#not as problematic as whether or not they've ended up becoming a vampire like their adoptive parents and siblings but yeah
eclipsedshadowk · 7 months
Tumblr, genuine question
What do you do of your OC is like... Agender so hard that even what biological sex they had is al so a mystery
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shioritsumi · 1 month
Actor AU SVSSS but slightly different....
A drama for PIDW is in the works, and they've got a great talented cast! They even have the mysterious famous star Zhao Xiao starring as Shen Qingqiu, and a new and upcoming star Luo Lixin as Luo Binghe!
Luo Lixin is new to show business and he tries his best to fit in and get accustomed to the job, but canon Luo Binghe is hard for his tender insecure personality to wrap around. He constantly wonders about Bingge's own emotional journey and won't stop talking about his own headcanons about his own character.
Zhao Xiao, however.....he's well established in China as a talented, experienced, and VERY STRANGE MAN. People are constantly spreading rumors that he might be a vampire or smth bc they're pretty sure he's been acting for like a hundred years and the only thing that's changed is how long his hair is. He's lazy, he's affectionate, he's prone to random outbursts and giddy laughter, he plays the most serious dramatic characters with profound speeches and sad backstories and even villainous arcs-he has made it his personal goal to be the Tumblr sexyman of every show and movie he's in. He wants to be your problematic fave.
Zhao Xiao may also literally not be human. He makes references to having met Luo Binghe and encourages Luo Lixin frequently with his headcanons. The man may be a transmigrated character from the PIDW universe and he absolutely weaseled his way onto the set but no one knows why. He seems fixated on Luo Lixin, but whether it's bc he wants the young man or if he just wants to cultivate exactly his perfect impression of how Luo Binghe "should" be depicted is still unclear to everyone.
Especially Luo Lixin.
What he knows is he joined a drama cast and one of the other lead actors immediately took him under his wing and started giving him lots of advice and suggestions that seem to help??? He has a mentor! Right? Other members of the cast have asked directly if Zhao Xiao is trying to groom him for some reason but Luo Lixin refuses to believe it and Zhao Xiao is so amused by the idea that he won't even dignify it with a proper response aside from laughing until they change the subject. (He is of the opinion that if Lixin WANTED a relationship he wouldn't be opposed but people assuming he's trying to groom the 20-year old into a relationship by....giving him advice about the field he has excelled at for the past 50+ years so he can do his job better....that's some hilarious shit.)
Luo Lixin literally having a backstory similar to Luo Binghe and still being on set as a literal ray of sunshine.
Zhao Xiao wonders if perhaps this guy is also a half demon? NAH....that'd be funny but those don't exist here lol that'd be hilarious.....unless. NAH, of course not, in this world all magic exists only in fairy tales. Of course he also has magic so. NAH that's a fluke of transmigration, of course Luo Lixin is a human and him having the same surname and playing Luo Binghe is a coincidence. Then again, what were the odds of him, a dragon from PIDW ending up in this world and playing a major character in the PIDW drama series? NAH none of that counts bc he forced himself into that role.
so wait
is this a coincidence or not that all this has come together all at once? He'll just play it close to the chest until he figures it out, and play his role as the shizun to his new Binghe to the best of his ability. He wonders if anyone else in the cast is also from PIDW too....he wasn't like an "important character" and his meetings with the main character didn't end well for him, but maybe he's not the only one. Surely Luo Binghe killed other demons or creatures that ended up here too? Or maybe he's reaching bc he's gotten bored of humans. Luo Lixin better be really interesting before he gives up on humanity again and decides to become a hermit again and sit out on the world for a few decades. He did that around the turn of the century and it didn't turn out too shabby....
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