#not me sneaking away with using kai's old drawings as a jumping off point
ds-defunct-council · 2 years
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This Hyacinth ship has taken me by the THROAT and I will live and die by it
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percywinchester27 · 5 years
About a boy (Part-4)
Word count: 2.2K
Warning: Suspense, feels, mention of physical abuse and bullying
Characters: Dean, Cas, Gabriel, Benny, Michael, OCs and… Sam?
Summary: Dean Winchester has a secret. A secret that could really land him in trouble. He never expected to connect with anyone when he walked into the ‘Blue Stone Orphanage for Boys,’ but even then, the walls he has put up are slowly coming down. Now, a series of strange events are threatening to expose him. When everything starts falling apart around him, will he still be able to save the one person that matters the most?
A/N: I have to thank each and everyone of you who’ve taken the time out to read this series, and comment. It truly means the world to me :’)
All my love to @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​ and @deanssweetheart23​ for beta reading this story. You are awesome <3
About a boy masterlist
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"How many Sams can there be?" Dean complained as they walked back from school. "I mean seriously?"
Cas smiled sympathetically. "It's not about how many. It's about the shuffling crowd. Stynes- the family that owns the place - are apparently very influential. They have all sorts of crazy contacts and kids just get adopted all the time."
"Really?" Dean tried to keep a poker face. It wouldn't bode well to let Cas see through him about what he really thought of the Stynes.
"Yeah." Cas said, blissfully ignorant of Dean's tone which was grudgingly challenging. "I mean, it's not like you and me stand a chance, but the little kids are taken up all the time."
"Sam's not a little kid."
"True, but the kids still get shuffled a lot. Foster homes, other orphanages. You could see one face today, and then never see it again." Cas narrowed his eyes.
"You sound weirded out by that," Dean noted.
Cas looked at him, brow furrowed. "But it is weird, isn't it? My earlier orphanage was so sleepy. Barely anything happened there. Then there's this place which is so secretive, doesn't let the kids interact across all age groups. I've been here for 7 years, Dean, and I just never get to know everyone."
Dean stayed quiet. This conversation was dangerously inching towards the subject of how and why Dean had ended up at the orphanage in the first place. And Cas was smart.
"Shit." Cas stopped, eyes wide and panicked. "What if… what if Sam was here and they moved him away? Damn it, Dean. What the hell will we do?"
Dean pursed his lips, trying not to smile. Cas's worry and fear was heartwarming. It was still a task to be careful about what he says because his friends kindness tempted Dean sorely. "My sources were pretty solid. He's here. He was here when I came in. Besides, he's 12. Kids that old don't just get adopted."
Dean could feel Cas looking at him curiously as they started walking again. He was tempted to tell Cas the truth, all of it, but he held back. For now, it was only his burden to carry. He didn't want to put Cas in trouble, or worse, endanger his life. He had avoided all of Cas's questions about where he had come from so far, but dodging the queries had proven to be harder and harder day after day. Then there was the guilt. Cas was going out of his way to help him, and Dean had been as secretive as possible. At least he could draw solace from the fact that it was for Cas's own good.
"What about you?" Dean asked, changing the topic. "You've been here so long. You didn't get tossed around?"
Again, Cas looked uncomfortable. "All of us, from the old orphanage, we've just stayed together."
He didn't say it, but Dean understood. It was Michael. Cas and everyone from the 'Angel names orphanage' as he called it in his head, was somehow protected. He didn't know what Michael's deal was, but he was up to something… something that, by default, provided a protection to everyone under his umbrella, including Cas.
All those angel named kids were settled now. They had a reassurance that they were sticking around till the end. Which explained the pride, bullying and the strut like they owned the place. But not Cas. The privilege embarrassed him.  The idea that he was singled out and treated preferentially was both unpleasant and distressing at some level to him. It made him uneasy.
It made Dean like him more.
They walked in companionable silence for the rest of the way home.
It had been 3 weeks. Dean was frustrated.
How much more searching could he do? Every minute was spent plotting the next move, trying to squeeze in time to slip into the record room. It took so much of his own patience, that Dean wondered when Cas would snap and cut himself loose from the hunt. After all, Sam meant nothing to him.
Even so, Cas's commitment never faltered. He went about searching the records as dedicatedly as possible. Every day.
They had found six Sams in the records so far. Three of them had already turned 18 and left the boys home. One had been transferred and two more were too young. By nightfall, Dean wanted to fling something at the figurative heaven. He all but yelled at Cas to stop praying in the evening. There was no God up there.
Dean was also tired of counting all the brown haired kids. There were way too many. More than half easily. He soon realised it was about as pointless as finding a needle in a haystack.
After lights out, he slipped out of his room once more. Cas and Gabriel were both out like a light, but Benny, who was reading something in torchlight, gave Dean a look as he passed. Dean had a suspicion that Benny knew where he and Cas sneaked off to in the evenings, but he hadn't said a word about it, neither had he given the impression that it so much as even mattered to him. Dean had learned to ignore Benny. Cas was always absolutely pleasant to him, but Benny never spoke more than a word or two. Even Gabe, who went around chilling with almost everyone, maintained a decent stance with Benny. Not like he was scared, but like he respected him.
Dean just couldn't bring himself to feel anything. And tonight, when he walked out, with Benny's eyes following him, he wondered if one day he was going to land in trouble thanks to Benny's lack of response.
He found himself back at the steps, back to grill, eyes closed in the light breeze flowing through the corridor.
"Back again, I see."
Dean did not jump this time, but his lips pulled up in a half smirk.
"So are you."
There was a soft chuckle from the other side.
"How was the Oly… uh… the thing that you had." Dean scratched his head. "Oh yeah… the Olympiad."
"Okay, I guess," the voice said. The kid sounded pleasant. "I mean, I don't think I'm failing or anything." Then he added in a small voice. "I just don't want to think about the result."
Dean snorted quietly. Normal problems.
Then it hit him.
"You're what? 11? 12? Why're you participating in Olympiads?"
"Seemed like a good exercise for the brain." It was no big deal to him from the way he said it.
Smart and pleasant. That was a rare combination for a kid in an orphanage.
"How long you've been here?" Dean asked.
"About half a year, I guess? Ain't the worst place I've been in."
Dean raised an eyebrow. "Even with all the detention camp treatment? What with the lock-down and no interaction."
The kid laughed, only slightly bitter. "Well, you haven't been in too many orphanages then."
It was true. What did Dean know about that?
"Have you been to too many?"
The boy sighed. "About five, I think. That's not counting the abusive Children's home." He said it as a matter of fact.
"They hurt you?" Dean's heart seemed to be squeezed.
"Ehhh… mostly I ended up hurting myself."
A dry scoff. "Can't deal with people who throw weight around like that. If I saw someone getting hit, I'd go stand up to abusive idiots."
"I'm sorry that happened to you," Dean murmured sincerely. It was unfair.
To his surprise, the boy laughed. "Don't be. It's how I learned to fight. I can throw a mean punch."
Dean couldn't help the appreciation he felt.
"What's your name, kid?"
The voice went silent.
Dean waited for a couple of minutes, but no reply came.
"Hey?" He tried again.
"It's against the rules to be out, ya know?"
"You think I'm gonna rat you out?" Dean asked, incredulous. "Look around, kid, I'm breaking the rules, too, here."
At long last the voice sighed. "It's Will. Short for William."
There was some solace in getting to know the kids name after all. At least he had gotten one answer today, as opposed to all the ones he had been searching for.
"I'm Dean. Dean Winchester."
"You have a last name," Will noted.
That clearly meant Will didn't have one. He had been in orphanages since he was too young to have known his real name. Sure he might have a made up last name in the papers, but it was just that, a formality.
Dean couldn't stop himself from asking the question. "Why are you up tonight? Another test?"
Another scoff. "Not really."
"Care to elaborate?"
Another silence.
"Well, aren't you being one secretive bitch today?" Dean grumbled. Will intrigued him, and that annoyed him.
"You're the one to talk, jerk," Will shot back. "Especially after how mysterious you played last time."
It was true. Kid had a point. He had, in fact, disappeared on the boy the last time.
A heavy exhale sounded from the other side. "It's just, I can't stop thinking about what lies beyond these walls. One of the boys I knew was transferred today and I don't know where he's gone. Sometimes I wonder if… if I even have a future."
"I know!" Will said, talking fast now. "Most kids just end up on the police roll call, the only place their picture ends up is in mug shots. It's what Andy says."
"Andy's an idiot!" Dean stated.
Will laughed. "Maybe."
More silence - comforting and companionable. 
Out of the blue the idea came to Dean. "Hey, there's something you can help me with?"
"Oh-kay?" Will sounded wary.
"How old are you?"
"I don't see how that helps you with anything, but I'm 11," he replied.
"That's fantastic!" How had he not thought of this before? "Do you know anyone by the name Sam on your floor?"
"Sam?" There was the usual curiosity in his voice.
"Yeah!" Dean had to keep his voice from getting the better of him. "Sam or Samuel or anyone like that?"
There was no reply, just a loud thrumming. As if the boy was tapping his fingers against his lap or the other hand. "There's one kid called Sammy, I think."
Dean's throat constricted, his heart doubled its beat. Could he be? Could it really be?
"No wait… his name is Sandy," Will corrected. "Don't think I know a Sam… but I can't say for sure that I know everyone."
Dean seemed to deflate. He wanted to punch something… someone... for both- the hope and hopelessness. One of it was going to kill him, he was sure.
"What do you want with this Sam, anyway?" Will asked and Dean wanted to slap his head.
"Fine, don't tell me! But don't go back to being the mysterious shadow," Will added quickly, making Dean smile.
"Let's just say it's a personal research project for me. It's my way out of this place… to my future," Dean said. He didn’t know what Will made out of it, but the kid remained quiet for a while.
“There’s twenty new kids on the floor. Came in about a month ago,” Will said, slowly. “I’ll ask around and let you know.”
Dean wanted to ask why. Why was this kid helping him? He had expected the question from Will- that ‘what was in it from him?’ But no such conditions came. Will offered his help freely… willingly. Just like Cas had. Maybe Dean needed to trust people more, see the good in them often, because there was all the good there, that which he couldn’t have possibly hoped for.
“Thanks, man,” he said quietly.
“No problem,” Will chimed. “I’ll keep this hushed.”
Perhaps he understood what hope of a future meant. 
Dean realised that the more he got to know the people here, the more they surprised him with their kindness. Cas, Will… and unexpectedly even Gabriel and Benny in their zealousness and quiet had all helped him in their own way. Dean was starting to care. He didn't like it.
Will yawned abruptly. 
“Get some sleep,” Dean suggested. His was evading him.
There was some scuffling as Will got to his feet. “Night, Dean. I hope you find your Sam.” His voice was soft, both grave and reassuring at the same time. It startled Dean, and he wondered if Will truly understood how much finding Sam meant to Dean.
“Night,” he said.
The feet shuffled away and Dean squinted into the darkness, pointlessly trying to discern the passing shape, trying to get one look at the boy who had selflessly, unconditionally agreed to help him.
That night when he closed his eyes, for a second… or, at least, a fraction of it, Dean felt the strangest urge to send a thought up to heaven, or whatever higher power there was. He finally understood why Cas prayed, understood the urge to want something better for other people. Maybe Cas’s God will listen to Dean.
A/N 2: I really really hope y’all like this story!! Please let me know what you think… the feedback is what keeps me going :)
If you wanna be tagged, please send me an ask
About a Boy taglist:
@sdavid09 @deanssweetheart23​ @blacktithe7​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @chalicia​  @anathewierdo​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @protectteamfreewill​ @firefly124-writing​ @spnbaby-67​ @hoboal87​ @rizlow1​ @donnaintx​ @starmission​ @gh0stgurl​ @tftumblin​ @emily-a-c11​ @ericaprice2008​ @jotink78​ @charliebradbury1104​ @ohgodwhybloggg​ @i-dont-get-cold​  @bobbie3939​  @samsexualdeancurious​ @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba​  
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cottontail20 · 5 years
The Domestic Life Of The Vision And His Witch, Chapter 20: Forgiveness
Summary:  The twins' playdate with The Hulk brings up old regrets for Wanda.
Ao3 link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/18461504/chapters/48455771
With Clint's help, Wanda and Vision managed to build a suitable large, hopefully sturdy enough Playpen for Tommy and his large green friend. Tomorrow Morning, they would set out some suitable toys, and hopefully, all would be well.
"Are you guys really sure this Playdate with The Hulk is a good idea?" Clint asked as they were finishing up.
"Well.." Vision hesitated, but he trusted Wanda's judgement. "It's not a bad idea.."
"We wouldn't have agreed if we thought it was going to end badly" said Wanda.
"Your call" Clint shrugged. "I mean, I trust Bruce entirely. Bruce is just the kind of guy that you trust. The Hulk, though.. When he's on your side, he's great. But when he's not, well.. It was only four years ago that he rampaged through a city.."
Wanda's cheeks suddenly flushed, a memory rising in her mind. --
"I want to finish the plan. I want the big one."
Wanda remembered invading Bruce Banner's mind as he waited in the Quinjet. Probing deep into his psyche, poking and prodding at the very worst of his memories to spark true fury inside him, drawing out the very worst version of the Hulk.
She remembered Bruce looking at her, in the final moments before he transformed, the tainted Hulk taking over. He'd looked so scared.
"You should run.. now.."
Pietro had scooped her up, speeding them both out of harm's way.
And for just a moment, Wanda felt guilty. But the guilt hadn't fully taken hold, not then. After all, he was one of them.. the enemy.. --
Now though, things were very different, especially since she had truly gotten to know Bruce Banner. Now, the fear in his eyes haunted her. The Hulk that had attacked that day wasn't really The Hulk.
Clint was still voicing his concerns, and Wanda's guilt and shame bubbled over.
"It wasn't Hulk's fault!" she snapped. Billy, still strapped to her chest, whined a little.
"What?" Clint jumped slightly at her raised voice.
"You should remember, Clint. You stopped me before I got to you.. The Hulk only attacked that City because of me!" Wanda stormed off, back inside the cottage. --
Once inside, Wanda took a deep, calming breath. Billy, whining again, reached up a little hand to try and touch his Mother's cheek. Wanda managed a small smile at his comforting gesture, unbuckling the carrier so she could cuddle her son properly.
"Mama has done some bad things, Una pretioasa.." She whispered, kissing the top of his head. She wouldn't hide them from the twins. When they were old enough, they would talk about it, hopefully understand, and she could keep her boys from making the same mistakes.
A few minutes later, Vision entered the cottage. Tommy was whimpering, trying to reach for Wanda. He unbuckled him from the carrier, and Wanda sat down so she could more easily hold both boys, settling them in her lap when Vision handed Tommy over.
"Clint went home" He explained gently, sitting beside Wanda and draping an arm around her shoulders. "He said to tell you that he feels like an idiot, and he's sorry."
"I shouldn't have snapped.."
"I think he understands.. So do I. You're sensitive about these things. What you did then is so far from who you really are.."
"But I still did it.."
"You did" Vision kissed her temple. "But everyone has forgiven you and put it behind them. Perhaps you should too."
"Voi incerca" Wanda sighed. "But it is not easy.." --
The next Morning, Natasha Romanoff woke up, jumping out of her skin when she saw The Hulk sitting at the foot of her bed. She'd only just managed to stop herself reaching for her gun.
"What the hell, Big guy? That is not cool!"
"Playdate" said Hulk, innocently oblivious as to why it was wrong to sneak into Natasha's room while she was sleeping. "'Tasha take Hulk."
"Yeah.. Yeah, I'm taking you" Nat murmured, blinking sleep from her eyes. "Just give me a few minutes, okay?"
"'Kay." The Hulk didn't move.
"Uh.. I'm gonna need you to wait outside, big guy" Natasha almost blushed. "It was warm last night, and I'm not wearing pants.."
Hulk finally seemed to get the hint, stomping out into the hall, and Nat breathed a sigh of relief. --
Not too much later, just as they were done setting out toys, the Quinjet landed near Wanda and Vision's cottage.
The playdate had been going remarkably well so far. Tommy sped around the big playpen, happily showing off his toys to his new big green friend. Billy, a little uncertain at first, had joined in on the fun and games as well. However, Billy had not yet mastered the ability to crawl to the level that his brother had, so whenever Tommy would move on to the next attraction, The Hulk would, gently, scoop Billy into the palm of his large hand and follow Tommy.
Vision was currently supervising, while Wanda had taken Nat inside to get her something to eat since The Hulk's eagerness to get to his playdate had made her miss breakfast. Still, Wanda kept one eye on things through the window.
"He's not really a monster anymore, is he?"
"The Hulk?" Nat munched on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "Kind of a big sweetie once he knows you. Just.. think of him like a toddler permanently on the verge of a temper tantrum. Keep him happy, and you're all good."
"Right.. bine de stiut.." Wanda murmured. Having the Hulk described as basically a child definitely didn't help with her guilt.
"So" Natasha continued nonchalantly, "Clint called last night. He was worried about you.."
"He doesn't need to worry. Just.. what he said.."
"Hey, we've all made mistakes. Some worse than others, but we've all made them. We know you regret what you did, there's no reason to keep beating yourself up over it."
"I know.." Wanda sighed. "But that particular mistake.. It feels so much worse, because I know Bruce now, and he's just.. so sweet.."
"He is" Nat nodded. "I have similar regrets about him, if that helps."
"You have?"
"Mmhm. On the Helicarrier, right before Bruce hulked out, he looked so afraid. Not so much for himself, but for me. And for a moment, I thought I never should have brought him in. But, if we hadn't had the Hulk during the battle of New York.." Natasha shuddered a little. "Point is, sometimes things just happen the way they're meant to."
"I suppose so.." Wanda glanced back out the window. "I've apologised to Bruce, but I hurt The Hulk too. I just wish I knew how to say I'm sorry.."
"Well.. go try."
"Talk to the Big Guy" Nat slapped a hand on Wanda's shoulder, nodding towards the window. "I think you'll be surprised how much he understands." --
Taking Nat's advice, Wanda slowly made her way outside. Vision was still supervising, seeming a lot more relaxed about the situation than he had been the day before.
"How's it going?" She asked him.
"All well" Vision replied. "Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves."
"That's good. Do you think they'd mind if I crashed the playdate for a minute?"
"No. I'm sure the boys would love a visit from Mama."
Wanda swung a leg over the playpen, climbing inside, and made her way over to him. Currently, all three were playing with building blocks. Of course, Hulk's building block's were actually some old crates that Clint had had lying around. The twins' block tower had was a little higher than either of them could comfortably reach, so Tommy was now handing the blocks to Billy, who used his powers to levitate them to the top of the tower.
"Hello, you three" Wanda sat down near them.
Billy cooed happily and began, slowly, crawling over to her. This annoyed Tommy, who had no way of adding to the tower without his brother.
"Hi, Twins' Mama" The Hulk replied.
"Hulk, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment?"
"'Kay.." Hulk seemed a little confused.
"I.. I hurt you once" Wanda began, a little nervously. "When I forced you to come out. I wanted to say I was sorry.."
The Hulk stared at Wanda for a moment, confused. Then, he looked surprised.
"You.. Different then.." Hulk stared at her still, unsure he was even seeing the same person. "Angry.."
"I was.."
Hulk was silent for a bit then shrugged.
"That okay."
"It is?" Wanda blinked, surprised.
"Hulk angry sometimes too.." He hesitated a moment. "Hulk come play with twins again?"
"Of course" Wanda nodded. She was left rather surprised when the Hulk shrank away, leaving Bruce in his place.
Natasha, who had come outside at some point, threw a shirt at him.
"Thanks, Nat!" Bruce called.
"You're welcome!" Nat called back.
Tommy, forgetting his annoyance with his brother at the sight of his Uncle Bruce, whom he loved as much as his big green alter ego, happily crawled into Bruce's lap. Bruce smiled at the little boy, then turned to Wanda.
"So, there's something the Hulk and I wanted to say, and he decided I'd probably be a bit more articulate in saying it.."
"We forgive you, Wanda" said Bruce. "Me and the big guy.. we know better than anyone what anger can do. So I'm sorry too, for the time I threatened to strangle you."
"It's okay" Wanda smiled softly, shrugging. "I almost deserved it."
"No you.." Bruce was cut off by a familiar voice behind them. They turned to see Clint, clutching a plate with a peace offering.
"Hey, where's the Hulk?" He frowned. "I made a big green cake!"
Bruce and Wanda looked at each other.
"I could eat a piece of big green cake" Bruce shrugged.
"Yeah" Wanda replied with a smile. "Let's go eat cake."
Voi incerca: I'll try
bine de stiut: good to know.
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rollzerox · 5 years
The scene where hak and yona fall off a cliff. I'm intrested to see how you would interpret that. (Ps, love your Au, i ship Jeaha with Tetora myself but i love your fics very much all the same, they make me feel many emotions, all of them good!)
Awww thank you so much! Sorry this took me so long I had a writer’s block on it for a bit, hope you enjoy this drabble! ^^
“Damn…. We’recornered at this cliff, stay close princess.” Hak growled as he was trying tohold off the soldiers as the Happy Hungry Bunch were trapped in the mountainsnear the boarder of Kai, they received an ambush and trying their best to fightoff these soldiers that were trying to sneak their way into Kouka.
 “I’llprotect mommy!” seven-year-old Lina proclaimed, hopping in front of her motheras she was passing off her baby girl Gigan to Yoon.
 “Hold her.”Yona said, getting out her bow and shooting down one of the archers at thehigher point of the cliff.
 Valeriehissed as she was trying to keep her children Fuu and Ura close as they hadtaken cover behind a boulder with Yoon and Yona. Zeno was holding up a shieldto block the archer’s arrows that rained down.
 Jae-ha was busyjumping around, trying to take out as many as he could as Kija and Shin-ahmoved to the center, shortly joined by Hak trying to get the numbers down fromthis army as fast as possible.
 “Mommy lookout!” Lina leapt out and kicked one man in the head that tried to sneak up onYona while she was busy shooting her arrows. But the little girl didn’t stopthere, she tried to trip two more by landing by their legs and swiping herdragon foot to knock them down.
 “Lina getback here!” Yona shouted, rushing to grab her little girl and hissing as onearrow hit her in the shoulder, since they were out in the line of fire.
 “Missy!Little Ryokuryuu move!” Zeno tried to rush over to them.
 “Yona!”Yoon gasped.
 “Mommy!”Lina gasped as Yona pushed her towards Zeno to try and get her away before the nextsoldier tried to attack her, but nothing happened as Jae-ha landed right on theman’s head, but before he could say anything that sea of arrows caught up withhim, three landing into his back.
 “JAE-HA!NO!” Yona shouted, horrified at seeing her husband hurt.
 “I’m fine,just fine.” Jae-ha said, groaning as he shut one eye in pain. He turned to kickaway two more soldiers but was breathing heavily as his wounds caught up tohim.
 “No you’renot!” Yona shouted, drawing her short sword to block the next soldier coming. “Hak!Kija!” she called out for the others, but then gasped when three more soldiersrushed them, Jae-ha pushing her away and he was pushed to the ledge, nearlyfalling off as he grabbed at the ledge struggling to hold on.
 “Gey away frommy daddy!” Lina jump kicked two of the men in the head, knocking them over asYona shot an arrow at the last one, then rushed to grab Jae-ha’s arm. “Hold onJae-ha! Don’t you dare let go!”
 “Yona deardon’t I’m too heavy!” Jae-ha shouted, struggling to hold on.
 “Shit! DroopyEyes! Princess! Hold on!” Hak swung his glaive as he tried to hurry over, Kijaattempting to make a path with his dragon arm.
 “I’m notletting you leave me, we’re partners remember?” Yona shouted, tugging on Jae-ha’sarm with both hands but the ground gave away below her, causing both of them tofall.
 “MOMMY!DADDY!” Lina shouted, trying to jump towards them but Zeno caught herfirst.
 “Don’t littleRyokuryuu you’ll fall too!” Zeno shouted, horrified he got there too late.
 “YONA!JAE-HA!” Yoon and Valerie cried.
 “PRINCESS!”Hak and Kija shouted.
 “AAAHHHH!!!!”Yona screamed as they started falling towards the ground below.
 Jae-ha actedfast, pulling Yona into his arms and kicking his dragon leg against the mountaincliff, changing the direction of their fall as they smashed into a few trees,slowly breaking their decent as they crashed into the waters below, he hadguided them towards the river.
 Yona gaspedas she pulled her head from the water first, tugging on her husband’s cloak tohelp pull them towards the shore, seeing he had passed out from his wound andhe took the brunt of the fall having held her so close while smashing intothose trees. The arrows he had been hit with had come out during the fall, sohe was bleeding badly as was Yona herself from her shoulder that had gottenshot with an arrow earlier. But Yona focused on Jae-ha first, pulling himcompletely out of the water and laying him on the grass as she removed hercloak and tried to press it against his arrow wounds, putting pressure to tryand stop the bleeding.
 “Jae-ha… Youidiot you got hurt so badly trying to protect me…” Yona choked, crying terriblyat seeing him in this condition.
 Jae-ha stirreda bit, slowly opening his eyes as he coughed a little. “Unnnn it’s a husband’sduty to protect his wife, isn’t it?” he chuckled weakly. “… Are you alright?”
 “I’m fine!You’re the one bleeding all over!” Yona whimpered, crying as she buried herhead into his chest. “Must you be so reckless sometimes? What if you had-“
 “Well Icouldn’t just stand there and let you and Lina dear be hurt.” Jae-ha smiled,petting her head and frowning as he saw her own wounds. “And even then I couldn’tprevent all of them…”
 “I’ll live,I’ve had worse wounds.” Yona pressed, kissing him as she pulled her head up. “You’restaying put here until the others find us, at least Kija and Lina will senseyou so they’ll know we’re ok.”
 “Yona dear Icould easily jump to get us back to them…” Jae-ha groaned, trying to sit updespite his wounds but Yona pushed him back down.
 “Husband, donot push yourself or I will hold you down.” Yona glared at him.
 “… Mmm Imight just enjoy that…” Jae-ha grinned wide, winking at his wife.
 “Leave it toyou to turn a near death situation into a chance to flirt.” Yona rolled hereyes, but smiled at him as she leaned in to kiss his lips briefly. “Thank youfor saving me, husband.”
 “Always apleasure, princess of my heart.”
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a-writers-writing · 7 years
You Won’t Earn Anything Standin’ There and Lookin’ Pretty | Chapter 1
Whoa whoa whoa! I’m finally posting self insert stuff!! I really hope this is like... good? Anyways, enjoy my self insert Pigeon and his best friend (aka @daveys--jacobs‘s self insert) Blue! 
Warnings: cursing
Tag list: @helplesshansen @we-dont-sell-papes @mike-faist-is-the-best @ben-cook-can-cook @daveys--jacobs @newsieofnj @gaymur @racetrackscigar (let me know if you want to be removed/be added to this!)
Pigeon and Blue had been friends ever since they met. Pigeon was a runaway from New Jersey that wanted to get away from his family. Blue never really had a family and became a newsie just to know that people cared about her. They were both around 11 when they met and were practically inseparable. The two knew almost everything about each other and always had each other’s backs (like the first time Pigeon snuck into Brooklyn’s territory just so he could meet the one and only Spot Conlon when they were 14). They knew each other’s crushes- rather Blue knew about Pigeons crushes on Racetrack Higgins and Spot Conlon.
They had been best friends for nearly five years when Davey and his little brother started selling papes. Pigeon could tell that Blue had fallen for him on the spot. They stood in the line to get their papes, laughing as everyone stepped up to Mr. Wiesel and cracked jokes to the old man. Pigeon kept a close eye on the new kid, watched as Jack stood up for him and took him under his wing. Blue was also watching, but she wasn’t watching for the same thing that Pigeon was, but it wasn’t for long as Finch lightly pushed Blue into Pigeon.
“Stop starin’ at the new kid and get your papes, you two,” he said, a mocking tone to his voice. Pigeon lightly punched his shoulder with a smile before stepping forward and dropping a quarter into the box.
“Spot me fifty papes please, Mr. Weasel?” Pigeon said with a sweet smile.
“Fifty papers for Pigeon. Next!” Wiesel was clearly tired of dealing with the kids and just wanted to move on. Pigeon winked at him and got his papers from Oscar, quickly counting them and putting them in his bag. Blue promptly followed and the two headed out to find their selling spot for the day.
As they walked, Pigeon eyed Blue out of the corner of his eye. “So, whadda ya think ‘bout the new kid? He seems to be dressed nicely, you think he got folks?”
Blue glared at him. “I think he’s gonna be a good newsie. His little brother is gonna sell a lot, plus he seems like a smart kid. With Jack workin with ‘em, he’s gonna be the greatest out there. Other than Jack himself, of course.” She shrugged and stopped, offering a paper to a man walking by. Pigeon waited for her to catch back up before talking again.
“I saw the way you looked at ‘im, Blue. Someone’s got a crush,” he teased, bumping into her as they walked.
She blushed and pushed him away. “Christ, you’re like the brother I never wanted. I don’t got a crush on the new kid.”
Pigeon chuckled and threw his arm around Blue, stopping at a busy corner. “For some reason Blue, I don’t believe you. We’ll discuss this after we sell our papes.” He ruffled her hair and pushed off her arm, moving to the other side of the corner. He raised a newspaper high in the air, calling out headlines with a slight twist to draw attention. Blue sighed and followed suit.
By the time lunch rolled around, Pigeon had sold all of his papers and was standing next to Blue, waiting for her to sell her last one. They stood for around ten more minutes before a woman came and quickly bought it, handing Blue whatever the first coin she could find. Pigeon smiled at her and nodded his head towards a cafe across the street. “Let’s go grab somethin’ ta eat. I’m starvin’.”
As they walked, Pigeon brought up the topic of the new kid again. “So you never answered my question. You think he’s got folks?”
Blue shrugged. “He might? He was cleaned up pretty nice so he’s gotta be stayin’ somewhere.”
Pigeon nodded and opened the door to the cafe, holding it open for Blue. “I’m with ya’. Maybe I’ll talk to Jack, try to get more info ‘bout ‘im for ya’.”
Blue rolled her eyes and walked to the counter, clearly done with the conversation. Little did she know, Pigeon sure as hell wasn’t. She ordered a simple bread roll and put her change on the counter, then moved for Pigeon to order. He ruffled Blue’s hair again with a playful smile and ordered the same thing, sliding his change cross the counter with a wink to the boy behind the counter.
Pigeon and Blue sat down at one of the small tables. “I’m just sayin’ Blue. Jackie will give me any info on the new kid if I ask sweet enough. Or I could just ask Race to give me what he knows-”
“Or you could just ask the new kid yourself,” Blue said, pointing at the door.
Pigeon turned just as Jack waved at them, and he quickly turned back around with a blush.
Blue waved back with a sly smile, then raised an eyebrow at Pigeon. “Well, Mr. Smart Guy? You gonna go talk to ‘Jackie’?” She teased.
Before Pigeon could make a comeback, the boy from behind the counter brought them each a bread roll and a glass of water. They both murmured a “thank you,” to him. It wasn’t long before Jack and the new kids joined them at their table. Jack pulled up a chair and sat on in backwards next to Pigeon, while new kid stood with his brother close to his side.
“Davey, take a seat! Relax! This here is Pigeon and Blue, the devious duo. Completely inseparable from the day they met. Pigeon, Blue, this is Davey and his little brother Les.” Jack smiled as he introduced them. Pigeon nodded at Davey, then glanced at Blue.
“You know Les, I heard you arguing with Jack earlier. You’re a brave kid, you know that? I’ve never heard anyone argue with the Jack Kelly before. I respect you, kid,” Pigeon said, leaning down to Les’s height. He spit onto his hand and held it out for Les to shake.
Les smiled at him and followed suit. Davey shook his head at his little brother. “Do all of you newsies do that?”
Blue nodded slightly. “Yep. Seems gross at first, but you get used to it. It’s hows we show respect and make deals. You better get used to it if youse are gonna be newsies.”
“Say Davey,” Pigeon started with a small smile and another side glance at Blue, “tell me about yourself. Whats ya story?”
“Our father messed up his leg real bad during working and they curbed him. We’re out getting some money while he’s out,” he explained. Pigeon nodded along as he talked.
“So youse got folks? Sounds exciting,” Pigeon deadpanned. Blue reached across the table and slapped his arm with a disappointed glare. “Ow! What was that for?! I’m just jokin’ around with ‘em!”
“Hey, hey. Pigeon, take it easy on Davey for now, he’s new and I don’t want you gettin’ in trouble no more,” Jack smiled, patting Pigeon on the back. The same boy from behind the counter came back over and placed a roll and water in front of Jack and another in front of Les.
“Don’t you encourage ‘im, Jack Kelly! You should know better!” Blue said angrily at Jack, who put his hands up in defense.
Davey quickly broke up the joking atmosphere. “What about you, Pigeon? Why are you out here working on the streets?”
Pigeon tensed suddenly and picked up his glass, looking into the water. He took a deep breath, then shook his head, quickly putting the glass down and pulling his arms close to him, his hand clasped tightly around his wrist. The air grew tense and Pigeon felt Jack’s arm around his shoulder slightly pull him closer, as well as Blue’s foot grazing the side of his leg. “You don’t gotta tell ‘im, Pigeon. You ain't ever gotta tell nobody,” Jack said quietly, so only he could hear. Pigeon nodded and took another deep breath.
“I-I’m sorry Pigeon. I didn’t know…” Davey started, but Blue looked at him, her face soft, and nodded as if saying that everything was fine. Jack gave Pigeon a few more quiet words before patting his shoulder and moving away. Pigeon continued to sit like he had closed in on himself and Jack got up. He nodded to Blue, who nodded back, before grabbing his roll and nodding to the door. Davey and Les followed as he walked out, Davey looking back slightly as he walked out. It was clear that he felt bad.
Once they were gone, Blue stood and sat where Jack was and put her hand on Pigeon’s arm. “Hey, let’s go to the park and feed some pigeons. I’ll see if they have any stale bread we can take, ‘kay?” Her voice was gentle and calming. Pigeon nodded and finished the roll in front of him. Blue came back with a paper bag and gently placed her hand on Pigeon’s back. “You ready, b?”
Pigeon stood slowly and nodded, then followed Blue out the door and to the park. The walk was quiet and the two held hands the whole way there. Blue lead him to a bench and they sat down. She started ripping apart the bread and the city birds were quick to fly to the ground in front of them. Pigeon threw a few pieces close to his feet and the birds jumped closer. He smiled weakly and broke off a few more pieces, holding his hand out for the birds. The duo lost track of time as they sat on the bench, even after they ran out of bread, just watching the city move before their eyes. A few lingering pigeons rested by Pigeon’s feet and he smiled at them, then motioned for Blue to look. She smiled and looked up at the sky, sighing. “It’s startin’ ta get dark. We should get back before the boys start worryin’ ‘bout us.”
They stood and walked back to the housing building, hand-in-hand again. Everyone was still awake, most preparing for bed. Pigeon tried to sneak away to his room, but Specs caught sight of him before he could get away. “Racetrack was just lookin’ for you Pigeon. Said he was worried ‘bout you or somethin’,” he said without looking up from his book.
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