Because it's time to bring more embarrassment in my life. Trolol. Forgive the weird answers. :P
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Story of my life
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This right here is what gives me so much hope about this ship. Klaus has loved only twice in the last millennium so I'm sorry if I don't  see Camille or Hayley as potential threats to Klaroline right now. He's so obviously into Caroline and, he said so himself, he's done "more than enough" for her. Hell, he even stepped out of his proud, evil, merciless character just for her and that's saying something. A huge something. Like as huge as our fandom something.
And this, my friends, is why this marriage ship will never sink so long as we never give up on it. ;)
Ok remember this? Even back then Klaus was already ready to wait A CENTURY for her! So what i’m saying is that no matter where he goes and how long he’ll have to wait and how many other girls show interest for him he WILL wait for Caroline, because he loves her, she is the only girl who has ever...
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I’ll never understand why people want to boycott the spinoff, why would anyone not want a whole hour of Joseph Morgan playing the most awesome character of TVD? But everyone has the right to have a stupid opinion, and we do have to respect that.
I’m a Klaroline fan and I do want Klaroline to...
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Going down with this ship. <3
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Cuteness ver. 1 and ver. 2.
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He was in a really bad mood....
...until Caroline came. Then, he laughed and actually smiled. She's his ray of sunshine. <3
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Soo basically I have this box full of fortunes from fortune cookies that I’ve saved because I eat a lot of Chinese takeout. So, reblog if you want a fortune in your ask box I’m doing all. Likes won’t count.
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I spend so much time in the klaroline tag I don’t even know what a dashboard is anymore. 
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"you brought me back, Caroline. .”
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Reblog if Klaroline "brought you back" to TVD.
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I think last night’s episode built off the last episode quite nicely and last night was good progress. “Because the Night” enabled Klaus and Caroline to confront their “terrible” actions, acknowledge moral/ethical ambiguity, and ultimately empathize with the others’ perspective. It brought...
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Leave me alone. I'm sobbing.
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#That’s the most heartbreaking moment for me #the way he called her name in the first gif #wirh hope, desperation. relief, love, need, pain #all at once #after all his prayers she’s finally here #he neads her to help him #he needs her to deal with the pain #the second gif # shows us how much he wishes she is real #not another fantasy he created to deal with the agonizing pain #cause deep down he doesn’t believe anyone will come to his rescue #that he doesn’t deserve it #it’s more a call for love #a call for someone to there for him
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regular fandom: OMG, our OTP is a couple! Yay!
Klaroline fandom: our OTP are friends! Yay!
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