#not including hatchan of course
just-kessho · 5 years
Unrequited [2/5]
Unrequited: [1] [Here] [3] [4] [5] [Epilogue]
It seemed like humans pissed of God in more than one way.
Because they fucking cursed the humans.
First, if your love isn’t reciprocated, you would cough up flowers, painful but beautiful nonetheless. Secondly, if you continue, they would clog up your lungs and you will suffocate. Until death opened his arms and invited you to hug him of course.
And you can remove it all... the pain, the sorrow, the envy, the butterflies, the love with a single operation.
There were instances when, unable to cope with the pain, one sought medial help, thus removing all traced of flowers from their lungs, escaping from the emotion altogether.
And they mean “altogether”, as after the operation, you could never love again. True, you will still cry and laugh, however, everyone in history who underwent the operation claimed to never feel that bashful feeling of being in love again.
Zoro used to stay uncharacteristically quiet when that topic was ever brought up. And as Robin accidentally found a photo of a short haired girl which dropped out from the man’s wallet, the truth had to be brought out.
Of course, Luffy practically talked Zoro’s ears off before the latter gave in.
It turns out that the captain of the Kendo Club did suffer from Hanahaki Disease. What a surprising turn of events. He used to cough up daisies before they turned to hyacinths.
After his childhood friend, Kuina was her name, showed no interest in him, he began resenting the small flowers which were brought out everytime he coughed.
After she departed, both the blossom and colour changed. They were no longer an innocent white, but a royal purple, and changed to hyacinths.
They all stopped after the operation.
Heh, God must have thought that humans are such pitiful creatures. After all, the common man would sell his very soul just to get a glimpse of Heaven. Hmph, they probably wouldn’t even care. Get high on pills and strange crystals. Get drunk on blood wine. Such fragile creatures are the humans, why still pursue such sinful activities when you are accelerating towards Death?
… Why still love when you could die from it?
Why not get an operation?
What was there to loose? When the battle has already been lost before it has begun?
Your inner monologue was rudely interrupted by another coughing fit. As usual, various red pedals, soft as ever, cascaded down, landing in a small pile of sorrowful rose coloured just in front of your thighs.
After several moments where the only sound was the painful heaving coming from your mouth, you decided to do something about the pedals. Within the next few minutes, you had thrown out all evidence.
You heaved a heavy sigh and collapsed on your bed, arms spread out taking as much (unnecessary) space as possible.
Lying on your back, you debated on what to do. In the end, you unlocked your phone and stared up at the screen, which illuminated your surroundings in the darkness.
Phone Luffy and be talked your ear off?
Phone Nami and listen to her rant about money?
Phone Usopp and having to endure (not that you hated them) love stories?
Phone Zoro only for the Moss-head to hang up five seconds later?
Phone Sanji? Ha ha. Very funny.
Phone Chopper? That’s something new.
Phone Robin and be scared of the dark?
Phone Franky and become deaf?
Phone Brook?
… Maybe next time.
As the oily green turned into a golden yellow, the season of harvest descended on the largest island on the Grand Line. The island where the famous Grand Line University is home to.
True, there are smaller islands surrounding the “main” one (including the luxurious floating restaurant – Baratie), and pupils from not only the Grand Line but all four seas flocked to the university like pirates to a treasure.
And it was here that you made such loyal friends… and fell in love.
Only for your heart to be ripped out mercilessly.
You chuckled dryly at the cliché thought your coffee-intoxicated brain created. As cheesy as if sounds, you really felt as if your heart has been ruthlessly cut open, only for the blood to drain out slowly.
… Okay, how you’re just making yourself sad.
“Oh, [Name]-chin, how are you?”
“… Absolutely fine Keimi!” You tried to be cheerful, you really did, however, as soon as your mermaid friend’s happy voice reached your ears, you couldn’t help but be a tad bit envious of her carefree attitude.
Life was much, much easier several months back…
You two chatted about pointless things, ranging from Pappug and her friend Hatchan to her melodramatic shock at your disgust at a certain type of food.
“Hey Keimi…”
“Yes, [Name]-chin?”
“… What do you do… when someone you know has Hanahaki Disease…?”
A short silence, then-
Ah, typical Keimi.
“Shhh, Keimi!” You put a finger to your lips unconsciously, mentally scolding yourself at the fact that she could not see you, “You’ll wake everybody in the Grand Line!”
“Sorry, sorry!” You could almost see her sheepish smile.
“But yeah, someone I know, and you know as well, has got Hanahaki Disease… hey, as a uh, friend, I’m asking for her sake… what should that person do?”
“[Name]-chin, why do you ask such impossibly hard questions?”
“Because I’m [Name] [Surname], the Impossible Girl.”
“Oooooh, nice Doctor Who reference!” Her tone then dropped, now sounding sincere and serious, “But… I really cannot answer that. Their life, after all, only answers to them, and them alone. So… well, if they wanted to carry the operation, then I whole heartedly support them, and if they do not, then that’s fine too! … But, I do wonder, if their happiness mean that little to them…”
“… Keimi, when did you turn into Robin?”
The other laughed, and said that coincidentally, she did meet up with Robin several hours prior.
“… Thank you Keimi.”
“No problem [Name]-chin, it’s what friends do!”
“Yeah. Good night.”
“Bye [Name]-chin!”
As you pressed the red button, you felt slightly relieved… even though what you said was a white lie, at least you had some sort of idea on what to do.
Turning onto your side, you stared at the digital clock.
The last thing which lingered on your thought was that nothing, nothing could possibly stand between Sanji and his happiness.
Not even you.
So, you will reserve yourself to the shadows, securely placing a laughing mask when the two would inevitable walk down the aisle.
Once again, you thought that nothing could come between Sanji and Nami.
… How naive you were.
Because his biological family just wouldn’t give up on their son that easily.
Resulting in…
Pudding waltzing into everybody life.
And then that arranged marriage caught everybody off guard.
Flower meanings:
Daisy (innocence, hope)
Purple hyacinth (sorrow, forgiveness, regret)
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