#noriee oc
noriee404 · 3 months
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Jillian & Akito
Let's die happily tonight
Let's play decadence
Kill me, kill yourself, you won't change anything
This fairy tale has no end, you won't change anything
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noriee404 · 1 year
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Magic: liquids. She can get pretty creative with those, so glhf if she's paired up with someone who can do heat magic cause boiling water is not nice.
Apperance extra's: crooked nose, tall (about ~6'3?), has a lot of moles, pale. loves make up, specially eyeliners. also has lots of rings.
Personality: ...eeeehhh. prideful, self destructive, has a lot of contempt. pities the weak who have nothing, hates those, who, in her opinion, have resources to change their life but decide not to. doesn't believe in mental illnesses. eats the rich. trust issues. she says she knows that J will get rid of her eventually,
but still she has an urge to trust and follow her. she won't dispose of her is she's useful, that would be... wasteful. so she doesn't need to worry about that now. so, she can trust. for now. afraid of stars, she's superstitious (stars are heavily associated with death in their world).
Magic Weapon: wand. has non-magic as well tho, few knives.
Brooch: blue rose
Country: Neo Rasmary (born in Racicar), has a rough story with her homeland, to say the least.
Apperance extra: crooked nose, tall (about ~6'3?), has a lot of moles, pale. loves make up, specially eyeliners. also has lots of rings.
Extra stuff: rarely smiles, her smile is creepy af (she doesn't intend tho). has a soft spot for chilndren. talks in soft soothing voice, almost never raises her voice. knows how to play piano (hates it).
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noriee404 · 9 months
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Cas & Azzy small talk
- Cas. Enough. You are torturing both of us, yourself, me. Killing. Isn’t it time to stop? What are you even chasing? What is it all for?
- i know, I know. Sorry. I don’t want to just perish. Unknown. As if *I* didn’t matter at all. I want to make… an impact.
- Don’t you want to live too? Isn’t it impactful enough?
- To live as nobody? No.
- If you were given a choice between living long and happy life or die as Someone, but who lived shortly and miserable, what would you choose?
- …
- Don’t tell me that…
- Yeaaaaah…
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