#not even gonna reread this like wow tonight was fun i had a blast i just had to post about it cuz it was INSANE
axolozzy · 2 months
so the glass beach concert was fucking amazing wow the other bands were SOOO FUCKING COOL AAAUHHHFHHHHH it was so fun. i’ve never been to a concert before but it was the coolest ever and even though it was LOUD AS FUCK the music vibrated through my body and i was jumping around stimming having a great time. there was also a furry there in their fursuit and everything it was amazing
man i just love glass beach their songs are so fucking cool like the j dies and goes to hell one and bedroom community are my favorite and i was screaming the lyrics with them it was magical
we left a bit early cuz my cousin wasn’t feeling good and was hungry. it was a two hour drive OHH YEAH guys i live in a very rural conservative small town area i have NEVER driven in the cities before until tonight and it was insane because neither of us knew what we were doing LOLLL we thought we were gonna die fr. anyway the band was amazing i sang along to all my favorite songs it was so fucking fun
we had to leave because both of our phones were LITERALLY ABOUT TO DIE like neither of us had charged our phones since this morning so they were at like 7 and 18 percent when we left, and neither of us had eaten since after school. and. our phones DYING WASNT GOOD BECAUSE IT WAS A TWO HOUR DRIVE HOME AND WE NEEDED DIRECTIONS.
so my cousin had the bright idea of taking pictures of the directions onto her ipad to look at okay it was dumb it wouldn’t have worked even if we tried. because well. the car WOULDNT FUCKING START?????? guys my moms car is new it’s good it’s better than mine and my cousins car but the ONE FUCKING TIME i take it somewhere IT FUCKING DIES????? LIKE IT ACTUALLY FUCKING DIEEEDDDD THERE WAS NO WAY TO GET THAT THING TURNED ON.
my phone was dead. my cousins phone was about to die, we were hungry, I HAF ALSO FOROGT MY WALLET AT HOME LIKE WHAT THE HELL, we were in the middle of a big city (in a different state AS WELL LOL) neither of us had any excperience driving in, we were freezing cold, had no food besides like five bananas and skittles, had barely any time to call our parents because our phones were fucking DEAD and we didn’t have directions. and the car was dead.
like wooooow we really did not think it could get any worse than that, and it didn’t actually!!!!! okay at one point we found a charger in the car and tried to use it but it didn’t work at all and then started working randomly but idk anyway that doesn’t matter. we were sitting in the parking lot for so long that the concert actually ended and we were still there. while people were coming out my cousins phone was at like 4% and she was talking to her dad thinking the problem with the car was with the battery so we popped the hood and took a look.
neither of us fucking know anything about cars like wow what the hell were we looking at we had no idea!!!! no fucking ideaaaa at all. there was a police station on the other side of the street so literally that was the last option we had cuz our phones and car were literally dead.
then holy shit. GUYSSSS!!!! the best thing ever happened someone saw us looking at the car engine and asked if our car was okay and we explained that it wasn’t turning on and THEY HELPEDDDD AND GOT JUMPER CABLESSSS FOR US!!!!
it was so fucking nice like wow their car also had trans and rainbow flag stickers on the back they were so nice to us it was amazing also my cousin said apparently they seemed like they were smoking weed who knows we were in minnesota so it’s legal. ANYWAY they jumpstarted the car and it WORKEDDDD IT TURNED ON we were so fucking happy we said thanks and that was it. the most kindest stranger i’ve ever met left and we didn’t even get their name
anyway so there was still a problem lol OUR PHONES WERE DEADDD. BUT!!! the charger was finally working and my cousin used her phone for directions and i had to drive us outta the city again. we couldn’t stop to get food or gas because we couldn’t turn off the car or it might not have turned back on so we just had to go straight home.
insanity actual insanity like okay wow. it was super funny in the moment like im the type of person to laugh about these things during it even though it was super serious and we could’ve gotten stranded in the freezing cold in a different state with no way to contact our parents like that’s cool totally fine
anyway i just got home we almost ran outta gas im so fucking tired like i stayed up til 3am last night got hardly any sleep now it’s almost 1 in the morning so gn id rate this whole entire experience a 10/10 would do again
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