#not gonna tag anyone rn bc im procrastinating and need to get back to work 😅😅
chiwoopsie · 4 years
tagged by @sunnie-dk (thanks amyyyy!)
Nickname: I respond to almost anything tbh 😂
Zodiac: gemini sun, taurus moon, leo/virgo rising
Height: ~166 cm
Hogwarts house: slytherin
Last thing I googled: “digital escape room harry potter” insight into my desperate search for things my middle schoolers could do asjdf
Song stuck in my head: What You Waiting For by Somi 
Number of followers: idk why but it’s been decreasing lately looool
Hours of sleep: oof right now 7. it's not bad but i still wanna get more
Lucky number: 5...i guess
Dream job: Gonna be general here and say working with youth! I’m already kinda doing it so yea 
Currently wearing: Oversized canada tee tucked into some gym shorts
Favorite song: Right now, Bad Idea by Moonbin & Sanha and La Di Da by Everglow
Favorite instrument: piano?
Aesthetic: comfy city casual, museums/libraries, sunshine with a gentle breeze, a cup of coffee or tea
Favorite author: hmm it’s been a long time since I’ve read books by author so I’ll turn this into what I read last, which was Becoming by Michelle Obama (actually I listened to the audiobook and her voice is so nice to listen to 😊)
Random: Currently listening to a podcast about Digital Literacy in the Classroom while planning my after school enrichments instead of finishing my hw :)
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jemmo · 3 years
‘get to know me’ tag game
rules: answer the questions and tag people you’d like to get to know better.
i was tagged by @ena-noya11 and yes this is old but ive been busy with uni and am not gonna miss a chance to rant about myself. but i wont tag anyone, just if you see this do it bc wtf not???
What do you perfer to be called name-wise?
jess, always jess. i cant remember the last time anyone called me jessica. although some people do call me moon which is cute
When is your birthday?
september 23rd
Where do you live?
im as british as they come
Three things you are doing right now:
let me see...im procrastinating from doing my dry lab work bc i cant go back into labs, im listening to my lovely new side m boys (rn its infinite possibilities by s.e.m, who lowkey may be my faves) and im knitting a jumper
Four fandoms that have piqued your interest?
1. atm defo hypmic. cant wait for the 3rd drb release to drop, in need hq black journey
2. also defo defo sk8 i really cant get enough of these skateboard gays, and ive ventured into ao3 and i dont regret it at all 
3. again, idolmaster side m (can you tell i like the 2d idols) i just binged the anime after finishing a uni project and the music is absolute fire i would sell my soul for all of them
4. i hate to say it but the promised neverland, bc the first season was so good and now ive picked up the manga, and personally every single situation ive headcannoned is better than what this season is giving me
How has the pandemic been treating you?
idk really?? like day to day it doesn’t feel that bad, but i feel like it isn’t helping me at all. this is my 4th year of uni which was supposed to be very lab heavy which hasn’t happened, and being away has really dropped my confidence in being able to actually do science. and as a shy person it’s just giving me an excuse to be distant and keep to myself which isn’t good bc i know i need to make an effort to be social. but at least ive been able to spend lots of time with my family which is great bc 3 years of uni has really taught me how much i miss them when im away
but it gave me the perfect opportunity to get into anime which is great bc as a person that in the past hyperfixates and jumps between fandoms, something tells me this is gonna stick
A song you can’t stop listening to right now?
KAIGEN by badass temple. no joke it slaps. as of rn i want them to win the drb, just bc of how hard that song goes
How old are you?
22. fuck im 22, 23 this year. it feels like i only just turned 18, how am i supposed to be an adult now
School, univerisity, occupation, other?
uni, im in my 4th masters year doing biochem (and genetics), although all im studying this year is plants plants plants 
Do you prefer heat or cold?
cold. defo cold. i dont mind the summer but ever since i got heatstroke a couple of years ago in a very very hot paris, ive been scarred
Name one fact others may not know about you.
i love love love watching costube, it is my gig. id love to be able to sew properly and make my own clothes
Are you shy?
definately. unless you are my family, i dont know how to act around you
Biggest pet peeves?
people just not being concious of the fact that the world exists kinda?? like people that are just too preocupied with themselves. like its not that hard to just do a helpful job for someone. and you can be completely selfish about it, bc itll make you feel good to help someone else. just be nice.
What is your favorite “dere” type?
lol lowkey i love a bakadere, but only if theyre done well
Rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
probably 8, maybe even a 9. i have the best family, and im doing well at uni. i can just hang out, watch anime, do some work, do some crochet or knitting. i have lots of stuff to so and that i want to do which always feels great. but im also right at that turning point where im about to leave uni and have to figure out what my life is gonna be like which is terrifying, and im also at that point where i feel like my entire life revolves around uni work which kinda sucks bc theres other stuff i want to do, like learn to sew, or learn a language, that i just dont have time for. but honestly, i wouldnt have it any other way
What’s your main blog?
youre on it
List your side blogs and what they’re used for.
none. i dont have time or the mental capacity to cope with side blogs. this is just the mess of content and stream of concious rants you get
Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
i SUCK at communicating. like i actively dislike communicating unless it is a 1 on 1 face to face conversation. so if i dont message you, it doesnt mean i hate you. i just suck at keeping in contact with people, and am working on it. so please just talk to me, bc ill never not want to talk
lol if you got to the end thanks and see ya 
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shyung-shoes · 4 years
tagged by the absolutely wonderful @kyunsies <3333 (i didnt know u changed ur url till this post!! its v cute!!)
20 questions!!
1. what do you prefer to be called name wise?
my full name is jillian but everyone calls me jill (except my family, especially my mom) i love nicknames tho but have never really had one beyond jill so if u give me a nickname ill die
2. when is your birthday?
aug 28
3. where do you live
east coast babyyyy
4. three things u are doing right now?
procrastinating on an assignment, watching a drama (while you were sleeping), and ignoring the basket of laundry i need to put away
5. four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
apink, gwsn, astro, april!! im still very new to all these groups tho so if anyone has any content/music recs, please lemme know :D
6. how's this pandemic been treating you?
it was a lot harder at first w/ the sudden transition from college to home. i was super happy at school and it was rough on my brain to be back home. but now ive adapted more and am doing better! i cant wait to go back to school though god
7. a song u cant stop listening to right now?
gonna reveal the extremes of my music taste but uh after the bloom (alone) by gwsn and bonfire by childish gambino. also without me by eminem. idk i think ive been feeling very angry/annoyed so rap is just a good way to get it out. and ive been fuckin so hard w/ gwsn’s discography that i had to put them on here
8. recommend a movie
tune in for love! truthfully, i prefer watching tv to movies but i watched this the other day and really enjoyed it! very cute and the ending was an actually satisfying ambiguous ending which is rare i think. its on netflix :P
9. how old are u?
18- im almost always the baby among my friends :// and i think im the baby on here a lot too
10. school, university, occupation, other?
im a rising sophomore in college and currently working as a dance teacher and waiting to hear back about an internship that’s actually in my field (event managment)
11. do u prefer heat or cold?
cold! i run hot naturally so i overheat super easily and i hate that feeling of sweating and being lightheaded. winter fashion also is much more my speed with boots and big jackets and darker lip colors
12. name one fact others may not know about u
im in a sorority! i think one or two people may know on here but i dont talk a lot about it. gamma phi baby (also @kyunsies youre only 4′11?? a baby!!)
13. are u shy?
i wouldnt call myself shy, im just anxious so im much more quiet when i meet someone for the first couple times. once im comfy w/ someone, my personality really comes out for all its dramatic glory
14. do u have preferred pronouns?
15. biggest pet peeve?
almost all my pet peeves have to do w/ eating lolol cause i get really bad anxiety and sensory overload from things like chewing sounds. so when people eat with their mouths open or let their silverware scrape across their teeth frustrates the hell out of me. the last one feels very specific but it irritates me yeet
16. what is your favorite ‘dere’ type?
tsundere or dandere i guess?? when a character starts to open bc of their love interest... i love it. ESPECIALLY when that character then becomes more open w/ other people because of their love. this also probably explains my natural tendency to love scorpios i think
17. rate your life 1-10, 1 being rlly crappy and 10 being the best it could ever be
i think im a solid 7 rn! which is honestly a lot better than i wouldve given it a month ago so thats a plus. im struggling w/ some mental health things rn but honestly, im pretty content with the way things seem to be unfolding for me
18. what’s your main blog?
this one! its not my actual main blog but this is the only one i use, tumblr just wont let me make this my main bc its dumb
19. list your side blogs and wha they’re used for?
i had a voltron side blog back in 2017? i think? but i havent watched the show in years bc its problematic as fuck i just didnt realize it back then
20. is there anything u think people need to know about u before becoming friends with u?
i am an extremely inconsistent responder- i am the epitome of the will respond in 2 seconds or 2 days thing but i will always respond to your message at some point. if this is about friends irl, its that i always have an earbud in and thats not an exaggeration- listening to music always makes me less anxious so i constantly just have an earbud in in case i feel myself get jittery. so i promise i am paying attention even if it doesnt look like it- im top tier at being able to pay attention to a song and a conversation
ill tag... @wennjunhui @leexchan @iiasha @lovechwe @1of1orbit @agemnor(theres ofc no pressure!!! <33)
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