#not canon with the SSMH au but adjacent to it$
How about a somewhat angsty post for no reason other than I had the thought and how I’m making you think about it too
Monster Hunter!Nancy and Werewolf!Robin dance around each other for weeks. Nancy is so sure of Robin’s identity, but Robin is somehow incredible at hiding it and Nancy won’t finish the hunt without proof. Robin is a snarky asshole about it and also continues to flirt with Nancy. It’s a very weird, tense push and pull dynamic between them. Nancy is frustrated to admit she enjoys it.
By the time they reach the full moon, Nancy finds she doesn’t want to kill Robin, even if she is a werewolf. But still she stalks Robin down, finds her mid shift, chained to a tree in the woods. Robin begs her not to hurt her, promises she’s never hurt anyone. Nancy drops the knife and she stays, all night. She watches Robin rage against her chains; and then when Robin wears herself out, she sits closer, let’s Robin rest her great beastly head in Nancy’s lap, scratches her ears and kisses her forehead.
Nancy realizes she loves Robin, and she can’t have that, so she distances herself. Robin is hurt by it, but comes to accept it.
Only a few days later, Nancy wakes in the middle of the night to a terrible whining cry and a knock at her door.
She finds Robin on her doorstep, shaking and swaying like a leaf in the wind, face pale and torso absolutely soaked in blood. The girl takes one step before collapsing against Nancy, eyes wild and gleaming fearful gold. “Help me,” is all she can get out before she passes out.
She didn’t hurt Robin—but someone else did. Another hunter got her. She should have protected Robin, and now it’s her responsibility to nurse this monster—this girl—back to health.
She’s hunting again—but this time it’s a vengeance path. Nobody hurts her Robin.
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