#not a good move but it is just a departmental requirement so nobody can stop me (yet)
synesindri · 6 months
oversharing in an academic article today
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xottzot · 7 years
2017-11(NOV)-22nd---Wednesday--the hellhole that this place is, it continues.
2017-11(NOV)-22nd---Wednesday--the hellhole that this place is, it continues.
Early ths morning (BEFORE 6am,), one of the offroad motorbikes that had been tearing about just before the big bushfire ysterday, well it 'popped out' of where it had been hidden, tore out of the pedestrian walkway (the criminals favourite method to evade Police and get about) and it tore out away on the roads. It's only been going on for YEARS, it's not registered. Of course, none of them ever are. They simply don't give a shit and don't care at all and laugh at all Police and authorities and residents
But let's just roll onto in the day below for now....
Around 1pm, an abo woman came along on the footpath from the Koongamia shops (of which there is also a seperate liquor store there, which is heaven to the shitheads, criminals and criminal abos).
An abo woman, an older woman overweight (not a regular shit) went slowly waddling along the footpath returning from the Koongamia shops area and was carrying a white plastic carrybag of stuff. She paused outside the newest moved-in residents property and fossicked in the plastic carrybag, before pulling out a tall can of drink, some sort of alcohol? - She opened it then started swilling it down. Then continued walking/waddling towards Fatguts aboriginal criminal household whilst still holding the tall can and taking eager drinks from it.
She slowly approached Fatguts aboriginal criminal place, and an aboriginal young woman rushed out from the main aboriginal criminal household across the road from there. She met her then turned around and yelled out something like, "Mum's got some money!"
They together walked into Fatguts yard, most probably to sit down at a table and chairs erected under the carport. That is the way of the criminal abo's to have an 'alfresco' boozing set up there, just a ghetto drunken location that's all existed there for MANY YEARS and is the scene of SO MANY fights, YELLING and disturbances and which eventully involves Western Australian Police so often. - A abo toddler clad ONLY wearing a diaper toddled across the road by itself and joined them. That will be it's fate too without any doubt at all whatsoever. Don't belive all the bullshit 'good news' propaganda you read in the NEWS that's so regular and always flooding into the NEWS websites according to plan.
Sometime later, perhaps only 15-20 minutes....around 1:18pm, there was a huge and VERY LOUD verbal argument erupting and going on there. It was an aboriginal woman yelling at the top of her voice and swearing and cursing and berating and being unintelligible all at once.
Slowly a grand exodus of abos walked out from there and went across the road and into the main abo criminal household. Amongst the procession was an older abo youth and an abo woman carrying a toddler who was just wearing a diaper.
The shrieking and yelling and almost screaming of the ranting abo woman became louder and louder. And continued for some time.
The group travelled into the main abo criminal household and seemed to vanish. And teh VERY LOU YELLIG AND SCREAMING suddenly stopped because.....
A vehicle quickly arrived in haste in the Koongamia school oval carpark and looked set to do some observing as to what was going on. (had they previoulsy been contacted over escalating noise and shitty abo's once again/STILL/as always going beserk and crazy? - It didn't stay long though, because it could see nothing going on in the street of the abo ghetto, so the vehicle very quickly reversed, then drove out and dashed further into Koongamia. Nobody got out of that vehicle or into it. That is so very very typical and common, especially of departmentals or West Australian Police obsevering shit going on but doing nothing about it all.
That was it for you of that tiny snippet of hell. The VERY VERY LOUD screaming and swearing had suddenly stopped. They sometimes do that when they see the Police of authorities vehicles parked just near them and clearly easy to be seen and on show.
It does NOT mean anything has settled down or 'been sorted'....it's just shut up until it erupts again.
It's only Wednesday.
The shit that 'normally' went on EVERY Friday andor Saturday night, now goes on at ANYTIME of ANY DAY of the week.
THAT is how rampant they are.
I happened to meet somebody today who lives elsewhere, and I mentioned about the shit going on yesterday, with the illegal motorobike tearing about, then the sudden huge bushfire in/on Grenmount hill requiring all the multiple helibombers helicopters to put out the massive fire.
The person said they themselves had seen/heard a little of the helicopters even from a distance, and they were quite surprised at the extent of it all when I was able to fill them in with some more details of my own.
The NEWS of course had absolutely NOTHING AT ALL about any of it, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, despite disruptions to the rampant flights of Perth airport.
Those damned flights erupted afterwards and were VERY loud and went on for HOURS over this hellhole the next day when they started around 4am.
The person I was talking to, stated how 'useless' 'some 'people' were but they would grow out of it when they got older. I told them at this hellhole they DO NOT. AND THEY GET WORSE. AND they bring up and teach their offspring to be as bad if not worse. - They couldn't believe it, despite it being the absolute truth.
But when I said they make apearances where this person worked, the person began to realise who actually were the very ones I was talking about. They've had bad experiences with them before. The person offered their sympathy to me.
This is the kind of thing that goes on. The personal belief that things just could NOT be as bad as they initially hear. But when THEY THEMSELVES experience the shit, then they know and understand.
When I told them about the toddlers on the road, they were aghast and muttered that 'some people whould not be allowed to have children'......but my reply was that they're encouraged to and actively supported at it despite no matter what harm it does to anyone or anything.
We parted and I was again offered sympathy, but unfortunately that is no help to me, especially without being with dear Fliss (Felicity Ann Carthew, who apparently/maybe is at Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia), where she fled to, and seems to have actively abandoned all her previous promises and sincerity and integrity and truthfulness, whilst at the same time apparently has been deriding ME for supposedly doing the same thing when that has never ever, NOT EVER, been the case at all. -- And so I suffer incredibly. I am in hell.
My internet speed and connectivity is once more absolute total complete and utter shit.
BTW, I happened today to see a worker working aimlessly away inside at a telephone communications pillar. All that shit you never ever hear about or are completely never told that fucks up your internet and telephones. And the end result is always that you only suffer from the shit they cause in trying to 'fix things'. - THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON SINCE BEFORE LATE 2015 AT THIS HELLHOLE AREA.
Even pathetic bits-per-second woud be FASTER than the absolute shit I'm assailed with.
Most of the time I have NO INTERNET AT ALL. NONE.
Earlier at Fatguts criminal aboriginal household (scene of drug dealing and shit that dear Fliss knows about too and so much herself), there was activity there involving a vehicle of a household in the street who (I was earnestly told) supposedly does NOT like the abo's. - But that's absolute utter bullshit.
Today they parked in and were in there doing something for them. (so much for the utter bullshit of not supposedly liking them! - I ALWAYS knew that was bullshit.)
They were loading up rubbish from bins into a ute vehicle? - Perhaps the bin that the stupid abo girl dragged away on Wednesday without letting it get emptied by the council rubbish truck?
THAT utility and activity was going on before the incident later with the VERY VERY LOUD screaming and yelling of the abo's......
So much interconnected shit.......at this fucking hellhole area.......whilst othesr keep deluding themselves......'nah...it CAN'T BE THAT BAD....CAN IT!?'.....
PREDICTION/FORECAST of an event to come......
STILL yet to occur....the illegal fireworks in the streets...even in this highly bushfire place and into and onto innocent peoples houses and in theri yards, at ANY time of the night or day.
It's happened MANY TIMES before. - It's going to happen again.
Fireworks are of course illegal in Western Australia. - Shitheads like these caused that long ago.
Sam and Max got very upset today. And both dear dogs shrieked and louldy barked with joy when they mistakenly through dear Fliss had returned to them and us. - They became extremely upset and sullen afterwards when they found out once again we are in hell. Utter hell.
Sam's digestive system is also very upset today. - VERY MUCH SO.
Sam is in pain.
Max is in pain.
I am in a LOT of pain.
Fuck the world.
Let nuclear war rain down and kill us all. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you.
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xottzot · 7 years
Note: in advance....I offer to West Australian Police who are free to glean from this blog report anything they need. - But then again...NOBODY cares about me...or about getting Fliss and I back together again as the couple we were...so why the hell should I ever bother to stay alive.
Tonight, as soon as it became dark, there was cars roaring around this hellhole.
As soon as it became dark, there was aboriginals roaming all up and down the streets and carrying on nonstop. And they attracted even MORE aboriginals thru the criminals pedestrian walkway at the end of Kalara Road street. But they were also going back and forth THROUGH the criminals pedestrian walkway.
Criminal aboriginals from the usual criminal households all congregated upon 6 Kalara Way, Koongamia, Western Australia. The aboriginal house amongst the aboriginal ghetto that house used to be ruled by Fatguts the aboriginal drug dealer but was supposedly totally evicted along with that entire household.
But they NEVER all just went away and disappeared. They just dispersed and started up in other aboriginal houses. I don't know about the drug dealing (likely), but VERY much the levels of criminality certainly still exists and has escalated back and beyond previous levels.
All of that has been seen throughout my blog. (and much of localised information you will NEVER publicly read about elsewhere in any 'NEWS' because it has been kept out of the publics eye), and there was a LOT more YOU cannot possibly imagine. - All that they want to forever portray is the NEWS is pathetic 'good news' stories ad infinitum, especially anything concerning aboriginals at all.
Despite there being a fire ban, aboriginals don't give a fuck about any laws whatseover. And the stench of smoke is in the air.
Around 8pm (20:00 hours) or so, a large vehicle left 6 Kalara Way. But it didn't leave straight away. It just reversed out into the street from the driveway and just stayed there just blocking the road and playing it's headlights into 4 Kalara Way.
Aboriginal after aboriginal kept walking up to the drivers window and talking to the driver. That went on for some time. Eventually the vehicle drove off and onto Clayton Street and headed west.
After a short while there was false calm.
And so I fed the dogs dear Sam & dear Max some toast whilst I also had some because I desperately needed to have some painkillers earlier than the allowed period of gap. Then I took them outside into the backyard for their doggie ablutions and to keep a safe eye upon them.
Whilst we were out there, I could hear other neighborhoods dogs intruder-barking and sounding alerts. We came back inside.
Then at around 8:13pm, there started to arise a GREAT TUMULT from the aboriginal 6 Kalara Way place. VIOLENT VOICES, VIOLENT THREATS, VERY LOUD FEMALE YELLING OUTS, VERY LOUD MALE ABORIGINAL GUTTERAL THREATS...all this was going on and on.
A car backed out of there. Parked into the driveway of the house next door (4 Kalara Way) with it's headlights on. But it only stayed there a short while, then moved up to the NEXT driveaway (2 Kalara Way) and did the same but this time stayed there. (it stopped at the unfenced house of 2 Kalara Way that aboriginals have repeatedly daily attacked and smashed and nobody wants to believe me that it's the SAME lots of criminals doing it over and over again, despite aboriginals also doing so much rampant damage to 10 Kalara Road across the road fro there).
An aboriginal got out of the car, and sat down on the ground next to it and was constantly looking down to 6 Kalara Way from there.
A male aboriginal thug came storming out of 6 Kalara Way with no shirt on (Shirtless. - and shoeless?), and he was rabid and VERY VERY VIOLENT. He would go out of 6 Kalara Way onto the street then rabidly repeatedly run back into 6 Kalara Way and there was sounds of fighting and attacking and screams before he would again get back onto the road.
An aboriginal? man walked away from 6 Kalara Way and was going to go through the criminals pedestrian walkway at the end of Kalara Road in the dark. Somebody (a man) ran after him and was calling out his name (which I've forgottten) but the man kept walking off and seemed VERY despondent and upset and vocally loudly uttered all that, and he also stated how he was so fed up with all the shit and criminality. (not his exact words but along those meanings) - The other man tried to talk to him but the man walked off through the criminals walkway.
The man who had tried to talk to him, then started slowly making his way back to 6 Kalara Way but diverted his course and instead sat down near to the other person who had moved that car there to 2 Kalara Way's driveway. And they just waited there and watched.
Events at 6 Kalara Way continued escalting. Countless times the bare-chested thug dashed back and that elicited more shouts and screams in violence.
At one point several people surrounded the thug, ALL on the street, in the middle of the street, but he seemed to suddenly lash out and strike them, possibly sending one to crash onto the road before he again raced back into 6 Kalara Way to continue. MORE SCREAMS.
Once again the thug was on the street and other aboriginals all about. Some on foot were at the end of Kalara Way and they went onto Clayton Street and were vanishing from sight into the total darkness of Koongamia School oval area. That is also a vastly criminal area, especially when it is dark.
Suddenly (from I don't know who), there was a shout and loud vocal warning by an aboriginal stating that POLICE were coming. In an instant, all of a sudden, several things happened....
They all VERY QUICKLY folded back inside 6 Kalara Way and went utterly silent......(it was as if NOTHING WAS GOING ON)....the car that had parked at in the driveway of 2 Kalara Way was started up, and the two people who had been sitting there got into it, slowly drove past 5 Kalar Way, and then slowly drove down Kalara Way entirely, into the Koongamia School oval carpark and they turned off all their lights.
False calm.
Off in the very far distance, a West Australian POLICE vehicle siren could be heard. (that's one way they are forever escaping from POLICE)
Eventually that vehicle came along Clayton Street but stopped with all it's POLICE lights flashing JUST BEFORE it got to 6 Kalara Way. What it was doing I have no idea but it took some time.
The occupants who had parked darkly in the school oval carpark got out and milled about that vehicle.
Eventually the POLICE vehicle drove up Kalara Way and parked outside of 6 Kalara Way with it's headlights off, but with all it's POLICE lights on which was utterly blinding.
Several residents seemed to come out of their houses and approached the POLICE vehicle, probably to personally vocally report all the shit that had been going on.
From the aboriginal 6 Kalara Way house slowly came out one or two aboriginals very reluctantly and went to the POLICE vehicle.
A short time later, another West Australian POLICE vehicle with all it's POLICE flashing lights on was heard to be coming. And it arrived then parked on the road surface.
It was at that point I stopped observing what was going on.
Everything since the explosion of overt violence at 6 Kalara Way to the second POLICE arriving now made the time of night at around 8:40pm (20:40).
Poor Sam & Max were going utterly frantic, barking and running all about inside, and so we all went outside and they checked for intruders and they did yet another round of ablutions depsite just having done so shortly before all this shit at 6 Kalara Way exploded.
Now it's back to false calm.
And I can almost completely guarentee that NONE of all this will ever make any of the public NEWS anywhere. Just like NOTHING of all the shit ever does.
False calm.
All this shit was usually part of a Sunday/Monday scheduled pile of shit, but as I've been saying for so long, there is NO SCHEDULES WHATSOEVER NOW, NO TIMETABLES FOR CRIMES, CRIMINALS AND CRIMINALITY.
Tomorrow will see rabid aboriginals about the streets, probably fresh break-ins by them, fresh wanton deliberate damages, more crime, more shit, all met with total denials of it all ever happening or being of any concern and to anyone who complains they will me met with indifference and counter-claims by authorities on behalf of the criminals who the criminals have them all sown up and in their pocket believing all the utter lies and bullshit the criminals want everyone to believe.
Then on Monday, maybe will come the VERY VERY QUIET and secretive West Australian Police visits, to the aboriginal criminal households. Or maybe there will come the nameless aboriginal departmentals to fossick around and offer even more bullshit to them all as a 'reward'. (all THAT'S happened countles times to before in the past).
And I'm sure there will be some sort of property repairers going to 6 Kalara Way AGAIN to repair the place. And just remember that the ENTIRE place was emtpy and being renovated for over a year whilst at the same time being constantly criminally attacked from the aboriginal 3 Kalara Way place across the road from 6 Kalara Way. -- ALL CONNECTED. ALL CRIMINAL. JUST AS IT HAS BEEN FOR SO VERY VERY LONG.
I've told you and the world LONG ago that 6 Kalara Way is part of the aboriginal criminal households. - When will you belive me? - When will anyone believe me of everything?
The aboriginal criminal ghetto grew...and it was allowed to grow...and allowed to fester and become even more criminal....and allowed to have countless mini-criminals to further it all until forever.
There WILL eventually happen an event sometime that they will have trouble covering up, but they have covered up so much already......
What you will NEVER also see is just HOW MANY TIMES POLICE have been involved at 6 Kalara Way, 3 Kalara Way, 6 Kalara Way......
I told you it was false calm.
09:53pm (21:53).....criminal aboriginal females from the 3 Kalara Way aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD are out now walking on the roads in the darkness and heading slowly up to the Koongamia shops area.
Dogs are barking and getting upset.
Saturday is STILL not over, and I'm going to post this up before I go to lay down in agony. Not that anyone cares about me at all and my HELL.
I love you dear Fliss and want to be with YOU just as you promised us. -- I'm feeling very physically ill right now. My head is spinning, and the vestiges of this damned flu have reaserted themselves I think as well. - Poor Sam was having terrible nightmares earlier in the night, then Max was. I will no doubt have my own terrible nightmares when I sleep....IF I can sleep. - But do you even care dear Fliss? -- I love you dear Fliss and want to be with YOU just as you promised us.
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