#not sure if this is pre liv's death and she's seeing dead liv
at-sabohteurs · 6 months
( sc. ) she is never alone, and yet always lonely. the sounds of her children fade into a distant hum of sound, her migraines becoming progressively worse as days come to pass. colour desaturates, her view of the world becoming a dreary black and white as she stands still and silent in the foyer of hill house. it's dark. no light shines in the middle of the night, and olivia is not alone. she stares at the doors, once opening with ease, welcoming her in - now, they're heavy, and they refuse to budge. she doesn't blink as she starts to move towards them, something not altogether figment urging her forward.
run, it whispers in her head, faint and fractured. her hand rises, the sleeve of her robe brushing her hip as she reaches for the door, her fingertips grazing the wood, and yet- nothing. olivia's head tilts, the haze in her eyes clearing as she blinked rapidly, startling backwards one step, two . . . the house is suffocating her, and when she opens her mouth to breathe - she can't. liv gasps, turning to stumble back up the stairs to her bedroom, where she can wake hugh to help her breathe
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gasps stifles in her throat as she comes face to face with a mirror image, her own eyes staring back at her, and the shadows of the house shifts. decay creeps across the floor, the wall - her head turns, gaze drifting over years of abandonment to the vines that grow wild over the windows. she inhales. " is this, " she starts, voice quiet and hoarse from disuse as she spins back to @000warning, her other self. " - is this . . . a dream ? "
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roadtogracelandx45 · 4 months
Courage Under Fire| Currahee part 1| Band of Brothers
master list
Pre war 10
Mary and Alice belong to @marycorleone
word count: 3,194
We are finally getting to things in the mini series.
August 1942
Toccoa, Georgia
"Hey! Bobby!" Lewis called, seeing Olivia's twin brother and Bill Guarenre going towards one of the newly built barracks. The older Stewart twin turned around and offered Lewis a smile. " 
'Ey Nix! How is Liv?" Bobby asked, he had figured that his sister wrote more to Lewis about things than him. She didn't want to worry him. She worried enough about everyone for him.
"She was stressed when we left Benning, Amber was causing a lot of problems for her. She only slept maybe one or two full nights of sleep since we found out about James' death. Had nightmares, she moved into the barracks with me and Dick." He returned shaking Bobby's extended hand, ignoring Bill for the most part, Olivia had told him about what happened the night after he left to go home for New Year's.
The older twin nodded his head, he had heard all about it from Olivia and how she broke Amber's nose. He had been so proud and disappointed all in a messed up instant. He knew that Olivia had it in her to do something like that but she just never did anything. Maybe it was his and their older brothers' fault because they were always there to defend her.
'She told me about Amber, I only have ever heard that much hatred from her for one other person.' 
"Kathrine." Lewis filled in with a laugh, "She told me all about the visit that your grandfather made her do." 
"There was a visit?" Bill asked furious, that he hadn't been let in on it. 
'Yeah, Katherine's father, that mean old bastard, showed up at the house and since Olivia is too sweet to say no to her elders, she went to see Katherine at the prison. The long and short of it was that she hated that our father agreed to let her join and that Katherine hoped she died."
 "Jesus," Bill grumbled pulling a smoke out of his pack, he didn't know anyone who hated their own flesh and blood like Katherine McHale did and his heart went out to Olivia. He should write to her again to check on her, "Is Liv still in Meade?" 
"Not sure," The intelligence officer answered, there had been rumors that the girls were going to start going into the active war zones and some were going to be attached to certain units and a lot of the rumors were the nurses were from Meade. 
"The last letter I got from her was saying that she was in charge of like 20 nurses and they were speeding things up. The boys in the Pacific are getting hit hard. They are talking about sending the girls into active war zones."  
There was a violent look that passed in Bobby's blue eyes. One of the older Stewart brothers, Daniel, if Lewis remembered correctly, was in the Pacific with the Marines and they hadn't heard from him since just after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
There was no love lost between Daniel and the twins, he was more of Mama's boy and favored Katherine than their father and stepmother like the rest of the kids. The last time they had all been together, he had said some extremely cruel things to both Olivia, Marla, and their sisters in-laws, including Edward's pregnant wife.  Edward, who had the patience of a saint, lost his temper and got into a physical fight with him. 
Lewis had been sure if he had access to a pistol or rifle, Daniel would have been dead. 
"Lieutenant Nixon,"  Herbert Sobel's nasally voice came from down the gravel pathway, "I need you to go meet the next bus that comes in." 
 Rolling his eyes, the Yale man turned to look at him, they had only been there for a few days and already Sobel was pushing a lot of his responsibilities like this off.
"We are getting nurses, why I don't know. I don't want to know." Sobel had already made his mind up that these girls weren't going to last and he was going to do everything  Lewis went ramrod straight at that, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bobby and Bill straighten as well. If they were getting nurses, that could mean one thing. 
She could be there and be going into danger with them and it scared them to death. 
"This is a bad idea.' Amber complained for the 100th time since they had left Camp Meade for Toccoa and it was wearing on all of them.
"Amber, for everything that is holy, would you please shut the hell up?" Olivia asked from where she was sitting near the front of the bus, "We are all scared and tired, repeating your same complaint about everything isn't going to change anything. We are doing this. you had your chance to leave but you didn't. That's your own fault."  
"She has a point." Daisy pointed from her spot in the seat next to the first Lieutenant, over the last few weeks, she had formed a friendship with Olivia and started to see her as a girlfriend compared to a superior officer. 
"Oh, of course, she is." Amber snapped, "Just agree with everything that she says."
 "Well at least, she won't end up getting us all killed like you would." Betsy shot back annoyed, this was an all too familiar argument that the girls had after Olivia had been moved out of the barracks and in with Dick and Lewis.  In an effort not to further the fight, Olivia dropped down to sit down on the seat fully and look out of the window.
Sensing that there was something bothering her friend more than just the upcoming change, Alice slipped between the seats and into the one that Olivia was sitting in. 
"Wanna talk about it?"  She whispered, covering her hand with hers.
"No, just don't feel well is all. That time of the month." Olivia admitted she didn't want to breathe into existence the 48 terrifying hours when she had thought she had been pregnant with Lewis' child. After she stopped the wedding and they confessed their feelings for each other, Lewis stopped using protection. A small oversight on both of their parts and when they saw each other again at Benning, it just went on. And all hell almost broke loose. 
Alice hummed in agreement, not believing her but leaving it be. When she was ready to talk about it, she would, she always did. Her eyes found the gate the same time that Olivia did and she tightened the hold she had on the hand.  
"Here we go, ladies.'  Olivia called back before twisting the ring she was wearing on her ring finger around. 
Lewis was waiting with Dick, Edward Stewart, Ronald Speirs, and several of the other Lieutenants when the bus pulled up, a nervous knot building in his stomach. His dark eyes started searching out for Olivia, quickly but couldn't tell her apart from the other girls who were on the bus. 
"Who are you looking for Lew?" Edward teased, "Your girl?" 
"If you mean your sister, then yes. These girls are from Meade." 
The lightheartedness that Edward left his body and that unfamiliar fear took over. If she was there, he was going to march her right back onto the bus and send her back to Meade where she would be safe. She should never have to see the horror that they were going to see. 
Sure enough, the first girl off of the bus was Olivia followed by Alice and the rest of the girls. Colonel Sink who had come up cleared his throat stopping Edward, Lewis, and Dick from reacting to seeing her there. 
"Lieutenant Stewart." He started looking at Olivia, "Welcome to Toccoa." 
"Thank you, sir.' She tore her eyes away from her brother and the other two. She saw the momentary fear, anger, and worry cross their faces just as quickly as it appeared. She had been surprised to see Edward, she knew that he had been sent back to Fort Dix and from there she wasn't sure.
  "We are going to separate you throughout different companies. You are going to be with Easy with Lieutenant Sobel."
 A small smirk appeared on Lewis' face and he winked at her,  that made her feel a little better, knowing that she was going to be with one of them. If it wasn't with her brother then she was okay with being with Lewis and she was sure that Edward would agree with her on that. 
Sink left them after informing them that all of them would be in two barracks and handing Olivia a piece of paper with the rest of the company appointments which she handed over to Lewis who had come to her side once Sink was out of sight. 
"Olivia.' Edward started joining the two and pulling her into a hug not caring about the other men and the nurses and how they stared. 
"That's her oldest brother," Evie informed with a roll of her eyes, she could already hear Amber muttering to start rumors to a couple of the other girls and she wasn't going to have it.
"Hey, big brother." She returned, the tears that had been at bay for so long rose again, "I am okay." 
"I know, but I think you should go back to Meade." 
"No. I want to stay, I worked too hard to get here just to get set back home because my brother is scared that I am going to get hurt. We already lost Nick and James, if I can do something to stop you from dying then damn it, I will do it." 
"Fine, you will have to explain that to Bobby and Bill then." 
"They are here too?!' She pulled away to look at him, not wanting to believe the hope that was rising up.
"Mhmm, they are in your company too." He answered, "Hey." He snapped his fingers in her face when he saw the sudden excitement and how she started looking for them. 
"Do not become a troublemaker just because you are back with Bobby and Bill.' 
"Pfft." She giggled, "I am always on my best behavior.' 
Dick's sudden cough covered up his laughter floated towards her causing her to smile. He had seen enough of her best behavior that night after he went out with them, to know that it was bull and they both knew it. But to Edward,  Nicholas, Lee, and James, Olivia was a saint and overlooked her troublesome behavior, unlike Daniel who constantly ratted her out every single time. 
Edward quirked an eyebrow at her in amusement. Around Bill and Bobby, there was no such thing as best behavior. 
"Come on Liv, we will introduce you to the boys first then take you to the barracks." Lewis commented, his heart lifting in his chest, the fear of Olivia being there momentarily gone.  
"Liv.' Lily started grabbing a hold of her hand to stop her from following Lewis and Dick. "Don't worry, Lil, you are with my big brother." She said, squeezing her hand back, "He will take good care of you.'
"That's right.' Edward added, "If you are good with my sister, that makes you as good as one to me." Lily looked between the two siblings and nodded her head in agreement. Olivia hadn't led her astray yet and she was sure that wouldn't. 
"I will see you in the barracks, promise." Olivia squeezed her hand again and waited for her to take a few deep breaths. "Good?" 
"Good." Giving her hand another squeeze, Olivia released her hand, "Go ahead."
 "I got her," Daisy muttered as she followed her and the rest of the nurses followed the other men away leaving her with Alice, Amber, Evie, and Adele.  
"Everything good between you two?" Lewis asked as he grasped her elbow and spun her around to go towards the barracks. "Define good?" 
"No fights?" Dick prodded gently, he had been curious about her well-being after they separated at the end of OCS. 
"No more physical fights with me breaking her nose. Verbal yes."
 "She used words I didn't think she knew." Adele teased. 
"Me either," Dick admitted, when she had broken Amber's nose, he had been surprised with her saying the f-word. 
Up to that point she had been so ladylike. 
Olivia shrugged her shoulders, her eyes darting around looking for her twin brother and Bill.  As much as she loved Lewis and Edward, nothing would compare to Bill and Bobby. 
Hearing Dixieland being whistled from down the pathway, Lewis stopped the others from walking and Amber scoffed at the sudden motion. "Just watch." Lewis grinned, his eyes on Olivia who paused all but bouncing with excitement and started adding her own singing. 
"OLIVIA! ' Bobby exclaimed as he broke away from his friends and went down the pathway to his twin and picked her up in a swinging hug causing her to shout with laughter. 
"I should be mad as hell that you are here." He said as he sat her down back on her feet and pulled away to look at her.
 "But I am not. " When he had first heard about the nurses coming to join them, he had been so worried about her being in harm's way but he realized that it was for the best, she would be with him, with Bill and their friends and she would be safe. It made him feel better knowing that she was going to be there. 7 months had been a long time for them to be separated.
"Edward is, he wanted to put me back on the bus. I worked too damn hard to get set back home. If  y'all are taking risks, then I should be able to too." She answered, hating that as much as her reunion with her twin was joyful, it pained her, she saw so much of James in him and she was sure that he thought the same thing about her and Nicholas, "Who are your friends?" 
Bobby looked back at his friends and smiled, he had already threatened Floyd Talbert and Joseph Liebgott to stay away from his sister. They had already had reputations of being womanizers and he wanted to save his sister from any more hurt. 
Of course, her eyes found Liebgott's dark ones and the man was smirking and his sister blushed and shifted closer to him. She had only reacted to one other man, and that was Lewis Nixon. 
Steeling himself, Bobby jerked his head in silent invitation. Mary Corleone, who had been hidden behind the men, stepped up to Bobby's side, her hand resting on his arm causing Olivia's eyebrow to raise in question and her eyes to harden like steel. 
As much as Bobby was protective of her, she was protective of him, she knew that he didn't easily jump into bed with other girls.
Especially after how things ended with Evie and Olivia wasn't going to take girls being around her brother lightly. Samantha and Michaela, Edward and Lee’s wives were the two that got an easy pass.  
The rest had it harder. 
"Easy there tiger." Liebgott teased seeing the hard look, "Nothing going on between them.'
 "And how in the world do you know that?" Olivia sassed, putting her hands on her hips, “I know my brother just doesn’t get with any girl.” 
 "Dick, you wanted to know why I fell in love with her?" Lewis commented lowly, "This is why." 
Dick gave a half smile and nodded his head, it wasn’t hard to see why Lewis fell in love with Olivia.  He had seen their interactions at Benning and even now, it almost made him a little jealous, but they almost made perfect sense. 
"Olivia, this is Joseph Liebgott." Bobby introduced, "Lieb, this is my twin, Olivia." There was a silent threat that hung in the air. Not to mess with her, especially with how quickly both Liebgott and Talbert got the nickname 
"It's nice to meet you, princess." He smirked, holding his hand out to her. 
 "You too. And don't call me that." She returned grasping his hand in hers, trying not to gasp when she felt a tingle go through her. A tingle that was different from the one that she felt from when she was Lewis. And looking at Joe, it looked like he had felt it too.
Quickly, she released his hand and took a step back towards Lewis whose hand stole to her hip and pulled her back to him.  Floyd Talbert and Chuck Grant exchanged a look, they had all been curious about Olivia, especially after hearing the story about how she broke Amber's nose but now they were more curious about her and her relationship with Lewis.  
“Livvy!” Bill’s strong voice rang from behind the group. 
Adele didn’t miss how Evie’s eyes lit up when the man came into view and went towards Olivia who was already laughing. “Bil! Don’t you dare!” She pointed her finger at him, “This isn’t the time or place for your shenanigans.” 
He paused for a second as if he was going to weigh his options, in an instant he had pulled her away from Lewis, dipped her down, brushed his lips against hers,  and let her up. “Go say hi to Evie.” She laughed once she was straightened. 
His eyebrows knitted together in confusion, he hadn’t spoken to Evie since he joined the Army. It wasn’t anything against her, he had already hurt Olivia repeatedly, and he couldn’t do that to Evie.  She tilted her head to where Evie was at. Bobby’s eyes followed the tilt and groaned. “Is that the girl?’ Mary asked lowly, Bobby had filled them in the night before about what led to him, Olivia, and their younger sister Marla going back to Charleston and why he and Bill fought.  They had almost come to blows when Bobby walked into the barracks and heard Bill talking about his sister and their sex life.  
Mary chewed on the inside of her bottom lip, she couldn’t understand how Bobby could be so chill about Bill breaking his sister’s heart and stealing his girlfriend but now seeing them, it started to make sense.  Shaking her head she went to turn to Liebgott to tell him they should go to roll call but he was engrossed in a flirty conversation with Olivia who was still standing too close to Lieutenant Nixon.  “Oh, Mary,” Nixon started, finally seeing her there, “Olivia and most of the nurses are going to be joining you in the barracks.”   She forced a smile on her face and nodded her head, “Great.” 
As much as she hated the fact that she had to share the near-empty space, maybe it was for the best, she could keep an eye on her and make sure she didn’t weasel her way into Liebgott’s arms. Not when Mary herself was holding his attention for the most part, she wasn’t going to let him go without a fight. 
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tvdversefanfiction · 4 years
Since i have done this 30day challenge on two of my other pages it was about time I did it for this page, starting firstly with The Vampire Diaries, The Originals and Legacies will soon follow I promise.
So if you do not already no I have zero chill and zero patience so instead of 30 days I just do it all in one go 😂 feel free to sound off in the comments with your opinions, open to reading others' opinions and share in the love for this fandom 💖
1 - Klaus Mikaelson 💖 my king, my heart, the unrequited love of my life (fictional ofcourse)
2 - (in order) Caroline Forbes 👑 Rebekah Mikaelson 👑 Katherine Pierce 👑
3 - Klaroline, always and forever 😍
4 - Bamon or Stexi 🤔 although Stexi was definitely a more loyal friendship and I didnt want them together as a couple like I did Bamon
5 - Claire Holt, Love her to pieces, love her interviews and her post and pre TVD and TO work as an actress.
6 - Joseph Morgan, my husband in my fantasies only 💖 fantastic actor who I cannot wait to see what he does next 😍
7 - Daniel Gillies and Paul Wesley, their bromance is both adorable, authentic and slightly homoerotic 🙊😈
8 - Bamon or Elenijah, Bamon id have legit loved to see as endgame over Delena anyday and Elenijah I'd have love to have seen explored at least.
9 - Although neither the originals or Katherine were in every episode they were far from secondary in my mind, so in terms of secondary I'd say Lexi for sure.
10 - 2 and/or 3, most of the originals arc and Katherine stuff was peak TVD for me.
11 - The 100th episode for so many reasons, the nostalgic lookback at previous characters, Klaroline finally getting it on, a Mebekah reunion and lots of Katherine 👑
12 - He is your first love, I intend to be your last 💖 Klaroline was all kinds of epic and how poetic is it that she wound up being his last love💔
13 - Caroline singing at her mothers funeral 💔
14 - Elena, I know she went through alot but who didn't in the TVDverse, she was the victim and stayed within that role from beginning to end and god was she depressing to watch. She was also largely hypocritical with her judgements over things she too was guilty off 🙄 the fact I loathe her and love Katherine shows the incredible acting range of Nina Dobrev though 💖
15 - Stefan, he is like Angel with the Angelus edge, id say the male elena but that would be harsh as he didnt piss me off nearly as much 😂 he was alright I suppose I just didnt care for him that much, if he died early I'd have been like meh! I couldnt buy evil stefan either instead it made me cringe which is weird because Paul Wesley plays unhinged so well in Tell me a story...oh and also Stefan killed Enzo, not once but twice and he can only blame the humanity switch for one of those kills 😡
16 - i did ship Delena till they got together and lost all their magic, i never shipped Stelena but they did suit each other better than Delena or the very ill advised Steroline which should have stayed a friendship! Bonnie and Jeremy made absolute no sense and had zero chemistry so on those grounds id say those two or Steroline, Steroline itches me up the wrong way the most tbf.
17 - Elena and Caroline, Caroline was the better friend hands down for both Bonnie and Elena but Elena always seemed harsher to Caroline and yet couldnt handle it when Caroline gave her tough love back especially over Delena which tbh Caroline was right....IMO anyways.
18 - I cannot say Candice, Nina, Kat or Claire are anything but amazing actresses so I would never say any of them...maybe the actress who played Liv Parker, she was always kind of one note to me although not terrible but nowhere near as good as the others....I could probably later think of someone else but for now I'll go with her.
19 - Zach Roerig, a typical answer from fans I've noticed but he was just so blah for 8 full seasons I totally get why Im not alone here...also so far him and Steven McQueen are the only ones from TVD to appear in Legacies...Jeremy's cameo i didnt mind, Matts however...like when is he going to die and stay dead already? Sorry matt fans 😂
20 - A good chunk of episodes in season 7, didnt like Elena but didn't like TVD without Elena...would've loved the actress to stay on and either play another role or make Katherine come back preferably 🤩
21 - Most of them I started liking then hating, or hating to liking then back to hating 😂 I dont think I hated anyone from beginning then loved them by the end so ill just give a love to hate, Alaric...I liked him in early seasons but thought he came to a natural end when he died...from 6 onwards after he came back he lost any appeal and felt like he was just there to have another dead ex, then to cockblock Steroline which tbf was a good deed but still didnt revive him 🤣 and I full out despise him in Legacies but I'll dig deeper into that come a Legacies themed version of this challenge 😂
22 - Damon wins hands down here, loved him in the pilot, love turned to like as the show went on and then Delena happened and completely destroyed his chracter, Bamon gave him a much needed revival but Elena soon dragged him down once more...his live for her was obsessive to me, unhealthy and toxic and he couldnt cope without it. BAMON would've fixed all this IMO
23 - Okay stick with me here as this one has multiple answers for me...I'd have rathered Caroline or Bonnie as the main character alongside the salvatores than Elena so thats answer one. Answer two would be I'd have loved Katherine to have been the mainstay doppelganger instead of Elena. Answer three would be more flashbacks of Lexi and her life away from the Salvatores would have been interesting. Last answer, Rebekah should have been in more episodes both on this and TO but I'll probs get more into that when I do TO.
24 - The romances, the vampires, the villains and the aesthetic of Mystic Falls 😍 if you follow my other pages you know obsessed im obsessed with the supernatural genre 🥰
25 - Too much time centred around Delena and Stelena, which I know was the main story of this show their love triangle but it didnt have to be...
26 - Elena daggering Rebekah, my heart broke for Rebekah and hardened towards Elena...her biggest hypocritical move of many too!
27 - Heres one so this post isnt all bashing poor Elena 🤣 i love when Elena and Stefan wind up drinking in that bar together having a good time as friends...honestly wouldnt habe minded more scenes centered on this friendship.
28 - Klaroline getting together in the woods and/or the Klaroline moment in the last episode where he donates money to the boarding school...tbh any Klaroline moment 💖
29 - Liz's death and funeral, my heart breaks for Caroline everytime and Damon too, loved Liz and Damon's friendship 💔
30 - Almost all Lily Salvatore scenes, the worst mother alongside Esther Mikaelson....their deaths make me so happy every single time and I will never apologise for that 🤣
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Group Ask 162
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
Hi, i'm looking for this fic that consists of buckys diary entries after tws. It ends right at the beginning of civil war i think? There's something in there about him learning how to make plum dumplings or something like that from this old lady in bucharest. Thanks sm!!
Anon sent in The Season for Plums by whatthefoucault (oneshot | 2,027 | T)
Anon 2 said:
hi! i took a look through the sex worker steve tag but couldn't find this, apologies if i've missed it... i'm looking for a pre-war fic where steve was doing sex work to make money and bucky finds out by accident walking on him. steve is mad at first but eventually they make up and end up sleeping together, and bucky also had an on and off thing with a girl named liv!
princessniitza, dolphinqueen10, bennettmp339, saccharinemornings, so-much-purple and Anon sent in you go to my head* by alby_mangroves, brideofquiet (complete | 43,529 | E) *sex work, /others
lady-x-red said:
I'm looking for a fic and all I can remember is that he used to be Pierce's slave, who would paint him up and make him entertain party guests.
Anon sent in training motions by Nonymos (complete | 19,186& E) *rape/noncon, /others, HTP, dead dove
Anon 3 said:
hi!! im looking for a fic about preserum Steve and bucky that help out a travelling carnival or a group that moves around and practices magic... Romani maybe... anyway they do bucky a favor and bucky now has the ability to make steve do whatever he wants and Steve figures it out and likes it and then they do the dirty with steve as a submissive and Bucky as a dominant (still with safewords), there's no underage or character death that I remember, and not much violence if any... thanks!!
Anon 4 said: (polyamory)
Hi!! Do you know a fic that bucky and steve are the reader's neighbor and one day she hears them having sex with another girl, later the three of them start having threesomes and a polyamorus relationship?
goalsofmindandbody said: (rape/noncon, budcon)
Hey! I’m looking for a fix where Bucky has been rescued and now thinks Steve is his handler , Bucky was raped by hydra agents is expecting the same from Steve but Steve isn’t doing that obviously so Bucky thinks he’s playing with him and tries to hold out(getting blue balls) until he finally cant take it anymore and goes to Steve naked and bent over for me , Steve is shocked and tells Bucky he needed to have been getting off because of being a super soldier, Steve then helps with said blue balls
princessniitza sent in Deep-Six by Claudia_flies (oneshot | 3,474 | E) *past rape/noncon, post HTP
givenachonce said:
‪Hiii I’ve been trying to find this fic where bucky tries to take off his metal arm with his bare hand and Steve finds him and has to hold bucky’s arms under his legs and there’s blood everywhere in the bathroom. It’s set in avengers tower. I think Steve cooks bland food bc bucky can’t handle spice in other scenes..do you know this fic by any chance?
Anon 5 said:
Hey there I’m looking for a specific fic, I’ve already checked the Disney tag and nothings come up. So anyway, it’s a fic with three parts and ones a fairytale with little Bucky and little Steve at Disney world? It’s modern, no powers AU and they have kids and work at Disney at one point. I think Steve’s Peter Pan? It was really good. Thanks in advance!
Anon 6 said: (/others, cheating)
Hi! I was wondering if y'all could help me find a fic I've been looking for. I can't remember the name of it for anything and I've tried looking it up through y'alls tags but no luck. It's a college AU where Steve and Sam are friends and roommates in college and Sam and Bucky know each other and eventually Steve and Bucky sorta get together and then Bucky sleeps with someone else. Thank you for your help!
mohnjjayer said:
Hi I’m so sorry to ask but I can’t remember ANYTHING about this fic except at the end Bucky and Steve move out to LA and Steve can turn the serum on and off except he lives with it off in LA and then can go back to big Steve in emergencies. I’m pretty sure there’s a line about how the serum is the governments property so if Steve doesn’t have it then they don’t own him?
Anon 7 said:
hellooo :) i lost this one sticky fic and thought maybe you could help me?? i don’t remember that well but it was something with steve being married to tony (but tony died) and they have a kid and tony was working on something (something secret and bad guys wanted it) and bucky comes and protects steve and the kid,, and i know that the project or the thing tony worked on was on a necklace the kid had,, thank u :))
Anon 8 said:
hi!! i'm looking for this fic where steve gets off to the idea of bucky in the mask, and when bucky finds out he puts the whole winter soldier uniform on and surprises steve with it as a sex thing. steve thinks at first bucky's reverted to being the tws and is like trying to calm him until bucky reveals what he's actually trying to do
princessniitza and dolphinqueen10 sent in straight from your heart by luninosity (oneshot | 10,516 | E)
Anon 9 said:
Hello, can you help me find a fic where Bucky and steve are on some sort of stake-out mission I think? Anyway all I remember is that Bucky and Steve were on a roof and Bucky was focused with his gun ready and trying not to be distracted, and Steve was blowing him, trying to get him to move, react etc. I can’t remember the name or author that’s all I know, thank you!
time-lord-no-more sent in S is for Steve Rogers is a Little Shit by OhCaptainMyCaptain (oneshot | 23,613 | E)
wouldilietome said:
hey guys!! first i just wanted to thank y’all for your hard work, this blog makes my life so much better like fr:) also, i was wondering if y’all could help me find this doc where steve rescues bucky from being the winter soldier and then bucky leaves to go recover. steve then goes dark killer mode and goes on a killing spree of all the hydra people that had anything to do with bucky. eventually natasha gets steve to go to bucky and he promises to stay for like a week or something. THANKS ILY :)
dolphinqueen10 sent in The Ghosts Of Who I Used To Be by Brenda (complete | 107,289 | M)
Anon 10 said:
Hello, I am looking for a fic where Steve and Bucky work at Disneyland ( I think) and Bucky is trying to woo Steve. But Peggy comes back from England and Bucky sees them dancing and gets jealous. I thought it was fantastic but it didn't have that scene with Peggy...Thanks!
Anon sent in Fantasmic! by mambo (oneshot | 11,464 | T)
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askauradonprep · 5 years
So, what would everyone think of the two rumble matches last night? Anyone happy with the results? Mad? Had a favorite part/least favorite part?
I was actually going to write a series of ‘tweets’ for some friends who enjoy WWE and Descendants so I’m reallllllllyyyyyy glad you asked.
Sheamus vs Chad Gable (I refuse to dignify the stupid storyline that called him ‘Shorty G’) - 
@MalGuillory - Okay, yeah. Kinda shoulda seen this coming on the pre-show. Not a bad start! At least it wasn’t the girls or the tags this time -_-
@LiLonnie - YES! Welcome back Sheamus! I’m sorry, Shorty, I love you too.
@WhatsmynameUmaThalassa - Meh. Slow start but not bad.
@JayRasheed - When’s The Bar coming back?@CarlosDeville replied - @Cesaro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH4Y1ZUUx2g
@BenBonhomme - Not a bad start! Welcome back, Sheamus!
 Andrade vs Humberto Carrillo - 
@CrownPrincessRuby - Ahhh! I don’t know who to cheer for! Someone help!@PrincessAnxelin replied - Seriously, she’s making the ‘computer overheating whirring’ noise.
@BenBonhomme - Awww! I thought Humberto had him. Next time for sure!
@WhatsmynameUmaThalassa - Was kinda hoping Zelina’d turn on Andrade. Oh well.@CrownPrincessRuby replied - BITE YOUR TONGUE. Zelina and Andrade are so good together!@WhatsmynameUmaThalassa replied - Zelina Vega’s good on her own too. It’s a waste for her to stay with him if they’re not mixed tagging.
@LiLonnie - That was a good match! Bummer for Humberto, but I’m happy for Andrade.
@WhatsmynameUmaThalassa - Wait. Both matches were title-less. IS WWE LEARNING HOW TO BOOK PRE-SHOWS?!?? #ItsAMiracle@HarryHook replied - They must be reading your twitter, Captain. Seems more likely. 
Roman vs Corbin - 
@BenBonhomme - EXCELLENT start to the Rumble! Well done Roman Reigns!
@PrincessAudreyVictore - #ThankYouRoman for having the grace, determination and LEADERSHIP a true King offers.
@JayRasheed - I love Corbin, but as soon as he opened that dog food, he had that coming. Good job, Big Dog.
@CarlosDeville - That’s what you GET for messing with the bloodline!
@LiLonnie - YEAH! Great job Roman! The Usos coming to help had me T.T
@MalGuillory - #WelcomeToTheRumble
@4HeartsEvie - Maybe now Corbin can get a new crown? Please? My work email’s in my description. I’LL DO IT FOR FREE.@Evie’sManagerDoug replied - Please don’t do it for free. 
@PrincessAnxellin - I still think Corbin should’ve won. *shrug*@CrownPrinceChad replied - You and me both.
 Women’s Rumble - 
@MalGuillory - Alright! Let’s get this party started!
@LiLonnie - Already??? Oh well. 
@LiLonnie - OMG OMG Molly Holly, okay, I take it back. @MalGuillory replied - Hey, chill! You’re not allowed to die tonight!@LiLonnie replied - Bold of you to assume Asuka vs Becky isn’t gonna kill me but okay.
@4HeartsEvie - I see we’ve reached the ‘Lonnie freaking out about the Legends’ portion of the show.@JayRasheed replied - Seriously. I’ve learned about 99% of the legends I know about from her freaking out. 
@PrincessAudreyVictore - #ESTofNXT let’s go!
@PrincessAudreyVictore - Oh no! Mercedes Martinez is here! Who am I supposed to cheer for now?@LiLonnie replied - I love them all. Feel my pain. @PrincessAudreyVictore replied - You love all wrestlers. You just have that ‘I just hope both teams have fun’ sign. :P
@JaneCollingwood - I love Lana’s gear! So pretty!
@CarlosDeville - GO LANA!
@MalGuillory - Oh, Liv, what did they do to you? T . T #Travesty
@CarlosDeville - YEAH! NAOMI!
@CrownPrincessRuby - YES! Welcome back Glow Queen! #Naomi
@CarlosDeville - GET THEM NAOMI
@JaneCollingwood - Oh, yay! Welcome back, Naomi!
@MalGuillory - I…seriously? Santina Marella? What?@LiLonnie replied - Long story, bad joke, tell you later.
@PrincessAudreyVictore - We could have had Sasha in the 29th slot. #JustSaying. 
@WhatmynameUmaThalassa - Seriously? I’d say ‘keep Santina Marella in 2009 where it belongs’ but…it didn’t.@WhatsmynameUmaThalassa - The only good thing about this is Beth’s ‘I know where I’m hiding the body’ face.
@MalGuillory - Seriously? No Nia, No Ruby, barely any Liv, Sarah or Tamina? I’m disappointed. Fire & Desire never do though.
@PrincessAudreyVictore - #BowDownToTheQueen
@LiLonnie - She did it! Charlotte Flair did it! @LiLonnie - I just remembered she said she wanted to win the Rumble for her brother. BRB, crying again.
@MadMaddy - As if it were ever in doubt! #Bowdowntothequeen
@JaneCollingwood - Yay, Charlotte! Good job!
@BenBonhomme - Excellent work from all the WWE’s women. They should be very proud of their roster.@4HeartsEvie replied - They should be! And yet…@WhatsmynameUmaThalassa replied - Hey! That’s my line!
@4HeartsEvie - I could not possibly be prouder of Charlotte Flair. Well done. I wish the Bellas could be back but since they can’t.
@CrownPrinceChad - Excellent work from Charlotte. 
@JadeRasheed - *gay panic*
Bayley vs Lacey - 
@JaneCollingwood - I know she’s my favourite wrestler, but I don’t like evil Bayley. I miss the old one.@CarlosDeville replied - We all do. It’s okay.
@MalGuillory - Huh. Kinda thought they’d have Lacey win. She’s been getting pushed and Bayley….hasn’t.
@WhatsmynameUmaThalassa - Bayley needed that win. Point blank.
@PrincessAudreyVictore - Good. She’ll still have the belt for Sasha when she gets back.
@CrownPrincessRuby - I feel bad for Lacey’s daughter but great work, Bayley!@PrincessAudreyVictore replied - I love Lacey Evans, but I have a feeling Bayley won’t keep her belt much longer… *eyes emoji*
@BenBonhomme - That’s too bad. I was kind of rooting for Lacey this time. Oh well. 
@CrownPrinceChad - Boooooooooreeeeeed.
 Bray Wyatt vs Daniel Bryan - 
@FreddieFacilier - YESSSS. Let’s go Fiend already!
@CeliaFacilier - YES, GET HIM WYATT!
@ArabellaUnderTheSea - COME ON DBRY! You’ve fought this clown before!
@MalGuillory  - Yeaaaaaaaaaaahhhh, kinda saw that coming.
@FreddieFacilier - Was that a heel look I saw on DBry? Because yes please.
@Celia - The Fiend won! The Fiend won! I’m so happy!
@BenBonhomme - WHO is going to stop the Fiend? We’re gonna need the Big Dog aren’t we?@PrincessAudreyVictore replied - We ALWAYS need the Big Dog, thank you. 
@Evie’sManagerDoug - If the Fiend’s going down, it’ll be at Mania. @JayRasheed replied - I agree. It’s too early.@CarlosDeville replied - Too EARLY? He only bothers to defend the belt at Pay-per-views. We don’t need two Bork Lasers here. @LiLonnie replied - That’s not entirely true.@CarlosDeville replied - It is on tv.@FreddieFacilier replied - Look, WWE needs a new horror character with Taker gone. Let me have this!@CarlosDeville replied - Okay, fair. I just wish he defended more.
 Becky vs Asuka - 
@LiLonnie - I’m dead. RIP me. Cremate me and put my ashes in the family temple. Cause of death - Asuka and Becky Lynch.@MalGuillory replied - She’s lying down on the floor and hasn’t moved for ten minutes. I think she’s really dead this time.@JayRasheed replied - RIP Lonnie I guess.@CrownPrinceChad replied - Does this mean the captaincy is open?@4HeartsEvie replied - RIP. 
@JayRasheed - #She’sTheMan
@JaneCollingwood - Awww! I wanted Asuka to win! Becky’s on a roll though. She looked great.
@WhatsmynameUmaThalassa - DAMN. Smacked the mist right out of her mouth!@HarryHook replied - Match of the night for sure!
@CrownPrincessRuby - What a match! I’m officially retiring now. There’s no point in staying, that was so good.@PrincessAnxellin replied - Uh, what about OUR TITLES???@CrownPrincessRuby replied - Oh, right. Retirement postponed. @BenBonhomme replied - Should I cancel your cake?@CrownPrincessRuby replied - Absolutely not! Anytime’s a good time for cake!
@MalGuillory - That kick to the face though. I *felt* that one.@4HeartsEvie replied - So did I! 
@4HeartsEvie - They were both so pretty! I love their gear. 
@JadeRasheed - *gay panics harder*@JayRasheed - She’s not joking. Her exact words right next to me - “Holy CRAP am I ever gay.”
@PrincessAudreyVictore - Well done ladies! Now, can you please stop killing my friend??? #RIPLonnie
@BenBonhomme - What a match! This was worth the wait! 
Men’s Rumble - 
@WhatsmynameUmaThalassa - Watch them just feed the roster to Bork Laser.@GilGaston replied - I hope not! D: Will Lesnar be okay?@HarryHook replied - Gil…
@LiLonnie - I will not have words to describe how annoyed I will be if the point of this match is to feed the Rumble to Lesnar.
@JayRasheed - Damn. Even Mysterio and Kofi????@CarlosDeville - I WISH I was surprised.
@CrownPrincessRuby - THE DISRESPECT THE WWE KEEPS GIVING REY MYSTERIO DISGUSTS ME. FUCK. OFF. WITH THAT NOISE.@PrincessAnxellin replied - She just gave off the most swear words I have EVER heard her say in my living room. Aunt Cass would have a heart attack. 
@WhatsmynameUmaThalassa - Yup. Women’s Rumble wins again. 3-0. Sorry guys, maybe next year booking won’t be a dick.
@CrownPrinceAziz - HA! Don’t sleep on Ricochet!
@PrincessAudreyVictore - FINALLY they got him out of there!@4HeartsEvie replied - Just in time for the last half too.
@MalGuillory - Holy shit will the guys get to actually wrestle??? Stay tuned.
@WhatsmynameUmaThalassa - So now that Lesnar’s 15 man long dick sucking’s over, we can start the RUMBLE! Finally!
@GilGaston - Brock Lesnar is SO COOL. I wish I could dominate like that. He tossed over like 15 guys!@WhatsmynameUmaThalassa replied - I like you better the way you are.@GilGaston replied - :D
@JayRasheed - GOOD. Now let’s goooooooo!
@LiLonnie - OMG.@LiLonnie - OMG. @LiLonnie - I cAN’t@LiLonnie - I caN’t beLieve 
@JayRasheed - Okay, so, Lonnie just burst into tears so I’m guessing this Edge guy’s important?
@MalGuillory - Uh, anyone want to explain why Lonnie won’t stop crying?@MalGuillory - WAIT. That’s the guy who had the same injury Paige did!@MalGuillory - AWESOME. Welcome back, Edge!
@BenBonhomme - Amazing! Welcome back, Edge!
@PrincessAudreyVictore - I don’t think I can tweet anymore, Lonnie’s digging her nails in my arm to every time something happens to Edge.
@JayRasheed - Aw yeah! Bring on the Big Dog!
@WhatsmynameUmaThalassa - Sorry, Rollins, you deserved that ass kicking.@CarlosDeville replied - For real.
@JayRasheed - Double spears! Nice!
@LiLonnie - *incoherent wrestling fan screaming*
@HarryHook - I repeat - FUCK YEAH MCINTYRE@WhatsmynamedUmaThalassa retweeted this.
@JayRasheed - Oh come on. Big Dog should’ve had that covered.@PrincessAudreyVictore replied - I can only assume booking wanted someone new. Too bad. @PrincessAudreyVictore replied - I got my hopes up when the crowd was behind Roman.@JayRasheed replied - There’s always next year. He’ll get them then. 
@WhatsmynameUmaThalassa - A+ McIntyre. Match started slow, but it ended just right. 
@LiLonnie - Good job, Drew McIntyre! No complaints from me. 
@BenBonhomme - That was an awesome show! Well deserved, McIntyre. Well deserved wins all around. 
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truthbeetoldmedia · 5 years
iZombie 5x08 "Death of a Car Salesman" Review
As we descend into the final stretch of iZombie, the show takes things back to the beginning. A lot of things have happened over the past few years, but we’ve never figured out how the virus actually occurred. While the flashbacks that kick off the episode don’t answer every question, it’s headed in a pretty interesting direction. We see Martin Roberts (wearing a shirt with the word ‘beanpole’ on it, so I guess that answers that question) messing around with some recipes of utopium — a drug that we know is linked to zombie rage outs. Martin is dipping into his supply with a friend, when we see him rage out and attack — possibly the first rage out to ever happen. 
We are also treated to pre-Zombie Blaine and Don E, who were just nerdy pals back in the day. Talk about a lot of things changing. Now that their business has fallen apart, their relationship has fractured a bit. Blaine is still camping out in Don E’s basement, but his deposit on his new business venture — smuggling Freylich brains — has allowed him to give it a little upgrade. Blaine has assembled a brand new smuggling team, and the only thing they needed in order to be convinced of kidnapping teens was an extra $15,000 a head. Blaine seems to think he’s found a way back on top of his game, but Don E has a few cards that he hasn’t played yet. So has Ravi, for that matter. Charlie has given him a list of kids with Freylich syndrome, so Ravi is right at Blaine’s heels with that information.
Meanwhile, we finally get to meet the love interest that has been hinted at all season! Darcy Bennett, the one Freylich syndrome kid in Seattle, has the skull tattoo, which the murdered matchmaker said Don E’s perfect match would have. Don E has been down because running the bar has been more work than he bargained for, but he and Darcy hit it off. She reminds him they have to “rock out until they clock out” and I love her already. I’m glad the show is paying this off, this kind of love interest for Don E is exactly what I was hoping for. He offers to help her get through her bucket list, like starting a bar fight. I’m not sure we have much time with Darcy, but this looks bad for Blaine. If Darcy dies, Ravi and Don E will both have someone they love pass away from the same disease, and it might be enough to put them on the same side. 
Ravi and Liv are on the same brain in this episode, and it was probably the best one they could have chosen for it. A car salesman named Rick Randall is victim to a hacked self-driving car, and it goes over a bridge. This  brain has been one of my favorites of the season so far. Rahul and Rose always have wonderful scene chemistry, but the suave energy they bring to this was so much fun to watch. The posturing and the winks and the toothpicks are all just too much. While we don’t actually see it happen, it’s actually Ravi’s vision that helps solve the case. An old rival’s daughter vandalized Rick’s car. Liv and Ravi are busy giving firm handshakes and gripping shoulders, but it’s Clive that closes this case. Liv sees the culprit and his daughter embrace, and she immediately runs back to her own father. 
Earlier in the episode, Liv accuses Martin of not being as sober as he said. He tells her she is his reason for finally kicking the habit for good, and she wonders why her birth didn’t make it stick the first time. A bleak conversation with Clive over his time in Vice leads him to admit that he knows people get clean, but he’s never seen it himself. Determined to make it work, Liv arrives with brochures about rehab and addiction recovery. “You’re a good person. And good people can’t help themselves,” Martin tells her. Remember last week when I said that Liv’s identity is going to be important for the rest of the season? Well, from the mouths of dead beat fathers. Liv has a lot going on, she really doesn’t need much more on her plate. Part of me wonders if she wanted to find her dad in hopes she’d find someone who might take care of her, for once. She tells him that she “doesn’t have any more to give,” yet she offers to spend time with Martin and help him get clean. But Martin is not as helpless as he claims. We see him making significant moves this episode, like using his lackeys to infect several key US senators. He ends the episode by watching Patch’s Renegade documentary. Something tells me that he’s not gazing fondly over his daughter’s achievements, but rather, doing research. 
Martin’s meddling is going to make it that much more difficult for Peyton and Major to pull off her plan. General Mills is in town to see New Seattle for himself. Peyton and Major present their solution, relocating all zombies to an island, just like Vivian Stoll wanted. General Mills is unimpressed, especially since Major apparently lost his daughter. (She was just in the last episode! Where did she go?) He tells Major that this is basically a hostage situation, and nothing they say or do can change his mind. Major keeps his cool, but things aren’t looking good. I can’t imagine that any goodwill will be extended to zombies after General Mills finds out that a handful of senators have been compromised by Martin and his army. 
I guess it’s a good thing that Hi Zombie finally dropped, right? Maybe General Mills will change his mind after watching the sitcom. I’m not sure how “good” this TV show actually is, but I really enjoyed watching Liv, Major, Ravi, and Peyton sit down to enjoy and laugh over something together. I’ll never say no to a sweet moment between these four. I have a feeling that things are going to be ramping up soon, and they will be few and far between. Lately, the show has been doing better about the heavy-handedness of themes and metaphors, and I’m crossing my fingers it continues as some of the overarching plots begin to reach their peak. 
Stray Thoughts: 
I loved that the prize for the annual raffle contest was a mountain bike and, as Ravi points out, “The mountains are on the other side of the wall.” 
Ravi’s slicked hair with the skunk stripe. That’s all. 
Liv is an “OZ”, an Original Zombie from the Max Rager Boat Party, and I wish they had taken the opportunity to use that hilarious acronym more. 
“I’ve had a vision.” “That’s it, you call that a vision?” Poor Clive. He usually can’t handle Liv and Ravi on their best days, the two of them on the same brain probably has him close to the edge. 
“Peak TV my ass,” says Blaine, regarding “Hi Zombie.” For once we agree?
“Ralphy Sharkbuddy with a fake British accent” 
“Are you and Major in for dinner with me and Peyton tonight?” Why would Liv know if Major is free and feel comfortable making double dates for them? *Shady eye emoji* 
Have we seen Scott E before? I can’t remember. What happened to him? 
If this zombie island comes to pass, are Peyton and Ravi going to be separated from Liv and Major? 
Haley’s episode rating: 🐝🐝🐝🐝
iZombie airs Thursdays at 9/8c on the CW.
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beneathshadowsrp · 6 years
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The Crown of Shadows Results are in!
“And as the evening comes to a close, it’s time to announce the auction results. Once again, I am Carlton Cartwright and, judging from your bids, I think you all were just as impressed as I was with these impressive contestants and their wonderful dates. But, before we announce the winners and who will be taking home the Crown of Shadows, I want to remind ya’ll of where all of these proceeds are going to. The proceeds of this event are to help the Muttropawlitan keep strays off the streets and to instating a go green initiative around town. From cleaning up Wonderland Park to helping buildings such as All Saint’s Hospital be powered solely by Solar Energy panels, your donations will be a crucial to fixing up the town and, coming in at a whopping $17,205, will be able to not only clean up Wonderland Park and help out the Muttropawlitan, but build a dog park in town, install solar energy panels throughout All Saint’s Hospital, and go towards the funds to build a public pool. Thank you so much for your wonderful contributions and you’ll be sure to see your marvelous contributions come into effect soon. But, now for what you’re all been waiting for-”
Now that you’ve won your charity dates, feel free to play them out on the dash! Please feel free to reach out to your character’s date, plot OOC, and create threads surrounding it. You don’t have to create the date thread right away. So, feel free to take your time with and work together. If you want to wait to have your date thread after the full moon, by all means do that. And last but not least, have fun!! We’re so excited to announce the winners and we hope you are too!
The total amount of money raised from the charity event: $17,205
In Crown of Shadows Tradition, we will be awarding crowns to the top two highest bidders as a thank you for their generous donations. The crowns will bestowed upon them from the past years’ highest bidders and, come the next year, they will have the honor of passing the crowns down to the next winners:
The highest bidder who will win the Crown of Shadows (see image here): Mackenzie Foster
The runner up in highest bidder who will win the Princess tiara (see image here): Olivia Pierce
The Dates/Winners:
1: Amanda & Abby
2: Eliza & Sophie
3: Tae Cho & Juliet
4: James & Evie
5: Noah & Kenzie
6: Caitlin & Julian
7:  Natalia & Liv
8: Kelsie & Kai
9: Damien & Astrid
10: Jacen & Carter
11: Rowan & Ella
12: Griffin & Nina
13: Serena & Silas
14: Lia & Jasmine
And in case you forgot what the dates were...
The Date Breakdown/Recap once more:
Contestant #1 is... Amanda Weaver. She is:
Goofy, Energetic, and Adventurous.
She hates asparagus. Vehemently.
She doesn’t want to entirely spoil the surprise, but it will involve shopping and it will involve dinner. In that order.
The winner of this date is... Abby Barnes.
Contestant #2 is... Eliza Holmes. She is:
Kind, Protective, Creative.
She can dance really well, but she only does so in the safety and privacy of their home.
The date would consist of a picnic packed and made by the contestant, near the water, under that old willow tree everyone loves. Then she would enjoy taking you up to the lookout pointe, overlooking the town and the water close by, to enjoy some wine. And perhaps some good conversation under the stars.
The winner of this date is... Sophie Vidales.
Contestant #3 is... Tae Cho. He is:
Outgoing. Lovable. Spicy.
Madame Zeroni once predicted he wouldn’t finish college. ‘She’ was right.
Free dance lessons at Tiptoes, with your choice of salsa dancing or hip-hop. Followed by a picnic dinner under the stars where you can also watch Netflix on his iPad.
The winner of this date is... Juliet Reynolds.
Contestant #4 is... James Armstrong. He is:
Dutiful, Chivalrous, and Trustworthy.
“My dad’s dead, does that count?”
They will take you on a boat ride on the water, departing from the Harbor and making their way to the Falls. There, they will drop anchor and enjoy a pre-packaged meal next to the Falls. Pack a swimsuit if you want to take a dive.
The winner of this date is... Eve Martin.
Contestant #5 is... Noah Armstrong. He is:
Down to Earth, Fun-Loving, Goofy.
‘I can fit my whole fist in my mouth, wanna see?’
This date is a scavenger hunt comprised of recreating popular romcom moments together on a budget. The clues, such as an ode to “She’s the Man” where a present shows up on your doorstep with a wheel of gouda cheese in it, will lead you to your date whom will be hanging off the side of their roof from a bungee cord, wearing a Spiderman costume like in the OC and holding cue cards from the movie “Love Actually”, while a boombox sits below playing “Kiss Me” from Six Pence None the Richer. After finally cutting themselves down, your date will take you into the backyard where a projector will be playing “10 Things I Hate About You” onto a sheet that has been tapped to the side of the building to look like a screen. This contestant, also, would like you to know, that during the movie, popcorn, ring pops, and chocolate covered strawberries will be provided.
The winner of this date is... Mackenzie Foster.
Contestant #6 is... Caitlin Dunmore . She is:
Caring, Dedicated, Passionate.
They can randomly produce facts about certain things. Makes them really good for trivia games.
On this date, you will meet up to have either coffee or dinner than off to a painting class and end the day with ice cream and strolling through the town at dusk.
The winner of this date is... Julian St. Clair.
Contestant #7 is... Natalia Hamilton. She is:
Charismatic, Adventurous, & Dominate.
Can sing rather well & can make up little cheers due to their time as a cheerleader!
On their date, they would love to explore the town & woods while under the moon. After a walk around town, you will then be invited out to one of the many bars and spend the night dancing, eating, and drinking in a private section while enjoying each other’s company.
The winner of this date is... Olivia Pierce.
Contestant #8 is... Kelsie Woods. She is:
Cute, Quiet, & Loving.
They once won a radio call in contest by being the first person who could sing the alphabet backwards.
If you win you can look forward to a picnic at the Falls with all the traditional picnic fixings.  You two can eat, swim, and just enjoy a nice summer day.
The winner of this date is... Kai Papoa.
Contestant #9 is... Damien Pierce. He is:
Funny, Charismatic, Charming.
In our high schools production of Grease, I played Danny Zuko.
On our date, they will take you to a water/amusement park in Charlotte with an all access pass to all the rides and a VIP treatment with fast lane upgrades, free meals and a rental of our own cabana to sit and rest until you’re ready to hit the rides again.
The winner of this date is... Astrid Reyes.
Contestant #10 is... Jacen Todd. He is:
Sarcastic, Charming, Witty.
I’m a fan of Karaoke bars and frequent them every week.
On our date, they will take you to the local gun range and if you’re a first timer, teach you how to shoot, if not start up a friendly competition of who can best who on targets. After you’re done, dinner at the restaurant of your choice.
The winner of this date is... Carter Pierce.
Contestant #11 is... Rowan Hartman.  She is:
Serious, sweet, loyal.
I’m an expert knife thrower and kick ass at darts.
On our date, they will take you on a sunset cruise on Lake Norman on a private yacht. This date is complete with dinner, a Netflix movie of the bidder’s choice.
The winner of this date is... Ella Bahar.
Contestant #12 is... Griffin West. He is:
Adorable, Funny, and Resourceful.
Scared to death of porcelain dolls.
The date will involve a trip to the arcade, where you can play games, battle it out in laser tag, take a spin around the roller skating rink, or get behind the wheel to race in go-karts. There, you will also enjoy a private, candle lit dinner for two over pizza, nachos, and your choice of soda. Unlimited tokens will be provided, along with a guaranteed prize of your choosing.
The winner of this date is... Nina Skala.
Contestant #13 is... Serena North. She is:
Fun-loving, Adventurous, Independent
They’ve lived in more than 4 different countries.
While most of us have lived in this town forever most of us have taken for granted some of the the treasures that are hidden in this town. The day would be full of exploring them. Starting off with breakfast at The Pie Hole, then move on to the Boathouse where most of the day would be spent out on the water. When the fun in the sun was done the party could move to Level Up! for a quick round of air hockey and dinner. After the sun goes down the excitement begins with Moonlight Zip lining that ends at the Observatory where desert will be waiting.
The winner of this date is... Silas Bahar.
Contestant #14 is... Lia Diaz. She is:
Sweet, Ambitious & Cheerful.
They are ambidextrous.
This date will be a carefree night in. Start out by having fun splatter painting your date’s living room and each other with paint filled balloons. Then, just as the sun is about to set, watch the light stream in through the windows and illuminate your splatter painted work as you enjoy a home cooked meal and a bottle of wine of your choice on a picnic blanket spread out across the floor. Then your date will lead you into the backyard where twinkly lights are set up for a free salsa lesson and a chance to watch the stars.
The winner of this date is... Jasmine Morris.
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pamy92 · 7 years
Tango on the Campania (Ishikawa run) Review
This is a fan review of the Ishikawa run of Musical Kuroshitsuji: Tango on the Campania (TotC), for both 3rd February (setsubun special) and 4th February shows. I also had a glorious close-up view of Ciel and Sebastian when they appeared behind my seat. SO READ ON TO FIND OUT MORE! 
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 I have been watching Kuromyu ever since the first musical. I am glad to be able to finally watch it live in person after all these years. I am also a huge musical nerd, and am musically and dance trained. I also live in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, right now. 
I attended the opening show on Saturday and the closing show on Sunday! Super happy to be part of the special setsubun celebration during the curtain call, and I’ll share more later in this review. My seats were on row 10 (Saturday) and row 18 (sunday), so I am pretty close to the stage!
This review will not contain huge spoilers or a full summary of the entire plot, so you can go ahead and continue reading without dying from spoilers.
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IT. WAS. AMAZING! I was pretty bummed about the circus version last year because the music was just...bad. Pretty sure their entire budget went into the costumes and acrobatics department instead of music 
For TotC, It is pretty fast paced but it has the key stuff from the Campania arc! The set is beautiful, the Bizarre Dolls were great, dance choreography marvellous as usual. Kudos to the supporting cast! There was no bad singing at all (unlike in Noah’s Ark Circus).  You’ll tear up at the sad parts and you’ll get chills at the scary parts and great singing! It’s THAT good!
There are some slight changes in the Saturday and Sunday ad-libbed parts, in consideration to fans who attended both days. Bless them! <3
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The music in TotC was so good! But of course, it cannot beat the masterpiece of Lycoris featuring our vocal prowess Akane Liv. Yuta Furukawa (Sebastian) was so good, and his songs really show off his vocal talent. 
My favourite song is ‘私は執事、あなたは伯爵’ (I am a butler and you are an Earl), especially Part 2 reprise of this song when Sebastian sings about Ciel’s soul after realising his little Master isn’t content with just being an Earl and wants revenge. The lyrics then changed to ‘I am a demon butler and you are a fake Earl’. So so SO GOOD!! 
The other side characters had very nice songs too, especially the 2nd comic-relief song ‘Ey yo, Ey yo!’ sung by Viscount Druitt. It was hilarious! Druitt is a GREAT singer and in his first song, he did this flamboyant pose and crooned ‘PHOENIIIIiiiIIIX~!’ at his entrance. Yes, lucky dude got to sing two solos! I know some of you may be thinking oh man, a comic-relief song when zombies are killing everyone? Don’t worry! Because the whole second half of the story was super intense, the comic relief song by Druitt was refreshing and helps steer us out of this depressive wave. This song ended with Ciel, Sebastian, Grell, Ronald doing the fabulous mass Phoenix pose that is exactly like in the manga! The dancers encouraged us in the audience to clap along too! 
The actress for Lizzie sang really well in her solo song too! Her voice was very cute and she kept up the moe-vibe. But her song was really sad and some people cried when she sang about ditching everything to be cute for Ciel. 
The Bizarre Dolls (supporting cast) was marvellous! Their zombie-walk was great and their dance choreography was to die for (pun not intended). Remember the basement scene where Ciel, Lizzie and Snake discover thousands of coffins with Bizzare Dolls rising from the dead? The show used a projection screen to project the rattling coffins and it looks really good and realistic! Then suddenly, this screen was raised to reveal a hoard of Bizarre Dolls lunging forward for them. Accompanied by the music, I literally got chills running all over my skin. 
To make up for the lack of BIzarre Dolls, extra zombie mannequin dolls were used and tossed around to fill up the zombie numbers on stage. 
Screen projections were used to create many of the effects on the ship. They used a transparent projection screen to project the rising flood-waters as well as water raining down from the ceiling. It was pretty realistic considering they cannot have real knee-length water flooding the stage.
Projections were also used to show the Campania breaking in half and when the ship started tilting as it sank! 
1. The playback of the pre-show announcements featured Reo’s super cute voice. I could see some fans of him squealing when they heard his voice.
2. Characters (AbberHank duo, Midford family, Ciel, Sebastian and Snake, Ronald) entered the stage from the audience exits and not from stage left/right. I am not sure if it is done at other shows or just for Ishikawa. In previous musicals, they did not have character entrances from the audience except for Hank/Abberline. 
In the Saturday show, Ciel, Sebastian and Snake appeared and stood behind my seat (to my shock and delight). I could see their gloriousness up close! Reo/Ciel was just scowling and man, Reo is so skinny up close! His black tights made his legs look like chicken legs! Yuta/Sebastian looked utterly (and perfectly) demonic! I swear my heart stopped beating right there and then. Unfortunately, my Sunday show seats were further back but the trio did not stop behind my Saturday seat but instead continued walking towards the stage.
3. The opening for TotC is also different from previous musicals. We usually start the musicals with the contract scene but this time around, we had a Campania song with the characters boarding the ship.
4. The amount of Campania wordplay jokes..god! They were so funny!
(While boarding the ship)
Abberline: I heard they are selling merchandise on the ship.
Hank: What? What kind?
Abberline: Cam-badge (Campania + can badge)
Audience: LOL
(At the banquet)
Ronald, Abberline, Hank: Kampai-nia! (kampai (cheers) + Campania)
5. Yuta/Sebastian & Reo/Ciel doing the Phoenix pose was hilarious! Reo/Ciel was wearing heels so he was wobbling on one leg. The rich man from the Aurora Society circled Reo/Ciel to make sure he is keeping his Phoenix pose and the audience laughed. 
In the Sunday show, poor Reo actually lost his footing but thankfully Yuta quickly caught his hand to stabilise him! It looks so authentic and in-character, and it delighted the audience! I am so sad that this probably won’t be in the DVD release... 
6. Ryan Stoker also interviewed the front row audience about what is the most crucial thing aside from life, and the poor lady (on both days) kept giggling uncontrollably.
7. In the scene where Yuta/Sebastian fights the hoard of Bizarre Dolls in the ship’s basement, a giant red silk cloth was run over the audience’s heads towards the stage to signify a bloodbath/ wave of blood. This scene then led to the belated contract scene song!
8. YES. THERE IS AN ICE-BERG IN THE MUSICAL! It is huge, it is fabulous and it had Grell standing on top of it as it neared and crashed into the ship! What a fabulous entrance!
9. Yes, the fan-favourite scene of Sebastian calling Grell a hentai (pervert) is in the musical and it is super hilarious.
Grell: Ehhhh. So mean! I even bought some bromides (of myself) as presents.
Audience: LOL
10. Lizzie’s badass reveal was perfectly executed! She even did the same fighting choreography in the anime movie! She also the same poses in the manga! It was so good and I think Momoko really delivered and a perfect casting choice. 
11. Undertaker’s shinigami reveal was really nice too! HIS DEATH SCYTHE IS GLORIOUS!!!!
12. In the stabbing scene, both Reo and Yuta were lifted by the supporting cast so it looks like they are ‘falling’ off from the top floor. The projection screen behind then projected the blood splatter as Undertaker’s scythe stabbed through Sebastian’s torso. 
13. My favourite part in the whole musical is when Sebastian narrated his initial life as a butler to Ciel. As we all know our!Ciel is not the real Ciel! Reo actually portrayed our!Ciel very well. He hesitated before calling himself with his dead twin brother’s name. Sebby says 「 かしこまりました/ I understand.」 in the most super lazy, sarcastic and reluctant way, it was super funny. In the Sunday show, Yuta/Sebastian sat on the Earl’s bed after serving him milk & honey, which led to Reo/Ciel shoving him off. Yuta/Sebastian also made a ‘tsk’ sound when Reo/Ciel reprimanded him about cooking everything from scratch like a real human butler should. And as he walked away, he spat out 「クソガキ」(stupid brat) before launching into my favourite song  ‘私は執事、あなたは伯爵’ (I am a butler and you are an Earl
14. The final Bizzare Doll fight scene in the middle of the ocean was beautifully executed. You can refer to the official trailer on the website to see how it was done! 
15. Grell was more worried about his false eyelashes after Ronald and Grell found a boat. It was super funny!
16. The musical ended with a reprise of ‘私は執事、あなたは伯爵‘  and the Campania theme song. 
So setsubun was on Saturday and the cast prepared a special curtain call for us! Abberline and Hank did their ad-libbed comedy routine, and here are some of my favourite parts:
Hank:「鬼はoutside!福はinside!」(starts rapping)...あ、でも、鬼がいないので‥ (‘Oni outside, luck inside, ahh, but there aren’t any oni inside here...)
Hank: Oh, look so many oni! (gestures to audience)
Abberline: Oi, don’t be rude! (smacks his head)
Hank: ...you’re right, there is only one oni...(gestures to one poor audience member in the first row)
Audience & Cast: LOL
Abberline:じゃ、「鬼はなし!福は内!」にしてた!(Well, let’s do `There is no Oni, Luck is inside’ then!)
The supporting cast then entered the hall and spread out, they tossed packets of 福豆 at us. I did not manage to catch a packet but the lady beside me did. Lucky girl.... 
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The main cast also threw the packets of beans and Reo/Ciel got too excited and tried to fling the packet further out, and his Phantomhive ring flew out from his finger. He had to leap off the stage to recover it from the first row. The AbberHank emcees teased him about it 
How can Earl Ciel do that? 
That’s not something Ciel will do? (LOL)l
As mentioned earlier, the cast made an effort to make every show unique so it doesn’t matter if you attend just one show or many shows. Each show has special changes in the actions and ad-libbed dialogue. Here are some of my favourites:
1.  Opening Entrance: On Saturday, Abberhanks appeared together in the audience. On Sunday, only Hanks appeared alone and was super happy. But he met Abberline as he was walking to the ship who pretended not to recognise him. 
Hank: Aren’t you Fred Abberline?
Abberline: No, I am Fured Abburraineee...(exaggerated accent)
Hank: No-th-that, besides the accent. The name is the same isn’t it? Fred Abberline! 
Abberline: It’s Fured Abburraineee...
2.  Banquet scene: Ronald taught Abberline how to pick up ladies, but Abberline was being socially awkward when flirting with them in the Sunday show. The trio only kept drinking in the Saturday show.
3. Ronald & Grell on a boat scene: In the Sunday show, Grell ad-libbed something random. Not sure if he forgot his lines but it was really funny...
Grell: (pauses before gesturing to the sky)  Look so many birds, I want to be a bird too...
Ronald: (bursts out laughing)
4. Curtain call: We did not have long thank you speeches on Saturday due to the Setsubun special. But we had it on Sunday for the closing show. 
Congratulations, you made it all the way to the end of my super long review! 
I will attend the live-viewing of their final performance at the cinema again on the 12th  (just so I can see the set/costumes and all that in super high-definition on the big screen). Also I kinda wanna see the cast start crying when they make their final thank you speeches! Also because they mentioned we will be watching exclusive back-stage clips and I really wanna watch it! 
Please, please PLEASE order a copy of the DVD/BLU-RAY. Please support the cast and giving them a well-deserved income from these sales.  
The DVD/BLU-RAY will be released in Japan in June 27. You can order it off CDJapan, Amazon Japan or Animate International.   I will be buying a copy myself as well! 
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briangroth27 · 7 years
iZombie Season 3 Review
Full spoilers...
iZombie's third season started off with a personal game-changer after Clive (Malcolm Goodwin) learned Liv (Rose McIver) and Major (Robert Buckley) were zombies. I thought that would be the extent of this year's changes, but I was way off. I liked that the season premiere somewhat functioned as a recap/primer for the show after such a long hiatus, but it was great to get back into the cases (and brains) of the week by episode 2. I enjoyed all the episodes, but I especially loved the twist resolutions to the mysteries in “Wag the Tongue Slowly” and “Eat, Pray, Liv.” I liked that Liv, Clive, Ravi, and Peyton all got to investigate the main plot from different angles over the course of the season, even though they didn’t initially know it. It felt a little like Liv was excluded from big portions of the main arc for a lot of the season because of her need to be tied to the cases of the week, but this balanced the leads’ involvement in the run-up to Discovery Day. The threads that led to the public reveal of zombies were really well-developed and came together perfectly. I’d heard the season finale would “reboot” the series, but man…I didn’t expect this! I loved that the writers were willing to be so daring as to change everything by outing zombies to the world and even making Seattle a zombie-run city. There’s no going back now, and the show will be healthier for it.
Liv Moore As always, McIver gave an acting tour de force. Her ability to incorporate different character traits from the brains she eats into her baseline Liv personality is outstanding and it’s a shame she hasn’t gotten more awards recognition for this role. If they ever recast Rogue in the X-men films, they should absolutely ask McIver. The gossip, father, and dungeon master brains were among my favorites this year, but the pre-school teacher brain was easily an all-time top five brain: that was hilarious and included many of my favorite comedic Liv moments of the whole series!
I liked that the brains didn’t always give helpful visions—a fun twist to the show’s formula—or made Liv forgetful: I was really worried the scatterbrain causing Liv to constantly forget to get the materials Ravi needed would make Major’s rapidly deteriorating condition even worse. If it did have an effect it wasn’t commented on, but I loved that they explored the negative effects of brains. Liv getting visions of having sex with Ravi (Rahul Kohli) thanks to eating the brain of his dead ex Katty Kupps (Christina Cox) was super awkward. Drake’s (Greg Finley) ghost appearing thanks to the Weckler (Gordon Woolvett) brain was a fun way to interrupt her relationship with Justin (Tongayi Chirisa), dig into her psyche, and force her to confront the dangling emotional threads from Drake’s death. I liked that Liv and Justin’s first date included eating the brain of a daredevil (Robert Ri’chard): that was a sweet and fun zombie twist on couple bonding. The brains made things even worse for Liv’s personal life as, just as she’d gotten a taste of a normal relationship with Justin, she cheated on him with Chase Graves (Jason Dohring) thanks to Kupps’ brain. I liked that it wasn’t black-and-white that she cheated on Justin due to the brains’ influence on her and thought that was an interesting development. With so much else going on at the end of the season, I understand why this didn’t get a bigger moment, but I wanted to see them at least try to work through this fact of their zombie existence. I liked Justin, but once he called the guards at the Fillmore-Graves packing facility on Liv, I lost all interest in them salvaging that relationship.
Even though Ravi invented a cure that worked, I didn’t think Liv would take it—the show would be over—but I was intrigued to see if they could make an arc out of a temporarily-cured Liv. I’d still like to see that someday, particularly in the zombie-run Seattle. It could be a cool way to make her the underdog again, though Major’s already done the “human pretending to be a zombie” arc this year. I absolutely loved that Liv and Ravi shared the last scene of the season; her agreeing to scratch him to test his zombie vaccine was perfect, touching, and funny! Their platonic “I love yous” were great; their friendship is one of the best parts of the show and I’m glad it’s been so prominent over the years.
I liked Liv’s development over the course of the season and enjoyed her getting to have a normal relationship after Drake last year. It’s great that the show has allowed her to truly be friends with Major, even under the influence of a paranoid brain: it’s healthy to show that exes can be friends if they respect each other. With Clive in on the secret, it was awesome to see her finally able to be open and honest with all the people closest to her. Liv’s begrudging alliance with Blaine (David Anders) to keep zombies under wraps was also a fun development of their antagonistic relationship. I hope next season puts Liv into a leadership position as one of the veteran zombies in town: she deserves a chance to not have to hide herself anymore and she has the experience to be a leader in the zombie community. Liv being out about her zombie status would create the perfect opportunity to bring her mom (Molly Hagan) and brother (Nick Purcha) back for more family drama. Liv coaching Johnny Frost (Daran Norris) through the announcement that many of Seattle’s residents had been turned into zombies was a great moment and I hope that trajectory continues. On a side note, that scene was the most serious I’ve ever seen Norris act and he absolutely nailed the weight of the situation; that was simply stellar. The comparison of becoming a zombie to a person contracting a disease—that those people are still your friends and loved ones—harked back to the beginning of the show, where Liv was essentially a woman who used her illness to help others after it derailed her life plan. I’ve always loved that metaphor, and Liv taking that experience and becoming a guide to the city’s new zombie population would be a powerful way to elaborate on it. 
Ravi Chakrabarti My least favorite part of Season 2 was the Ravi-Peyton-Blaine triangle (I wished both Ravi and Peyton (Aly Michalka) had more of their own subplots than this), so I wasn't super happy it continued into Season 3. Ravi came off as very unlikable in “Eat, Pray, Liv,” and I was hoping the love triangle would be resolved before he got worse. So, I was glad it ended relatively early on. I don’t mind that he made mistakes with Peyton, but I definitely wasn’t on his side here; even if Blaine was faking, Peyton was right to admonish Ravi about constantly trying to say he was bad and derail that relationship. It wasn’t a good look on Ravi, but nothing says characters always have to be perfect and it didn’t ruin his character for me. I was just hoping that plot would end sooner rather than later, and that he’d get some perspective and growth out of it.   
On the other hand, I loved Ravi's undercover work with the militant zombie truthers once Liv couldn’t safely infiltrate them! Getting him out of the lab and into the field—and into danger—was great and I loved seeing him interact with the truthers. That group felt like a smart parallel to real-life hate groups and Don E (Bryce Hodgson) getting captured by Harley Johns (Andrew Caldwell) and nearly broadcast online as a full Romero zombie was a great climax to the arc! The arc also introduced Rachel (Ella Cannon) to the show and I didn’t see her using Ravi to out zombies to the world at all! I wanted to like her and was sorry she was just in it for the story. Kohli was great at playing the spy and feeling the sting of betrayal after Rachel’s true intentions were revealed, but his scenes with Major, about to lose his memory after taking the cure, were some of his finest work on the show to date.
I was hoping they’d expand on Ravi’s expertise in zombie science beyond his experiments with the cure, so developing a zombie vaccine after offering it up as part of his truther cover was a great angle and I hope it leads to him being something of a zombie doctor next year. With Major getting a big role with Fillmore-Graves, I was hoping Ravi would get something similar in a bigger lab, so perhaps zombies becoming public knowledge and him being the preeminent zombie expert will lend itself to that. It’d change the CSI dynamic of the show, but maybe it’s time for Liv to take over the M.E. lab and move Ravi up the science food chain somehow. Perhaps he could lead a Seattle branch of the CDC specializing in zombie affairs. Experimenting with the memory serum and the creation of the blue brain juice was a fun way to change up the visions as well. It was cool to finally see Liv’s vision expression and the affect it had on zombie visions was a great way to play with the concept. I’d love to see more of this sort of experimental zombie science next season and I’m sure that Ravi’s zombie vaccine is going to be a huge part of that. I think it will work…but maybe not the way he’s expecting. While it would be really cool to have a zombie-“Hulk” Ravi, I think the vaccine will fail to turn zombies back into people, but will permanently vaccinate people from becoming new zombies. That will create a massive problem for Chase’s zombie paradise, creating a divide between the living and the undead “species.”
Clive Babineaux I loved Clive getting in on Liv’s secret this season and his reactions to her eating brains—and knowing how they affected her—were gold. I’m sure it was a blast for Goodwin to finally get to play reactions to what was really happening with Liv’s wildly shifting personality and he did an excellent job with that development. Moments like Liv, Clive, Ravi, Major, and Peyton playing Dungeons & Dragons were a lot of fun and couldn’t have happened as purely even last year. Clive’s germophobia was another fun running gag and I liked how it rolled into his reaction to the city-wide vaccinations that triggered the zombie outbreak. The Clive arc I liked the most was his quest to avenge the deaths of Wally Tuttle-Reid (Mataeo Mingo), his mom (Caitlin Stryker), and his uncle (Michasha Armstrong); the show did an excellent job of making me care about them and Clive’s connection to them using flashbacks in just one episode. Wally and his mom were very likable and well-established, and I’m sorry we (and Clive) didn’t get to spend more time with them. I was impressed by how well all the actors involved in those scenes made me care for them. I also loved that exploring detrimental brains, like Liv’s scatterbrain experience, allowed Clive to showcase his detective skills and solve the case of the week on his own. While I wasn’t a fan of the resolution to the case that brought Dale Bozzio (Jessica Harmon) back into Clive’s life—the Russian hacking seemed too far outside this show’s realm of criminal activity—I liked that they got back together. It’ll be great to explore a serious relationship between a human and a zombie; whether Clive and Bozzio can make it work should be very interesting (and a relevant parallel to real-life couples in which one partner has an incurable illness). They seem happy, but for how long? Is he going to be able to stand by her? Will his germophobia get in the way, or is this a way through it for him? Will he get infected accidentally? How would that change his dynamic with Liv? And will his role as a cop bring him into closer concert with Fillmore-Graves now that they essentially run the city?
Major Lilywhite Robert Buckley only got to play one Brain this season, but it was a great one! Liv and Major on dad and teenage daughter brains, respectively, was an awesome change to their dynamic, bolstered by hilarious performances by both actors! Not only was it good to see Major affected by a brain, but I liked that he didn't enjoy getting visions: it gave us some nice variety in zombie reactions to needing to eat brains. Major finding a place to belong with Fillmore-Graves was a cool arc and a nice rebound after the Chaos Killer plot. I really liked that he found a true brotherhood there: even after his status as a cured zombie was revealed and he was forced out, the friends he’d made still truly cared about him. The cure/memory loss portion of Major’s arc was particularly sad and showcased some of Buckley’s (and McIver and Kohli’s) finest acting on the show to date. I loved his trip back home to see his parents, his final night with Liv, and Ravi’s aborted speech. I was interested to see what reboot Major would be like, but I preferred the happier twist that he ended up OK. I was also expecting a downside to the cure, but I suppose he’d suffered enough just waiting to take it and thinking he was going to lose himself completely. I liked that he and Liv spent the night together before he took it and I thought he definitely still felt something for her, so I was surprised he was so cool about her dating Justin (and that things weren’t weirder between the guys). I know Major and Liv weren’t able to be together again since he’d been cured, but they’d also just slept together and neither one of them really got a moment to process their moving on so quickly. I suppose that goes back to the two of them genuinely supporting each other in their relationships, but I wish we’d seen them have a conversation about it. His rebound relationship with Shawna (Sarah Jurgens) was a smart way to remind us of just how alone the Chaos Killer made him; I liked that she crystalized the isolation of his life, both by initially presenting as being attracted to him for his notoriety and then by further ostracizing him by cashing in on it. In fact, his isolation worked so well that, along with being booted out of Fillmore-Graves, I would’ve been content with Major and Natalie (Brooke Lyons) leaving town together. I liked her and their relationship, and this felt like a natural point for him to depart the series. Her death (and the explosion in general) was unexpected, but I thought it was a waste to kill her and the rest of Major’s friends rather than an unavoidable tragedy (and it was odd Liv and Co. were waiting at Ravi’s house watching the news instead of being at the explosion site, searching for Major and Justin’s bodies). However, Major choosing to turn back into a zombie because he had nowhere else to go was a great, sad moment. It’s also an interesting parallel to Vivian Stoll (Andrea Savage) scratching herself to stay by her husband’s side. I’m sure the season’s closing moments—Major and Justin preparing to open fire on a group of anti-zombie humans attacking a brain transport—are going to propel his character into a completely new direction next year. I can’t wait to see if he’ll regret siding with the zombies or if the humans’ actions will convince him he’s on the right side!
Peyton Charles I liked that Peyton was firm with Ravi’s inability to accept her past with Blaine. However, I didn't think Peyton needed to apologize to Ravi when the truth about Blaine’s amnesia came out; even though he was right about Blaine, she didn’t have anything to apologize for. I'd like her to get back to being Liv's best friend in the coming year; though Liv helped her by eating Weckler's brain, there wasn't much chance for them to hang out and it would've helped to center Liv in a bit of normality. Like Ravi, I’m glad Peyton got a meatier subplot this season. The Weckler case felt awkwardly abrupt in its initial episode, so I liked that it was designed that way and Peyton spent a good deal of time pulling at that thread. Getting to see her as a lawyer—and eventually bringing her into Baracus' (Kurt Evans) mayoral circle as his Chief of Staff—were great uses of her role and development of her career. I can't wait to see how that thread continues next season as she helps keep the peace in Seattle. It seems like she’s set up for the most involved plotline of her time on the show now that she’s at the center of the zombie government and I can’t wait to see Michalka play with that!
Blaine DeBeers I liked memory-loss Blaine and wouldn't have minded if he'd stuck around in that form. While at first I thought he was probably lying, the show (and Anders) convinced me he’d truly lost his memory before long (I was sure the memory loss was real up until he took Ravi’s memory booster). I definitely bought his reluctance to try that serum for fear of reverting back into the criminal he’d heard he was, and I was sorry he’d lied for most of the season. I’m not sure I believe him about his feelings for Peyton or the chance to reshape his life being real, but if they choose to explore that to some extent next year, I’d be on board. Making Blaine a lounge singer of all things was an unexpected development, but I liked it. Maybe next season he should open a piano bar (with ample room for dancing, given the zombie flash mob!) called Dead Beats.
I was interested to see where Blaine’s antagonistic relationship with his father Angus McDonough (Robert Knepper) would go, but unfortunately I thought it fell a little flat. Angus initially seemed more intimidating than Mr. Boss (Eddie Jemison), but he eventually came off as sorta one-note. Plot-wise, Angus seemed to plateau with the establishment of the Scratching Post zombie speakeasy (a cool bit of world-building) and I’m surprised he wasn’t a bigger deal for the rest of the characters. I guess I expected more complexity and evil scheming out of him (having Blaine shot notwithstanding), but locking him in a well and periodically giving him chunks of brain was a great, twisted moment of revenge on Blaine’s part. I also expected more from Boss’ return, but his new position as Blaine’s international broker for brains should be fun, if the Discovery Day events haven’t rendered this plotline inert. I guess Seattle will still need brains, though, and it’ll be great to see the Blaine/Boss relationship inverted. I’m definitely interested to see where Blaine goes in this new world order!
Fillmore-Graves First of all, what an awesome name! This show and its puns have been consistently fantastic, and this is no exception. I loved that they provided another twist on the brain mythology with their brain-blends that didn’t produce side-effects; that was a clever evolution of zombie food. I thought we could’ve spent some more time with original FG head Vivian Stoll, but I liked what we got of her. I did think that both she and Chase should’ve had a bigger response to learning there was a zombie cure, though, given it could either eradicate their “species” or solve their problems completely, depending on how they looked at it. It makes me wonder if Fillmore-Graves operatives stole it from Ravi: their non-response to Major suddenly being human again would make sense if they knew a cure wouldn’t be an issue for long. I don’t think they want to be human again.
I knew Fillmore-Graves was behind the deaths of Wally’s family and Katty Kupps the whole time (minus a brief, last-minute thought the Weckler murders could actually be Baracus), but I didn’t suspect Carey Gold (Anjali Jay)! I wish we’d known her better, but Baracus just trying to cover his indiscretions would’ve been underwhelming and Chase Graves would’ve been too obvious. I liked the twist that Chase—who I was absolutely prepared to hate, since Dorhing seemed to be doing something similar to his slimy Logan Echolls from Veronica Mars—was a cad, but was also truly trying to create human/zombie peace and essentially got forced into following through with Gold’s plan since it was so popular among the F-G zombies. Initially I thought Fillmore-Graves was staging zombie murders to justify the existence of its military force, but I didn’t see Discovery Day being the endgame. I thought the Weckler case plot would lead to Fillmore-Graves blackmailing/controlling public officials, not to them turning nearly everyone into zombies. The flu outbreak was definitely an unexpected plot point on the road to Discovery Day, but it was a genius Trojan Horse move. Chase’s plan to supply Seattle with brains is ambitions, but I wonder how long it’ll last. Will he be forced to turn to illegal channels like Blaine, or will he be in conflict with those “unofficial” sources of brains? Will the rest of the nation continue to agree to let Seattle be a zombie city, or are we looking at a war here? How big could that get?
  This was a great season! I'm excited that we're fully into a post-zombie world and can’t wait to see what it brings. The long wait for Season 4 is going to be rough! 
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mysilverylining · 7 years
The Case for Vivian Stoll Being the Big Bad...
*Disclaimer:  I’m a forever Jason Dohring stan, who’s afraid if he goes back up in those fruit trees we’ll never coax him back down again.  So when it comes to Chase Graves?  There’s a bit of confirmation bias here.  I’m pulling for him to survive the next episode, preferably outside of a cell or a freezer.  I can’t believe I spent almost 3 days rewatching and writing this up.  I like to tell myself I’m being Veronica Mars, but I’m probably closer to Bo John.  
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Personally, I LOVE Vivian Stoll.  There aren’t enough ruthless female villains in fiction, by far.  I was really looking forward to what lying liar, RT was planning to do with her this season, and was really disappointed when she was “killed” off.  
Her motive?:  Zombie Island won’t be ready for another 1.5 years, and she is  beyond ready for D-Day.  For somebody who could rattle-off the time span between the July 4th retreat and Wally’s murder (21 months and 21 days), I can’t see her sitting around waiting for disaster.  She peddles worst-case scenarios, and would want to take the fight to the humans before they had the opportunity to gather in numbers or call in the National Guard.   As a secondary motive, I think she was staging a coup with Fillmore Graves, a company she married into.  
Point-by-point analysis under the cut.
Helicopter Crash:  
We never see Vivian get on the helicopter.  Was her body recovered?  Burned beyond recognition?  Scattered in tiny pieces over the countryside?  We’ll never know, because Liv conveniently mutes the television during the news report.  
Harrison Graves
Vivian’s beloved “deceased” husband.  First scratched and extorted (by Blaine?).  He wanted to selflessly leave her so that she wouldn’t have to be celibate, but while he slept, she scratched herself and became a zombie.  He found his own source of brains, and a week later, he never returned home again -- implication, killed by Blaine.  Vivian vows revenge.
Some Possibilities: 
Harrison died at the hands of Blaine or another party.  Vivian died in helicopter crash.
Unsatisfying story-telling.  You shouldn’t tease a vendetta and then kill off the injured party before they can get answers or revenge.
Harrison died at the hands of Vivian.
Infinitely more interesting.  Did Harrison learn of Vivian’s plans to escalate a zombie/human war?  Did he have to be silenced?  Did he inform his thoroughly-ripped, but absent brother of his suspicions?
Who would make a better scapegoat than a formerly criminally-opportunistic amnesiac?  He can’t even defend himself.
Harrison is alive and being held prisoner somewhere.  
Vivian’s prisoner?
On Zombie Island?  
Harrison is alive and pulling the strings from behind the scenes
My #2 theory, if Vivian turns out to be dead after all.  The lack of closure on his death really stands out for me.
Additionally, why does she volunteer the information that Harrison was going to leave her.  “He didn’t want her to lead a sexless life” is valid reasoning, but a bit TMI for complete strangers.  Had Harrison drawn up divorce papers at some point?  Was she trying to get out in front of it  in case those papers surfaced?
Contracting Zombie-ism:
We only have Vivian’s word for how it went down.  A General in Equitorial Kundu (ha!) turned biological weapons on his own people and a dozen Fillmore Graves employees.  Two weeks later, later at the annual 4th of July retreat, every single Fillmore Graves employee contracts the virus.  Vivian, motherly saint that she is, cures them all with a scratch.  
Where else do we hear about biological weapons?  Oh yeah, Ravi tells us in ‘Looking for Mr. Goodbrain’ that ‘Aleutian Flu’ is code for biological weapon. And Katty Cake is doing the investigation.  
Did things go down at the retreat like Vivian said?  Or did she turn a biological weapon on her own employees as an experiment in creating super soldiers?  A pre-Max Rager Super-Max?  She owns the formula for that, by the way.   
Another theory - does she hope to infect Seattle’s humans with the bio-weapon to force a join-us-or-die situation?  
Vivian and Chase 
Vivian volunteers plenty about her husband and her employees.  Just one great, big, happy family, she says.  But she never mentions Chase even once.  
Right after the news report of the helicopter crash, Major tells us that Chase is taking the reins, and is flying back from Tripoli (via Paris, perhaps?).  
Our first glimpse of Chase is at Vivian’s wake, where he has a bit of a temper tantrum, shutting off the music and berating everybody for their revelry.  
Is Chase the enemy of fun?  Does he have a stick up his existent and totally adorable ass?  Only Liv knows the answer to that, but a few episodes later, we see him at Finnegan’s and Coons’ wake, laughing and smiling in the background while Major sings with his crew.  What makes this wake different?  #NotVivian.  
When first introduced to Liv, he sharply cuts her off when she’s attempting to express her condolences for Vivian.  But relaxes enough to give her the Dohring-smolder, once she lets the Vivian subject drop.   While Vivian seems to have a “Bring it on/Come at me” attitude towards D-Day/Chase seems much more cautious and disciplined about about discovery, doing everything possible to maintain zombie secrecy.  He worries exposure will lead to extinction (is he lacking confidence in his army?)
He immediately quizzes Liv on the Tuttle-Reed murders.  His language is specific.  He wants hard evidence to have the culprits “put away”.   
In a later scene, he  worries about the safety of the Chaos Killer victims, but he never says a peep about catching Vivian’s killer.  Which, I suppose, could be an argument that he’s her killer (revenge for killing his brother?)
Some possibilities
Before his death, did Harrison Graves confide in Chase about concerns with Vivian?
Does Chase suspect Vivian of less-than-pure motives for zombifying the Fillmore Graves employees?
Assuming Vivian is the Big Bad, is Chase the fall guy?  Once he’s killed/arrested/neutralized, will she come out of hiding with a sob story about how she tried to stop him from starting a zombie/human war, but he overpowered and imprisoned her?  
Tuttle-Reed Murders
We start the season immediately after the Max Rager massacre.  Vivian learns that Clive Babineaux, a human with connections, knows about zombies.  She has three choices.
Do nothing - Pray that Clive keeps his mouth shut, and doesn’t ruin everything.  Walk on eggshells, hoping not to make him suspicious.   
Kill him.  Make it look like an accident - Too risky when she doesn’t have anybody inside the ME’s office.  If caught, she could make some powerful enemies. 
Turn him into an ally 
We know that Vivian went with option number three.  First, she gave Clive/Liv/Major a tour of the campus.  Humanized the experience with warm stories of her love for her husband, her employees, her family. She’s caring, nurturing, and has all the PowerPoint slides to put a mind at ease.   However, Clive isn’t so easily convinced.  After the tour, while still on campus property, he expressed his uneasiness with the secrecy of a private army, “armed to the gills”.  He needed an incentive.  How sweet was it, the way he peeked through the classroom window to make sure little Wally was getting a proper education.
Of all the zombie families in all the gin joints, it just happens to be the family Clive shares an emotional connection with that wound up dead.  
A visibly sad Vivian hears the news about the Tuttle-Reed murders, but was she sad about the murders themselves, or in the necessity of sacrificing Wally and his fam?  Liv visits, and in dialogue-less montage, allies Team Z to Fillmore Graves.
Vivian fans the flames in the aftermath, selling the “humans want us dead” tale to her employees.  
Zombie Truthers 
Where are they getting all of their information?  
Assuming Vivian wants this war to begin sooner rather than later, are the Truthers her unwitting ace in the hole?
Did she post the Tuttle-Reed address on the zombie message board?  
Did she anonymously give Harley a heads-up about the tracker in his vehicle?  
Is utterly crucial to Fillmore Graves in a post D-Day world.  In 3x1, we learn that the Chaos Killer victims were whisked away from Max Rager to Fillmore Graves, where they’re debriefed and sold a cover story.  
Vivian hand-picks Baracas as her mayoral pawn, and will do anything to get him elected. 
While Chase Graves is understandably invested in helping Baracas win the mayoral race, the writers go to the trouble to show us they have no past association.  
Chase:  “Carey, I should probably meet this candidate we’re bankrolling”. 
Baracas: (when told Chase wants to meet him:  “Who?”  Carey Gold:  “Only the most important zombie on this planet.  Endeavor to impress.”  
Did Chase arrange the shooting of Baracas?  Possibly.  It definitely helped win the election, but I don’t get that impression.  The best response for the mastermind would be to let the shooter get away, but Chase fires WAY too many bullets up into that balcony.  He’s not trying to miss.  
I’m with Peyton when it comes to Roxanne’s murder.  Baracas doesn’t want his predilections getting out, but he doesn’t seem to be complicit.  
We know Vivian put security details on the Chaos Killer’s victims, including her pet politician Baracas.  Presumably, security reported back to her about Baracas’ visits to Roxanne the Dominatrix, and the peeping tom who witnessed everything.  
It’s two birds with one stone - turn Weckler’s daughter into a zombie, and then blackmail him with her safety.  “Keep your mouth shut about Baracas, and while you’re at it, we’re going to need you to steal the memory card evidence.”   Oops.  You weren’t supposed to murder her.
I’m guessing that the second lawyer’s whispered comment to Weckler had been for him to confess and halt the investigation in exchange for Tatum’s safety.  
The prison guard is almost incidental. Anybody could have paid him to kill Weckler, and anybody could have paid the second killer who killed the guard.  
Stolen Cure 
Why did Vivian learn that Major was human again?  She didn’t do anything with the information.  In fact, she was dead ten minutes later?  So why did the writers go to the trouble of showing us that scene?  
Major, right before the crash:  “She wants to talk to Ravi about how I was cured when she gets back.”  
***Sidenote.  Ravi doesn’t share a single scene with Vivian or Chase.  I’m predicting this is on purpose, and he’ll do something undercover in the finale.
Assuming Vivian wants to start a human/zombie war, a cure for zombie-ism is her worst nightmare.  She can’t have her fighters being captured and cured.  
Chase, on the other hand, doesn’t ask about a cure.  He seems to assume Major was human all along, and just really fucking lucky.  
Aleutian Flu
So Aleutian Flu is code for a bio-weapon, and this particular strain has been traced a specific Paris - Seattle flight.  At the time of Katty’s killing, all passengers have been interviewed, with the exception of four first-class passengers.  
Old racist woman, who knows nothing.
Sikh father with a baby, who heard a barking dog nearby
Miserable husband, whose wife ended up in coach due to a mixup.  To appease her, he traded seats with 17D, Patrice Gold.  
Between the barking dog and the napkin with Katty’s name written on it, my boy Chase is looking awfully suspicious here.  
On the other hand, (1) Liv and Clive have a list of the four passengers, and would both recognize his name if he used it.  (2)  is he stupid enough to leave evidence connecting him to a murder on his nightstand?  (3) is he even more stupid to bring the woman investigating the murder back to his bed, knowing the napkin was there?  
If Chase was on the flight, did he also switch seats with another coach passenger?
Or had Katty already interviewed him and cleared him from suspicion.
Is that why he had the napkin with her name on it?
He clearly did not have sex with her.  His scene with Major earlier makes it clear that he knows Zombie/Human sex is off limits.
And Catty wasn’t a zombie at her time of death.
But SHE wouldn’t know the danger of sleeping with him, and there was nothing stopping her from shoving a napkin at him with her room number.
I mean, I WOULD!!!
Or is the napkin there for another reason?  He jotted the info down while listening to a voice mail?  He thinks their luggage got switched?  Vivian manipulated it somehow?  
Assuming Vivian is the Big Bad, she would know the date of her “death” in advance, and would have time to send Patrice to Paris to await further instructions.  
Like “Chase will be on flight xyz at this time.  Make sure you’re on the same flight, and release the toxin then.”  
Vivian Stoll vs. Chase Graves 
Most of this analysis rests on the assumption that Chase remained in Tripolli prior to Vivian’s death.  It’s completely possible that he came back to Seattle weeks or months earlier in order to wreck mayhem everywhere.  
Where Vivian edges Chase out, is that we’ve been shown her connection to the different entities:  the Tuttle-Reed family, Harley John and the tracker in his car, Baracas and the other Chaos Killer victims, the cure, and her admission of infecting all of the FG employees.  If Chase shares any of those connections, we haven’t been shown on screen.  
Where Chase edges Vivian out, is we’ve been shown a connection to Katty and the Aleutian Flu through the napkin and White Fang.  If Vivian shares this connection, we haven’t been shown on screen.  And if Chase was in fact on this flight, that negates the idea of him being in Seattle all along.
Potential Accomplices:
Zack Stoll:  Share’s a last name with Vivian, but seems genuinely decent.  Also, caught in the blast, though it looks as if his upper half makes it out.
Carey Gold:  Maybe?  A little TOO convenient, especially with Clive learning she’s Patrice’s mother.  Has constant access to Chase.  Capable of slipping Katty’s napkin in his pockets while he’s naked tanning (thank you Rob Thomas!).  At least mildly involved, as Tatum is living in her home, and her daughter was on the flight from Paris.  Still, I don’t think she’s the main accomplice.  She seems surprised too often, and only owns one everyday dress.  Pay your employees better, Chase.  
Patrice Gold:  Probably capable of conspiring without her mother’s knowledge.  Her seat number was written down on Katty’s napkin, and she was obviously the passenger Katty was killed to keep from interviewing.  Also, Tatum seems more frightened of Patrice.  
Justin:  My choice for most likely suspect.  
Becomes Major’s Insta-BFF at a time when he needs one the most.
Convinces Major that he’s a great guy, then targets Liv for romance with Major’s blessing.  
The cans of Super Max.  Liv initiated that request, but from Chase’s reaction to the theft, I’m guessing they were under lock and key.  
Not saying Chase wasn’t an asshole to shoot him, just that I feel like there’s something more to the Super Max angle.  
Who found the guns in Harley John’s truck?  Oh yeah.  This guy.  
Who worked the Baracas party where a shooter fired the same guns?  You guessed it.  Justin.
In Conspiracy Weary, Justin lies and tells Liv that Harley John’s compound wasn’t worth checking out.  It hadn’t been used in months.
Liv questions this statement aloud once she gets a look at it. 
Harley’s been building his underground bunker for all this time.
And the machinery was so loud, even the neighbors could hear it.  
 Justin conveniently pulls Major out of the party mere moments before the explosion.  
Too. Good. To. Be. True.   Nobody’s that sweet and pleasant.  
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allthetribbles · 4 years
Pair-O-Psychics and Suspicious Minds
November 23, 2019
Pair-O-Psychics and Suspicious Minds
Players - Te'ani (Jack), Alan (Mike), Liv
Te'ani's attempt to interrogate the parapsychics continues to be met with snarky comebacks and quick witticisms. Admitting that they aren't the best at interrogations isn't a lie... so, take two! Liv attempts to question the brothers and gets flustered, but she does manage to get some information from them. How do people get in touch with them - they have a dropbox for their clients. They don't currently have an open request from the Witch for supplies.
Irritated the questioning wasn't going as well as hoped, Te'ani sends in a request for an escort for the parapsychics over the pip, referring to them as Thing 1 and Thing 2. They raise their hands in unison... and wave. Unfortunately that cracks Liv's composure and she laughs.
It takes about twenty minutes from the call before there's a knock on the door. When the door opens there are three other agents - two are parapsychics. An immediate battle for dominance goes off between the brothers and the agents. The brothers are shut down and handcuffed in suppressors. Alan and Liv were both impressed and.... slightly horrified at the amount of orgone being thrown around. Te'ani was blissfully unaware of anything except everyone else getting upset. And still.... Liv spent the battle chilling on the brothers' laps.
Once in suppression handcuffs, the brothers take one last look at Liv, wink and say - "See you soon, sister."
We had the option of going with them to the Pit to continuing the interrogation of the brothers, continue to look into the possible motivations of the Witch... or go to the Director for another assignment. Knowing their interrogation skills were leaps behind what the masters of the Pit could achieve and with little knowledge of the motivations of the Witch, the team decides to go back to the Director for their next direction.
They arrive back at the office to find the Director pacing. Roughly twenty minutes ago while we were preoccupied with the parapsychics, an OIS substation was hit. He decides to send our team in due to our "delicate touch." Our job is to go in, see if we can recover what information was taken, and apprehend the one(s) responsible.
We suit up while the Director calls ahead to let them know we're on our way. It takes approximately one hour before we arrive on scene, with two other teams holding their positions.
Scans for body heat from the outside show zero inside, but Liv leads the way cautiously. Inside, still no detectable heat signatures and all of the electrical systems are completely dead. We stumbled across the first body pinned to the wall - it seems as if they saw their attacker, their face is frozen in a shocked expression.
Curiously, the body is pinned with a single shot from an arrow. With arcane sight up, the weapon is purely organic (wooden shaft, real feather fletching, bone/chitinous arrowhead).
Continuing with more caution, three more bodies are found - this time shot from behind, one shot with the same type of arrow. Alan collects the badges, verifying against the employee list of the office. Nine employees at this location - four confirmed down.
Alan does notice a pattern with these three - each have their back to a window. Looking at the wards, all are accounted for... except for three small holes about half an inch each. Each lines up with a killshot.
The only thing we're certain of at this point... we have no idea what could have done this, but we're going to be extra careful around the windows. We also relay to the outside teams that it is possible there are multiple suspects.
The fifth we find was caught in a particularly vulnerable position in the bathroom - again taken out with an arrow. We replaced his pants as a courtesy before continuing the sweep.
Number six was the office manager - he was surprised, but he faced his end with a gun in his hand. The door appears to have been kicked in, two arrows in the room as one of them missed. Seven and eight were near the breakroom, the local geek and office member caught in a conversation cut short.
Barely audible; Te'ani and Liv hear a small noise - sounding like a muffled sneeze. Following the noise, we find a storage area. Beyond is a definite heat signature, but it seems muted. The door isn't locked and it seems as if something fell in front of the door to block it.
With some looks all around, Liv knocks on the door, Te'ani identifies the team as OIS - to immediately be questioned on the other side "How do I know you're OIS?"
Not having time for this, Te'ani kicks in the door to meet gunfire. The lone survivor was wrapped in insulated vests, muting his body heat. Daniel Waters quickly hands over his gun, we escort him out to the waiting teams and resume our search inside.
Down in the mainframe room... the server is ruined. Definite signs of arson - scorch marks on the ceiling and a melted center of the mainframe. The harddrives are slagged, the RAM is semi-readable by Liv... but otherwise blanked. Whoever accessed the information did it quickly - maybe not Liv speed, but still very quick. They were also very good and knew what they were doing.
What she was able to retrieve was the last twelve locations they accessed. Copying the information to her pip, then to the other two, they look up the locations to find that they're... transportation hubs.
Questioning Daniel on what he saw, he claims he saw eyes in the darkness. A cloud of eyes that moved like the wind, and was possibly flying. Research turned up possibilities of the culprit, but a lot of discrepancies in the criteria.
Between Te'ani and Alan, there is the idea that the deaths of the employees weren't just collateral damage since it was done pretty methodically, the new recruit saw it, and it didn't kill him. Perhaps it was to cover up something being worked on in the office.
Going back to the server room, they get Liv to check residual emotions on the monitors. Whoever did it felt very... "meh" about the job, but in the mainframe room it was definitely "disgust." There's no motivation picked up.
Some of the paperwork on the desk of the manager was requisitions for information from the NY office - the blood reports for those that are killed in the club - in particular the one that Liv had crushed.
We returned to the office to report back. We filled him in on the holes in the wards and the information snagged from the slagged server - the dozen locations of the transport hubs. Elwood looks concerned, confirming these are places the OIS has shipped things from in the last decade. The idea is thrown around what if they weren't looking at the different places the OIS was transporting out of... but where they were transporting stuff TO....
Liv is reminded of what the twins said - "See you soon." While not positive, she proposed they could be possible pre-cogs and saw this coming. Elwood looks even more concerned.
He says that it seems we're missing important pieces, but he's not quite sure what. He'll give this report to the pit and tell them to keep a close eye on things.
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