#not fexi related
thedarkestgreys · 5 months
what songs do you associate with fexi? 🩵
oh my gosh, there’s so many to choose from nonny. but here’s a few recent favorites 💕
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Yall how is it possible that I'm currently #1 in our fantasy football league 💀
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Hello everyone! Due to the success of Year of Smutty Fexi Fics, we decided to create another exciting event called Four Seasons of Fexi. Each season will get multiple prompts to inspire Fexi related works. These works can be fics, art, videos, gifs, playlists, collages, or social media AUs. Also, the works can be smutty OR non-smutty. We want to give a chance for everyone to participate! Here are the prompts for summer, which will go from now until the end of August. 
Summer☀️ June, July, August
Summer themed 
Examples: Camping, fireworks, grilling, outdoors, rollerblading/roller skating
Examples: Honeymoon, trips, flying, cross-country road trip, hotels, motels, trains, bus, cars  
Examples: Beach, lake, ocean, sea, river, boat, yacht, swimming, shower, bath, water guns, water balloons, surfing, snorkeling 
Examples: Pink, jobs/careers, himbo boyfriend
Friends to Lovers
Examples: friends that become lovers
Enemies to Lovers
Examples: enemies or rivals that become lovers
Check out the Four Seasons of Fexi page on our blog for a sneak peak of the other seasons! I will be using the tag #four seasons of fexi for posts related to this event. Please tag your work using this tag to help us keep track of things. Feel free to submit your work/links to the blog. If you have any suggestions for prompts, let us know! 
Thanks to @not-your-babyy13 for inspiring this idea! 
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theangrypomeranian · 8 months
Can we hear about the zekina sugar baby au!
(i just screamed "oh god" into my hands lmaoooo) so this one is inspired by a Fexi fic i read a while back. basically Tina is downing in student loan debt (so relatable lmao) and her bestie Jimmy Jr. is a sugar baby who has been trying to convince her to get into the business so that she can get some money to pay it off. she finally agrees and is matched up with Zeke, who comes from new money and needs a fake girlfriend to get his mom off his back about dating and not being alone. they end up falling in love and there's a lot of smut lol. there's not a whole lot to this one but here's a snippet:
He poked his head out and frowned at her. “This is a job, Tina. Don’t be judgemental.” “I’m not!” She held up her hands in surrender then lowered them back down to her lap. “I guess I just can’t see anyone wanting to pay for my company.” “Girl, shut up.” He rolled his eyes at her. “Anyone would be lucky to spend time with you, I keep telling you! You’d make bank, T. You’re hot!” He pulled himself back into his room, calling to her, “Some guy would be super excited to show off his hot girlfriend at a gala, deck you out in diamonds and designer!” Tina sighed and rolled her eyes fondly. “I just don’t think I’m sugar baby material. I’m not that hot–” “Tina Ruth Belcher, you shut your mouth before I slap you!” “Sorry, sorry.” Not wanting to risk him actually coming out and slapping her, she resigned herself to silence as she checked her bank account. And winced. Yikes. Looks like her phone bill and her loan payment had come out this week. Looks like she’d be eating ramen again for the next few weeks. Jimmy came out of his room and frowned when he saw the look on her face. “Uh oh. What is it?” “I’m broke. Again.” She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, one hand raising to rub her temples as she felt a headache coming on. “Getting really tired of fighting starvation.” “I’m sure if you talked to your dad, he would give you a raise–” “No,” she shook her head, opening her eyes and giving the boy a firm look. “I’m not going to bother him with this. I knew what I was in for when I took the loan out.” “You thought you’d have someone to help you pay it,” Jimmy Jr. argued, crossing his arms and frowning at her. “I could lend you some money–” “No.” Here they went again, he tried this argument every month. Didn’t he ever give up? “You need your money, I’m not going to take it.”
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muserepeats · 6 months
❄️ & ☁️ <3
Thanks for playing!
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
There's an artist on IG, and I hope they won't mind me sharing their handle, called vicccluo who has some amazing Fexi art and one particular series has me dreaming. It's basically Lexi, Rue, Maddy serving femme fatale lady assassin with a film noir aesthetic and I would just LOOOVE to read a fic where Lexi is on a team of female criminals and comes across Fez the dealer in some moodly Gotham-esque setting. They partner together for something crime-related and you know what happens next. I have no plot in my mind, just vibes. I would be thrilled if anyone wants to write something like that!
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
"Muse repeats" is my way of referring to the idea that creativity and inspiration might feel far away, but it will always come back eventually. So, yes, my username is basically referencing writer's block. (I'm in a slump lately but I know the ideas and motivation will show up again. Any minute, ma'am.)
Q's linked here
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myfemininedivine · 1 year
Every day I hope that my favorite writer will update taste or telephone wires 🥺
oh my god thank you for thinking of me. Life’s been piling on me and my inspo has been off and on since. Ive also figured a lot of interest has died (expected ofc) as my own has dwindled — I’ve made many drafts of fexi related one shots that never made it bc of this (I’ll at least try to get my ass to actually look at that half done taste update I wrote 😭)
Anyway, I’ve had an anon ask me about these two works before and If you’re the same, I sincerely apologize.
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anonymous-fexi · 1 year
I'm going to start anew thing called Fexi Polls. I will try to make a new fexi related poll every week. Stay tuned.
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lesser-bohemian · 1 year
Why do you think the Euphoria fandom's most popular characters/ship is Lexi Howard & Fezco (Fexi)? They're not one of the main ships featured on the show, like Rue and Jules. And while many fans clearly identify with Lexi, who is intelligent, dedicated, caring and passionate, I wonder why (especially amongst fellow fanfic writers) Kat Hernandez, who writes fanfiction and has a secret double life on the internet, isn't more popular in the Euphoria fandom, or featured more prominently in fanfic.
Oh, this is an interesting ask! I’ve actually thought a lot about why I’m still so enamored by these two, and I think there’s a combination of things that made so many of us fall so hard for them.
One thing is that they were a lot of people’s favorite’s characters individually. Fez is the drug dealer with a difficult past and a heart of gold. Lexi is the relatable writer with a vivid imagination who’s overlooked by her friends and family. They’re two of the most sensible, down to earth, genuinely kind characters on a pretty dark, chaotic show and that makes them easy and fun to root for.
Another thing, and probably the most important one, is that all of their interactions were absolutely flawless. Every single line of dialogue gave me butterflies, their body language made me swoon, their chemistry is simply unmatched and I think they altered our collective brain chemistry forever. The connection they found in each other felt so unexpected, but so genuine and sweet—which was a delightful breath of fresh air. They were just two shy, kind of awkward teenagers falling in love and it was a beautiful thing to watch.
There’s also the fact that they fit so many tropes people love (good girl/bad boy, opposites attract etc.) while subverting them in really satisfying ways at the same time. Sure Fez is ‘bad’ 'cause he sells drugs and beats people up, but he’s also one of the sweetest, most caring people on the show, and Lexi is ‘good’, but she is a lot more than that, so much more complex. They both have many of those famous layers to peel back, and they compliment and contrast each other in ways that I personally find endlessly fascinating to explore.
As for them not having a lot of screen time, I actually think that’s contributed to us being blessed with so many amazing and creative fics, not hindered it. Having so little to go on, means we have so much to fill in, so much to imagine, so many scenarios to explore in our writing. How did the phone calls start? What happened after the store scene? How often did they hang out? How does Lexi find out about the raid? Where do they go from there? There’s nothing like unanswered question to fuel your desire to write something that answers them, I think. Personally, I’d never been in a fandom, written or even read fic before. But after 5 minutes of Fexi I was all over tumblr, signing up for AO3 and typing furiously in three different google docs. I’m still not entirely sure why, but Fexi were a rush unlike anything and I can’t wait to have them back, I miss them! As for Kat, I really don't know. She was one of my favorite characters in s1, more so than Lexi or Fezco, but I think a lot of writers prefer to write about ships, and even though her and Ethan were sweet (I mean that scene at winter formal? Heart eyes!) I always found Ethan a little bland (sorry). Add what they did with her character in s2 and knowing she won't be back, I'm not that surprised people don't have a lot of motivation to write Kat-centric fics at the moment.
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aeryqueen · 1 year
Why do you think the Euphoria fandom's most popular characters/ship is Lexi Howard & Fezco (Fexi)? They're not one of the main ships featured on the show, like Rue and Jules. And while many fans clearly identify with Lexi, who is intelligent, dedicated, caring and passionate, I wonder why (especially amongst fellow fanfic writers) Kat Hernandez, who writes fanfiction and has a secret double life on the internet, isn't more popular in the Euphoria fandom, or featured more prominently in fanfic.
That’s a really thoughtful question! Personally I believe that fexi, even though they’re not an official couple yet, are the most non-toxic pair, both in general and romantically. They have nice and thoughtful conversations, they respect and really listen each other and also they make the other one feel special! Their dynamic (so far at least) is a really healthy one, which is really uncommon on the show, so that’s why I believe they have such an effect on the people. Moreover like you already said, lexi is a character that many people relate to and see themselves into, so having that character being romantically involved with a person who treats them so well is something really beautiful to see.
In regards to Kat’s popularity in the fandom, I think the stuff that you mentioned and her struggle with body image are the only characteristics of hers that could make her relatable to the vast majority. Plus, on season two she had very reduced screentime and the way she treated ethan, who is a genuinely nice guy, I feel have contributed to her “unpopularity”. On the contrary to Kat, Lexi has a very relatable character (I could write an essay about it) and on season two we saw more of her personality and got to know her better, so I feel that is why she’s more popular than Kat.
Thanks for the question!!🫶🏼
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libra-lizard · 1 year
Why do you think the Euphoria fandom's most popular characters/ship is Lexi Howard & Fezco (Fexi)? They're not one of the main ships featured on the show, like Rue and Jules. And while many fans clearly identify with Lexi, who is intelligent, dedicated, caring and passionate, I wonder why (especially amongst fellow fanfic writers) Kat Hernandez, who writes fanfiction and has a secret double life on the internet, isn't more popular in the Euphoria fandom, or featured more prominently in fanfic.
Yes!! I wonder about this all the time as well anon!! I guess I can't really speak for writers as a whole but here's my take.
Season 1 was all about Kat for me. I loved her story, loved her and Ethan and still think the one direction fanfic scene is one of the funniest moments in the show.
But then season 2 hit and fexi hit hard and while I can relate to both of them a lot, especially lexi, it's their desire to love and be loved that really gets me. We get to see two people who are consistently hurt by those closest to them, two that have had to grow up too fast and have sort of been pushed into their roles. But then they come together and from the first conversation, you can tell they're both as stunned as the viewer that their dynamic works. We see them finally find someone who gets them and actually listens!?!? LIKE STAB MY HEART.
I think they really resonate with a lot of viewers because they are both really kind people who have a lot of love to give but never really had someone return it with the same care.
So while I loved Kat/Ethan, the power of Fexi actually brought me to writing fanfic. Wanting to talk about and delve deeper into their dynamic in every possible scenario because I think there's a timelessness to the quiet desperateness of wanting to be loved and finding it unexpectedly.
Thank you so much for the ask anon! 💖
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bobrossstan · 2 years
What’s a fic that you feel still sticks with you long after you read it?
There are so many good fics, the fexi hive is really talented. But here are my 5 fics i will never forget:
1. Folsom Prison Blues by Blu1376: This will live rent free in my head forever. The angst and amount of emotions i went through when reading this was mind-blowing. I still remember some scenes from time to time.
2. to light up your night (with only my smile and nothing that burns) by the lovely @lesser-bohemian. I'll always remember this fic as having a small therapy session. The insecurities reflected on fez where so relatable and this warmed my heart.
3. The Beast You've Made Of Me by @feelavalanche. A classic. I have read this so many times and I'm team Demisexual Fez.
4. half love, half regret by @luuver3. Em took my small prompt and made it a hot masterpiece. Just chef kiss.
5. The Date by @coco-bug. It has my favorite ash, the conversation between Lexi and Ash in the third episode is the most canon interaction between them. Loved the backstory of ash and his relationship with kitty.
Bonus for i was in the hall when you died that made me cry like a baby, and every @myfemininedivine hot fic that make me a sinner.
P.D. almost forgot, any fic by @thedarkestgreys, above all your violent overnight rush. Two words: small touches!
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thedarkestgreys · 2 years
Tumblr media
okay so I guess I do got something but it’s literally being posted tomorrow but here’s a sneak peak anyways 🎃🔪👻
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Favorite fexi head cannon?
is saying that they'd have a HEA enough of a hc lmaooo i'm not too picky on the how or the why!
actually, that he and suze would get along super super well (along with ash) i realize this is only tangentially related to lexi, but yeah i just imagine them as a happy family and he'd have that mother figure in his life again (we all know suze is not your typical mom, but still would be the most normal of the mother figures he's had)
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thesweetescapism · 1 year
Why do you think the Euphoria fandom's most popular characters/ship is Lexi Howard & Fezco (Fexi)? They're not one of the main ships featured on the show, like Rue and Jules. And while many fans clearly identify with Lexi, who is intelligent, dedicated, caring and passionate, I wonder why (especially amongst fellow fanfic writers) Kat Hernandez, who writes fanfiction and has a secret double life on the internet, isn't more popular in the Euphoria fandom, or featured more prominently in fanfic.
I’m not sure why exactly, cos everyone is different but if I were to guess it’s because, it definitely was surprising and came out of left field but in a good way! In comparison to others, I would say it is one of or the healthiest romance on the show. I really loved Jules/Rue season 1 esp but towards the end it started getting toxic on both sides but I still liked the arc it just gets hard to root for a ship sometimes when it’s right in the middle of the messiness of their story. So with Fexi, it felt like a breath of fresh air, ESPECIALLY in juxtaposition to Nate and Cassie! But individually I think Lexi and Fez are fan favorites and relatable in a lot of ways.
As far as Kat idk? I really really fucking love Kat, especially season 1. I read Euphoria fanfic before Fexi was a thought and it was mostly Rue/Lexi and the few Kat/Ethan fics there were. Back in season 1/pre Rue/Jules eps there was barely even any Euphoria fan fic period. Nate/Jules, Rue/Jules & surprisingly Rue/Lexi was popular. Once season 2 hit Rue/Lexi basically vanished and Fexi took over 80% of the fics. I just think it doesn’t have as many who like Euphoria who want to write fic for it compared to other fandoms.
I personally like most characters and would read about any of them in some form but maybe that will change when season 3 finally airs? 🤞🏾
Thanks for the ask Anon! 😘
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writer-of-passion · 1 year
⭐ I wanna hear about a Fexi story you have planned!
Let me tell you about this fluffy, multi-chapter fic that I've been writing for on and off! (I won't spoil anything, but if you've read Your words are a garden and we speak in petals then it's in the same vein as that.)
First off, it's all about tea! I've seen so many coffee AUs, but I've never seen one related to tea before, so I wanted to try my hand at it.
This story has taken me, no joke, 5 months to write. So many sources I have to credit for this to even be possible. Felt like I was writing a college dissertation of the subject. I now know more about tea than probably anyone! 😭 (and you all will too when y'all read it)
Labor of love does not even BEGIN to cover what I did for this fic. If you thought I did my research on that floriography fic, then you ain't read nothing yet! 💀💀💀💀
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muserepeats · 1 year
Why do you think the Euphoria fandom's most popular characters/ship is Lexi Howard & Fezco (Fexi)? They're not one of the main ships featured on the show, like Rue and Jules. And while many fans clearly identify with Lexi, who is intelligent, dedicated, caring and passionate, I wonder why (especially amongst fellow fanfic writers) Kat Hernandez, who writes fanfiction and has a secret double life on the internet, isn't more popular in the Euphoria fandom, or featured more prominently in fanfic.
Hmmm, so I think there are a few separate questions in this ask and many other people have articulated opinions that I share re: the lead inquiry. (Fez and Lexi were the rare earnest and genuinely romantic pairing in a season fraught with addiction, enabling addiction, being traumatized by an addict you love, toxic masculinity, cheating, fucking your best friend's ex, abuse, human trafficking, murder, etc. And Fez and Lexi are both attractive people. And they have great chemistry onscreen. And it was unexpected on a surface level yet worked so beautifully upon execution.)
[More below cuz I'm blabbering on.]
I have to disagree that Kat isn't popular in the overall Euphoria fandom. It's my understanding that lots of people were super bummed about her truncated arc in S2 and would have loved to see her with a meaningful and more integrated storyline in S3. She's featured on Dax's podcast this week, and her Euphoria commentary has been covered by multiple entertainment news outlets. Sure, it's partly "people love mess and want to know drama" but it's also "we loved this character and want to know why things didn't work out." I think Kat is popular and that's why the whole thing garners such attention, even now.
Musing on Kat inclusion in fics is a different thing. (And I do think overall Euphoria fandom is different from fic fandom and is different from tumblr fandom.) It's not particularly motivating for writers to watch a character they once enjoyed get a dead-end story. Not much to work with in S2. I would have loved to see more depth into her realization that "what you think you want isn't what you actually want" or whatever the Maddy quote was. That's such a relatable idea and would have been SO compelling to explore for Kat. But, didn't happen and we got minimal sidekick action. (A fix-it fic for Kat as an independent character would be lovely and I would gladly read it!)
Quite frankly, if Lexi hadn't gotten a strong narrative arc (including a romance) in S2 I don't think she'd appear frequently in fics. So to me, it's the compelling connection between Fez and Lexi that drives popularity. They both grew a lot and showed different sides to their characters, brought to the forefront by their interaction with one another.
Re: Kat in Fexi fics, I'm not surprised she isn’t prominently featured because she's not super connected to Fez or Lexi in-canon. Ash, Cassie, and Rue all make sense as more central figures in their stories. Even with AUs, there are some interesting relationship dynamics between Fez & Ash, Ash & Lexi, Cassie & Lexi, Rue & Fez, etc. that can drive plot, tension, character development, yada yada yada.
Possibly things like fat phobia and racism factor in, too. But I don’t think those are the only reasons we don’t get a lot of Kat.
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