and weight reduced by 19%. This RV AC unit boasts 15,000 BTUs.
The sleek design of the Dometic Brisk Air II manages to provide a durable, robust roof air conditioner with increased airflow at a very reasonable 74 pounds. This is still heavier than some models, but it’s not bad.
Available in a selection of white or black, this model allows you to match the colors and décor of your RV better. Another flexible feature is that it can be used with a ducted or non-ducted system. This appliance has sufficient cooling power in small to large-sized RVs, and consumers have reported it to have a long life.
Consumers also glow about how easy this RV air conditioner is to install. It’ high-speed motor and high-quality fan aren’t prone to air conditioner gremlins. Even so, Dometic offers a 2-Year protection plan, plus warranty, and promises that this redesign has also yielded a quieter appliance.
Easy to Install
Includes a 2-year warranty
Can be used with ducted or non-ducted system
Can be noisy on highest speed setting
Bottom-Line: This air-conditioned can safely be considered a good investment. It’s small, efficient, and durable, with a stable base pan, a quiet and robust motor, and center discharge air delivery for excellent cooling function.
COLEMAN MACH 15 AIRXCEL 48204C866 08-0080 MACH 15 A/C
Best Value RV Air Conditioner
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Airxcel 08-0080 Mach 15 15.0 Arctic Wht Upper
Cool/heat capacity: 15, 000
Electric heat Element capacity: 5, 600
Electrical rating: 115 VAC, 60Hz
1/3 HP fan motor
320 CFM airflow
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The Coleman Airxcel 48204C866 08-0080 Mach 15 is an excellent choice for that line where affordability meets high functionality. It has many of the essential features of higher-priced air conditioners, with a wallet-friendly price-point. This air conditioner gets low marks for being notably loud, but it is still well-liked because it’s lightweight for a dual-usage unit, at 90 pounds, and it’s easy to install.
The ability to install a unit with ease yourself also saves you money on installation costs. Consumers found this unit to be effective in hot climates, with 320 cubic feet per minute airflow. This product is dual usage, meaning it has both cooling and heating facilities, offering 15,000 cooling capacity BTUs and an electric heat element with 5,600 BTUs.
The heating capacity comes from an electric heat element and means that you can adjust the temperature in your RV, whether the weather is a little too hot or a bit too cold.
The Coleman Airxcel 48204C866 08-0080 Mach 15 is small, with a smart, aerodynamic shape, and there is condenser coil protection for the shroud to enhance its durability. It also features all copper tubing, and gas-flux brazed couplings.
Dual usage
Bottom-Line: The Coleman Mach 15 fan motor is high powered and able to cool large areas in an impressively short time. For affordable quality, this RV air conditioner performs well.
Best Durability
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Dometic 640315C Penguin II 410 Amp Low Profile Rooftop Air Conditioner(Polar White)
Aerodynamic low profile reduces wind drag, saves fuel
Quiet power: Delivers the optimum balance of air flow
Easy-to-reach, easy-to-use controls – three-speed blower
Manual, electronic and wall thermostat controls; Input voltage (AC): 115 V
Pre-installed module board & heat strip for thin ceiling application
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This Dometic product also comes with the company’s generous 2-year warranty. The Dometic Penguin II 410 Amp Low Profile RV Rooftop Air Conditioner is well constructed to last for a long time and, consistent with the brand’s thoughtful touches for consumers, this sleek model also comes in your choice of black or white.
It’s a unit that is built to be useful to all RV owners, though, with so many remarkable features, it’s no surprise that this RV air conditioner is not a bargain item. This unit weighs in at 109 pounds. It functions with a 5-button thermostat.
The Dometic Penguin II 410 Amp Low Profile RV Rooftop Air Conditioner also comes in two BTU cooling capacity options, a lower cooling capacity model with 13,500 BTUs, and a high-capacity version with 15,000 BTUs. The unit’s R410A refrigerant also releases heat more cost-effectively. Like the previous Dometics on this list, this air conditioner offers the versatility of being able to work with systems that are ducted or non-ducted systems.
Includes a 2-year warranty
Can be used with or without a ducted system
Bottom-Line: The 11 ¼” silhouette of the Dometic Penguin II 410 Amp Low Profile RV Rooftop Air Conditioner is impressive, and if paying a premium for this increased clearance isn’t a deal-breaker for you, this unit offers top of the line features and versatility to make any consumer smile.
Best RV Air Conditioner for Dual Use
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Atwood 15026 Non-Ducted A/C Unit
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The Atwood 15026 non-ducted RV AC unit is another 90-pound dual usage option so that you can take the edge off a chilly night using the AC units heat pump rather than a fuel-burning furnace. Its manageable weight makes it relatively easy to move around and install.
This air conditioner has been built to stand up to harsh exterior conditions and is notably quiet. It is noted as reliable, durable, and heavy-duty, and its cooling capacity is high, meaning it works well without drawing too much power. As the name implies, this is a non-ducted model.
It has an ample, 15,000 BTU cooling capacity and an impressive 360 CFM air delivery output. The digital thermostat features a well-designed remote control so that you can operate your air conditioner without fiddling with the appliance itself.
Dual usage
Can withstand harsh environments
Frequent cycles can cause a shaking effect
Bottom-Line: the individual motors for the condenser fan and blower fan, in combination with this unit’s low amp draw, help ensure its optimal function while offering you and your neighbors’ peace and quiet.
Best Efficiency
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Airxcel 08-0079 Mach 3 Plus 13.5 Arctic Wht
Cool/Heat Capacity: 13,500
Electric Heat Element Capacity: 5,600
Electrical rating: 115 VAC, 60HZ
Cooling Amps-High: 13.1
320 CFM Airflow
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The Coleman Airxcel 48203C966 08-0079 Mach 3 features all-copper tubing gas-flux brazed couplings, so it’s built for longevity and durability. With 320 CFM of airflow, it can offer you a cool environment within minutes, making it a standout among competitive non-Airxcel models, even with just 13,500 BTUs. It weighs only 79.5 pounds and is available in your selection of black or white.
This RV air conditioner is another that can also perform as a heater, but it’s up to you and depends whether you value a heat feature based on how you use your RV. It’s an optional heater assembly, sold separately. It might be a worthwhile addition investment to consider if electricity is an available resource. In that case, this model’s optional heat feature is extremely convenient because it’s electric.
Also note that the heat strip consumes 1800 running watts, compared to the energy required when cooling, which is only 1400 watts. This unit has a lot to offer, though some consumers found it noisy.
Dual usage
Could be quieter
Bottom-Line: For its notably durable construction and impressive airflow cooling capacity, the Coleman Airxcel 48203C966 08-0079 Mach 3 RV air conditioning unit stands out for its affordability.
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ASA Electronics ACM135 Advent Air 13,500 BTU Roof Top AC, White
13,500 BTUs, 115 Volt AC power
Rigid, metal constructed base pan
Premium, thick, watertight vent opening gasket with six dense foam support pads
Three fan speeds Installs in standard 14.25″ x 14.25″ vent opening
Optional plug-in heat strip available
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The ASA Electronics ACM135 Advent Air uniquely features a plug-in electric heat strip, making it dual usage and, therefore, a useful piece of equipment for a broader range of climates. It pulls 115 volts and provides 13,500 BTU, putting it in the standard range.
Three different fan speeds give you more control over how your air blows. At a mere 50 pounds, it is quite lightweight, especially for a unit that also offers heating capacity. This makes it easy to maneuver and install. It also has an optional plug-in heat strip available.
It comes in either black or white, to better coordinate with your RV. Despite this and the above mentioned other highly appealing features, this unit loses some bragging rights because several consumers have reported an unfavorable experience with ASA Electronics’ customer support.
Dual usage
Multiple fan speeds
Questionable customer support
Bottom-Line: With an inflexible metal-forged base pan and a dense, well-sealed vent gasket with six plush foam support pads, ASA Electronics describes this air conditioning unit as being built to withstand environmental challenges, which is remarkable given its lighter-than-most weight.
Best RV AC for Quiet Performance
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Atwood 15028 Ducted A/C Unit
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The Atwood 15028 Ducted RV air conditioning unit is made for a ducted system and comes with a heat pump that can lend you warmth in chillier weather, or at colder times of the day. It’s built to withstand the weather.
It’s rated at a generous 15,000 BTUs/hour and is said by Atwood to be able to go as high as 18,000 BTUs “equivalent performance.” Despite this stand out power, it’s relatively light. Consumers have also complemented Dyer on their customer service.
It is also reasonably streamlined with a profile just over 13.5″ and an aerodynamic shape. The digital thermostat has a remote control so that you can tweak temperature, fan speed, and enable the sleep timer from anywhere in the coach. It also offers 360 CFM, making it an airflow leader in its class. It’s also quiet, thanks to its Superior V-FLOW™ efficient air transition.
Dual usage
High CFM
Bottom-Line: It’s a straightforward, high performing air conditioning unit with all of the most desirable features, including being easy to install at just 88.2 pounds (a standout low weight for its class). This also may be the best RV air conditioner for quiet performance, according to its design and consumer ratings.
Best AC Unit for Your RV on a Budget
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Dometic Polar White 13,500 BTU Conditioners B57915.XX1C0 Brisk Air Ii 13.5 Pw Upper Unit
Nominal capacity,13,500 btu/hour, installation type: ducted or non ducted
High-performance motor and fan
Electrical rating- 115v ac, 60 hz, 1 phase
Easy installation and maintenance, dampening brackets reduce noise and vibration.Cooling capacity (ISO 5151) 3953 W
2 year protection plus warranty
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The Dometic Duo Therm Brisk Air II is compact and weighs a reasonable 72 pounds. It offers the fairly standard 13500 BTUs, and it recommended for small to medium-sized RVs. It is for non-ducted ceiling installation only and installs using semi-tubular rivets. There is an optional non-ducted heat strip for those looking for a dual usage appliance.
Consumers noted that the instruction manual is well written and easy to understand and that installation was straightforward and took about two hours with merely a screwdriver and a 3/8″ wrench. Once installed, the blower has three speeds, at your fingertips in the Duo-Therm Comfort Control Center. Its carbon steel components have demonstrated their resilience, standing up to vibration tests lasting for 30+ hours.
It is quality built with copper tubing and dual rubber bushings, a carbon steel base, and wrap-around shroud that protect and add strength and lasting power to your appliance. It also has air openings that are larger than average to improve the flow of air and overall cooling efficiency.
It’s an affordable option at its performance level and highly portable, even though it’s made of durable materials. It’s simple to operate and maintain, and it’s compatible with both ducted and non-ducted systems. Some consumers are dissatisfied with the noise level, even though the unit includes dampening brackets designed to aid in the reduction of shaking and noise.
Dual usage
Small size
Could be quieter
Spare parts are sometimes hard to find
Bottom-Line: this unit offers bang for your buck. It’s well made, and it’s easy to install. It’s one of the smallest on the market, and its subtle, aerodynamic design is attractive.
source https://www.calloftheopenroad.com/best-rv-air-conditioner/
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
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Android O is supposed to make Android updates
Google is all over again trying to resolve the problem of gradual Android updates, and this time, the employer says it has an answer that’ll make it “less complicated, quicker, and less pricey for producers” to update their telephones to new versions of Android.
The solution is a feature inside of Android O referred to as “Project Treble,” which is supposed to allow manufacturers replace their telephones without having to make a ton of software changes first.
Google has basically split apart its own work on Android from the
Work that its hardware partners do on Android to ensure it really works with their ultra-modern chips. If Treble works like Google says it does, corporations like Samsung and Motorola may be able to issue Android updates without waiting for a chip associate, like Qualcomm, to first send along software program updates.
It’s not clear if this gets rid of all hurdles or if manufacturers will still update Android’s code to make certain that functions specific to their smartphone are running. But it actually appears like one of the most concrete matters Google has completed to address the problem of Android fragmentation.
While the fragmentation scenario has gotten higher through the years, it, in reality, hasn’t gone away: the ultra-modern version of Android, Nougat, has been out for more than eight months and remains on handiest 7 percent of Android phones. Android Jelly Bean, which turned into succeeded nearly 4 years ago, is on more gadgets than that.
Google has attempted to speed up Android updates in the beyond without a good deal success, so this is nevertheless very a good deal something we should be patient on. And possibly extra importantly, there’s nonetheless one huge hurdle: this option arrives in Android O, and who is aware of when any current telephones get updated to the brand new OS.
We’ll pay attention greater about Treble at Google’s I/O conference next week. The business enterprise must be talking more about Android O there, too, although the operating gadget probably received see a full release till later in the year.
Android Testing Frameworks
To correctly conduct cell checking out, the specialists can use unique frameworks each for iOS and Android trying out. These frameworks provide the rapid and precise test of the cell product. Not it’s miles the time to check Robotium, a framework for Android-base applications.
The factor is that the capacities of standard frameworks for Android are by some means confined:
they do now not help more than one capabilities, the check scripts are accomplished instead gradual, the shape of taking a look at cases is complex and it is difficult to release them. Robotium does no longer have such problems. It is an open-source framework. It could be very suitable for developers as they are able to layout the automatic GUI check scripts, functional and popularity test eventualities for more than one operations.
What Are the Main Features of Robotium?
Support multi-tasking Simply take a look at cases Integration with IDE High degree of performance High test insurance There are sorts of training: Solo training and ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2. With the help of Robotium, a tester is capable of layout check instances without being privy to the specifics of product device. In different phrases, he’s going to carry out black container testing. This precise function signifies this checking framework from the alternative ones. How to Use Robotium for Android Testing?
Install the library of the framework to the undertaking underneath take a look at. Create check instances the use of the method of Solo class. Run written tests on the specified gadgets (OS version, version). Analyze the test outcomes. One more beneficial framework for Android merchandise is Roboelectric. The trying out method with this device does no longer require a particular tool or emulator. The experts are able to run assessments directly on JVM (Java Virtual Machine).
What Are the Cons of Roboelectric?
High performance High check coverage Execution on JVM Support black field testing No mocking Inflation of resource and perspectives Roboelectric supports the subsequent capabilities: the advent of Shadow instructions, the interception of the loading of Android training, the use of Javaassist, the binding of Shadow object to Android class. Due to a lot of these options, the checking of the application does not require the actual Android surroundings. Nowadays, cellular trying out may be very good sized as most people of customers make use of cell devices for various desires. Of route, there is a number of different checking out frameworks for checking Android-based totally application and packages. Among them there are:
How Are Big Retailers Supposed To Protect Their Brands When They’re Closing 100s Of Stores?
The retail quarter simply cannot appear to get its act together, they are trying to make us all dependable clients after which spam our inboxes to hell. They faux to care, however, supply us, lousy provider, even as of their shops, this is if we are able to even locate a person to assist us. They offer cut-price coupons but we can not discover it while we go shopping, Free Rain Check, they say, properly, it really is no longer correct enough. Then when they, in the end, do lower some expenses on their cheaply made Chinese imports, we discover it’s only because they’re last their doors and promoting their “dependable purchaser statistics” to a competitor without our permission and the method starts of evolved all once more – whilst will those box shops study – maybe whilst they’re all long past?
The USA Today had an interesting and horrifying article addressing the future of brick and mortar retailing titled; “Macy’s reducing 6,2 hundred jobs, identifies 68 shops in order to be last,” published on January 4, 2017, which said;
“Retail icon Macy’s says in a launch that it’s making “adjustments to the manner shops are operated and decreasing discipline infrastructure given the reduced store sales and evolving purchase behavior.” The organization expects to register expenses of approximately $250 million in the fourth area of 2016 that were now not formerly blanketed in its earnings guidance.”
If you’ll consider Macy’s closed a hundred stores lower back in past due August/September of 2016.
Maybe it is greater of a matter or shielding shareholder’s equity and quarterly income. There turned into a thrilling article in Reuters on January 20, 2017, titled; “U.S. Branch stores regular profitability boat at the same time as income slide,” written through Nandita Bose and Siddharth Cavale (Chicago Correspondents) which stated: “U.S. Branch store chains, hit through slowing sales for extra than years, have used layoffs, shop closings and cutbacks to maintain one factor of balance: income margins.”
Sure, I get that, they want to make extra money, greater income, rent fewer human beings and paintings them part-time to avoid expensive out-of-control ObamaCare mandates. And nevertheless, I realize that the Retailing Industry hardly needs some other apologetic for his or her conduct and trampling of their purchaser base, in any case, they’ve their personal propaganda and PR groups to regulate the minds of their mindless masses with their loyal patron mass data.
If matters do not alternate in the retail zone, then the likes of Amazon goes to eat their lunch and then deliver a substitute through a web sandwich order introduced via drone. And believe me, it is already going on – think on this.
Why Google’s Hummingbird Updates Are Bad News for Cookie Cutter Webmasters
Today, the playing field for online marketing is a long way from being a stage. A small or medium-sized business has little or no finances for getting advertisement and pay according to click promotion, they are frequently left behind large companies with allotted budgets and advertising and marketing departments. They once in a while invest into an internet site, however, see no gain from it, and give up on getting customers from the internet. In different instances, they get an email from an “SEO professional” firm telling them that their website desires to program. They pay a low rate for development, but – as the modifications are executed the use of old software program producing automated, inappropriate links – this will now not deliver effects, both.
The opportunity for small companies to improve their website is to interact with a local marketing expert, understanding the rules and the dreams and necessities of the enterprise.
Hummingbird Search Engine Update is about Relevance
Hummingbird, the name – in step with Google – refers to an algorithm this is speedy and unique. This manner that the more applicable the website online is to search queries the better it will rank in search engines. However, it is also important to be aware that the agency considers person engagement and social media weight as one of the major ranking factors. This method that seeking to rank for “buy an automobile” will now not be feasible, nor could be clever. Instead, supplying product and provider names, descriptions, to slender the outcomes and seem more relevant is the way ahead for agencies’ online advertising approach.
How Small Businesses Can Benefit from Google Algorithm Updates
The Hummingbird update is right information for small and medium-sized organizations. Instead of counting on a software program, they could create an income funnel this is relevant to the needs and expectancies in their local marketplace and target their clients higher. The online advertising and promotion gambling subject have just been leveled, and it is less difficult to rank on the first web page with applicable and unique content material than ever before. Companies counting on search engine optimization software program and robots will lose out, and smaller games get a danger to get extra clients on-line.
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