#not counting my failed locked tomb fics here as they are disappointments to me.
stergeon · 6 months
🌻 How often do you read your own fics?
uh well immediately after i post a fic, i re-read it like three times because, inevitably, i will find a zillion mistakes i somehow missed in my previous fifty rounds of editing. then i will be unable to look at the piece for a month or two. after that i’ll remember it exists and do another round of edits. usually this is the most extensive edit as i’ve had enough time away from the work to realize where and how i was talking out my ass. sorry to anyone who reads my stuff before this happens lmaoooo i hope it’s stomachable!!
after that, i can (usually) bear to look at the fic again and i’ll remember i wrote it for me and that’s why it contains all kinds of stuff i like lol. i’ll re-read and do nitpicky edits maybe once a month or so. more if i’m proud of it.
💡How many WIPs do you currently have?
ummmmm. let’s see. in no particular order, i’ve got a good chunk of progress goin’ on these right now:
the victors; the vestiges. chapter four is so close to being done but i have to keep touching it and touching it.
recognition chapter 3. this chapter is technically smut, but rather unsexy smut. twin character studies in a smut wrapper. apologies to anyone who’s subscribed to that as i have no idea if i’ll ever be brave enough to publish it.
yet-untitled edeleth smut that is purely about sex for sex’s sake. i’m having too much fun with this one
very angsty fic about byleth’s first days in enbarr
morrowind reincarnation-slash-modern au
a way too ambitious nerevoryn fic i’ll don’t think i will ever finish
that casphardt fic i promised you ten thousand years ago OOPS!!!!!
i’m also dreaming about doing a political drama set in fhirdiad just after the war but i’m not sure if i have the brain or historical chops to pull it off. maybe someday.
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
hmmm. i don’t think so? i really enjoy writing and exploring established relationships, but i wouldn’t say it’s necessarily my favorite as i enjoy writing non-romantic stuff, too. thematically, my favorite thing to write about is devotion. i’m pretty much always writing about devotion or grief (usually both).
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