#not like I'm banging them out quickly or anything ahaha
tj-dragonblade · 5 months
Fishbowl therapy!
This is my Obligatory Fishbowl Rescue Fic! Except it happens in a dream after Dream tells Hob about why he missed the 1989 meeting. Hob doesn't want to make it about him, so he keeps his feelings to himself but that just leads to dreaming about what Dream's been through, which Dream visits, and they wind up talking about all of it anyway. Then enacting a rescue, having sex, and starting a relationship. It sounds terrible when I try to condense it like this, ahaha. Um. Here is a longer much better write-up on it, and here is a small snippet freshly drafted:
The dream he steps into is dim, and dank, unwelcoming. Hob is standing some distance ahead of him, facing a glass wall, talking to someone on the other side of it. His emotions are loud as they weave through the fabric of the dream: sorrow, anger—rage, even; remorse. Regret. Guilt. Dream does not have blood, as such, but it runs cold regardless. He understands what Hob is dreaming about. What Hob imagines is nothing like the reality of his imprisonment, Dream sees as he looks closer. The glass wall is tall and long, connecting at either end to two shorter panes that then connect to a stone wall that forms the back. The ceiling is relatively low, and the glass walls span from it to the floor; there are small grates for ventilation above, a small-but-serviceable bed in one corner, an alcove in the stone wall with a bucket and a sink. It is at least three meters from front to back and top to bottom, slightly longer from end to end, resembling nothing so much as a zoo exhibit for some large and dangerous creature, and Dream. He feels…he feels, certainly, to find himself in a dream of the tale he had related to Hob earlier this evening, but his feelings are conflicted. Hob's dream is far less starkly horrible than the reality, for which Dream is pleased; it is less upsetting than it could be, to be here, and he is warmed that his friend has taken the tale he was given and attempted to imagine how terrible it might have been and fallen short. It speaks well of Hob after so many centuries that he does not easily imagine cruelty of the degree that Dream had been dealt. But also. Hob clearly does not grasp the magnitude of the humiliation, the degradation, the isolation that Dream has endured, does not comprehend the suffering forced upon him. Hob has dealt in the caging and mistreatment of his fellow man, he should know the sorts of cruelties that come easily to those who would imprison others, should know that his vision is too kind, how DARE he— Dream closes his eyes, centers himself. He had not been specific in the details, when he relayed to Hob the reason for missing their meeting in 1989; 'imprisoned', 'glass cage', 'basement'—these are the relevant elements, and it does him no credit to be wroth with Hob for assembling them in a form less cruel than reality. He is, he decides, grateful for the kindness.
(and here is another snippet, from later in the fic)
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dancingbabya-notes · 2 years
Summer windows 13
Characters: Kaminari Denki, Iida Tenya, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Yoosung, Gojo Satoru, Kaeya Alberich, Yagi Toshinori
I'm literally banging my head against the desk right now I thought I posted this. I really did... but better late then never ahaha
I'm not sorry for that one.
85: Stargazing
“Y/N, finally taking a break from work?” Your neighbor asks as you step out.
As you lock your door you give a little nod. “It’s been busy, but I’ve finished most of my tasks.”
It wasn’t uncommon for Pro heroes to be clear about their lives, but you decided to go with the hidden identity approach. You are an authorized pro hero but your legal name is not connected to your hero name unless there is an emergency. But it was something you didn’t need to worry about because your cousin could usually answer when it came to emergencies.
Waving to your neighbor you wonder if the night would be kind to you.
Getting to the bottom floor you check your phone. “He’s late.”
To entertain yourself you make tiny ice sculptures in the palms of your hands. This was dangerous because if you did it for too long your hands might go numb or you’ll get frostbite. But just as the chill was turning to a burn you notice the blond.
“Hi Y/n, how have you been?”
“Good, let’s go. I just barely got these away from my cousin.” You hold up the case with a smile. It wasn’t dark yet but it was getting there quickly.
Kaminari takes the telescope case from you and you both walk to the designated spot quickly setting it up. Stargazing wasn’t exactly your hobby but you enjoyed it nonetheless, you only got into it because of your older cousin. You loved hearing everyone talk about their hobbies.
“Do you see anything cause I don’t?” He frowns, stepping back and you roll your eyes.
Gently sliding the cap off you present the sight again. Kaminari was silent looking through it. Was this a good thing or a bad thing? But before you could ask what he saw he looked at you and it was like a spark in his eyes, like he just found something that he found interesting.
He grabs you by the shoulders and crushes you in a hug. “Y/n, that’s so fucking cool thank you for showing me.”
You raise a brow a bit confused. Slipping from his grip when it slacks to see that he saw. Honestly you did love looking at the stars, you could name a few stars when you know the location and time of year. But as you pull away you could see Kaminari practically vibrating with excitement.
“Wanna look again? I can guide you in finding a few really nice constellations, at least I like them,” you chuckle.
“You don’t have to keep using my surname, just call me Denki, y/n.” He grins.
“But you're my senior.”
“And I’m saying as your senior just call me by my name, a friend of mine had to get their name changed for safety reasons and they told us to give ‘em a nickname instead. Claiming that they were more protective of nicknames than their given names,” Kam- Denki shrugs before looking into the lens again.
Nodding slightly you start gently guiding him and the telescope to change the view. Maybe five years of working under Denki should be enough time to be close to him, though this was your first time thinking about calling someone by their given name.
86: Bucket hat
Checking your watch you couldn’t help the impatient tapping of your foot. Iida is many things but being late was not usually one of them. You were pretty much dimming as you waited because any longer than ten minutes and you were leaving.
Turning to the sound of your name you blink. Iida was running over by he was mostly covered in soot and looked like he’d been working. This is the first time he was late for a date and didn’t tell you. Okay maybe you should give him the benefit of the doubt this is the first time this has happened.
Crossing your arms you still felt your foot tapping, the speed almost equal to that if you had a rabbit quirk. “What happened?”
That came out harsher than you thought.
But he begins bowing in apology. “I’m sorry I know I’d always tell you if I would be late for any reason. But just as I was about to do that my phone broke.”
To solidify this he held up the broken pieces in a bag. Not your body went cold as fear climbed up your back. Grabbing his shoulders you started looking at the exposed skin.
“Are you okay? Did you get proper rest? If you had called me or had someone else text me I would have been over there in a moment.” Your panic was obvious considering his job.
“I’m fine my dear, please breathe.” He took a breath and you mimicked him.
“Why did you come here like this? If you couldn’t come I wouldn’t have minded. I only need contact.” You groan letting him go. “Just take this, we’re going to my place.”
Iida tenses.
You tug on him. “You need to get cleaned up, all I have to cover up your mess is my bucket hat let’s go. I still have a spare set of clothes for you.”
He nods. “That is very thoughtful.”
“It was a gift for your birthday, but at least this way I have a way to figure out if it fits,” you sigh. “Just call me from the office next time. I’d rather know you're safe than you run and hurt yourself.”
His hand gently squeezed yours as you walked. “I’ll run to you even if you ask me not to.”
Holding yourself back from pinching him you glare. “Of all people who knew the previous class president was so reckless.”
87: Sun
“Hey lovely, are you ready?” You hold your hand to your best friend, Tetsutetsu, you both grew up together though when you both went to high school you didn’t talk until the beginning of this year.
“Y/n.” He grabs your hand but his face is red.
Chuckling, you lean against him. “Awe you used to love how close we are. How come you’re asking all shy now?”
Okay yes you took the joke a little too far. When you moved to Japan with your grandmother permanently everyone made assumptions on how you would act as a foreigner. You played so hard into that, it toned down a bit when you got to high school. Only enjoying teasing Tetsutetsu. Now you still keep it toned down.
“I’m not acting shy!”
Letting go of his hand you lock your fingers behind your head. “Alright, alright. I know. We’re not dating so I can’t cling to you.”
He turns to you a bit panicked. “I didn’t-
“Tetsu, I’m fine, don't worry. You’ve been giving me more than enough attention, how’s work been?” 
Maybe you were bluffing a bit, Tetsutetsu called you every week even when you had plans to meet up. Sometimes even when he was working which could be dangerous because he didn’t tell you what his job was but you could only assume he succeeded in living out his dream.
He pauses. “Y/n, is work on your mind again?”
You wince. “Yeah. I mean someone broke the window in one of my shops, it’s closed while we get the glass reinforced but it’s discouraging.”
“It’s fine Tetsu, Mawmaw rose hell with the company. Honestly I only need one person getting upset on my behalf.”
Brushing this off you smile trying to take in as much sun as you could before you are pulled into the usual fall rush of your cafe. You owned three. Usually someone of your age wouldn’t have one but through the power of learning and family connections you owned and managed three cafes.
“How is your grandma?” Tetsutetsu asks.
You raise a brow. “You should visit, she asks about you every once in a while.”
But he freezes up. “I-
“What's still embarrassing about what happened?” You pat his back. “I just-
“Let me use my second quirk? Tetsu, I’m fine, see. If anything it made me better.”
“Look that wasn’t fair of me, Y/N-
Frowning you grab him by the ear and pull him down to be eye level with you. Off the side of the sidewalk to keep from being a distraction.
“Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, look me in the eye and tell me what you're really thinking happened after you left? Everyone’s quirk drawbacks are different. I’m not a hero, I’m not in the hospital. I’m healthy and standing here before you.” 
He winced a bit when you pulled him down but he pulled you into a hug. You were a bit caught off guard, maybe it was because you were expecting him to say something and not squeeze you so gently to the same effect one would hold a feather to keep it from slipping from one’s fingers.
“Don’t do it again. Please, Y/n, that was scary enough the one time.” 
Tetsutetsu was always the strong one growing up, you got hurt no matter what you did so he would do it for you. But hearing the way he pleaded with you made your heart ache.
“You know I can’t promise that, all I can do is try.”
White lies are okay right?
88: Grass
Maybe it was just you, but you didn’t often spend time in nature. So maybe deciding to marry a veterinarian wasn’t the best idea after adopting a puppy. You happened to meet Yoosung in school, and just kept running into him. At first you thought it was funny neither of you were actively trying to meet one another and he even admitted to finding it odd. Eventually the coincidence became too much and you told him that if you both met again without meaning to you'd ask him to marry you.
Two years after graduation you wanted to adopt a puppy, you were home most of the time working in your apartment, but it was because you were lonely.
“Y/n?” you were looking at the puppies from a distance trying to figure out which one you were drawn to more.
A bit confused when you look back. “Oh! Yoosung, I haven’t seen you since graduation. How is everything?”
He smiles, and for some reason you felt warm. “It’s nice to see you again, everything has been well. What are you doing here?”
“I was thinking of adopting a puppy, since most of my work is done at home. My apartment doesn’t allow cats so I thought a dog would be best,” you explain as you start to reconsider.
Looking at Yoosung again he smiles.
“Will you marry me?”
Now as you stand in the grass with his hands in yours you didn’t care about the eyes on you when asked the question. “Do you Y/n L/n take Yoosung as your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.”
89: Stop taking your clothes off
Curses, you hated them and they were so common. Why did you need to transfer? Maybe it was because they were so concentrated in Japan but you didn’t want to leave even if it was for work.
“Woah ho ho, I never thought I’d meet the famous Y/n,” you looked at the white haired man with a huff.
“Shut up Satoru, we have things to do. And I’m tired,” you remind him, hiking your bag on your shoulder.
He smirks. “You didn’t bring a lot, are you planning on running again?”
“The less I carry the easier it is to travel. Not to mention, you’re not allowed to have a gun with you on the plane unless you are a very particular kind of passenger.
“What about your bow and arrow?”
“Are we going or not? Your students are already here, I have to prepare everything for mine to get here,” you groan.
He nods. “Fine, fine, I know when not to mess with you.”
“Good, cause they barely let me sleep on the plane,” you scoff, following him out.
From the airport to the school you could just feel Gojo’s eyes on you through the blindfold. So when getting to the doctor you just dropped your bags and started preparing for your exam.
“What are you- stop taking off your clothes!” The doctor sighs.
“It’s easier to check me without them, I didn’t take all of them off. Besides, does it matter when he’s so close?” You cross your arms.
“Don’t agree with them. This is gonna be a long training.”
90: Fishing
“Y/n, y/n. We’re gonna go fishing!”
Okay. You weren’t sure if your sister jumping up and down on the bed was a good idea. Especially is every other jump she would land on you, with a groan you sit up.
“Okay, okay. I’m up. I’m up.” The succession of pops as you stretch forward feels relaxing.
Your little sister was not amused. “Come on, I wanna go fishing. How different is it from fishing in Snezhnaya?”
You pick up your sister quickly ruffling her hair and tickling her. “Well you can’t sit on the water and fish unless you have a boat and last I checked we don’t have a boat.”
She tries to push you off gasping for air between laughing. “But how will we get the big fish?”
“Not sure. Go get dressed, we can ask Kaeya.” You shrug before getting out of bed and letting her run free.
But just as you stood on your legs they gave out and you crashed to the ground with all the grace of a falling bird. Because of the small space you hit the dresser and nightstand effectively harming yourself. But your vision activates.
“No, fuck.” Healed up you groan seeing your bed soaked. “You useless piece of, ugh.”
What a wonderful way to start the day. It was noon by the time you met Kaeya on the bridge. Walking next to him was a young boy covered in scars and various bandages.
“What a wonderful day it is to go fishing?” Dyri cheers excitedly.
“Oi you’ll scare any fish before we start.” You sigh.
Kaeya laughs. “Don’t have to worry about that.”
As if appearing out of nowhere there was a young elf girl next to him as well.
“Hello my name is Klee.”
“Are you coming fishing with us?” You ask with a small smile.
Maybe you should have persuaded them to do a different task. Bomb fishing with a child wasn’t fun. Considering Dyri could throw seed bombs and added too many plants to the area. Though she could grow them it didn’t prevent anyone from being harmed. Not to mention the backlash of the bomb fishing.
Kaeya was laughing as everyone sat on your healing circle. “You should have seen your face!”
“Yes, Dyri, honey can you grow Cecilia’s?”
“I think I can.”
You smile. “I think Kaeya would love your special hair treatment.”
Kaeya chuckles. “Come on Y/N, you know I can’t hurt a child.”
Dyri looks at him and nods. “Bloom.”
Giggling you couldn’t help it, it was like looking at several bouquets of flowers. Kaeya just laughs as he goes to pick up your sister.
“Was that fun?” You ask.
Klee smiled and Bennett looked a little sheepish. A few times he fell into the water when the girls were trying to catch fish.
“Let’s go back, I’m sure everyone is tired,” Kaeya sighs.
“Let me carry Dyri, I’m sure she’s heavy.” You offer.
“I can carry her,” Kaeya nods. “Come on Klee, Bennett.”
You pat Bennett. “You did good, and don’t worry. I’m used to healing others.”
As Klee led the way Bennett was a few steps behind while you lagged behind with Kaeya and your little sister. She fell asleep.
“I’ll get you back for that.”
“I have no idea what you mean. But thanks, I missed everything about Mondstadt.” You grin.
Kaeya frowns. “Why don’t we have a drink sometime?”
“If I could spare the time I would.”
91: Sand castle
Yagi Toshinori
Getting adopted later in life was odd, but when you did it meant you and your brother got a better chance at not suffering. You were going to start college in the spring and your brother was entering High school. As a kind of relaxation from the stress of exams your adoptive dad took you to the beach.
The mean look embedded in your features served as a good repellent to anyone trying to weasel their way into your time, college was said to be stressful and it took you two years just to get in.
Your brother frowns. “Y/N, do you think he knows we’re a little too old to have a family day at the beach?”
Looking at him you shake your head. “Let him be. I want him to have fond memories with us too, if only it was more convenient to go into the water.”
“You don’t have to worry too much. I went in and people just left me be.” Your brother shrugs, but the after effect.
You and your brother shared the same quirk— it was rare but it wasn’t unheard of— when your skin came into contact with water it would instinctively flex into iridescent scales. But it often drew attention when it rained, during swim class, at the pool with friends, as a child who loved your quirk and water.
“I guess.” You nod.
Just as you thought about getting in the water the sound of footsteps made you look behind you. “I brought you some snow cones.”
“Thanks…” you accept the cone and Your brother beams. “Thanks dad.”
“What’s wrong Y/n?” Your adoptive father had revealed that he was All might— the world renowned hero— almost five years ago, he hadn’t told you when he adopted you or your brother. You had assumed he was always busy with work because there weren't a lot of people in the profession.
“Nothing,” looking at the snow cone you wonder how long it would take to melt. Your hand was already starting to change and you just watched.
“Dad, can we build a sandcastle together?”
He smiles. “Of course.”
You almost laugh since your brother was to mention your age, but acting like a child wasn’t a bad idea. Eating the snow cone you smile waiting for the time to build.
“Y/N, can you get more water I’m gonna hold this wall hurry,” your brother states as your dad looks at you.
“I can-
You shake your head grabbing the bucket. “I got it.”
Quickly getting the water you look at how your legs shined in the late day sun your scales were a bad reminder to you before. Rushing the water over you helps with the small creation. By the end of it you and your brother had different sections of the iridescent scales exposed but large smiles.
“Dad, can we do something like this again next year?” You ask still high on excitement and the content of completing the intricate craft.
Toshinori smiles as he takes a candid picture of you and Thor brother. “Of course.”
Before you left you looked at your brother as you both tore down the castle, you had plenty of pictures of it.
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leifkncries · 2 years
Belphie sat on his bed, his head laying on the white pillows. He looked around his room, thinking he'll immediately sleep due to him being 'The Avatar of Sloth' or whatever.
He just laid down, eager to have his fateful rest. The thing is, he couldn't sleep. Now, that must be uncharacteristic, but if you read through the Belphegor messages, you can see that it isn't rare.
He just groaned, sitting up from his bed, still hugging a pillow in his arm. "Goddamnit." He muttered, sighing. He went off of his bed, kneeling on the floor due to boredom. "Let me just message MC." He said.
The dark-haired demon sent a text to the said person in his D.D.D, and awaiting a response from them. 'Hey, are you still up?' Was what he said, looking at his phone eagerly.
He heard a 'ding!' from his phone, after refreshing for 10 minutes. 'It's 8PM... but yeah!' The person replied, making Belphie sigh in relief.'I can't sleep. I don't know why. I got an idea, how about you throw a pie in Lucifer's face?' He stifled a laugh, before replying to the message sent to him.
'To be honest, I don't know if I want to die today.' The reply was instantaneous, making Belphie jump in surprise. "Huff. They died once.." That simple comment about them made him freeze.
"But.. from me. After they... saved me two times..." Was all the demon could muster, before choking out a sob. "Ahaha.. Yet they still forgave me!" The demon grinned, yet clearly not happy.
The purple haired demon looked at the floor of his room, upset and angry. Even a tinge of annoyance. "I.. can't believe I.. had a grudge.." The demon couldn't even form proper sentences, remembering vividly what he had done.
Belphegor quickly stood up and jumped onto his bed, the male loudly sobbing into his pillow. "I literally caused myself to be in this situation! Yet a mere human, with zero powers, had to get me out of it!" He banged his fist into his pillow.
The same male frowned, tears still dripping from his eyes.Belphegor cried, sinking into his pillows. He ignored the running of footsteps, too upset to even do anything. "Belphegor, MC's worri-" The older demon froze when he saw the younger sob into his pillow, without a care in the world.
Lucifer blacked out, before going back into consciousness. He stayed quiet, frowning at the demon before him. "Bel..phegor?" He paused in the middle of the sentence, looking at Belphegor flinching.
Belphegor turned around, startled by who was there. Once seeing the ravenette, his worries tightened. Yet he simply scoffed and looked back at his pillow, tears still dripping, though softly on the pillow.
"Belphegor. Why... Why are you crying?" Lucifer bit his lip. He wasn't exactly the best at comforting others, let's just hope he could do at least something. "Shut up, I don't feel like talking with you." Lucifer could feel the glare, even when his head was turned around.
"Wait. Belphie." Lucifer frowned, not taking notice of the nickname. Belphegor's eyes widened, and He looked at Lucifer with this dumbfounded look. "Did you just.." He wavered off, making Lucifer realise what he said.
(lmao Lucifer's the avatar of pride, where's the pride now?)
"Oh. Well, Uhm." Lucifer awkwardly shuffled his feet, clicking his tongue. Lucifer's pale cheeks felt like they were burning, making him frown in return. "I apologise, Belphegor. I don't think you'd allow me of all people to say the nickname given by your brother." Lucifer sighed.
Belphegor sighed, running a hand through his hair before turning around. "Okay. I don't care if you call me 'Belphie' or 'Belphegor'. It's the fact that you even said my nickname." He rolled his eyes, before staring at Lucifer.
"I often feel like you're not even my brother, yet suddenly you turn over and call me 'Belphie'? The name is usually said by people I consider family?" Belphegor chuckled. "I'm surprised, Lucifer." He grinned, clearly enjoying the pain on Luci's face."Listen.. If you wanted me to go, You could have told me so." Lucifer spat, salty about the fact that his pain was the thing that made Belphegor stop crying, and even chuckle.
"Nah. I'm good. You stay." Belphegor's smirk caught Lucifer off guard. "..Belphegor! Just tell me what's wrong!" Lucifer whisper-yelled, making the temperature in the room drop.
'Oh. I shouldn't have said that.' Lucifer panicked, looking at Belphegor, who's face dropped. "I-" Lucifer began to say, before being interrupted. "No, No. It's fine. I'll just tell you, I guess." He said, a disgruntled expression (big words) on his face.
"I.. I feel like.. I feel like such an asshole for killing MC after they released me 2 times." He mumbled, looking at the floor. Belphegor could feel the hardened looks placed on him by Lucifer.
"And.. Um.. I just feel like I'm not a part of the family anymore since I've been gone for so long.." Tears welled up in his red, puffy eyes as he explained. Lucifer's hardened gaze turned into an uncharacteristic fond one.
"...Belphegor." Lucifer's once loud words were soft and felt comfortable to listen to. Belphegor's head instantly went up, like a dog getting called by its owner. (don't think about it it's just a metaphor)
"Listen. Though you did kill MC, and it was traumatic for everyone, I know it's because you still couldn't trust humans." Lucifer was now walking closer to Belphegor, while Belphegor just sat there, shell-shocked.
"And you are a part of the family, it's just that.. It's hard to adjust for the others." And then, he.. HUGGED HIM? WHAT?! Belphegor was pulled into a hug by Lucifer himself?..
Belphegor felt tears in his eyes, but not the same, old, miserable tears. It was happy tears. Belphegor felt unnecessary joy at the moment. To be told that by Lucifer? It just feels great.
MC walked into the room, not expecting Lucifer to be hugging Belphegor. Serotonin. They smiled fondly, before walking away quietly, not wanting to disrupt the moment.
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amenomiko · 5 years
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First of all Thank you again for the request and Thank you for waiting. It took me a while to think of the best ideas that I could as Zallina is not the first one to request for this storyline ι(´Д`υ). I wanted to give my best for this so I hope you like it!
IkeSen Daddies and Their Daughter's Boyfriend : First Time Meeting the Parents of the Girl.
Spring has come to serve as the best season of the era. Flowers bloomed here and there, coloring each castle of both Azuchi and Kasugayama. Not only that, spring can serve for other meaning such as.....
____ were having tea with his wife. What a blissful moment to be drinking with the love of your life, sitting side by side,
"Father, Mother. I've returned."
A soft voice echoed at the other side of the door screen. It was his beloved daughter has came back from her walk in town. Ah, she is really beautiful, just like her mother. She would always be adorable in his heart; she would always be his baby girl. His daughter smiled shyly, saying something of "There's someone I want you to meet. This is ___, he is.. my beloved."
His carnelian eyes widen the moment this so called beloved of his precious daughter entered the hall.
Is. This.
Of Barbarian among Barbarian.
He didn't say anything. There's no words came out from his mouth but..
"...!!" A surprised gasp escaped from her beloved's throat. He suddenly fell on the floor, shaking.
"____? What's wrong??"
MC look from her daughter's boyfriend to her husband.
Nobunaga is in his Devil King mode. "Kill" is the only word written on his face.
Even his wife's voice couldn't reach him.
'Ah.. The following days ahead will be tough on this boy (*´﹀`*)..' MC sipped her tea peacefully.
The tea that he sipped paused mid air.
His daughter has brought home a man. A man that he didn't know of.
Since when-
So all of the reason she's been busy going out lately is to see this man.
"My, isn't he a nice man. Right, Anata--"
MC and her daughter froze. Hideyoshi is already shaking from anger.
"____. Follow me to the next room."
His daughter were confused but very obliging to her father's sudden order. Especially the change in his gentle tone.
"Anata." His wife's firm voice stopped both of them. When they turn to look at her, she give the best smile that will not scare her daughter's lover. "....Don't do what you plan to do."
"But she brings a- a- man! A man, MC! For all these months that she said she has been busy is actually all about--"
"If you are going to nag from A to Z, your daughter will not be getting married in the future, Hideyoshi."
"...I don't know what 'A to Z' means.. But no means no!"
"Uhm.. Are we okay?"
Their daughter smile to her lover, "It's alright. I have two moms after all."
The mochi in his hand fall flat on the tatami.
"Oh- oh! Welcome, have a sit."
MC surpressed her giggle when she saw his only eye twitch to the unknown man in front of them.
They started with a small talk of.. Where did he come from, how do they met, where does he live.. Until..
"So tell me. Do you cook?"
"Ah, to be honest.. I'm embarassed to say this but no. You see, my family runs a restaurant and I have no interest in cooking because I have my own goal when it comes to-- HIIIIIIIII!!!" He went pale immediately the moment Masamune drew his sword and point at his neck.
"F-Father! Stop it!!"
"How dare you say no to cooking. If you won't cook for my daughter who's going to feed her?" He glares as he drew another of his sword.
"Anata, he is more to making desserts. Is that acceptable?"
"What- oh. Oh..! AHAHA I see, I see, you are a particular one huh??" He smack the man who's hakama pants has been tear into half and only his fudoshi left.
His smile disappeared in instant.
*super mega salty contrary porcupine mode ON*
"....What is this?"
"Ah, it's ____, my-"
"I don't care what's the name. I never asked "Who" is this, I'm asking "What" is this."
MC clears her throat, and his contrary level lowered slightly.
"Welcome, ____. Here, have a sit--"
"You are not a maid here, why should you entertain this.." He look at the man, up and down with the most disgusted look. "...raw cabbage."
"Anata..!" / "Father!!" Both of his wife and daughter said in unison, where he rolled his eyes and pour himself another cup of tea, sipping it to ignore the man completely.
But then again..
"Your father is really nice, ____. I can't believe I'm facing with the most idolized warlord in front of me..!" He beamed a smile.
The cup in his hand fell and roll on the tatami.
He thought he can live away from Mitsunari after he got married and live in his own castle. But to his dismay...
This man is like a TWIN TO THAT AIRHEAD!!!
His soul fly away in instant.
His daughter's lover were astonished the moment his eyes look towards Mitsunari.
"Oh? Come in, have a sit." Mitsunari angelic smile fill the whole room like any other usual day.
When suddenly the man bowed in front of Mitsunari and said "It's my honor to be here!! To meet with the mother of my beloved lady, she is indeed got her look from you!"
MC who's about to enter the hall (after excusing herself to get some more dango just now) heard their conversation. "Is it me or I heard he called my husband "mother" (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)?"
The moment she entered the hall, a surprised, high pitched gasp came from the man. He abruptly look from MC to Mitsunari and to MC again.
"Eh- wh- y-you got 2 mothers?? Are you adopted??"
Daughter: H-hey, calm down..! You are being nervous again! The one that you greet just now is my father, ____.
"Eh-" He went pale. "OH GOD..! FORGIVE ME!!!"
Mitsunari: Hehehe isn't he hilarious?
MC: *ara ara noises* (*´﹀`*)
Both of his daughter and her lover were having palpitations.
The moment they came in, Mitsuhide didn't say anything but smile.
Like he could take anyone's head off from their neck in any minute.
MC whispered to her husband. "Anata, don't do this okay? Be nice." She entwine her hands with his, and he lean into her touch.
"Ah, of course, of course. So, ____. You like my child?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes!! I am sure I'm in love with ____, My Lord!"
MC could feel her husband's hand twitch.
"I see.. Even though.." He pull out his hand, and suddenly a man in ninja suit entered the hall, handing him a scroll. MC feels bad about this. "Don't tell me... Oh gosh."
Mitsuhide opened the scroll. "Even though you are actually a spy and pretend that you work at a small restaurant?"
His daughter gasped. "F-father- you are spying on him??"
He continued, "So.. Are you using my daughter?"
He shakes his head. "M-my Lord! I am indeed a spy, but I am in love with your daughter! And- I'm not a spy for bad things, I'm just a--"
The man quickly dodge the bullet easily, protecting Mitsuhide's daughter at the same time with his body. This brought a smile on his lips.
"Hoooh. Not bad." He chuckle. "I know who you really are. I'm just testing what would you do when this thing happen and I know the answer."
"Relax, my dear. I approved your boyfriend. For now." He chuckled from his throat the moment his daughter pulled her lover to walk out from the hall.
"Ah, I'm hated now hm? Now, now MC, don't be angry." He grinned to his wife who had been raising her eyebrows at him the whole time.
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