#nora eide lie
glimmerofawesome · 2 years
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daveycharris666 · 5 years
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nothesc · 4 years
Week 7 Part IV. A Damira fic.
Here’s the last part that takes place on Saturday.
Part I here Part II here  Part III here
You can also read it on ao3
“Yes, I’m telling you, we were giving the gifts to the kids and one of them said ‘yeah the gifts are great but where’s the money?’” Amira tells Nora, Viri and Eva remembering what happened earlier today at the association.
“I mean, can we blame him? They’re not stupid” Eva says laughing
“They’re like little hurricanes but we love them” Dounia comments.
“I think it’s so cool what you guys do at the association” Viri says with admiration
Amira looks at Dounia, Elena and Noor and smiles, she’s very proud of the work they do at Labass.
“Amira” Nora says suddenly, pointing at something behind Amira.
She turns around and is shocked to see Kasim and Lucas entering the rooftop. Kasim never answered to her text and Amira was sure that they wouldn’t show up. She looks at Dounia to see if she knows something but she shakes her head and shrugs.
“Well, we’ll leave you alone” Nora says taking the rest of the girls with her and leaving Amira alone with Lucas and Kasim.
“Hi, I thought you wouldn’t come” Amira admits shyly
“So did I, not gonna lie” Lucas comments “But Kasim insisted and I couldn’t say no”
Amira nods and dares to look at Kasim. A wave of shame and guilt hits her.
“Kasim, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry for real. I…don’t know what to say”
“Well, that’s what the text was for, right? To apologize and explain yourself. And Amira, I’m not going to lie to you, I hated you so much when I found out you were the one that sent Dounia home but…the truth is I was shitty to you. I shouldn’t have used you or lied, I screwed up your friendship with Dounia and you didn’t deserve that, I’m sorry.
Amira nods and smiles awkwardly, knowing that Kasim forgives her calms her down but that doesn’t mean she’ll ever be proud of what she did.
“Thank you for coming” Amira looks from Kasim to Lucas and adds “both of you”
Lucas smiles and nods. Things will take a while to go back to the way it was between them but it’s a start.
Cris is late, very late, but this time is not because she wasn’t ready on time. The truth is she’s been ready for half an hour now but Joana and her are still in her room waiting for something that doesn’t seem is going to happen. Cris sighs and stands up to go, she had hope that her brother would come to Amira’s too, but he’s still in the living room with his laptop and it doesn’t look like that’s going to change.
“Come on, let’s go, we’re late” she tells Joana
The girls leave Cris’ room and go to the front door walking by the living room. Cris decides to give it one last try and stops by the sofa where Dani is.
“Hey Dani, we’re leaving for Amira’s now”
“Okay.” Dani answers, not looking up from his laptop.
Cris doesn’t move, she stands there looking at her brother waiting for a reaction. Dani can feel Cris’ stare and sighing he looks up.
“What do you want?”
“You’re really not coming?”
“Amira doesn’t want me there”
“Has she told you that?” Cris asks being fully aware of the answer for that question.
“She didn’t have to” Dani says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
Cris shakes her head and turns around to leave but, being Cris, she can’t hold back the words from spilling and turns back to her brother to tell him one last thing.
“What are you waiting for? I know you haven’t given up, Dani, I’ve seen the documents in your room” Cris sees how Dani opens his mouth to say something but quickly stops him “Don’t ever bother getting mad because I was in your room, that’s not the point. The point here is that I know you want to be with Amira, I know you haven’t given up yet and I don’t understand what’s stopping you from talking to her. Wake up Dani, before it’s too late”
Not waiting for an answer Cris, with Joana behind her, turns and leaves, this time without looking back.
“Oh my god Amira I’m going to come for dinner to your house every day. Seriously, can your parents adopt me or something?” Dilan says after trying every single dish Amira’s mom has cooked. Him, Hugo and Jorge have been eating nonstop since they arrived. Alejandro is a little bit more shy but that hasn’t stopped him either from trying almost everything.
“Hey, hey, hey, chill dude, if they adopt someone it’s going to be me, I got here first” Cris says approaching the group.
Amira turns around and sees Cris and Joana arriving together. They both greet the girls, the boys and the Labass. Finally they approach Amira. Joana and Amira greet with a fist bump like they always do. Cris on the other hand doesn’t waste a second before she jumps Amira to give her a hug.
“Giiiiiiiiirl, you’re so pretty, oh my god that gold scarf, you look like a goddess.” Cris says kissing Amira’s face everywhere.
Amira laughs and pushes her off herself gently.
“Yeah, yeah, but you’re late” Amira teases her, she’s used to Cris being late by now.
“I’m sorry, but it wasn’t my fault, we were ready but we were waiting for…” Cris stops trying to look for a good explanation that isn’t the truth. She looks at Joana for help.
“We were waiting for…” Joana tries with no success.
“Anyway, we were waiting, that’s it.”
“You have to try this, it’s amazing” Viri says approaching Joana, Cris and Amira and giving the first two girls a plate. Eva, Nora, Dounia, Elena and Noor come with her.
“Hmmm my goodness, this is incredible” Joana says after trying it.
“Amira’s mom is the best cook ever” Cris confirms. Suddenly she notices two people in the other side of the roof and frowns “Lucas and Kasim are here?”
“Yes, we talked and…well it looks like everything is good” Amira explains.
“Ahhh isn’t it nice? Celebrating Eid with all the people you love by your side?” Viri says with one of her brand smiles.
Amira looks around and smiles, it’s true that she feels lucky to see her friends and family together. But, she’d be lying if she said that her happiness is full.
“Well…all the people…not all the people are here, right?” Cris says, she doesn’t mean to put salt on the wound but she’s been quiet for the whole week and it’s about time she does something.
“Cris…” Nora warns her.
“I’m sorry Ami but…it hurts me seeing you both like this” Cris tells Amira whose smile has faded already.
“But Cris, you said it yourself, we were going to overwhelm each other, we were going to fuck up. Well, we did, you were right.” Amira doesn’t understand why Cris is talking about Dani right now, she’s already having a hard time with him not being here when she’s been telling him about Eid for weeks.
“But I wasn’t right, fuck it. I wasn’t right. I was…going through a hard time and I took it all out on you. I was afraid you would hurt each other because fuck, Ami, I love you both very much. I was trying to protect you so you wouldn’t suffer. But you’re still suffering anyway.” Cris makes a pause trying to put her thoughts in order “When you were together you were happy, my brother was always in a good mood, and it was because of you, Ami. And you were the same. And now? Now you’re both so sad all the time. Can you really tell me with full honesty that you’re better now than before?”
The rest of the girls stay quiet, waiting for Amria to say something.
“But it’s a very complicated relationship, Cris”
“Of course it’s fucking complicated, all relationships are. If I had run away at the sight of the first problem with Joana we wouldn’t be together now, and I wouldn’t be as happy as I am now.” Cris looks at her girlfriend and takes her hand smiling, then she looks again at Amira “and we will have more problems, because life is a bitch, but we will face it together, because that’s what you do when you love someone”
Amira doesn’t know what to say, a part of her wants to run to Dani and tell him she wants to be with him but the other part is afraid, afraid of suffering even more than now.
“Look, Amira, I don’t want to pressure you to do something you don’t want to but…I think you do want to be with my brother, and I know he wants to be with you. I don’t know…I think you should try to work on their issue together”
Amira looks at Cris, and Joana, and Nora, and Viri, and Eva, and Noor and Elena. All of them smile at her. Finally she looks at Dounia and, like the rest of the girls, she nods and smiles.
“I…I have to go” Amira says and without thinking about it twice she turns around and leaves.
When she passes by her mother she tries to stop her.
“Amira, where are you going?”
“To fight for what it’s worth it” Amira answers while she runs.
She can’t see it because she’s already left but her mother can’t erase the proud smile from her face.
Dani looks in the mirror one last time, he looks weird but it’s a good weird, he actually likes the way he looks in what he’s wearing. Not wanting to waste anymore time he takes the keys and goes to the door and opens it. He freezes when he sees Amira in the other side of the door, ready to knock on it. Dani can’t stop staring at her, he’s not sure if it’s because he’s surprised to see her after a week of because she looks gorgeous with her gold hijab. Dani sees how Amira looks him up and down smiling and biting her lip. Dani can feel himself blushing, maybe it wasn’t a good idea to dress up like this after all.
“What…what are you doing here?” Dani finally asks.
“Well…I came to invite you to my Eid celebration but…I see you’re already ready for it.” Amira says, referring to the black Panjabi that Dani is wearing. She notices some details on his chest and gently touches them with her fingers. Then she realizes what she’s doing and takes a step back “I’m sorry, I’m sorry it’s just…it’s…golden”
“Yeah I…I bought a couple of weeks ago, when you told me you were wearing a gold hijab for Eid…I don’t know I thought I could surprise you wearing something that matches it. I know it’s silly but…”
“No” Amira interrupts him “It’s not silly. I love it and…you look great”
“And you look beautiful” Dani can’t help saying.
Now Amira is the one that can feel the heat on her cheeks and tries to avoid Dani’s eyes.
“Do you want to come in and…talk?” Dani asks hesitantly.
Amira nods and Dani takes a step to the side so she can enter and go to the living room. He follows her after closing the door.
“Ami I…” Dani starts saying but then he realizes he’s missing something. “Wait a minute”
Not waiting for an answer from Amira, Dani goes to his room and takes the documents he has on his desk. When he returns to the living room he gives them to Amira who takes them and looks at them confused.
“Articles about Islam, passages from the Quran…Dani what’s this?”
“I’ve done some research…to learn and understand everything better…to understand you better. It’s the first thing I should’ve done when we started dating, I’m sorry”
“I didn’t explain anything to you either” Amira admits.
“Teaching me is not your responsibility”
“But it would’ve been easier for you”
“Ami I…” Dani tries to find the right words to express what he’s feeling. “I want to be with you, with everything that comes with it. I know is hard and I know that I have a lot to learn but, I want to try, for real. I know that you think I’m missing out on this to be with you, or that you’re going to overwhelm me or I don’t know, but that’s not true Ami, it really isn’t. I don’t want to be with any other girl, I want to be with you because no one can give me what you give me. And I don’t care if I can’t kiss you because everything else is worth it. Being with you is not an effort, it’s a gift. And I don’t know Ami, I love you” Amira widens her eyes at Dani’s last two words, it’s the first time he’s said it. Dani notices Amira’s reaction but he doesn’t take it back, he decides to say it again “I love you, Ami”
“But, do you know what you’re getting yourself into?”
“Yes, I do now” Dani says pointing at the documents Amira still has in her hands “and I will continue learning. But I need you to trust me, stop thinking that I’ll get bored and leave. I still have a lot to learn and understand but I promise I will. I need you to trust me”
Amira doesn’t say anything at first, she’s trying to process everything. She’s still afraid, that’s for sure, but the part of her that wants to take a leap of faith and be with him is bigger than fear. She’s tired of denying herself happiness to stay in a safer place. She knows it’s going to be hard and that they’ll have to face a lot of things but, like Cris said, together it’ll be easier.
“I trust you” Amira says honestly. Then, even though her legs are shaking not only by admitting it to Dani but also to herself, she adds “And I love you too”
Cris sees them coming and leaves the conversation she was having with Hugo to approach Amira and Dani.
“So?” She asks them once she’s standing in front of them.
Dani and Amira look at each other and smile, then they look at Cris.
“Cris, I’m dating your brother” Amira says
“And I’m dating your best friend” Dani says.
Cris looks at them for a moment and her lips slowly curve up into a smile that gets bigger and bigger.
“Yasssssss!” Cris almost yells, jumping up and down and hugging them both. Once she lets them go she looks at Amira “We’re sisters in law girl, can you believe it?” not giving her time to answer she looks at her brother “And you, don’t you even think she’s going to love you more than she loves me because Amiris is the realest thing ever”
Dani and Amira laugh and shake their heads. They really like Cris’ reaction better this time.
“Anyway, I’m going to look for something to drink, do you guys want anything?” Dani says still laughing
“Yes, I’ll go with you” Amira replies.
After pouring themselves some juice Dani and Amira stand by the table talking, though they’re soon joined by Amira’s parents.
“Dani, how are you? You haven’t been to the house in a while, we haven’t seen you since you declared your love for Amira last time you were home”
Dani, who was taking a sip from his drink, almost chokes at the words.
“Baba!” Amira yells in shock, looking from her dad to her mom who can only smile.
“What? Was it a secret?” Amira’s dad asks confused.
Amira and Dani look at each other and they burst out laughing. Soon they’re joined by Amira’s mother while her father looks at them confused.
Later, Amira takes a walk around the rooftop and looks at the people there. ‘Now’ she thinks ‘all the people that I love are here now’. And she feels like the luckiest girl in the world.
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wiedzmina-blog · 7 years
Norwegian / old norse names and places
Every now and then I come across a book, movie, TV-series, fanfic, game or whatever, that mention a fictional "Norwegian" or "norse" place or person, and it just sounds so wrong it makes me either cringe or ROFL. Really. I still haven't recovered from the 1995 X-files episode, "Død Kalm", which took us to the port of "Tildeskan" where we met "Henry Trondheim", "Halverson" and "Olafsson".  Hopefully this list will keep others from being that “creative” with names. :)
Common names for places, towns and villages in Norway
These names are very generic and suitable for a place, village or town anywhere (and pretty much any time) in Norway. Mix and match prefixes with suffixes for diversity.  Bonus: All of these can also be used as surnames. Name (meaning) - usage
Nes (headland, cape, ness) - Standalone ​ Bø (fenced-in field on a farm) - Standalone Fjell (mountain) -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Fjell- / -fjell Haug (small hill / large mound)  -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Haug- / -haug Vik, Viken, Vika (inlet, the inlet, the inlet) -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Vik- / -viken / -vika Ås, Åsen (hill, the hill (larger than "Bakken")) - Standalone or prefix/suffix: ​ Dal, Dalen (valley, the valley) - Standalone or prefix/suffix: ​ Berg (small mountain) - Standalone or prefix/suffix: Berg(s)- / -berg Sand (sand) - Standalone or prefix/suffix: Sand- / -sand Strand (beach) -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Strand- / -strand Li (hill) -  Standalone or prefix/suffix: Li- / -li Gran (spruce) -  Standalone or prefix: Gran- Bratt (steep) - prefix only: Bratt- Myr (bog, mire) - prefix only: Myr- Neset, Nesset (the headland, the cape, the ness) - Standalone or suffix: ​-neset / -nesset Odden (foreland, headland) - Standalone or suffix: ​ -odden Våg (cove, bay) - Standalone or suffix: -våg Lund (grove) - Standalone or suffix: -lund Sund (sound, strait) -  Standalone or suffix:  -sund Skog (forest) prefix/suffix: Skog- / -skog Øy (island) prefix/suffix: Øy- / -øy øya (the island) - suffix only: ​ -øya bakken  (the hill) - suffix only: -bakken  gard / gård / gården (farm / farm / the farm) - suffix only: -gard / -gård / -gården elv, -elva (river, the river) suffix only: -elv / -elva stad (old word for town/place) suffix only: -stad vannet (the lake) - suffix only: -vannet
Common words that can be used as prefix to any of the suffixes above Svart- (black)  Lille- (little/small)  Sol- (sun)  Brei-/Bred- (wide)  Stor- (big) Lang- (long)
Common Norwegian surnames (contemporary)
Heredatory surnames didn't become mandatory in Norway until 1923. Many took the name from the farm or place they lived, or just changed their primary patronyms into hereditary patronyms. Example: Helgessønn/Helgesdatter (son of Helge / daughter of Helge) became Helgesen.
Alm Andersen Anderssen Antonsen Aspelund Bakke Bakken Bang Berg Bjerkan Bråthen Christensen Corneliussen Dahl Dahlberg Danielsen Dyrnes Dørum Eide Ellingsen Erdal Eriksen Falch Fredriksen Foss Fure Fylling Gabrielsen Gran Grønning Halvorsen Hansen Hanssen Hay Hoff Holm Holt Husby Isaksen Iversen Jacobsen Jensen Jenssen Johansen Karlsen Klausen Konradsen Kristensen Kristiansen Larsen Larssen Lie Lien Lund Løvold Magnussen Meyer Mikalsen Mo Moen Myhre Myklebust Mørk Ness Nilsen Olavsen Olsen Paulsen Pettersen Prestegård Rasmussen Riise Rogstad Ruud Simonsen Solbakken Solli Stokke Strøm Sund Svendsen Thorvaldsen Torp Thune Tønnesen Ueland Ulven Urdal Vik Vinje Wahl Wik Wilhelmsen Zakariassen Ødegård Årseth Årvik Ås, Aas Åsen, Aasen
Common Norwegian names -- 1980 - present
Anders André Andreas Are Arne Atle Bjørn Cato Chris Christian, Kristian Christoffer, Kristoffer Daniel David Dennis Elias Emil Espen Erik, Eric Eirik Fredrik Filip Geir Harald Helge Hans Henning Håkon, Haakon Håvard Isak Jan Joachim Johan Johannes John, Jon Johnny Jonas Jonathan Kim Kristian, Christian Kristoffer, Christoffer Lars Lucas, Lukas Mads, Mats Magnus Martin Michael, Mikael Morten Niklas Nils Odin Ole Ove Paul Per Peter, Petter Preben Pål Richard, Rikard Roger Sebastian Simen Simon Sindre Sondre Stian Terje Thomas Thor, Tor Thore, Tore Vegard Werner William Øystein Åge Åsmund
Andrea Ane, Anne Anette, Annette Annika, Anniken Astrid Bente Camilla Carina Cathrine Celine Charlotte Christin, Kristin Christina, Kristina Christine, Kristine Elin, Eline Elise Elisabeth Emilie Eva Frida Grete, Grethe Hanne Hege Heidi Helene Hilde Ida Ine Ingrid Ingvill, Ingvild Isabel, Isabell, Isabelle Iselin Jannicke Janine Jeanette Jennie, Jenny Julia, Julie Karoline (Kine) Katrin, Katrine Kristin, Christin Lea, Leah Lena, Lene Linda Line Linn Linnea Lise, Lisa Liv, Live Mai, May Maja Malin Margrete, Margrethe Mari, Maria, Marie Mariann, Marianne Marte, Marthe Mette Monica Nina Nora Oda Pia Ragnhild Randi Rikke Sara, Sarah Silje Siv Stina, Stine Susann, Susanne Tanja Tina, Tine Tiril Tone Trine Vilde Vera Veronica Wenche Åse Åshild
Common Norwegian names - 1800 - 1980
Men Aksel Albert Anders Andreas Anker Ansgar Arne Arnt Arve Asle Atle Birger Bård Charles Edmund Edvard Egon Erling Even Fred Fredrik Frode Geir Georg Gunnar Gunvald Gustav Harald Helge Hilmar Håkon, Haakon Ivar Ingvar Jens Jesper Jørgen Joakim Karl Karsten, Karstein Kjell Klaus Kolbein Kolbjørn Kristian Kåre Lars Lavrans Leif Lossius Ludvig Magne Magnus Nikolai Nils Odd Oddvar Odin Ola Olai Olaf Olav Ole Omar Oscar, Oskar Peder Per Petter Philip, Phillip Pål Ragnar Rikard Roald Roar (also Hroar) Rolf Rune Sigurd Sigvard, Sigvart Simon Svein Sverre Tarjei Terje Toralf, Thoralf Torbjørn, Thorbjørn Torleif, Thorleif Torstein, Thorstein Torvald, Thorvald Trond Ulf Ulrik Valdemar Wilhelm Willy Åge
Albertine Alice, Alise Alma Anita Anna Annbjørg Asbjørg Astrid Aud Bente Berit Birgit Birgitte Bjørg Bjørgun Bodil Borghild Dagny Dagrun Edel Ella Ellen Elsa Fredrikke Frida Gerd Gjertrud Gunhild Gyda Hanna, Hannah Helga Henny Herdis Hilda Hilde Hjørdis Ingeborg Inger Irene Johanna, Johanne Jorun, Jorunn Josefine Judith Kari Karin Kirsten Kitty Kjersti Laila Lilli, Lilly Lisa, Lise Liv Lovise Mathilde Margaret Marit Martha Molly Nanna Oddrun Oddveig Olga Ragna Ragnhild Rigmor Sara Signe Sissel Solbjørg Solveig Solvår Svanhild Sylvi Sølvi Tora Torhild, Toril, Torill Torun, Torunn Tove Valborg Ylva Åse Åshild
Names usage Double names, like Ragnhild Johanne or Ole Martin are common in Norway. Just keep them as two names and don't use "-", and you'll be safe, even if it ends up a tongue twister. Using only one of two given names is also common practice.
In Norway everyone is on a first name basis. Students call teachers and other kids' parents by their first name, workers call their boss by their first name, we call our Prime Minister by her first name (journalists will use her title when speaking to her though). Some senior citizens still use surnames and titles when speaking of or to  people their own age.
There are some exceptions. For example, a doctor may be referred to as Dr. Lastname when we speak of them, but first name is used when speaking to them. A priest is "the priest" when speaking of him/her and their first name is used when spaking to them. In the millitary only surnames (and ranks) are used. If you meet Harald, the King of Norway, in an official setting you will refer to him as "Kongen" (the king). If you run into him at the gas station, or while hiking, he is "Harald".
If you don't know someone's name it is okay to use their title, or just say "you".
Names for pets (contemporary)
Dogs Laika (f) Bamse (m) (bear) Tinka (f) Loke/Loki (m) + characters from TV/film/books...
Cats Melis (m/f) (powdered sugar) Mango (m/f) (mango) Pus (f) (kitty) Mons (m) (tomcat) Nala (f) Pusur (m) (Garfield) Felix (m)  Simba (m) + characters from TV/film/books...
Horses Pajazz (m) Mulan (f) Balder (m) - cold blood Kompis (m) (pal) Freya (f) - cold blood + characters from TV/film/books...
Rabbits Trampe (m) (Thumper) Trulte (f) + characters from TV/film/books...
Cows (yes, I am serious) Dagros Rosa Mira Luna Sara + characters from TV/film - Disney is popular, as are the Kardashians :)
Road and street names
Storgata (usually the main street) Kongens gate (the king's street) Dronningens gate (the queen's street) Jernbanegata (railroad street) Jernbaneveien (railroad road) Sjøgata (ocean street) Sjøveien, Sjøvegen (ocean road) Skolegata (school street) Torvgata (plaza street) Industrigata (industrial street) Industriveien (industrial road)
Prefixes Blåbær- (blueberry) Bringebær- (raspberry) Bjørke- (birch) Aspe- (asp) Kastanje- (chestnut) Solsikke- (sun flower) Blåklokke- (blue bell) Nype- (rosehip) Kirke- (church) Park- (park)
Suffixes -veien, -vegen (the road)  -stien (the path)
Other Torvet (the plaza) - standalone or suffix: -torvet Havna (the port) - standalone or suffix: -havna Kaia (the port) - standalone or suffix: -kaia
Safe solution: use a first name or surname as prefix.
Old norse
Men’s names Agnarr (Agnar) Alfr (Alf) Ámundi (Amund) Ánarr Árngrimr (Arngrim) Askr (Ask) Auðun (Audun) Baldr (Balder) Beinir ​Bjørn Burr Borkr Dagfinnr (Dagfinn) Davið (David) Drengr Durinn Einarr (Einar) Eirikr (Eirik) Eivindr (Eivind) Erlingr (Erling) Fafnir Flóki Freyr (Frey) Fuldarr Galinn Gautarr (Gaute) Gegnir Geirr (Geir) Glóinn Grímarr (Grimar) Hafli Hakon Hallsteinn (Hallstein) Haraldr (Harald) Haukr (Hauk) Heðinn (Hedin, Hedinn) Helgi (Helge) Hrafn, Hrafni (Ravn) Hrafnkell (Ravnkjell) Iarl (Jarl) Ingolfr (Ingolf) Iuar (Ivar) Jafnhárr Jón Jóngeirr Kál Kiaran Klaus Knútr (Knut) Kolgrimr (Kolgrim) Kolr (Kol) Leifr (Leif) Loki Lyngvi Magnus Mikjáll (Mikal, Mikkel) Mór Morði Nesbjørn Nokkvi Oddr (Odd) Oddbjørn Oðin (Odin) Olafr (Olaf) Ormr (Orm) Otr Ouden Pálni Pedr Ragnarr (Ragnar) Ragnvaldr (Ragnvald) Randr (Rand) Róaldr (Roald) Rólfr (Rolf) Salvi Sigarr (Sigar) Sigbjørn Sigurðr (Sigurd) Skarpe Snorri (Snorre) Steinn (Stein) Sveinn (Svein) Teitr Þor (Thor/Tor) Þórbjørn (Thorbjørn/Torbjørn) Þorsteinn (Thorstein/Torstein) Tryggr (Trygg) Týr Ulfár Ulfheðinn (Ulvhedin) Ulfr (Ulf) Vakr Vani Veigr Viðarr (Vidar) Yngvarr (Yngvar) Æsi
Women's names
Anna Arnfriðr (Arnfrid) Ása Bera Bergdís (Bergdis) Biørg (Bjørg) Cecilia Cecilie Christina Dagný (Dagny) Dagrún (Dagrun) Dís Dísa Edda Elin Ellisif (Ellisiv) Freyja (Freya) Friða (Frida) Frigg Gerðr (Gerd) Gertrud Grima Gyða (Gyda) Hadda Hallbéra Hallkatla Herdís (Herdis) Hildigunnr (Hildegunn) Huld Hvít Ida Iðunn (Idun, Idunn) Ingríðr (Ingrid) Johanna Jórunn (Jorun, Jorunn) Juliana Katla Katrine Kristín (Kristin) Leikný (Leikny) Lif (Liv) Magnhildr (Magnhild) Mjøll Myrgiol Nál Nanna Nótt Oda Oddný (Oddny) Ólaug (Olaug) Rafnhildr (Ragnhild) Rán Rannveíg Ríkví (Rikvi, Rikke) Rúna (Runa) Roskva Sága (Saga) Sif (Siv) Sigriðr (Sigrid) Skaði (Skadi) Skuld Svana Sýn Solveig Tekla Tóra (Tora) Trana Ulfhildr (Ulfhild) Una Urðr (Urd) Valborg Vigdís (Viigdis) Vírún Yngvildr (Ingvill, Ingvild) Yrsa
Bynames Bynames, or nicknames, could be neutral, praising or condescending. Usually bynames described a person's
body, bodyparts, bodily features
kinship and descent
territorial origin
knowledge, belief, spirituality
clothing, armour
occupation, social position
Examples: Eirik Blodøks (Eirik Blood-Axe), Gammel-Anna (old Anna), Halte-Ása (limping Ása). I suggest that you stick with English for bynames, or use (relatively) modern language if you are writing in Norwegian. 
Surnames weren't really a thing until 1923 when they became mandatory. Before 1923 patronyms (son/daughter of) were used, and the name of the farm you lived on was often added as an address. 
For instance: Helgi Eiriksøn (Helgi, son of Eirik), who lived at the farm called Vollr (grass field), would be called Helgi Eiriksøn Vollr. If he moved to the farm called Haugr his name would change to Helgi Eiriksøn Haugr.
Men: Use father's first name and add -sen /-son /-sønn Women: Use father's first name and add -dotter / -dottir / -datter
Farm names
Farm names were usually relevant and derived from either the location, a nearby landmark, nature or from occupation.  I suggest you stick with the modern forms for farm names.
Old Norse (meaning) - modern Bekkr (stream) - Bekk, Bekken Dalr (valley) - Dal, Dahl Horn (horn) - Horn Vollr (field) - Vold, Volden Lundr (grove) - Lund
The list of common names for places/villages/towns is still valid, although the spelling is modern. Just keep it simple and make "clever" combos based on meaning. 
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glimmerofawesome · 2 years
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nothesc · 4 years
Week 7 Part III. A Damira fic
Here’s the part from Tuesday to Friday. I’ll try to post the part for Saturday soon
Part I here Part II here
You can also read it on ao3
Amira gets out of her room and finds her mother in the living room writing something on a piece of paper.
“What are you doing?” She asks sitting down next to her on the sofa.
“Grocery list for Saturday. I’ll go buy the stuff tomorrow”
Amira nods and stays silent for a while, she has so many things she wants to tell her mom but she doesn’t know how to begin.
“Have you invited your friends already?” her mother asks.
“Yes, they’re coming, Nora, Viri, Eva, Cris and Joana” Amira replies, she precisely asked them this morning if they wanted to come to Eid celebration on Saturday. They all said yes, even Eva who’s been a little distant after what happened with Lucas. Amira can’t blame her though, Lucas is her best friend.
“Great, what about the girls from the association? I need to know how many we will be”
“I haven’t asked them yet, I don’t know if they’ll have plans with their families or…” Amira says vaguely, the truth is she’ll love for the Labass girls to come but she’s not sure they’ll accept, their friendship is not going through its best moment right now.
“Well, ask them tomorrow, alright? I’ll write them down with a question mark” Amira’s mom says writing their names on the paper. “So in the confirmed list I have your friends from school and Dani”
“No!” Amira says louder than she intended. Lowering her voice and trying to act normal she continues “Dani doesn’t…Dani isn’t coming”
“Have you two broken up?”
Amira widens her eyes at her mom’s question. She’s so in shock that she doesn’t even know what to say.
“Amira, honey, I’m your mother, I know you” her mom says “But…what happened? You seemed very happy”
Amira tries to hold back the tears so she doesn’t begin crying like a baby, which is apparently all she seems to be able to do these past few days.
“I…I don’t know…or I do know. It’s just…It’s just that I was asking too many things from Dani and it wasn’t fair. I don’t want Dani to make an effort for me, I don’t want to feel that pressure, I don’t want him to sacrifice for me. And he…he just doesn’t understand so many things. He doesn’t understand why we can’t kiss and he gets frustrated and suffers…and I suffer seeing him like that and…I just don’t want us to end up hating each other and…I don’t know…”
“But, has Dani pressured you to kiss?” her mom asks worried, she’s known Dani since he was a kid and he doesn’t seem like that kind of boy but that doesn’t mean he isn’t.
“No, no, he said he wouldn’t do that but…I know he wants to kiss me because he told me so. And I mean I want to kiss him too but I’ve chosen not to and I know why but…he just doesn’t understand”
“And have you explained that to him? Or has he tried to find the answer on his own?”
“No…” Amira says avoiding her mother’s eyes.
“And what does Dani think about the breakup? Because from what you’re telling me I assume you broke up with him, right?”
“Yeah…well he says it’s normal that we need a time to adapt to each other and get to know each other, that it’s something all couples do. But mama I know it’s not just that, he doesn’t understand me and he won’t ever understand me, he’ll just sacrifice himself for me and yeah now he can deal with that but what happens when he gets tired? He’ll resent me. And I don’t know, relationships shouldn’t be this hard, right? You even say that yourself, that we need to choose the battles we fight.”
“Look Amira, I can’t tell you what you have to do, it’s your life and you’re the only one that can decide what to do with it and who you want to live it with”
“But mama I need to know your opinion, please.”
Amira’s mom looks at her daughter not knowing what to say, the doesn’t want to meddle with her life, but she wants to give her advice.
“I think that you’re not a quitter Amira, I think that when you really want something you fight for it until the very end. And from what you’re telling me it seems like Dani is also willing to fight for your relationship, but maybe he just needs time, and he needs to understand.”
“But I’m tired of fighting all the time…” Amira says almost whispering.
“I know, love, I know”
Amira’s mom brings her daughter closer so she can hug her, that’s all she can do right now, at the end of the day the decision only belongs to Amira.
“And Amira, I want you to know that whatever you decide I’ll support you, all I want is for you to be happy”
Her mom has insisted a lot and finally she convinced her to come to the association and personally invite the girls to the Eid celebration on Saturday. Even though she’s scared about the girls reaction, the truth is Amira is happy she came, she’s been meaning to talk to them for a while, especially Dounia. She hesitates but in the end she enters without knocking. Noor, Elena and Dounia are talking to each other about some trouble one of the kids got himself into. When they realize Amira is there they stop talking.
“Hi…sorry I came unannounced but…I wanted to talk to you”
“Amira, you’re always welcomed here” Elena says smiling.
Amira smiles back at her and an uncomfortable silence is settled between the girls who only look at each other not knowing what to say.
“Well, I wanted to say that we’re celebrating Eid on Saturday at home with friends and family. I guess you already have plans with the family but…well I’d love it if you guys wanted to come”
“Count me in, I’ll be with my family but I’ll definitely walk by” Elena confirms.
“Yeah…yeah I’ll go too, sure” Noor says nodding.
Amira looks directly at Dounia for the first time since she’s entered the room. Dounia avoids her eyes and doesn’t say anything. Noor and Elena notice that the girls need to talk alone.
“Well, we’re going to go to…well, we’re going to go.” Noor says taking Elena’s hand.
Before the girls can reach the door Amira remembers that there’s something else she wanted to tell the girls.
“Hey girls…well I just wanted to tell you that Dani and I broke up…I wanted you to hear from me this time”
“Amira…how are you?” Elena asks worried.
“I mean…It’s fine…don’t worry, I’m fine” Amira lies, but she’s just not ready to talk about it.  
Noor and Elena understand that Amira just doesn’t want to talk about it and without saying anything else they leave.
“What happened? With Dani I mean…” Dounia asks suddenly making Amira turn around to look at her.
“What had to happen, I guess” Amira shrugs “But I didn’t come here to talk about Dani”
“Yeah…I figured” Dounia says looking at the floor.
Both girls take a moment to think about what to say. When they do speak, they do it at the same time and saying the same two words.
“I’m sorry”
Realizing that they’ve both said the same thing they start laughing.
“Dounia, I’m sorry” Amira says after a few seconds “I didn’t want to lie to you about your brother and I really don’t blame you for believing him. But it hurt me a lot that you called me a liar and…I exploded. And I shouldn’t have, I shouldn’t have sent you home to find out about Kasim. I’m so sorry about the trouble I might’ve cause at home, and especially to you two.” Amira exhales, she’s been thinking about this apology for a long time.
“I’m sorry too Amira, for not believing you, for calling you a liar when all you wanted to do was protect my brother. I shouldn’t have meddle with your lives in the first place, I shouldn’t have set you two up on that blind date and insist so much about you two being together. And I’m sorry about Dani…I don’t know what happened and I won’t pressure you to tell me but…I want you to know that I’m not happy you broke up”
“Thank you…” Amira says with a shy smile “How is Kasim?”
“Well, he’s…confused, ashamed. My parents don’t know, I didn’t tell them and he didn’t either obviously.” Dounia makes a pause, there’s something she wants to clarify “Amira I don’t have a problem with my brother being gay, I want you to know that. What hurt me was finding out he was lying to me and he was using you. I didn’t like that at all, the way he went behind my back and he lied…I just can’t stand that kind of behavior. My brother disappointed me, a lot, but he’s my brother and I love him, no matter what”
“And…what do you think your parents will say about him being gay?”
“Well…I think they won’t have a problem with that, but Kasim thinks they will. I don’t know, he’s the one that has to decide when and if he tells them. Right now he needs time, I guess, to process everything that’s happened these past few weeks.” Dounia says, then she adds smiling “And I think he’s pretty in love with your friend Lucas”
Amira smiles too, she’s happy to know that Lucas and Kasim have each other.
“Then…are you coming on Saturday? I want to invite Kasim and Lucas too but…I don’t know if they’ll come”
“Yes, I’ll go with the girls” Dounia confirms “And by the way Amira, on Saturday we will be here giving gifts to the kids of the association…I’d love it if you came that day…and every day, like before”
Amira can’t help herself and hugs Dounia, she’s missed her friends and the kids, the association in general, and she’s really happy to know she’s welcomed there again.
Joana checks her phone before entering the building now that a woman exited it and opened the door. Cris just texted her telling her to go to the rooftop and wait for her there, she’s on her way. Joana smiles, in some kind of way the roof has become their special place and she likes that. She reaches the last floor and opens the door. Once she’s at the roof she realizes she’s not alone.
The boy is sitting on the floor, his back leaning against the wall. When he hears his name being called he searches for the person who said it and raises his eyebrows when he sees his sister’s girlfriend in front of him”
“Joana? I didn’t know you were coming. Where’s Cris?
“She’s on her way, she told me to go ahead”
“Oh, I’ll leave you two then, I’ll go home, I just came here to escape from my mom because she was driving me crazy” Dani explains standing up
“No, wait, stay with me till Cris arrives, please? I’m scared a neighbor will come and ask me why I’m here”
“Yeah, sure okay” Dani sighs and goes back to his initial position, sitting against the wall.
Dani and Joana have always liked each other but the truth is they’ve never had a conversation alone. That’s why the silence that settles between them is a little bit awkward.
“How are you?” Joana asks. Dani only looks at her and shrugs. “Pretty fucked up, right? Cris told me what happened with Amira”
“Yeah? She told you? Then maybe you can tell me because I don’t know what the fuck happened.” Dani says clearly frustrated. A second later he realizes he’s not being fair to Joana and shakes his head “I’m sorry, really, I’m sorry Joana I shouldn’t let it all out on you. It’s just…it’s just that I don’t know what happened, I really don’t get it” Dani’s voice breaks with the last sentence.
Joana sighs and sits in front of Dani. She opens her mouth to say something but stops herself, she’s not sure she should say anything.
“Say it, whatever you want to say, just do it” Dani says.
“Well…I just think you two are plain stupid” Joana says honestly.
“Okay, be honest, don’t hold back”
Joana laughs and is happy to see Dani almost smiling.
“It’s just that you guys remind me of Cris and me. Do you know that I broke up with your sister and I told her I didn’t love her because I didn’t want to hurt her?”
Dani frowns and shakes his head, the truth is he’s never talked with Cris about the beginning of her relationship with Joana.
“Well, yeah, I felt like a burden to her, I felt like…I don’t know, like she was missing a lot of things to be with me, she was missing out on having a…normal relationship. So I decided I should break up with her so we wouldn’t end up hurting each other. Sounds familiar?”
This time Dani smiles for real, though there’s still sadness in his eyes.
“What did Cris do?” Dani asks
“Well your sister didn’t give up. She told me she didn’t care if the relationship was hard, she chose to be with me. You know she’s a little bit stubborn.”
“Tell me about it…”
Joana laughs, her girlfriend can be very stubborn sometimes but she wouldn’t change her for the world.
“Look Dani, I’m not Amira, I don’t know what she’s feeling but I can imagine. I know how everyone thinking you’re a burden feels like, fearing that the other person will get tired of you. And sometimes we get scared and want to run away. But Cris never let me run away, you know? And I thank her for that because being with her is the best thing that could happen to me. I don’t know…seeing her doing research about my disorder so she can understand me and knowing what I need and why…It’s something that means a lot to me…and I can’t tell you what you have to do but I would advise you not to give up, not yet.”
“Thank you Joana…for real”
The moment is interrupted by Cris who just arrived to the rooftop.
“What are you doing there? Talking shit about me, for sure, right?”
“Obviously” Joana says laughing.
“Well, I’ll leave you two alone” Dani says standing up to leave.
When he walks by his sister she stops him
“Hey, how are you doing?” Cris asks worried, Dani doesn’t want to talk to her about Amira and she doesn’t know what to do.
Dani looks at Joana and then back at Cris and smiles.
“Better” he says and it’s true, his conversation with Joana really helped him. He feels like he’s being a dark room the whole week and suddenly someone turned the light on.
Dani leaves the rooftop and goes home, he has a lot of reading to do.
FRIDAY 23:45
Amira rewrites the text for the fifth time, she’s been trying to express what she wants to say for the past 20 minutes. Sighing she decides to just write whatever she’s feeling.
“Hello Kasim. I’m texting you because I don’t think you’ll want to see me and I don’t blame you. I wanted to apologize, I shouldn’t have sent Dounia home knowing you were there with Lucas. I could try to defend myself saying that I was hurt because Dounia called me a liar and she defended you after I told you several times that you shouldn’t use me but the truth is nothing justifies outing you to your sister. It was a moment of anger and I exploded and I shouldn’t have. I hope you can forgive me one day. On Saturday we’re going to celebrate Eid at home with friends and family and I’d love it if you and Lucas came. But I’ll understand if you don’t. Again, I’m sorry and I hope you’re okay”
Amira presses send and feels like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders. She doesn’t know if Kasim will ever forgive her but she had to at least try.
She looks for her chat with Cris to tell her about it but unconsciously she ends up opening her chat with Dani instead. The last text she sent her was thanking him after he told her he was there for her. Without giving herself time to hesitate she types a quick text and sends it.
“I’ve texted Kasim to ask him to forgive me, wish me luck”
Dani’s answer only takes a couple of seconds
“Good luck, though I’m sure you won’t need it. I can’t picture someone not wanting to have you in their life”
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