opdrazimetozdemirsblog · 11 months
🦋Ozon tedavisinin etkili olduğu hastalık ve semptomlar(Uluslararası bilimsel çalışması yayınlanmıştır);
🌺Yorgunluk(Kronik yorgunluk sendromu)
🌺Saç ekimi ve dökülmesi öncesi ve sonrası
🌺akne skarı/izi ve sivilceler
🌺Ayak yaraları(diyabet, Buerger hastalığı, venöz yetmezlik, sigara)
🌺Virüslere karşı(Covid-19, HSV dudakta uçuk vs) koruyucu
🌺Dolaşım sistemi bozuklukları(kalp-damar sistemi, buerger hastalığı, kronik yaralar, hipertansiyon, venöz yetmezlik)
🌺Diabetes mellitus (şeker hastalığı)
🌺Romatizmal hastalıklar(Fibromiyalji, Romatoid artrit vs)
🌺Candida mantarı
🌺Gut hastalığı
🌺Amfizem, KOAH
🌺Göz hastalıkları(Retinitis Pigmentosa, Glokom, Katarakt, Maküler Dejenerasyon)
🌺Norolojik hastalıklar(Alzheimer, Parkinson, Demans,serebral palsi)
🌺Allerjik hastalıklar
🌺Enflamatuar bağırsak hastalığı(ülseratif kolit, Crohn hastalığı)
🦋Seans sayısı önce haftada 2 kez sonra 1 kez 6-20 arası hastalık ve hastalık boy/ kilo oranına göre değişir.
🦋Uygulama ağrısız ve kısa sürelidir(15-20 dakika).
❗️Uygulama(ları) Sağlık Bakanlığı sertifikalı Doktorlar tarafından yaptırınız. #ozonterapi#ozonuygulama #majorozonterapi #minörterapi #yorgunluktedavisi #gençleşmeiçinozontedavisi #performansartışıiçinozontedavisi #sporculariçinozontedavisi #cinselsağlıkiçinozontedavisi #dizkireçlenmesiiçinozontedavisi #saçekimindeozontedavisi #opdrazimetozdemir #istanbul#Turkey #☎️+905322058604 ☎️+905054925755
🦋Ozone therapy is known to be effective and leading (international guidance study has been published);
🌺Fatigue (chronic fatigue syndrome)
🌺Hair transplantation and before and after transplantation
🌺acne scar/mark and pimples
🌺Cellulite🌺Foot sores (diabetes, Buerger's disease, venous insufficiency, smoking)
🌺Protective system against viruses (Covid-19, HSV lip herpes, etc.)🌺Candida fungus🌺Gout disease🌺Emphysema, COPD🌺Eye diseases (Retinitis Pigmentosa, Glaucoma, Cataract, Macular Degeneration)🌺Norological (Alzheimer, Parkinson, Dementia, cerebral palsy) Allergic infectious diseases (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease)
🦋The number of sessions varies between 6-20, twice a week and then once a week, depending on the chance and possible child/weight changes.
🦋 It is not applicable and is short-term (15-20 minutes).
❗️ Have the application(s) done by the Ministry of Health units and doctors. #ozonetherapy#ozonapplication #majorozonetherapy #minortherapy #fatiguetreatment #rejuvenationinozonetreatment #performanceincreaseinozonetreatment #athletesinozonetreatment #sexualhealthinozonetreatment #kneearthritistreatment #ozonetreatmentinhaircare #opdrazimetozdemir #istanbul#Turkey #☎️+905322058 604 ☎️+905054925755
🦋Die Ozontherapie gilt als wirksam und führend (internationale Leitstudie wurde veröffentlicht);
🌺Müdigkeit (chronisches Erschöpfungssyndrom)
🌺Haartransplantation und vor und nach der Transplantation
🌺Aknenarbe/-fleck und Pickel
🌺Cellulite🌺Fußwunden (Diabetes, Morbus Buerger, Veneninsuffizienz, Rauchen)
🌺Schutzsystem gegen Viren (Covid-19, HSV-Lippenherpes usw.)🌺Candida-Pilz🌺Gichterkrankung🌺Emphysem, COPD🌺Augenerkrankungen (Retinitis pigmentosa, Glaukom, Katarakt, Makuladegeneration)🌺Norologisch (Alzheimer, Parkinson, Demenz, Zerebralparese) Allergische Infektionskrankheiten (Colitis ulcerosa, Morbus Crohn)
🦋Die Anzahl der Sitzungen variiert zwischen 6 und 20, zweimal pro Woche und dann einmal pro Woche, je nach Chance und möglichen Veränderungen des Kindes/Gewichts.
🦋 Es ist nicht anwendbar und kurzfristig (15-20 Minuten).
❗️ Lassen Sie den/die Antrag(e) von den Abteilungen und Ärzten des Gesundheitsministeriums stellen. #Ozontherapie#Ozonanwendung #Majorozontherapie #Minortherapie #Müdigkeitsbehandlung #Verjüngunginozonbehandlung #Leistungssteigerunginozonbehandlung #Athleteninozonbehandlung #sexuelleGesundheitinozonbehandlung #Kniearthritisbehandlung #OzonbehandlunginHaarpflege #opdrazimetozdemir #istanbul#Türkei #☎️+905322058 604 ☎️+905 054925755
‎🦋من المعروف أن العلاج بالأوزون فعال ورائد (تم نشر دراسة إرشادية دولية)؛
‎🌺التعب (متلازمة التعب المزمن)
‎🌺زراعة الشعر وقبل وبعد الزراعة
‎🌺ندبات/علامات حب الشباب والبثور
‎🌺السيلوليت🌺تقرحات القدم (مرض السكري، مرض برجر، القصور الوريدي، التدخين)
‎🌺نظام وقائي ضد الفيروسات (كوفيد-19، هربس الشفاه HSV، إلخ.)🌺فطريات المبيضات🌺مرض النقرس🌺انتفاخ الرئة، مرض الانسداد الرئوي المزمن🌺أمراض العيون (التهاب الشبكية الصباغي، الجلوكوما، إعتام عدسة العين، الضمور البقعي)🌺العصبية (الزهايمر، باركنسون، الخرف، الشلل الدماغي) الأمراض المعدية التحسسية (التهاب القولون التقرحي، مرض كرون)
‎🦋يتراوح عدد الجلسات بين 6-20، مرتين في الأسبوع ثم مرة واحدة في الأسبوع، حسب الفرصة والتغيرات المحتملة في وزن الطفل/الطفل.
‎🦋 لا ينطبق وهو قصير المدى (15-20 دقيقة).
‎❗️ أن يتم تقديم الطلب (الطلبات) من قبل وحدات وأطباء وزارة الصحة. #العلاج بالأوزون #تطبيق الأوزون #العلاج بالأوزون #العلاج البسيط #علاج التعب #علاج التجديد بالأوزون #علاج زيادة الأداء بالأوزون #علاج الرياضيين بالأوزون #علاج الصحة الجنسية بالأينوزون #علاج التهاب المفاصل والركبة #علاج الأوزون في العناية بالشعر #opdrazimetozdemir #istanbul#Turkey #☎️+905322058 604 ☎️+905054925755
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internetkovboyu · 1 year
Kardiyolojiye icin hastaneye gitmem lazim gogus norolog ve cigerler icinde gitmem gerek bi de disciye gitmem lazim offff anam off
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ncm-saglik · 5 years
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Hoofdpijn - 1 volledige strook van ongeveer 3 cm breed langs de hals. 1 rijstrook langs het voorhoofd. Gebruik elke 1 tot 2 dagen indien nodig of gedurende 12 tot 48 uur. Houd slechts 30 tot 60 minuten na het douchen of baden. migronoz Doğal ağrı kesiciler 💆💆‍♂️ #migrenatakları #migrencerrahisi #migrentedavisi #migrenimtuttu #nirology #norolog #tıp #sifalibitkiler #sifalibitkitedavisi #sinir #saglikliyasam #saglikliyasiyoruz #sagliklihayat #stres #alternatiftıp #sogukalginligi #başağrısı #sogukalginligi #mideyanması #kulakanbaju #sinus https://www.instagram.com/p/BzxWuxhiPYp/?igshid=19oaacc03mu69
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liaswritesrobots · 4 years
[Sent 3:58am] You are the moon, lighting my way in the darkest of nights! The Sun, shining brightly over everything else and giving me the nuroligical
[Sent 3:58am] norological
[Sent 3:59am] neurologist
[Sent 3:59am] you make my processor feel happy.
[Sent 4:00am] I am very tired and drunk but I love you. :)
[Sent 4:01am] Rodimus taught me that a colon and parenthese is a smile :)
[Sent 11:00am] Please do not show those to anyone.
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adanahastanesi-blog · 6 years
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Ezbere içilen antibiyotik, ciddi sağlık sorunlarına yol açabilir. Hekim önerisi ve eczacı danışmanlığı olmadan antibiyotik kullanmayın.
0322 459 22 22
#antibiyotik #eczacı #kanser #kemoterapi #kolonoskopi #tarama #norolog #kansertedavisi #onkoloji #tumor #radyoterapi #yapabilirsin #noroloji #uyuşturucu #acil #hastane #kader #cerrahi #Colonoscopy #Norolog #CancerHelpline #doctors #Incology #tumor #Surgery #özeladanahastanesi #adanahospital #özelhastaneler
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christislifesblog · 3 years
"Hey Batter Batter"
“Hey Batter Batter”
The reality of a pitch is the percission of the swing by the one at home plate. Did that sound complex, did I just flex my norology in my brain so early in the morning of a new day? Gary Vee got his NFT project off the ground and we know have an oppertunity to learn. ShayShine is opening up with reality theory of dimasculenity of men in society. And even though they are both out of my league…
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View On WordPress
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hackquarters · 4 years
Startup Spotlight #4: TION Healthcare
As Hackquarters, we love to watch startups of our friends grow. By “watch”, what I actually meant is we do all we can to help them achieve their goals. Our followers are probably aware that we are working with Bayer for Grants4Apps Startup Acceleration Program for 2 years. Recently we announced the 2019 batch of Grants4Apps with our kick-off event. At that event, one of our guests was Berkay Şamiloğlu from TION Healthcare, who was one of our entrepreneurs from 2018 batch of G4A.
TION Healthcare is our 4th guest for Startup Spotlight. They produce AI driven wearable diagnostic stickers for detecting abnormal rhythms in the heart.
You can always apply for Startup Spotlight from this link. We will also include you into our network and you will be notified about our upcoming events, calls for programs and get exclusive invites.
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What is the name of your startup?
TION Healthcare
What is the website address of TION Healthcare?
Where is your startup based?
What are your targeted verticals for your startup?
HealthTech, IoT, Machine Learning, AI
Tell us what your startup does.
TION Healthcare makes AI driven wearable diagnostic stickers for detecting abnormal rythyms in the heart.
Tell us about your team.
We are 5 engineers, 1 designer team. 2 of us was intern in TION, after internship they joined to team. Rest of team met at different entrepreneurship events. We have designers, electronical, computer, AI engineers in the team. We’ll be 12 people in a year. Also, TION is hiring!
When and why did you found your startup?
I was researcher in Norology Department in Cerrahpasa University. My advisor’s profession was epilepsy. We think a device which can detect the seizures would be great. But market was so small. While doing the project, we have met with Bayer and pivoted our idea to cardiology.
What are your key and unique features?
Disruptive business model first, 2 IP in the device. We serve subscription based diagnostics. Our devices can get clear data from the body with nanosensors.
What is your growth like?
3000 devices in 3 months and going to 50.000 with retail. Team growth is %50. Yeah, we are still small.
Tell us about the numbers that matter to you.
We’ve just dealed for 3000 devices, and we charge $30 per month.
What are your plans for next year and the next 5 years?
For next year, we’ll be at all retails in US. I don’t know 5 years. We will be probably in US, Europe, MENA, Africa and Asia with partners.
Did you receive any investments?
Tell us 3 startups that excite you, and why?
Albert makes voice assistant in healthcare. Idea sounds not unique but they won the TechStars and team has too much potential. Sometimes startups don’t need unique idea also for example Lift vs Uber. If they can find product market fit they can make incredible business.
Another one is Bulbana. Bulbana makes reverse Letgo platform. If you want to buy something, you open a offer. Users try to sell it to you. Two founders are my friend. Idea has potential, never heard it before. Also, I love their designs.
Last one is Vivoo. Vivoo makes urine sticks for wellness. We worked closely in Bayer’s Incubator. They attended to Techstars too. Also, they gave free samples to me 🙂
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doktorunuztv · 6 years
Genital ve pelvik ağrının en sık nedenlerinden biri olan ‘Pudendal Sinir Sıkışması’, bir diğer adıyla ‘Pudendal Nöropati’nin Türkiye’de her 15 kişiden birinin sorunu olduğunu belirten Nöroloji Uzmanı Doç. Dr. Burcu Örmeci, yeni bir tanı yöntemi geliştirdi. Yöntem, uluslararası otoritelerce de kabul gördü.
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muhalifses · 4 years
Rus nörolog, insan beynine mikroçip yerleştirilmesinin risklerini değerlendirdi
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kibrisdetay · 5 years
via Detay Kıbrıs Gazetesi - KKTC Haber - Kıbrıs Haber Portalı
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ncm-saglik · 5 years
Evet arkadaslar MİGRENE SON DEMİSTİK İŞTE MÜŞTERİ MEMNUNİYETİ Migrene hep beraber son der miyiz?ARTİK #migren#ağrı#doktor#nöroloji#özel#poliklinik#hekim#hastane#norology#docto https://www.instagram.com/p/BsiVlToAv7n/?igshid=s7pcbpz14nnt
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