#not because Plo isn't infinitely kind and patient with him but because we see the result of trauma on Wolffe later on
mwolf0epsilon · 11 months
Even more additions to the previous posts (Part 1, Part 2) because @lost-on-kamino is as equally evil as I am and I love them for it.
Whatever is causing the changes acts like a virus in how it spreads, but behaves far too precisely and intelligently to be a mere disease. It's not only very targeted but also seems to have a set of specific rules (not easy to figure out ones, but there are noticeable pattern in how it decides what to change the clones into). An example of this is that nearly all of the 104th troopers turn into Kel Dor, but one clone stands out... That being Wolffe who becomes a Dathomirian because his negative experience with Ventress largely outweighs the positive impact Plo Koon has had on his life. This means that the clones either become a species that has helped them in a very influential way, or that has helped traumatize them horrendously (which makes Dogma turning into a Besalisk and Tango Squad becoming Geonosians make much more sense in hindsight).
Fox's reason for becoming an Amaran becomes a bit of a mystery, since he doesn't even recall how his escort job with the Amaran Representative of Naboo went. He was swamped with work at the time and the interaction slipped his mind completely. In contrast, Thire's interactions with Mas Amedda are largely negative, Senator Chuchi has always been polite in Thorn's opinion, Jek's past interaction with Yoda was largely positive, Hound's encounter with a Shistavanen was relatively positive in his opinion (it was a nice stall vendor who offered him and Grizzer some food), and Stone REALLY doesn't want to talk about dealing with Representative Binks thank you very much...
There has to be a goal to why the clones are being changed. That much the Jedi figure out, since all of this seems very purposeful. Especially in the way the changes are triggered and the species selected. Trauma and Healing/Growth are very specific conditions. Is the culprit behind all this perhaps trying to tell them something? And if so, then what exactly and why?
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