#not me romanticizing all the stinky boys in my major :)
moonctzeny · 3 years
nct 127 as computer engineering majors (suggestive/smutty)
this was a personal attack and I'm having nct 127 brainrot so y'all have to suffer with me
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hot TA with a fat ass that almost made you fail the class bc who the fuck pays attention to what's written on the board when he stands in front of it?
wears expensive shirts with long sleeves that he pushes over his elbows while explaining the most crucial formulas- your lab partner has to shove you so that you don’t drool all over your worksheet
you offer to help around the lab he's supervising after you somehow pass the course just to spend more time with him
you swear he flirts with you in the most gentle ways but you never bring it up bc you don't want to make him uncomfortable when he's working
but you're both adults and he doesn't teach your class anymore so you're free to ask him out but he's scary to approach you know?
until one day you're alone putting the machinery back in place when he draws a brand new circuit for tomorrow's morning class on the whiteboard and you ask him to explain the flow of electricity through those diodes
and he does and damn he's so hot when he goes all science on you so you tell him just that
how his voice and intelligence really tuns you on and you can teach him a thing or two yourself if he’ll let you
and anyways thank god you arrived at the lab the next morning before any of the students to wipe down the handprints you left on that whiteboard
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study buddy who is very creative at finding new ways to make you procrastinate with him
at first he begs you to borrow your black nail polish and even convinces you to draw little designs on each nail for him
you do a pretty bad job because truth is you have a big crush on johnny and being so close to him makes your hands shake
after you're done he takes your hands in his, and lays them flat over his mousepad
"I'm gonna paint them on yours too! I want to match you!"
you agree bc it's hard to breathe at this point and you've also downed a couple of beers while waiting for the polish to dry
"I always wanted us to try a couple look. even if it's just nails"
"yeah. is it a bad thing?"
you shake your head negatively and he smiles so brightly you get a little dizzy, relishing in the way you squirm under his stare
johnny somehow coaxes you into climbing into his lap, his teeth breaking the skin of your neck as he removes one article of clothing after the other
"we're gonna mess up our nails johnny"
"good. make a mess out of me."
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computer engineering senior and part time pc building youtuber nakamoto yuta falls in your life like a black angel to your salvation
aka he slid in your dms after you posted on your story that you’ll never finish the mandatory Assembly project on time and was having a public meltdown
“how about you buy the project from me and then you’ll only have to worry about staying cute 😜”
you roll your eyes at the message but damn you’re really desperate at this point so you agree to stop by his place to make the transaction
but before you do you decide to check out the link to his youtube channel to kinda gauge what type of guy he is
and damn you think you might have harbored a little online crush from watching his pc building series because yuta is smart and funny and way way way cuter than what his instagram pics let on
you’re quite nervous when you enter his apartment physically after seeing it as a background to his videos so many times
he has an all rainbow neon setup on the most fancy desk you’ve ever seen and that’s when he mentions it’s very durable and you think why would that matter and then you’re like oh
you excitedly ask him about all the parts and that’s how it becomes obvious that you’ve become an avid watcher of his channel during the past week
“I can’t believe I met my cutest subscriber ;)”
anyways yuta is even hotter in real life than in his videos and he smells like green soap and you think that out of all the colors neon pink looks the best when reflected on his naked skin
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he drags his fingers through his dyed locks in frustration, the color he chose for this month being a dark purple
he doesn’t care if his professors say it’s not gonna be easy working around people with all the piercings and shaved eyebrow patches on his face; taeyong prefers working with machines only anyways
a truly gifted programmer as he is, it’s weird to see him so frustrated over the neon green letters on his pc screen.
“I just can’t figure out why I’m getting this error. I tried using try-catch blocks, a break clause to debug it but still nothing works”
you’d be fine with letting him figure it out in peace if there wasn’t one problem: taeyong has this habit of moaning a little when he’s concentrated
and you think taeyong is hot on a normal day but even more so when he’s oblivious to the way he’s pushing you into a deeper level of hell with every breathy sound that leaves his lips
“you’re too hot to be worrying over java”, you think and when he stares back at you with wide eyes you realize you’ve voiced your thoughts out loud
but he still gladly takes your offer to help him relax with your mouth
doyoung (cw: praise, bimbofication)
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doyoung is a senior who pays for his gas by tutoring younger students
you met for the first time when you drunkenly had a very public makeout session during a frat party last winter but that is a story for another time
programming classes were fine for you but numeric analysis was where you drew the line
you remembered him telling you all about how he’s pretty good at math that night when you were too preoccupied thinking how to shove your tongue in his mouth so here he is now, in your small apartment, kissing his teeth
“no, no, we just talked about this. It’s simple linear propolation”, he groans while correcting your shabby numbers in red ink, stretching his arms to release the pent up frustration in his body
“how about you motivate me with something? that way I can learn more effectively?”, you suggest in your most innocent tone but Doyoung doesn’t buy it one bit, ordering you to sit on his lap while he dips his hand past the hem of your shorts
“you solve a problem and I keep playing with you. you make a mistake and I push one more finger in that canny mouth of yours”
and see, you’re conflicted because you’re not sure what you like hearing more from doyoung: him calling you his ‘smart pretty girl’ or his ‘dumb princess who only likes to be braindead around him’
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you and jaehyun have always had a rivalry when it comes to who’s the best programmer between you two
he makes fun of your terrible identation and you make fun of his bad error handling practices
so you organize little hackathons at his place, because it’s exciting and you always end up enjoying your time there in more ways than one
you bet on who can hack the university’s official website faster, loser does whatever winner wants, and you’re about almost done when jaehyun smuggly asks you to refresh the page
it all looks normal and for a second you think he cheated to win time, but when you squint your eyes under your school’s logo you finally see it
“thank god you’re hot because you suck at coding <3”
with hot blood rushing to your ears you chase him all the way to his kitchen, throwing threats here and there of what you’re gonna do to him once you get your hands on him
you finally manage to entrap him between your body and the fridge, taking his glasses off his face while he holds his breath
with their thick frame and his MCU t-shirts he looks like your average IT geek strolling through the campus- yet you know that what’s hidden under it all is a whole different thing
and you like that only you get to see it
a little magnet from some trip to a european country pokes the skin of his neck but jaehyun’s undivided attention is on you, thinking that you might slap him any second now
he chokes on plain air when you map his stubbled jaw with your fingers instead, all the way through until you rest them over his lips
you push them through the rim of his mouth until he tastes your salty skin and in this moment of pure want he knows exactly what he wants the loser to do
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you didn’t know jungwoo before your professor partnered you up together for your IoT elective course, but programming this small computer surely brought you together
and by that I’m talking about staring at each other way longer than necessary, leaving gentle touches while your hands accidentally brush when they want to gnaw at something more: basically an obvious attraction that you turn a blind eye to
you chose a quite simple project: using a raspberry pi to make a sensor that warns the user if their heartrate raises too high
but it just wouldn’t work. You tried running around your place, doing jumping jacks, even had jungwoo scare you but to no avail
tired and slaving away until the am, you offered jungwoo to crash on your couch, not wanting him to wander around so late
he gratefully accepts the towels you offered him for a quick shower, forgetting about the sensor, but when you see him exiting your bathroom it starts to beep with life
jungwoo emerges from the steamy room with wet blonde bangs kissing the apples of his cheeks. The hoodie jacket he came over with was now unzipped, revealing the defined lines and hard abs that he’s criminally hidden all this time. Remaining droplets of water run down the hollows where his muscles connect, his hipbones peaking from the sweatpants that hang dangerously low from his waist
you get up from your seat when he makes eye contact with you, not sure why but the sight surely deserves a standing ovation.
“I don’t know why the alarm went off all of a sudden”
jungwoo only smirks, slowly approaching you until you’re just a deep breath away from your chest touching his naked one
“I think it works just fine. What if I do this?”, he wonders as he lets the knuckles of his hand trail from your wrist up your arm until it stills right over your junction, applying soft pressure
and when he finally sucks your bottom lip in between his own you’re worried the sensor might break from beeping so hard
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mark is a college athlete, trying to balance an engineering major and vigorous hockey practices on his shoulders
he promised his microelectronics professor he will help out with equipment maintenance for extra credit
you’ve volunteered to help with maintenance as well, feeling a weird sense of comfort between the oscillators and broken chips you have to fix
and mark is always late to your sessions but you don’t mind bc he’s cute as a button
and you heard from jeno that he thinks you’re cute too which is GOOD
mark barges in late with wet hair straight from his after-practice shower and he fills the small room with the scent of watermelon shampoo
he apologizes and you heat up the soldering iron for him and that’s when you realize: mark has no idea how to work the machinery
he touches the hot metallic tip with the pad of his index and screeches in pain, you immediately run over to inspect the dumbly inficted wound
you tie it up with a bandage you had buried somewhere in your bag and he looks so cute with his big, watery eyes and wet hair that you just have to kiss it better
mark’s breath hitches in his throat when he feels his fingers so close to your plump lips, and he thinks that he wants to be burned by one more thing before he leaves this room
you teach him patiently how to fix all the broken parts while staying safe, yet he can’t possibly be patient when you lead his hands with yours and he can feel the swell of your breasts against his back
mark doesn’t only smell like watermelon, but tastes like it too
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haechan is your partner in crime; no one can remember the last time they saw you without the other on campus
you spend so much time on the computer center of your building that when the supervisor asks you two to clean up the server room for a few extra bucks you say yes
you unplug a couple of coaxial cables to properly dust off the server and you start playing around with them: using them as whips and chasing each other
in your excitement you take a long red cable and loop it around haechan’s neck, tugging the edges until it chokes him slightly
what you didn’t expect was a deep, pretty moan to bouce against the walls, asking you in between ragged breaths to do it again
so you do, and he moans gutturally again, lust filling up his half lidded eyes in a way that almost makes you think he’d let you do whatever you want to him
but haechan’s not so easy to succumb to you, shoving your body against the metal box as he sucks on your jawline, the connectors around you bringing you even closer together
you tug on his makeshift collar once more, forcing him to look at you, and you warn him that you might accidentally mess something up on the server if you continue
“if it means I get to fuck you dumb against it then I couldn’t care less”
you smirk at his response and with a hand on top of his head you push him on his knees before you. he’s gonna have to earn it.
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moonctzeny · 3 years
That tag not me romanticizing stinky bois from my major was like YEAH BABE I ATTEST THERES NO one like no one that looks good on my dept. I cannot puhleeze cuz if theres one id probably be pregnant by now 😪
Babe you FEEL MY PAIN. 99% of them are stinky incels who call themselves alpha males while spending all their money on twitch and football bets. Think they’re gonna become millionaires bc they watched a 30 minute video on crypto and know less about female anatomy than a toddler. They open their phones during class and their “milf fucks stepson” porn video resumes playing on accident. When I tell people that I’m a computer engineering major everyone is like: “oh wow you’ll have all those boys to choose from” and I’m like yeaaa I’m going to the business admin department to check out the hotties see ya 🤪
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