artfool · 2 years
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Happy holidays to @lumiccu !! I was your Noragami Secret Santa:D
You asked for rarepair/crackship, and this doesnt really fall into the latter category, but I just think Yukine and Suzuha should hang out
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shikonotama · 2 years
Happy Holidays everyone!
@scytale-transposed I was your secret santa fot this years @noragamisecretsanta 2022.
I hope you like the little story I wrote about Bishamon and her shinki. Hava a nice day ☃️ <3
Thank you very much for hosting a secret Santa again this year! @noragamisecretsanta
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scarletrosii · 2 years
HELLO AND SORRY FOR THE LATENESS @floweryfandomnerd but tis I! Your secret Santa revealed!
I had help, so much help! From scytale-transposed! They're also Scytale@ao3! And I am super grateful for their help!!))
And here is your gift!
Yato always embarrasses Hiyori and Yukine. The two of them plot to embarrass him back, but what can they do to embarrass a god with no shame?
"Why does Yato have to be so embarrassing?" Yukine says as he sits at the kotatsu with his homework.
Beside him, Hiyori sighs deeply. "I know what you mean, last week we were at the mall and they were playing music. He joined in and started singing, loudly, and off key. Everybody was looking. I wanted to vanish into the floor!" She puts her head into her hands.
Kofuku joins them at the kotatsu. "What did Yatty-chan do to you this time, Yukki-chan?" she mumbles with a cookie in her mouth.
"He stuck his finger in my ear, after covering it in spit. It was disgusting!"
Hiyori cringes. "That's pretty gross."
"Talk about it." Daikoku enters the room with a tray of cookies and tea for everybody at the small table. "He's always trying to embarrass the missus and me, but she doesn't get embarrassed, and I refuse to let him."
"That's not how that works," both Hiyori and Yukine say in unison.
"I don't think you understand how it works; you haven't gotten there yet." Daikoku sets the tray down and straightens. "If he embarrasses you so much, why don't you embarrass him back?" he says as he makes his way out of the room.
Hiyori and Yukine brighten immediately. They look at each other.
"That's it!" Yukine says. "We'll just embarrass him back!"
"And maybe he'll understand what it feels like!" Hiyori finishes, excited. She turns toward Kofuku. "Want in on this, Kofuku? Yato embarrasses you too, right?"
"That's part of Yatty-chan's charm, Hiyorin! It's okay, I shouldn't be a part of this anyway; it will all go wrong if I am. You two have fun though!"
And with that she left the room, shaking her head, while Hiyori and Yukine put their heads together to plot deviously.
Hiyori and Yukine put their plan into action the next day. The first one relied on Hiyori.
"Hey Yato, can you get something for me?" Hiyori taps Yato's shoulder and gestures to the nearby convenience store. "I grabbed something at the conbini, but didn't have the money to pay for it so I ran home to grab my coin purse, but now I need to do something else, could you finish paying?"
"Hiyori! I'm so happy you're asking me for help!" He takes the coin purse, face aglow, and goes into the conbini.
He walks up to the cashier and tells him what he was there for. The bored teenager reaches under the counter, pulls out a small box, and tells Yato how much it costs.
Then Yato opens the coin purse to find it full of one yen coins.
He looks at it for a split second, before shrugging and pulling one out, placing it on the counter.
"Ooonnneee, twwooooo, thrrreeeee, foooouuuurrr-"
The cashier doesn't even blink, but outside the conbini doors Hiyori's and Yukine's jaws drop.
What feels like forever later, Yato finishes paying for the box, and immediately spots the two of them outside the doors.
"Hiyori!" he calls over loudly. "I've got your pads for you! I hope you didn't need them sooner, took me a minute to count out the right change!" He waves the box and much emptier coin purse excitedly, bringing everyone's attention to him, then to the girl just outside.
Hiyori's face turns a bright, vibrant red and she immediately dashes off, leaving behind a pink Yukine.
Later on, Yato and Yukine are out for a run, through the park and along the waterfront, looking for ayakashi. Yukine, upon seeing there are none, decides now is the perfect time for the next phase of the plan.
"Hey Yato, I think I see something on the pier," Yukine says, which is all that's needed to make Yato immediately turn toward it.
They run to the edge, and of course, find nothing, but on the way back to shore Yukine fakes a misstep. One stuck-out leg later, Yato is having his own real misstep and tumbling off the edge of the pier straight into the water. Nearby people point and laugh as Yato comes sputtering up; splashing water everywhere.
He looks at Yukine, and all Yukine feels is immense guilt.
Suddenly, there's a scream at the end of the pier, and the two of them look over to find out a child has fallen into the water, out of reach of their parents. Yato quickly swims over, lifts the child out of the water, and hands them to Yukine. Yukine, in turn, then lifts Yato out of the water, and they find the child's parents, who are elated that somebody was able to save their precious child. They insist on giving him a reward, calling him a hero, which causes Yato to blush bashfully. He doesn't appear to remember that Yukine tripped him on purpose, which only makes Yukine's guilt feel worse.
"It's my school's culture festival, you have to dress up for it! It's like a fancy party. It's formal." Hiyori explains to Yato for what feels like the millionth time.
And for what must be the millionth time, Yato tries to assure her. "I have the perfect outfit, you don't need to worry!"
"You can't just wear your tracksuit. If you even try I'm going to cut ties with you!" Hiyori warns. Yato brushes her off.
"It's handled, don't stress about it!"
The next day he shows up with the biggest, most multicolored feather boa Hiyori or her classmates have ever seen, and giant sunglasses.
"Hiyori, I'm here! And isn't this just the fanciest outfit?" Yato doesn't even appear to notice that he's the only one dressed up out of the guests. Or that he's quickly becoming the talk of the festival.
"Hiyori, who is this crazy guy wearing the boa, he clearly knows you but we've never seen him before," Yama and Ami pull Hiyori to the corner of the room, away from the crowd building around Yato.
"He's, a distant relative, come to visit." Hiyori bluffs "He doesn't know our customs here."
Her friends give her an odd look, but they have no choice but to accept it.
"At least he's bringing in more people to our café," Ami says, pointing to the people who are realizing they're in a student Cafe and sitting down to order things.
"We might even have a chance at winning the culture festival competition at this rate." Yama's eyes shine at the prospect, which just makes Hiyori all the more confused.
She makes her way back to Yato's side, and as she gets closer she hears a customer thanking Yato.
"-ays wanted to wear wild clothes like that, but I get so nervous thinking people are gonna judge me. But you don't care, and just seeing that, it feels so good. So I just wanted to say thank you, I might not wear something wild next time I go out, but maybe I'll wear a tie with a fun pattern on it, work my way up, you know?" The customer, who appears to be somebody's dad, claps Yato on the shoulder before ambling off to a table, calling the attention of a student and asking for a caramel milk coffee.
"What was that?" Hiyori asks.
"Nothing much," Yato replies, "just a man who needed a hand, that's all."
"This is the last thing we've got." Hiyori hands Yukine the shoebox. "but I refuse to wear them."
Yukine pulls a face. "I said I wasn't going to do any more of these after the pier, I felt horrible!"
"And I'm not going to be caught dead in these!!" Yukine gives her a glare before she realizes how insensitive her wording is. "Sorry," she apologizes.
"Doesn't matter anyway." Yukine says "If this doesn't work we've got nothing left, fine, I'll wear them." He takes the box, opens it up, and grimaces.
"These look horrible," he says.
Hiyori puts her hand on his shoulder, head bowed. "I know. Good luck! I'll be watching from over here!"
"HIYORIIII!!" Yukine calls after her, but she's already gone, hidden herself around a corner.
Alright, Yukine coaches himself. I've got this. It's just put these on and follow Yato. Where is Yato?
Just like that, the god himself appears, jogging round the corner, looking for all the world like he was innocent of every crime somebody could accuse him for. Yukine immediately replaces his shoes with the monstrosities from the box, and begins to follow his god.
It takes Yato a minute before he notices the noise following him, at the same pace he was jogging. The moment he turns around he finds his shinki, wearing the most interesting pair of shoes Yato has ever seen.
"Are those shoes… ducks? Are you wearing duck shoes?" Yato asked.
With every step Yukine's shoes quacked, and he thought to himself, of course they're duck shoes what else could they possibly be. Instead of saying that however, he just said, "Yes."
Yato's eyes shone and Yukine got a sinking feeling in his gut.
"Where did you get those!! I want a pair!! Gimme!" Yato immediately started following Yukine as the latter began to walk away.
Following becomes a chase, and the faster the two of them go, the faster, and louder, the quacks are, until Yukine can't handle it anymore and pulls the shoes off. Unfortunately, Yato, seeing his chance, snatches up the shoes, puts them on his own feet, and continues chasing Yukine.
Yukine is horrified; everybody around them is watching the whole thing as it happens, making him feel like dying all over again. He is absolutely not used to all this attention. He spots Hiyori, wearing the same embarrassed expression he knows he must be wearing, and makes a beeline over to her.
Hiyori nearly chokes when she sees Yukine headed her way, and she begins running away as well, not wanting to be drawn into the scene. Yato spots her, and starts to chase her as well, whooping with joy.
And all three went running off, people of all shapes and sizes staring and pointing.
Defeated, Hiyori and Yukine are sitting around the kotatsu at Kofuku's place telling her about all their attempts, how nothing they tried worked, and that they were giving up.
Kofuku looks at them mischievously. "You should try one more time, maybe. You might find more luck~" she winks.
"Everything we tried, backfired, and we're the ones embarrassed." Hiyori moans.
At that moment Yato comes in, and dramatically lies across the top of the kotatsu. Hiyori and Yukine stiffen, certain that he's heard everything
"Hiyoriiii why haven't you and Yukine been playing with meeeeeee todaaaayyyy," Yato complains.
Hiyori turns to him. "Play? What do you mean? We haven't been playing!"
"The games? They've been a lot of fun! Telling me to dress up for your festival? That was great!" Yato enthused. "Swimming wasn't as much fun, but I helped that kid, so it was all cool. And I love those shoes!"
Yukine drops his head into his hands. "Those shoes weren't supposed to be fun! Yato, we were trying to-"
"I know what you were trying to do," Yato said with a smile. "And I'm honored you chose me."
"Chose you? For what?" Hiyori asks exasperated. "We've been trying to embarrass you for days!"
Yato looks at her surprised. "You have?" he laughs "I didn't notice! I've been doing things like that on purpose for years!"
"What??" Hiyori and Yukine both lean toward Yato, still draped across the table. "Why?"
"So that I could do whatever anybody needed, at any time, no matter what. It builds confidence. I've had some rather strange requests over the years." Yato rolls off the table, Kofuku just barely jumping out of his way. "Also it's nice to be noticed, even if it's only just long enough for a laugh."
He poked his head up, eyes just visible over the edge of the table. "If you really wanted to embarrass me, you'd have to do something I've never thought of. And I've thought of everything."
"What about getting pantsed in public?" Yukine asked.
"Done it." Yato replied.
"Making weird noises on the phone?"
"Easy peasy."
"Waving to random strangers as if you know them?"
"That one is extra fun."
Hiyori watches as this exchange goes on, and notices an interesting connection with all the suggestions and answers. A plan forming in her mind, she gets up from her position at the kotatsu.
Yato and Yukine don't appear to notice when she kneels beside Yato, and gently, gives him a kiss on his cheek.
Stunned, Yato looks to Hiyori, before his face flushes red and he runs out of the room.
"What just happened?" Yukine asks, and in reply, Hiyori just giggles. Maybe she did gain some more confidence after all.
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