#not necessarily ffxiv
herssian · 5 months
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painted over the dawntrail meteor sketch from a few months ago as today's warm up ☀
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fourfoldfires · 12 days
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[makes a tragic pair of solution nine-based ocs; immediately regrets the tragedy because oh no they're cute]
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fisherrprince · 1 year
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more heavensward
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nhaneh · 6 months
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Miqo'March 26, Faith
"I believe in people, in their ability to be selfless and kind. That they will stand together and help each other in times of hardship and sorrow. That they will rise to aid and protect each other in the face of oppression and tyranny. All it takes is just a little bit of hope."
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haunted-xander · 1 year
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tritoch · 8 months
the damsel and the hero: some thoughts on minfilia and elidibus
I get why many people have (understandable, justified, legitimate) gripes to this day about how Minfilia was handled, but I think you don't have to change anything about how she's presented in game to arrive at a reading that lets her feel like more than a sacrificial victim. Within the game as it exists, Minfilia is already a rich and layered heroic character. She is not a damsel or a tragic hero but a victorious figure whose very exit from the narrative affirmed her own ideals, and she controlled her own destiny to the end. All you have to do to see this more clearly is read her against one of her underexamined foils: Elidibus.
Spoilers through the end of Pandemonium (6.4) below.
After 5.3 dropped, the devs mentioned that because they basically had to develop and pay off Elidibus in the space of a patch or two, they drew conscious parallels between him and other characters. The game highlights the G'raha parallels in the scene just before Seat of Sacrifice. There's also the parallels to Alphinaud that people have noticed in both the broad strokes of their characterization (idealistic short kings who believe in the power of rhetoric and diplomacy to achieve true and lasting understanding between people, whose mission to save the world is forever held in balance with their duty to save those they love) and in specific lines of dialogue.
But a far more direct narrative parallel than either character is Minfilia. Like Elidibus and Zodiark, Minfilia offered herself to Hydaelyn, serving as the Word of the Mother, only to be called forth once more when an intractable conflict between her allies threatened the stability of the world. Both were messianic young figures who nonetheless lead their older allies by both example and command. Both, seeing an opportunity to save not just their close friends but everyone, offered themselves up to a higher power in an act not of desperation but of deliberate will. You can even poetically gloss both Antecedent and Emissary as "The One That Goes Before."
The difference between the two of them is that at every turn, where Elidibus failed, Minfilia succeeded.
Elidibus returned to broker peace between the Hydaelyn faction and the Convocation. He failed, and the result was the Sundering. Minfilia, entreated by Urianger, came back to resolve the conflict between the Warriors of Darkness (Hydaelyn's champions and Warriors of Light themselves) and the Scions, and succeeded in saving two worlds by her actions.
But more than that, Elidibus provided us a picture of what it actually looks like to lose your identity to a primal like Zodiark. He'd lived a thousand thousand lifetimes as himself and he was so broken he could scarcely remember anything more than his name and his duty. He is one of the most explicitly tragic figures in all of FFXIV, and his final sendoff in 5.3 was an image of him plagued by unanswerable grief, which for him was a consequence of his failure: "The rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But you are not here to see it."
Meanwhile, in the preceding expansion, you actually had the chance to spend multiple scenes with Minfilia and they're all extremely clear: unlike Ardbert or Elidibus, after 100 years this was still Minfilia, she remained resolute in her mission to see the First saved, but she had not forgotten the woman she was or the people she loved. In both 3.4 and 5.0, she went out as herself, head held high.
Speaking to the Warrior of Light before she departs for the First: "So many times have I watched you depart, my heart filled with worry, and ever did you return to me in triumph. Someday, when I have found a way to free this star from Her sorrow, I promise you I shall repay the favor."
Her final words to Ryne: "No one, however powerful, is immune to the whisperings of doubt and despair. Do not give in to them, but do not deny them either. Look instead to the light within, that you may continue to serve as a beacon to others."
In both instances, we were given a Minfilia who had not merely accepted her fate, but who had chosen it of her own volition and rose confidently to meet it, even imparting to her successor some final hard-won words of wisdom. And unlike Elidibus, she met her friends again at duty's end; they live, and they are happy, and she is content. She's already heroic, but the contrast to Elidibus (and Ardbert, and Emet) underlines the extent to which we should see her as extraordinarily driven, self-possessed and ultimately victorious on her own terms.
And in making the connection between Elidibus and Minfilia, we can begin to let Elidibus's characterization inform hers in retrospect.
Elidibus as we see him in 5.3 and earlier more specifically paralleled Minfilia as the Word of the Mother. Prior to that point in her arc, Minfilia's parallel was Themis, the pre-Zodiark Elidibus we glimpse briefly in the 5.3 Echo flashbacks and would only meet properly an expansion later in Pandemonium. The important thing about Themis for our purposes is that he was not some naive or too-young figurehead tricked into serving as Zodiark's Emissary. This was not a Crystal Braves situation for him. In Pandemonium, you can see how the kind of man Themis was very clearly lead to him choosing to be offered up to Zodiark. He took seriously the principles and duties of the Convocation. He valued dearly the lives of all people generally and his friends and comrades in particular, but held those truths in balance rather than prizing one. He was rational, clear-sighted, and decisive.
All of these, obviously, were true of Minfilia. And unlike Elidibus, whose ascension into Zodiark was forever somewhat obscured by the narrative, we were quite close to Minfilia before she became the Word of the Mother. We were quite familiar with her grief and guilt over surviving where Louisoix did not, her fear that she could neither fill his shoes as a leader nor serve in action as others did. She confided in us about the difficulty of her task in serving as the pillar of strength and guiding light for the rest of the Scions. She despaired alongside the player character at both the death of Moenbryda and the disastrous events of the Banquet. We know what she believed, what she valued, what she feared, what frustrated her. When she chose to depart for the First, it paid off very directly everything else the game has said about her through 3.4. Her arc was one of trepidation and doubt, and it ended in her ultimate victory and an astonishingly clean win that compromises none of her values.
Both Urianger and some fans raised the question of whether it was wrong for Urianger to ever offer her the choice of sacrificing herself for the First at all. Minfilia, for her part, got a chance to speak to this directly: "Have we not walked together in the light of the Crystal, and at Her bidding borne witness to the joys and sorrows of this land? Each and every one of you knows my heart. If this be the price I must pay, I pay it gladly." It did not matter whether she was given this particular decision or not. You could have offered her this dilemma in a thousand different permutations in a thousand thousand different scenarios. This was the choice she made. This was her choice, forever and always: to save everyone she can, in honor of those she loves.
Candidly, I understand critiques of Minfilia's writing far better than any praise it could ever receive. Nothing I've written above answers the clear and obvious truths that she is underwritten, that she does not get much to do or much screentime for a putatively important character, that it is very easy and common to read her death as a fridging, that she is unfairly dismissed by many due to her role in the narrative and the way she leaves it. Her sacrifice plays into specific gendered tropes that are disappointingly common to see. Those things all remain true.
But I think as we remember those things we should also keep in mind that she does still get a complete arc that is interesting and thematically rich in itself, and which puts her in some senses on the same level in the narrative as characters like Elidibus, Emet-Selch, and Ardbert.
Her sacrifice continues to inform the game. Her literal ghost returns to affirm the truth and value of her beliefs and the choices she made. Her guiding words ("For those we have lost, for those we can yet save") remain a mantra not just for the Scions but specifically for the player character. They are not an empty slogan. The phrase succinctly conveys an ideal of all-encompassing humanism and compassion arising from grief. The ideal those words represent is one of many organizing principles and responses to grief that the game examines (because a lot of FFXIV is about grief and how we respond to tragedy and change), it is Minfilia who develops and articulates it, and it is the one the heroes continue to align themselves with. It is the same principle that leads her to the First, and G'raha, and us too. It is Minfilia's ideals--Minfilia's heroism--which continue to serve as the model to which the Warrior of Light aspires, in the game's text.
Truthfully, my gripe is this. I think it is very easy to imagine a male Minfilia--same lines, same screentime, same blocking, same ass cut-out--appearing in place of the Minfilia we have. And I feel quite sincerely, and quite frustratedly, that if we had Malefilia, both the fans and detractors of that character would ascribe to him more thoughtfulness and more thematic depth than the Minfilia we already have, even though their lines would be exactly the same. We are so ready to see the damsel we expect in Minfilia that we are unwilling to see her as the hero she is in the text, and my hope is that by holding her up to her mirror, Elidibus, we may see her as a rich character in her own right all the more clearly.
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 3 months
watching fandaniel go is wild because he is just [vestibular stims] [vestibular stims] [vestibular stims] [vestibular stims] and yeah man that's a mood
#final fantasy xiv#ffxiv#ffxiv fandaniel#the cutscene where he's dancing and pacing in front of zenos in the armory while they talk genuinely startled me a little#with how accurately the editing and camerawork captured What That Stim Feels Like#i'm less inclined to do Large Amounts of Spinning and Bending; and the way i get my arms involved looks different#but something about the energy to it and the center of gravity and the way he Turns when he steps is just Oh Wow Yeah Same#on one hand; surface-level he's the type of Unhinged Manic Pixie Dream Boy that you'd think would be a bit on the nose for adhd headcanons#(which would be valid anyway to be clear but still)#but like. motherfucker has adhd just look at him#and honestly i like that a lot because 'surface level' is the keyword here. he Has Depth and is adhd about it#i need to find that post about how masking doesn't necessarily mean trying to pass for neurotypical#among other things; it can look like playing super hard into Look at How Megadifferent and Quirky and Weird I Am; and yeah that's him#and tbh he kind of vibes to me as having gotten into Being an Obnoxious Flamboyant Theater Kid#specifically because it's a useful cover for being his brand of ND#'those damn wacky rich gay nobles' as an explanation for your behavior is going to get you a very different niche in society#than 'that weird dude who talks strangely and can't sit still and whose social cues are A Little Off'#'and makes bizarre disruptive distracting movements with his body while he talks'#anyway diversity win etc etc i love him#ableism mention cw#ffxivtag#FF tag
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kaninchen-reblogs · 4 months
FFXIV Patches 🤝GW2 Patches
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No matter the patch, no matter the expansion, the unbreakable bond between Warriors is eternal. Unkillable champions stay winning.
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anneapocalypse · 5 months
If there is one thing I would like people to understand about Urianger it's that he is speaking an actual form of historical English that you can look up. It's not just random made-up Olde Timey Sounds. It's called Early Modern English, it has grammatical rules, and they're learnable!
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neoma-eltanin · 5 months
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Oh wow this is going to take some time to get used to.
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How does your WoL handle being alone after a mundanely shitty day? What's their go-to comforting memory, dream, or a relaxing routine? Something else that restores peace of mind?
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swiftcast-selene · 7 months
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Day 6: Road
"aye, aye, I know. it's cold, it's miserable. but count your lucky stars we know these roads at night, and the Imperials don't."
#BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE: I HAND POSED ALL 10 PEOPLE IN THIS IMAGE. PLEASE CLAP. I DID NOT KNOW YOU COULD IMPORT POSES.#however it is far too late now. i have gone insane#miqomarch#miqomarch 2024#ffxiv miqo'te#seeker of the sun#final fantasy 14#gposers#PLEASE fullview these i will cry soo so so hard if you don't#ANYWAY. this would be maybe a year or 2 after the calamity......#he was in the conjurer's guild when it happened and like. the scope and sheer horror of it just cemented the idea he had#that he had to go out there and do what little he was able to do to help#and who was MORE affected by it all than the Ala Mhigans?#post-calamity; in the midst of Garlean invasion; and barred from their one escape route thru the Shroud?#so he spent a few years out there#not necessarily with the Resistance. but with bands of refugees#being passed around as the one magical healer willing to stick around#going to wherever there are the most injured or elderly or sick or kids#trying his hardest to make a difference even though the losses are nearly too much to bear on good days#i'd imagine they had routes where they could accompany people through Gyr Abania so they could make it to safer areas#or where they'd pick up supplies en route or patrol for safety#it's also where he realized like. ohhh. people *will* accept me. i just need to find the right ones.#spent many a night in some stranger's arms not knowing if they'd both still be there the next day...#until the Scions eventually picked him up~#and promised him he *could* make a difference.
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myrfing · 11 months
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paintedscales · 8 months
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
Hiiii! Thank you for the ask!! Much appreciated! \ o w o / I hope your week goes well!
OC Asks: Character Design Edition
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Nomin doesn't have too much in the way of formal clothing... • w •
Sometimes she likes dressing up because she finds the experience of trying on new clothes and styles to see how it looks on her, but overall, encumbering herself with clothing and fashion is not high on her list. The most she's really done is dressing up for events in Eorzea so far. She never really had too much of the opportunity to dress up when she was on the Steppe because she generally had other things on her mind (but this can change! I still have so many more experiences to write! :> ).
Here's a small collection of some of the things I've made for her that fit the criteria, though. :D
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The first outfit is actually the first ever formal outfit I made for Nomin. Just something I thought looked nice.
Second outfit is probably the closest I can get to traditional Mongolian formal wear without mods that she can wear on the Steppe and to celebrate her roots? So I'll mark that as a win in my book since it's really hard to actually make a proper looking deel with what we have available.
Third outfit is a hanfu mashup. As I stated, it's really hard to make proper looking Mongolian clothing. From what I understand, pending on locale on the Steppe, there are some clothes for formal wear that kind of look like a hanfu? It's not terribly ideal for me, though I went with it.
Last outfit is what I kind of imagine Nomin to wear for hers and Estinien's cultural exchange of Eternal Bonding. I have the Steppe version, but I'm not wild about it. So I'll probably sit down and try to tweak it. But this is the Ishgardian version that I chose. Dress mod can be found here.
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takamoris · 9 months
Got back into a relationship with an abusive ex (MMORPGs)
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nhaneh · 1 year
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This Warrior of Light says Trans Rights
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