#not bothering editint this. ignore any typos
tossball-stick · 7 months
theyve just got a lot of appeal okay
i dont think vaughn ever liked jack. i hc that hes always been skeptical about him, but more from a distance. he tries not to involve himself with jack as much as possible. he has a feeling the more he tries to learn, the MORE he'll have to try to get his best friend to stop obsessing over that guy. so he just keeps himself in the dark, focuses on work and friends.
jack will occasionally mingle around in some of the more common bars or clubs set up in helios. he likes the attention, the way everyone is trying to touch and see and hear him. the alcohol probably helps as well. usually it happens when he needs an ego boost. sometimes he'll even flirt around, if some of these dumb poor middle class helios workers have enough good looks.
so imagine vaughns surprise when jack waltzes up to him and yvette tying to have a quiet night at the bar together.
jack showed up without warning, and a crowd followed. vaughn and yvette had been trying to ignore it all and just drink, keep chatting with each other. about rhys, about work, about what movies theyd seen.
so imagine both of their surprise when jacks the one that waltzes right up to them.
he says something about how strange it is that neither of them have even attempted to get up to meet him. he asks if they hate him, of theyre against him.
vaughn is slack jawed, stunned into silence. somehow this walking nerd emoji managed to pull the attention of jack by... doing nothing?
yvette is the first to respond, her eyes wode and expression clearly surprised. of course we're not against you, she assures. she insists that they simply didn't want to bother jack, hes a very busy man after all. vaughn nods along with her.
vaughn starts assuming that yvette was the reason jack came over here- he couldnt blame the man. she was an attractive woman- and smart, and she definitely had the charisma to get far in hyperion. if vaughn could be attracted to women, he probably would have fallen fast and hard for yvette.
so, imagine his further shock when jack puts a hand on his shoulder.
he says hes gonna give vaughn the offer of a lifetime. he says he wants to take vaughn back to a room, that hes had enough mingling with the common folk and vaughn is who grabbed his attention.
now, jack is saying this with like. the full intention of killing vaughn. he wants a quick ego boost from giving some coomer dweeb the sex of his lifetime, then be done with him. he wants the ego boost of being someones best sexual encounter. this was basically a guarantee for that.
and vaughns like. freaking out mentally. whys handsome fucking jack being drawn to him?
so he downs the rest of his beer, chugging it as quick as he can. yvette hesitates stopping him. he knows denying jack this would lead to something not good, and hes sure letting this happen also wouldnt be good.
but what choice does he have?
he bites his lip as he looks at jack and says that he'll go, but that he needs to be drunker first.
and, of course, yvette asks if hes sure. and he can only shrug.
but jack seems happy by that. he buys vaughn more beer. as the accountant drinks and drinks, and once yvette leaves, jack gets vaughn to start talking. interests, hobbies, stuff like that.
the night goes on and on, and eventually jack is nearly dragging a red faced, laughing, blacked out vaughn to a private room.
and the next morning vaughn wakes up, rolled over to his side, and seems handsome jack right fucking there. and vaughn isnt dead.
and he wont die, for a long, long time.
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