#not all pro Palestine marches are hubs for antisemitic extremism
lem0nademouth · 10 months
“how did they not know they were talking to nazis!!!”
y’all. that’s the point. i promise you wouldn’t know either. in fact, many of you talk to nazis regularly and willfully ignore very obvious signs that they are nazis.
someone who has never met a Jewish person or knows nothing about the history of Zionism or Israel or the Diaspora (so, most goyim) probably thinks they are doing the right thing when they are told that they are attending a march against genocide. they (understandably) will not question the potential bigotry they might encounter espoused by people at that event, and they certainly won’t have the instinct to be on the lookout for fascists. and when well meaning but still uneducated people mingle with malicious bigots, they become targets for recruitment. thats. the. whole. point.
this is why i am BEGGING the goyische left to examine the role they play in the rise of radical antisemitism. nazis know they can find people who are primed to believe anything so long as it is framed as being morally correct or justified in far left spaces. and then all they have to do is 1. frame Jewish people as the morally corrupt opposition, and 2. make hating Jewish people sound like the morally superior opinion. extremism is extremism is extremism in every direction and it uses the exact same tactics every time.
so if you find yourself saying something that sounds a hell of a lot like far right rhetoric with some key words swapped out, think about it. propaganda is still propaganda, no matter who says it.
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