#not included here is dying many times to the cazadores in between goodsprings and red rock canyon
amazinglyegg · 2 years
A continuation of my Fallout New Vegas blind adventures: Episode 2, the murder arc
So in between learning that Victor is sadly NOT a cannibal and this post, I decided to pick up some companions. Flirted with Arcade, did immoral tests on Lily, and got a sick (both in the slang definition meaning "cool" AND the literal definition meaning "unwell") dog named Rex.
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I got a nice doggy brain from Ceasers Legion for my baby boy. I wanted to use the brain as an excuse to kill them but sadly they gave it to me without a fight. I realized there's no possible morally good ending where the Slave Owner Torturers are still around so I decided to kill them all anyway.
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On my way to picking up Boone at the Lucky 38 for our murder party Mr. House told me to NOT kill Ceaser under ANY circumstance... so... uhh...
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Guess we're not siding with Mr. House anymore!
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I died! A lot! I didn't take any screenshots but after dying 10+ times just to the guys IN Ceasers tent I came up with the great plan of using Boone and Rex as distractions (set to "wait" near the front of the tent) and surrounding them with mines, as most of the legion dudes use melee. It didn't work, but at least Boone and Rex died doing what they love: being in horrible pain all the time.
I grabbed my companions (who were flung halfway across the map due to the power of the explosions) and walked into the tent -
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Is that fucking benny.
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Uhh I freed him. I know, I know, not a popular choice, but in compared to the Legion he's like a poor little kitten. Plus, killing people really did a number on me, and seeing that little "You've gained karma!" notification gave me a boost in serotonin. I wonder if we'll cross paths again or if he'll slowly fade away from the story due to the fact 99% of people would have killed him by now.
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I kinda remember Mr. House saying something about a secret basement and whatnot but honestly every time he talks I just immediately zone out so idk what's down there. Surely if it's protected by Super Special Chip Powers it must be good? Treasure or something?
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No its just fucking Mr. House. The exact guy I wanted NOT to see after beating the shit out of Ceaser. Why are you down here buddy? Are you having a secret affair with Ceaser?? What am I upgrading?? Your robo dick??? No thanks bro. I'm going back to collecting companions like pokemon cards and using my newfound enemy status with the Legion to befriend Boone enough to unlock is edgy backstory. You have fun down here I guess.
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