#not finishing this btw this was a 100% self indulgent sketch I wanted to do for the hell of it lmao
ink--theory · 11 months
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missazura · 2 years
You deserve so much better! Azzy, you’re one of the strongest ppl ever. One day I promise you will be free of that crushing weight. You won’t be trapped anymore. Something will change!! Even if it takes baby steps!!!
If you do emergency commissions I will 100% buy from you!! And I suggest, to reduce risk of further injury or burnout, to make them just, the messiest sketch commissions. Headshots, even, if you don’t want to do full body or even half body. I did kofi commissions $10 headshot scribbles each, stuff that would barely take me 15 minutes and it was so much easier on my mental health than doing $150 full painted stuff that would take hours and drain me because it wasn’t anything self indulgent for myself, you know what I mean? Like I get my energy from drawing self ship, and I couldn’t self ship for months bc I felt obligated to finish my commissions first. It took me 9 months to finish all of my deadlines bc I would go WEEKS or even months without drawing bc I just, hated feeling haunted by all that work I’d have to do. But doing wayyyy smaller commissions afterward was so much easier for me, and the money added up way more quickly than the hundred dollar pieces, simply because I was able to work much faster and even more than before bc I wasn’t as drained and I still had time for myself. I’d get maybe two scribbles done, then allow myself to draw my own self ship stuff as much as I wanted, take a break a day later, then do two more scribbles.
Anyway that’s just a suggestion from my own experience but I know we’re all different and work in different ways! I love u so much and I am thinking of you!!! Please take care of yourself and know that everything will be okay!!!
hey that's a great idea actually. I feel the same way about my work too, I can't accept new commissions till this one's finished bc my commissioners have waited for so long already and I'm not about to skip theirs and add more into my workload bc I'm desperate for money. doing emergency sketch commissions is a wonderful idea, btw. thank you so much for the suggestion!
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