#not exactly but synnie tagged me on a wednesday so
sangfearmoved · 5 years
ANOTHER MUNDAY PROMPT. *  remember to repost, not reblog!
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name:   sprite
preferred pronouns:  uhhhh
selectivity:  i’ll follow most blogs that seem to conduct themselves well and are of a fandom i have at least a passing knowledge of, but otherwise i’m not too picky. i’d love to follow more ppl in fact i am just far too intimidated for crossovers and despite having a smash verse i can’t be convinced to follow ppl first   ( not that i’ve made a promo in almost a literal year like ??? )
favorite animal:  hmm owls i think? tho i’ve become quite interested about squid whooPS
favorite muse you’ve had so far ever: likewise i haven’t had a lot i spent a lot of time with --- red link, vio link, and soda --- so uhhhh it’s no contest! ur lookin at her blog as we speak. i had an old au shadow link i was v fond of but i don’t want a lot to do with him now, sooo no thanks.
muse you kinda wanna pick up: hhhhhhhhhhhh i wanna write ryuji sakamoto from P5 no one gives him enough love ???? that and im a sucker for bitter blond dudes! but there’s more than a couple things stopping me from that   ( i don’t know the fandom, i don’t trust myself writing a canon, aaand i go back to school in five days )
most identifiable fictional character:  once i was told i was a lot like annabeth from pjo and i still laugh at that. but no i don’t consume enough media i’ve no idea
what color your aura is/think it is: most people’s auras aren’t strong enough to be one color but like a sea-green or turquoise
personality stuff you agree with (astrology, mbti, hogwarts house, etc. be as specific as you want):  gemini sun, i forgot moon sign, pisces rising; line between intp and intj, slytherin, i think im chaotic neutral? i forgot
do you think you’re a good driver:  i’m not learning to drive until i’m 18 no questions asked but once i drove around a parking lot all right so
favorite minor discourse:  i don’t get out enough and i’m too tired to make up one
favorite vine and/or meme:  again: i stay in my own corner of the internet and never leave i know Nothing
why did you choose this muse:  don’t call me out like thissss basically, i was dissatisfied w the portrayal of Agent 3 ocs, so i made my own. splatoon also had a modern setting and a lot of room to worldbuild, both of which were things i needed in a new muse --- plus, as she was an oc, i could tailor soda to fit the archetype i so dearly wanted to write back then. though she’s developed and fallen back from it quite a bit, she’s still satisfying to write for those reasons.
favorite rp memory:   i don’t think i have one ???
give a shoutout to someone:  @takoruler/ @internpus for having v good headcanons and characterization and worldbuilding and convincing me to come to this rpc just to interact w her wonderful octavio. thank u for inspiring some of soda’s most unique aspects and the foundation for her moral dilemma JNHUMIDFS
tagged by: @burstbombbitch jabs u tagging: who
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