#not pictured: fucked up warlock who gives every wizard in a three mile radius a migraine by existing
essektheylyss · 2 years
wip wednesday excerpt! it's funny, folks seem to enjoy reading wizard theorizing (as do I!), but godddd I hate writing it. wdym I have to be clever and thoughtful and scientific? I have a film degree. my school had one math class total and it was literally called "Math."
unfortunately it does come with the territory, so here's a bit of a discussion regarding popular theories about the boundaries of the planes, feat. not one, not two, but THREE wizards:
“How is the jury still out when you can just try different runes and approaches and see what works?” Essek barks a laugh. “Fjord.” Veth frowns. “What about Fjord? How is it his fault?” “He is the type of spellcaster who utilizes arcane forms, but casts them in ways that defy logic and physical law,” Essek says. “He utilizes runes, but he does not inherently understand them. Often the laws themselves are secondary to the will to create the effect one wants.” “Which is also why you can have many runes that create the same effects, or runes that cause multiple effects, either on their own or in tandem with other runes,” Caleb adds. Veth throws up her hands. “Well why study, then? If it’s all bullshit—“ “It isn’t ‘all bullshit’,” Essek laughs. “It is merely, ah, different types of bullshit.” “Arcane learning is one of many vehicles through which to access these things, and each arcane learner will create their own version of that particular vehicle.” Caleb leans back in his chair. “Which is the primary reason we’re able to look at this spell cast one way in a very stringent arcane system, and formulate other methods of using it.”
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