#not only bc we're best friends and we have the same views and are v attracted to each other which ofc are important factors
songtwo · 1 year
as frustrating and lonely and isolating as it was being single for 21 years thinking about it now it was the best thing for me. ive never been heartbroken and i dont have relationship trauma and most importantly all my mental issues come from within me and not bc some guy caused them
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So, the same friends who know nothing about spn but all took the x-coded y-girl quiz with me (you can find that post here) are now having a very fascinating conversation about spirituality that I wanted to share (with permission). I used the same colors as last time - yellow is the sam-coded cas girl(m), purple is the cas-coded dean girl, red is the dean-coded dean girl, and blue is me.
Let me know what your thoughts are, this was a really cool conversation and I want to keep it going.
(Transcription under the cut)
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Red: Choices made by heart: Emotion, not logic
Choices made by brain: Opinion --> logic
But does opinion count as emotion? Cause I feel like in a way it definitely does. Since opinion is someones view on something based off of their emotions and response to others emotions. Imo lol. Also.... if soulmates are found by love, in a form, and love usually comes from the heart, then the heart is also really logical? Because soulmates are logic.
Is anything really logical? Technically not because logic probably looks slightly different to everyone, based on how they think. But I guess ''logical'' means how much sense it makes compared to what the majority of a society has accepted as logical. So logic is questionable. Uncertain logic
....are choices made by heart logical? I am very confused right now. Because logical decisions are made with your brain which knows whats going on and can access the situation to make a reasonable solution.
Yet the heart also knows whats going on..... but on a different frequency? That probably made no sense but I dont know how to say it.
Anyway maybe there are different types of logic. Many different types
I wish I could write like this about things that mattered for my grades what the fuck
Yellow: mood
logical thinking is what appears to be the best option mathematically and based on evidence (often numerical). logically, 2+2=4, because if you take 2 of one thing, and add 2 more of that same thing together, you have 4 of that thing. logically, it makes sense to send one small team of soldiers on a kamikaze mission if it can save an entire battalion.
logically, it makes sense that a few people should give up their power in order to make sure more people have some power. because math.
anyway, the only thing that is logical is something based on math
Red: Yes. But I dont math therefore we're going to word until we get confused and can word no more and make decisions based on being confused and just wanting to do whatever sounds most interesting
Yellow: fair
i math and i try to make the best decision based on either math or just plain "this makes sense to do, evidence says it will be better later". when making hard decisions, i like to look at it mathematically and say "does it make sense?" and then pick the one that does
Red: I wonder if love works mathematically
And intuition
Yellow: love works chemically i think
intuition is sort of mathmatical
but i think mostly relies on instinct
Red: Actually if you think of it as brain currents and frequencies then yes. And chemicals. But I dont like that. Also do spiritual things work mathematically?
Yellow: not really
spirituality doesn't really make sense when placed next to math
also all emotions and such technically work electronically bc it's electrical impulses going through the body that control the nervous system and the brain. brain chemistry is electricity
Red: Wait I know. Everything is going to be at least a lil bit related to math if you look at it that way. Like yes love is chemicals, but you can have chemistry with a lot of people yeah? And I'm pretty sure you cant calculate someones soulmate. Or why you want to spend the rest of your life with this person but not other people you have liked before
Yellow: soulmates imply souls existing, and that gets too existential for me to think about when i'm procrastinating on studying for a math test
Red: So you either look at it mathematically or spiritually (?) and your answer will vary based on that
Yellow: yeah
different ways of thinking
Blue(me): I'd argue that math and spirituality are actually very closely connected. Think about spirituality in terms of nature instead of God - math is the literal foundation of the universe. The structure of atoms, of DNA, how space is ever-expanding, how you can find fibbonacci spirals everywhere if you know how to look. The existence of life relies entirely on the math and the science having done the right thing at the right time, billions of years ago. Whether or not you believe that's an accident, chance, or something more intentional from some higher power, it all remains based in math.
Think about the older holidays - the solstices and equinoxes, the lunar calendar like you were just talking about, hell even our modern gregorian new year. It's about the positions of the earth and moon and sun, how they change, how they relate to each other. Or constellations, Zodiac signs, the earth in relation to the stars and the stars in relation to each other. All of that is math. It follows mathematical rules, and it produces mathematical results. That's why it's so brilliantly breathtaking, because it's completely logical, even when we might not understand that logic. But it inspires us to try and understand that logic, and that's the other piece that's truly incredible. We, as humans, saw these patterns, saw these phenomena, observed them with awe, and then figured out how they worked. Even when everyone agreed that it was the gods, we still calculated the patterns, we learned the ways they made sense, and now with modern technology we don't only know how things work, but why. The northern lights are beautiful and ethereal and otherworldly and terrifying, and we know today that they're caused by electrically charged space particles that come from the sun entering our atmosphere. And obviously we don't know even close to everything, and we might never, but we keep learning more because we never stop trying to figure it out. And that, I think, is one of the most amazing things about humanity that there is. So yeah, there's math in spirituality, and there's spirituality in math, and I think that's why it's so hard to figure out which one drives thoughts and emotions - because the answer to that question is both
Yellow: i would also like to add that the reason everything appears so mathematical to humans is because we have evolved to have mathematical brains; we used to climb trees, where depth perception was very useful, and humans often would hunt by throwing rocks, something that you need the ability to judge angles to do well. humans evolved to have mathematical brains, which is why the world appears so linked to math for us. it might be linked to other things, but math is what we have evolved to link it to
the world might not be as linked to math as it is to other things, but we as a species evolved to see the mathematical connections, so that's what stands out to us the most
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