#not many animatics/pmvs/amvs will actually include that
dyketubbo · 2 years
ive been giving context to someone whose getting into dsmp through an animatics playlist (not made by me, but i did narrow it down) and its 1. made me realize wow yeah theres a lot of context missing if you just watch animatics (some notable things like not realizing how exactly spying was involved in manberg, why sometimes ctechno is an enemy and other times an ally, and not knowing dteam blew up lmanburg and that that was the catalyst of fcr) and 2. its interesting how some characters can get sort of skewed (their initial impression of ctubbo was that he was oblivious but just willing to help his friends)
i gave pointers towards bbtv and theyre looking up some info etc etc of course but its neat to see how dsmp looks when you have to rely on the scenes people deem cool or important enough to animate
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zios-plotbun-farm · 5 years
IronStrange Animatic Videos I’m working on
So I have searched around youtube and to my sad disappointment there aren’t that many videos for ironstrange. A couple great animatics/PMVs here and there sure which I love (especially that Toothbrush one). Plus plenty of good AMVs, both the picture and video kind, but not enough to satisfy me. There needs to be more for this beautiful ship (that also includes supreme family too.)
Which is why I have decided to make my own videos instead. They won’t be the greatest of quality (at least not until I get faster and better at drawing) but they’ll be something at least. My first videos are just going to be animatic versions of some ironstrange posts floating on here and Instagram like this one. I’ll be making sure to post credits to the original poster that I got these from.
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Already got like 4 posts thumb-nailed for future videos and this one^^^ is already sketched out and the line art started. The videos are gonna be grey-scale but I might just add some color to highlight certain things for some characters. [Loki’s eyes, Steph’s eyes, Tony’s eyes, Steph’s cape etc]
Here’s the very rough thumb-nail I did for the first video. Picture quality is not that good tho (or is that just my crappy sketching skills).
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My drawing might not be the most consistence considering this will also be my first time drawing any of these characters but I’ll try my best since I’m not use to drawing older men with facial hair ^-^; I will draw Tony and Stephen to the best of my abilities for they are my favorites and need to look as handsome as they do in real life (jk i can’t do that my skills are crap T.T). 
Also here’s another picture but this time of the line art for the first scene.
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If I actually manage to finish this video and post it on YouTube I’m gonna be so freaking proud of myself. For once I will have finished a project of mine and not lost motivation along the way TwT and I will have contributed content to my favorite OTP’s fandom. 
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