#not pictured: me winding up to yeet this like apollo with a dodgeball
teetle-time · 1 year
…so the writing demons grabbed me by the throat this morning and wouldn't let me go until i wrote this. anyway @hasello the cousins au is living in my brain rent-free so i hope u don't mind that i took a crack at something first-meetings-y with rise and 03 and wound up with 2.5k words of the babies :D
The rat who once was Lou sprinted down the rain-slick alleyway with one arm clutching his boys to his chest and the other digging through his pockets.
"I saw it run this way!"
He bit back a curse; his pursuers were still hot on his trail.
And his tail.
What a time to be alive.
The mystic key bumped against his fingers, and he quickly snatched it out of his pocket and darted to the nearest wall. He needed to be quick and precise.
…well, he at least managed speed. He spent too many precious seconds glancing back to watch the beams of light bounce ever higher just a turn away, so he really had no idea if his sigil was anywhere near accurate.
As if in answer to prayer, it lit up, opening a circular portal for him, and he leapt through without a second thought, pocketing the key as he fell.
His luck held out long enough for him to hear it close behind him without any of the humans chasing him shouting in surprise.
It did not hold out long enough to actually drop him into the Hidden City.
Instead, when the portal ended, he stumbled out into a long tunnel, directly in front of another rat with four humanoid turtles around them.
No-Longer-Lou froze like a deer in headlights, staring at the strangers and heaving for air.
The strangers all mirrored him, freezing in place and scanning him in all their various capacities.
The other rat spoke first: "My, isn't this unexpected?"
A snort forced its way from No-Longer-Lou against his will at that, though he quickly brought a hand (no, he had paws now) to his mouth to stifle it. "I- I'm so sorry, I just- I didn't mean to- This isn't where-!"
"Peace," said the other rat, carefully maneuvering the turtle in front of him a bit to the side and standing up. "Whatever circumstances brought you here, it is clear that you have been moved by the strings of fate, rather than by choices of your own design. You mean no harm to us, yes?"
"I-I- yes."
"And we mean no harm to you," soothed the other.
No-Longer-Lou breathed heavily for a moment more, but then his attention was quickly arrested by motion in his arms.
Raphael- the quickest to grow, but still so, so small- screwed up his face. "Papa?"
"I'm right here, Raphael," No-Longer-Lou murmured, reaching into the sling to give the boy's hand a squeeze.
The other rat's eyes widened at the name. "Now, that is a one-in-a-million chance, indeed."
"Why's he got a baby with my name?" demanded the turtle wearing a red mask over his eyes.
It was No-Longer-Lou's turn to be surprised. "Raphael? But then…"
He took in the colors of the masks on the other three turtle boys' faces.
Purple, blue, and orange.
"Donatello? Leonardo? M-Michelangelo?"
At least, until the turtle boy in orange leaned over to his brothers and whispered loudly, "How does he know our names, dudes?!"
No-Longer-Lou's sons roused at their names, and he quickly realized his mistake as Michelangelo began to fuss. "Oh, oh, no, Michelangelo, please, it is alright, please don't-!"
Michelangelo may have been the youngest, but he had a record-shattering set of lungs, for sure.
The moment Michelangelo began to wail, Leonardo jumped in with him, refusing to be left out, and then Raphael was crying and Donatello was shoving his tiny head into No-Longer-Lou's chest with his hands over where his ears would have been and the rat could feel his own ears on the verge of bleeding-!
The other rat's back straightened, and he turned to the older turtle boys. "My sons, I still have some of the supplies I scavenged when you were tots. Raphael, the pacifiers. Leonardo and Donatello, the blankets. Michelangelo, the pillows."
The boys nodded seriously, wincing as the cries reached a peak before darting across the tunnel and digging through various chests and boxes. Meanwhile, the other rat carefully took No-Longer-Lou's arm and led him towards the chair the others had been gathered around in the first place. "Please, have a seat. I would quite like to hear the tale of how you came to this place-"
-an ear-splitting cry from Leonardo-
"-but first, we must calm your children," finished the other rat with a tired smile.
No-Longer-Lou nodded just as tiredly and began to gently bounce his boys. "There, there, your Papa is right here, we are all together, and…and we are safe."
The other rat's expression warmed.
"I got the pacifiers!" called the older boy named Raphael, charging back over and brandishing the four objects in one hand.
"Excellent work, Raphael," praised the other rat as he took the pacifiers.
The boy beamed.
"These should do for now," the other rat said, pressing one into No-Longer-Lou's paw. "These were enchanted by an old friend of mine to allow them to keep up with beaked babies."
No-Longer-Lou managed a weak smile at that, then carefully reached in to nudge the pacifier against Michelangelo's mouth. "Here we are, little Orange. Wouldn't it be nicer to suck on this instead of crying?"
Michelangelo hiccuped, but after a moment of what seemed like confusion, his mouth closed around the pacifier and he looked up at No-Longer-Lou with wide, wet eyes.
"One down, two to go," chuckled the other rat, handing off another pacifier. This one went to Leonardo, who contented himself quickly once he had something to do with himself. He seemed to be gnawing on the pacifier, rather than sucking on it, but No-Longer-Lou chalked it up to curiosity at the foreign object.
Surprisingly- or perhaps not- Donatello was the next one to need something to work with. Raphael began calming down after a few moments of being the only one still crying, but when Donatello caught sight of Leonardo messing with the pacifier, he turned an utterly betrayed stare up at No-Longer-Lou until he gave the boy one to fiddle with.
With the remaining pacifier in hand, No-Longer-Lou smiled wearily at Raphael. "You may be a bit big to use this, Red. Do you still want to try?"
Raphael nodded firmly. "Raphie's the big brother. Gotta be the bestest essample."
No-Longer-Lou handed the pacifier over, and…yep, it was completely dwarfed by his son. Still, his boy held it in his mouth and smiled over at Michelangelo when the two met eyes.
Michelangelo blinked, then smiled back.
"Blanket delivery!" called the bigger Donatello, carrying a pile of blankets nearly as tall as he was.
Next to him, his brother Leonardo fussed. "Donnie, I told you I could have held some!"
"Easy, Leonardo," chuckled the other rat, easily lifting the blankets from Donatello's hands. "How about you make sure our visitors are tucked in and comfortable?"
"Okay, Father," chirped Leonardo, immediately doing exactly that- and perhaps peeking into No-Longer-Lou's arms a few times to peer at his boys.
Little Raphael watched the bigger boy curiously, then said around the pacifier, "Raphie thought we were th'only turtle people."
The bigger Leonardo paused for a moment, then looked at him. "So'd we."
Leonardo- the baby- met the other Leonardo's eyes, then spat out his pacifier- and yes, it was much more chewed-on than before. "Hi! Hi, hi, hi! I'm Leo!"
The other Leonardo blinked, then grinned. "Me too. It's a good name, right?"
Little Leonardo nodded, shaking his entire body from the effort. "Daddy pickeded it!"
No-Longer-Lou chuckled. "Feeling better now, are we?"
Little Leonardo nodded again, just as energetically. "Mikey no sad no more!"
"Did somebody say Mikey?!" crowed the older boy of the same name, wildly waving pillows over his head as he ran over.
"Midey! Midey! Midey!" cheered the baby around his pacifier, flailing his arms.
"That's right, little dude!" Older Michelangelo grinned and peered over at him as soon as he skidded to a stop in front of No-Longer-Lou. "We're the mightiest!"
"MIDEYST!" shrieked the baby in glee.
Little Donatello winced and paused his inspection of his pacifier to glare witheringly at his youngest brother.
"Careful, Michelangelo," chastised No-Longer-Lou. "Your brother has sensitive hearing, remember?"
Baby Michelangelo blinked, then frowned very seriously and wiggled until he was able to grab Little Donatello's arm in a hug- or rather, a- "Dondon hubbub."
Little Donatello's glare softened, and he went back to fiddling with the pacifier with his free hand. It seemed the hinge on the back occupied more of his attention than the squishy part meant to be sucked on.
The older Michelangelo pressed the pillows in his hands to his face. "D'awww, they're so cute!"
No-Longer-Lou smiled warmly. "They are, aren't they?"
"It seems like we've established that we have similar taste in names," chuckled the other rat. "Though, just to be sure, might I ask yours?"
No-Longer-Lou's smile turned bitter. "It doesn't matter. I'm only a splinter of the man I used to be, anyway."
The other rat's eyebrows rose. "What curious phrasing. I never was a man, but the name I was given before my mutation by the family I was brought into was…well, Splinter."
No-Longer-Lou straightened in the chair at that. "Curious indeed…"
After a moment of thought, on a half-formed hunch born of one too many late night sci-fi movie marathons, he continued, "You know, before my own mutation, I'd more-or-less befriended a rat in my- well. A rat. I…I'd chosen the name Lou Jitsu years ago, but…the name I was given was Yoshi."
A shaky breath from Splinter. "…Hamato Yoshi?"
No-Longer-Lou steadfastly kept his focus on his boys. "I haven't deserved that name in a long time."
He kept the part about not wanting to be associated with his family's 'traditions' firmly unsaid.
"You okay, Papa?" asked Raphael, reaching up to pat at his face.
"I will be," No-Longer-Lou said, pressing a kiss to the boy's forehead.
Splinter gently laid a hand on No-Longer-Lou's shoulder. "I swear to you, you and your children will be safe here for as long as you need. I don't know how you came to be here, but I will help you return home if you so wish."
No-Longer-Lou nodded, thickness rising up in his throat and clogging it.
"Mr. Lou, can I see Baby Mikey?" asked the older Michelangelo, setting the pillows down.
Both rats' eyebrows rose, and Splinter asked, "Mr. Lou?"
"Well, if he doesn't use that Yoshi name, and we can't call him Splinter because you're Splinter, then he's Mr. Lou!" Older Michelangelo crossed his arms and nodded decisively, his point made.
Splinter and…and Lou met each other's eyes with equally bemused expressions, then Lou looked down at his boys. "I don't know. Orange, would you like to see Big Michelangelo?"
"Bihmidey!" Michelangelo said seriously, patting at Donatello's arm before wriggling upright and peeking out at the older boy. "Bihmidey hi?"
"Heh, yep," said Older Michelangelo, beaming widely. "Hi, li'l Mikey!"
The baby chirped excitedly, bouncing in place until Older Michelangelo reached over to pick him up. Lou watched carefully, but it seemed the older boy had at least some idea of how to hold a young child, as he easily hefted Little Michelangelo against his side.
"I wanna see the babies!" exclaimed Older Leonardo.
"Me too!"
Little Leonardo giggled and clambered out of Lou's arms too quickly for him to react. "Hey, hey, hi! I'm big boy!"
Older Raphael darted forward to keep Little Leo from tumbling to the ground. "You sure are, yeesh! Don't hurt yourself!"
Little Raphael whined. "Leo, don't fall down like that! You'll get a owie!"
"S'okay, Raphie!" Little Leonardo grinned up at his brother, then at Older Raphael. "There's two Raphies! That's even more Raphie! Gonna be saferest!"
Little Raphael whined again, but after a brief moment where Older Raphael's eyes grew suspiciously moist, the older boy blinked quickly before grinning at his younger double. "You heard 'im. I'll keep your bro outta trouble, swear."
Little Raphael scowled. "You better."
"Did you want to come out and keep an eye on them?" asked Older Leonardo knowingly.
That got a nod out of Little Raphael, and the older boy helped him climb down to the ground.
With only Donatello left in his arms, Lou couldn't find it in himself to be surprised when the older Donatello peered at the younger boy. "What about you, Tinytello? You wanna come hang out?"
Little Donatello hissed in displeasure and flipped the hinged handle on the pacifier up and down more quickly.
"I'm guessing that's a 'no,' then," said Lou. "It's nothing against you, I promise. Today has simply been…a lot."
"Oh, I can get that," agreed Older Donatello immediately. "Like, I dunno what you were doing before you came here, but it didn't look very fun. And now a bunch of big brother wannabes are getting all up in his space and playing with his bros without him? I'd be on-edge, too."
Little Donatello's handle-flipping stilled, and he shifted to look at Older Donatello's chest. (Wasn't there a turtle-specific word for that part of their shells…?)
"I'm close, huh?" asked Older Donatello. "Figured it'd be something like that. That's okay, Tinytello! Sounds like you've been having a rough time of it. Do you want me to go do something else, or should I stay put?"
Little Donatello's forehead furrowed for a moment, then he gravely held the pacifier out to the older boy.
Lou's brows shot up. "Huh. I know Purple is unique in many ways, but he usually isn't so quick to decide a stranger is worthy of a gift…even if that gift belonged to the stranger, first."
Little Donatello frowned when Older Donatello didn't immediately take the pacifier, then gave the handle a demonstrative flip before shaking the pacifier a little.
Older Donatello's eyes widened, and he carefully took the pacifier and gave the handle a tentative flip.
Little Donatello chirruped, shifting in place to get comfy in the crook of Lou's elbow in such a way as to keep watching the older boy.
Splinter chuckled as the two Donatellos went back and forth, flipping and chirping. "I do believe your son has found a new friend in mine."
Lou huffed a weak laugh of his own. "I suppose he has."
He took the opportunity to scan the tunnel- or rather, now that he had a moment to think, the room within the tunnel.
Little Raphael and Older Leonardo stood aside as Little Leonardo cartwheeled in circles, ooh-ing and aah-ing whenever the younger boy glanced their way. Older Raphael kept a hawklike eye on the toddler, constantly circling around him to place himself between Leonardo and the nearest obstacles. Older Michelangelo hopped around the room, bouncing the baby with each hop and getting the both of them to giggle madly.
Little Donatello yawned contentedly and smushed the side of his face against Lou's arm, still watching Older Donatello bemusedly flip the handle of the pacifier.
Lou felt the adrenaline that had kept him moving for the past hour finally begin to drain, and it quickly became a struggle to keep his eyes open.
Splinter's hand came down on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "Rest, Lou. You and your sons are safe here. The rest can wait for now."
Lou nodded tiredly, and his eyes fluttered shut before he could have any further say in the matter.
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