#not doing the picrew thing so that ur left in mystery (i'm too lazy to do it lol sorry)
raazberry · 2 years
Character’s full name: Mars. That’s it.
Reason or meaning of name: I like the name. Also, I was really into Roman Mythology as a kid.
Character’s nickname: Six. It’s what Nine calls me! He’s so funny sometimes…
Reason for nickname: It’s a 69 joke…
Birth date: 26th February.
Age: 19
How old does he/she appear: Depending on how messy my hair is, either 15 or 25, give or take.
Height: 5’9, but that was like a year ago. I’m taller than both Saya and Nine, though! 
Eye color: Pink?
Glasses or contacts: Yes :(
Predominant features: Most people say that it’s my eyes and my height.
Hair color: Dark blue
Type of hair: Straight
Voice: I think that I sound like Abed from Community, but I’m not sure. Maybe ask Saya, she’d give you a better answer.
Overall attractiveness: I’m… not sure how to answer that?
Usual fashion of dress: Whatever’s comfortable. I have a lot of graphic t-shirts with silly things written on them.
Likes: Sleeping, playing the piano, dogs, playing video games with my friends, hyperpop, the colour green, talking to people, dating sims, debating with people (not really “debating” - more like I like it when people make me reconsider my own worldview and think about things I normally wouldn’t.) making silly art just for myself, and slice-of-life anime.
Dislikes: Isolation, wearing jeans, anything that’s too sour, any kind of argument or confrontation (I panic easily..), crowded rooms, champagne, bugs or flies or whatever.
Good personality traits: I’m kind of intelligent, and I have a lot of opinions… if that’s good to you?
Bad personality traits: I know that this is a debatable thing, but I get jealous really easily. Like not in the romantic sense, just generally.
Mood character is most often in: I’m mostly just annoyed, to be honest.
Sense of humor: I am very funny if I do say so myself (Nine note: +1) (Saya note: +1)
Character’s greatest joy in life: There was this one time when Saya, Nine, and I went to an arcade together. Nine was really nervous, but Saya comforted him and then he won like a huge number of tickets at the racing game we were playing! It was so fun, he got both of us a teddy bear out of it! I still have it, if you want to see it.
Character’s greatest fear: I’m really, really scared of heights. Also just being alone in general.
Why? It’s self-explanatory, no?
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? If Nine and Saya broke up and stopped talking to me, or each other, I think I might be the one more affected by it than either of them. (Raaz note: Haha so about that…) 
Character is most at ease when: I’m studying. Physics and Uni are my greatest enemies and I shall conquer them at all costs :D
Most ill at ease when: I don’t enjoy being in public all alone, I need like… a support person at all times.
Enraged when: I hate it when people talk shit about my friends. 
Depressed or sad when: I don’t really feel real when there’s no one to talk to about things, so I guess that. 
Priorities: I don’t know… I care about a lot of things all at once and work on all of them simultaneously… It’s a mess, I know…
Life philosophy: When in doubt, ask Saya. (Saya note: So true)
If granted one wish, it would be: To have the will to do anything, I think. My answer is vague on purpose :)
Why? There’s so much I can’t get myself to do now just because I don’t have the willpower to! Imagine how much better things would be if that wasn’t the case!
Character’s soft spot: I really, really like it when people send me pictures of things saying, “Oh, that’s so you!” It makes me so happy! Thank you for thinking of me! (Saya note: You are literally so adorable.)
Is this soft spot obvious to others? I guess..? (Nine note: It’s not, but also it is. I dunno how to explain it.)
Greatest strength: I don’t think I have one. (Nine note: YOU’RE SO SMART CAN’T YOU JUST SAY THAT???)
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Um, if you isolate me, I die. Which means that I die pretty often, lol.
Biggest regret: Coming out to my parents.
Minor regret: Introducing Nine to a certain open-world RPG… (Saya note: I still hate you for doing that. He’s been OBSESSED.)
Biggest accomplishment: My teachers are always proud of me for my grades!
Minor accomplishment: This isn’t really an accomplishment, but I was really into Star Wars in middle school and wrote fanfiction that got like, a million kudos on ao3 so that’s… something, I guess. Hmm? You want to read it? I deleted it the day I turned 18, so….
Character’s darkest secret: I’m really fucking jealous of my friends.
Does anyone else know? I hope not.
raaz note: if you have any questions about him, or anything you're curious about, feel free to ask :) he's gonna be the main character in the visual novel i'm currently working on called "mars in retrograde".
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