ghostiiess · 2 years
[NSB IMAGINES] - next round
pov: who would have thought that losing at a video game would turn out this way..?
warnings: mention of sex & kisses, a little making out towards the end, one use of a pickupline, intimacy
type: spicy (not smut, but let's say it's not 100% wholesome)
member: ryan nguyen (azngami)
wc: around 2.33K
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Your boyfriend, Ryan Nguyen, had just texted you privately if you wanted to spend the night at his place and spend some quality time with him. Obviously, you didn't hesitate to answer his request: you said yes and brought all the objects, products, clothes you would need for the rest of the evening and the night, that would come in a few hours already.
You looked at yourself one last time, and applied a layer of toothpaste on your toothbrush. As you cleaned up, you put some hair elastics, a spare toothbrush and a tube of extra toothpaste in your travel bag just in case. You still had your belongings at Ryan's house, but you always made sure you had a second one just to be safe. With 6 other boys in the house, a lot could happen and you didn't want to take any chances.
Finishing brushing your teeth, you smiled in the mirror, made sure you didn't have any stains or food left in your mouth, and turned off the light. You finally left your apartment and locked the door. You walked to your car and drove to the house of the six others boys, who were very close to you because of your relationship with their best friends, and your boyfriend's.
(the rest of the imagines is under the cut!)
Finally arriving, you got out of your car and smiled, locking the doors of your car and walking to the front door of the big house.
You rang the bell and heard screams from the other side of the door and footsteps coming closer and closer to the "wall" that separated you from them.
The door finally opened, leaving you to admire the smile on Kane's face as he took you in his arms.
-Y/N! Haven't seen you in a while!
Taking him in your arms, you smiled and walked into the big house that shouted the words "comfort" and "happiness". Pulling yourself out of the doorway, Darren, who was leaning on the bedside table by the front door, smiled.
-Please, tell me that you're going to spend the night here.. It's already pretty late outside.
-Yeah, Ryan invited me.
The boys were treating you like their little sister in the group. Even though, you weren't in their music band, they were always taking care of you, and trying their best to protect you in any case possible.
Kane smiled.
-Do you want something to drink? Are you hungry?
-I'm good, but thanks for the invitation.
The oldest of the group grinned at you as he went back into the living room with Darren to finish the show they had started.
-Is the rest of the boys upstairs? you asked
You took off your shoes and walked up the stairs towards the first room: Justin's. It was something the boys were used to see when you were coming over. You were always going in their rooms to say hi, and see how they were doing.
Knockering before entering, you heard his voice:
-Come on in!
You opened the door slowly and gently, letting the quietness of the room overwhelm you with his soft music in the background.
-Y/N! Hi! I didn't know you were coming! How are you?
-I'm good, thank you for asking. How are you?
-I'm good, I'm good. Just chilling, y'know?
You nodded.
-I just wanted to say hi before I went to see Ryan.
JP smiled and laughed softly.
-He didn't even go downstairs to see you? Damn.. Usually, he do!
-Yeah I know, but I don't think he noticed that I'm here. After all, he plays video games and we all know how hard is it to distract him from those.
Phan nodded with a soft laugh and motioned for you to come closer.
-Look at my thumbnail! Do you think it's cool?
-Yeah! I love the effects you did on the texts. It's really interesting!
The conversation over, you walked into Regie's room, who was emptying his travelling bags.
-Hey Reg'!
-Hum? Oh hey Y/N! What's up?
-Nothing much, to be honest. Just chilling. How about you?
-Same. Were you looking for Ryan?
-Nah, I was just passing to every one say hi.
He nodded and smiled.
-Seb and Oli are in the studio, right?
-As always, he smiled
-Alright! Have fun unpacking lol.
You continued down the hallway to hear Seb and Oli's voices mingling with the melody that was coming through the creation room, more known as the music studio.
-Sounding good, here.
The two turned, seeing you, and smiled.
-Y/N! Little sis'!! I missed you! Seb exclaimed
-I'm literally older than you, Seb.
-Whatever, you're still my little sister.
You laughed softly, while rolling your eyes, and responded to his request for a hug.
Oliver grinned and took off his headphones completely while standing up in front of you, and his younger brother Sebastian.
-Hey Y/N. How's it going?
-Pretty great. How about you two?
They answered your question, then smiled. The oldest Moy brother in the group opened his arms, asking for a hug as well, which you accepted, and smiled.
-Do you want to hear the music we're working on? Oliver Moy said while letting you go from the hug
Nodding, you listened to the melodious sound they had just created, and couldn't help it, but smile at their newest song they were making. If the song had to be described in a word, it'll probably be "safety". The lyrics they were both singing was really deep and way more personal, then the others songs they already wrote for the two latest years.
-The stars are going to love it, I'm telling you.
-I hope they do.
You finished talking, then concluded the conversation by telling them you would talk to them later. The two nodded and continued to work, leaving you to leave the room to go see your boyfriend.
Nguyen's bedroom door was closed. You knocked gently before entering, and saw your boyfriend playing his video games, then smiled, meaning he had just seen you.
-I'll finish my game real' quick and I'm all yours, baby.
You nodded as you placed your bag on the floor, on the same side you where going to sleep in his bed. You layed down on the soft, comfortable bed and sighed. The bed was really comfortable.
A few minutes, about ten, had passed between the time you walked through the door and the time you laid down in his bed. Finally putting his headphones down on his stand, Ryan turned, still being in his gaming chair, and put his eyes in yours.
His hand went through his dark black hair and his smile came to warm you up. His right hand was now resting on the arm of the chair while his left was still in his hair to remove the headphone mark he had made from his gaming session.
-I missed you, sweetheart.
-I missed you too, Ryan.
Suddenly, his eyes left yours and went to the floor with his right hand going to his neck, something he did when he was feeling nervous or anxious.
-Sorry I didn't greet you earlier. I was really concentrated in my game and didn't hear the door open.
You shrugged.
-It's okay, Ry', don't need to apologize for that kind of thing. Plus, it allows me to say hello to the boys, and have my intimacy with you for the rest of the night..
-What do you mean?
-Well.. Most of the times, the boys don't come in after I finished up talked with them.
Without answering, he walked over to the bed and laid down like you. He sighed.
-I know I told you this before, but I really, really missed you.
You smiled while kissing his forehead, and caressed his eyes with yours, as you laid them down.
-What were you playing before I got here?
-Valorant. I really love this game. Today, I've been able to do all what I needed to do, and I even bought some special kits to help me during my game.
His eyes sparkled. He was really cute when he started talking about something he liked.. Wisps of sparkle could be seen in his brown eyes and according to you, it was one of the cutest things you could see on his face.
-I'd love to play it with you someday, you admitted
His smile widened, while tooking your hand and kissing it gently.
-Well…I could teach you tonight. What do you think about that?
-I think it would be cute.
-It would.., he said while kissing your hand one more time. But on one condition.
You raised an eyebrow.
-I want you to give me a kiss on the lips every time you succeed in a mission. I don't want a kiss on my cheek, or my nose, or even my forehead. I want one on my lips.
-That's a little bit specific, but sure.
-Maybe, but remember the last time we did this this kind of thing? You gave me kisses on my cheeks, while I wanted them on my lips.
-You didn't said it was supposed to be on the lips???
-I thought it was obvious! he rolled his eyes. But now I'm telling you. I want them on my lips.
You softly laughed.
-Someone is in the mood tonight.
He raised his eyes to the ceiling, then got up from the bed.
-Yeah, yeah, think whatever you want. Sit there, I'll be right back. I brought bubba for you, this morning.
The game was about to end, and let's say the number of kisses you had given Ryan was two.
-Press space, press space! exclaimed your boyfriend
The game had only a few seconds left. Your life gauge was almost empty, while your opponent's was full.
The game officially over, you sighed, and looked at the words on Ryan's computer screen saying "GAME OVER", and "YOU LOST".
-Sorry, I did my best-
He quickly interrupted you by putting his hands on your shoulders.
-That's okay, Y/N. I don't mind, for real. It was cute seeing you focused on the game. Even if you were.. a bit bad at it, not gonna lie.
You sighed.
-I still want your kisses.. even if you don't win.
He smiled as you moved closer to him, and cupped the tips of your lips with his, closing your eyes for more intimacy with him. Smiling through the kiss, Ryan lifted you up from the chair into his strong arms and continued to peck your pinky lips. Slowly, opening your eyes, you pulled back from the kiss, then put your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck like he asked you to do.
-You won't be comfortable if we do it in my gaming chair, I'm telling you.
Ryan quickly went to his bed, and placed you on it. Laying on top of you, the young man smiled as he moved closer and closer from your lips.
-Maybe you lost the game, but you won my heart.
You laughed at his pickup line.
-It was so cheesy.
-Don't act like you didn't liked it.
He smiled back, coming closer and closer to you, so close you could feel his breath on your warm neck. His breath on it was like an ice cube. He put his lips back together with yours, then moved his hands to caress your cheek, while your hand went to his black hair.
-You did well to go and say hello to the rest of the group, because I would be damn angry if someone came to disturb us, right now only to say hello to you.., whispered Nguyen between two kisses, then cut the tiny distance between you guys two mouths.
His right hand caressed your cheek and moved to the texture of your tshirt, which was crumpled by his fingers. His left hand, on the other hand, stayed long like the letter L, just to have a little balance: the vertical straight line from the 12th letter, forming his arm, and the horizontal bar being his hand.
He interrupted the kiss, to take some more air, and smiled shyly.
-Do you want to pursue farther, my love?
-I want to, but only if you want to aswell.
He smiled a bit more, then approached you.
-Are you sure? I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to do.
-I am sure. Are you?
He nodded.
-I am.
You gently took his face in your hands, and connected your lips with his once again. Your hands ran down his body, letting your fingers do whatever they wanted on him. You smiled into him, then saw him take off his hoodie and throw it across the room, while continuing to kiss you.
-You'll have to be discreet, the boys are still in the house..
You nodded and felt his lips go to your neck. Your arms wrapped around his neck even more than they were before, making you closing your eyes, and clearing your throat to avoid making a noise that the boys shouldn't hear.
-I know it's hard, but keep it quiet baby, he quietly said while smiling, knowing the effects he have on you. I don't want the others boys to hear your voice.
Leaving marks on your neck, you quickly took off your shirt, letting Ryan look at you, and smile before continuing what he was doing before.
-You're beautiful, Y/N.
He also took off his shirt, leaving him shirtless, and reached up to your neck to give more marks that only him could see. He then whispered the following words meaning he was going to move on from kissing your neck..
-Next round, pretty girl.
hope you guys liked it!! :D i'm sorry if i made any mistakes. i don't think i will ever go more further than this for the spicy imagines, but i still hope you guys liked it, and that it wasn't too cringe or weird to read lol. let me know what you guys think!!
taglist open! if you guys want to be in it, please send an ask! not on my taglist bc i have a problem there (im trying my best to fix it)! : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf
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