#not proofed or anything this is mostly just fun blather :D
tracybirds Β· 1 year
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just playing around with the identity generator while waiting for Thunderpride Calendar :D Well, I mean, I've already seen said calendar but you know lol.... have some brother silliness <3
You can find out more here
Nothing good ever came from rounding a corner to find Gordon and Alan in the same room, each sporting identical grins. Their eyes lit up simultaneously as they spotted Virgil.
"No," he said, turning immediately.
"Calm down," called Alan. "We're just talking."
"Yes," said Scott, eyes glued to the holo-reader. "Please stay. Maybe they can torture you instead of me."
"That's not encouraging," said Virgil, but he hesitated, unsure of whether he should intervene on Scott's behalf.
"A conversation is hardly torture," protested Gordon. "Come on, Scott's being all mysterious again about his date."
"It's not a date."
"I can smell your cologne from here," said Virgil.
Scott groaned. "Not you too."
"You're just predictable," Gordon informed him. "Do we get to know anything about them?"
"Are they kinda short and cute?" asked Alan.
"Do they like going on walks and Mexican food?" asked Gordon.
"Do they have a pilot's licence already, or are you going to take them up in the Cirrus?" asked Virgil, receiving a baleful glare for his trouble. He shrugged at Scott in response and found a seat, grinning as Gordon and Alan chattered on.
"Ooh, are they blonde?"
"Are you guys stalking me or something?" demanded Scott, flinging the reader onto the coffee table and throwing up his hands. "John, are you feeding them information?"
The holo-emitter blinked and John swam into view, a bemused look on his face.
"Scott, I didn't tell them anything, I swear."
"What, you'll tell John about them, but not us?" asked Alan with a pout.
"I ran the background check."
"And he doesn't gossip," said Scott scowling. "Seriously though, how'd you know all that?"
"You have a type," said Virgil with a grin. "Pretty easy to pick."
"I don't have a..." Scott trailed off as he stared blankly ahead, lips mouthing names as he thought back over his dating exploits. "Okay, fine, I have a type."
Shouts of laughter mixed with crows of triumph and even John showed signs of a glimmer of a smile before he dipped out of view.
Scott waved them off, his face trapped with eyes and a mouth that were gently amused and the pink flush of embarrassment.
Gordon and Alan glanced at each other, a flurry of silent conversation transmitted between them in an instant and then, as one, they turned to
"So, Virgil," said Gordon, his eyes dancing with mischief. "What's your type?"
"Me?" asked Virgil in surprise. "I don't have a type."
"Don't give us that," groaned Scott. "Not after you made me admit it."
Virgil shrugged. "I guess they have to be kind?"
"Boring," said Gordon, flopping back and rolling his eyes. "Like yeah, duh, they have to be a good person, only the best for our brother and all. But surely you've got some preferences. Tall, short, brown eyes, blue eyes, a nice smile or long piano fingers so you can play together?"
"Maybe a sense of style, you were really into that goth chick in high school," suggested Scott.
"Sarah was pretty cool, wasn't she," said Virgil with a grin. "But that's my type; cool people who are kind and good and don't mind that I'm a little boring."
Gordon pulled a face at him.
"Aw, come on Virg, I don't think you're boring."
"No, no, I definitely am," said Virgil in mock-seriousness. "I work in logistics and fly cargo. I play the piano aka the world's most basic instrument. I even brush my teeth and remember to floss. Did you know I have the healthiest gums our dentist has ever seen?"
"Do you lead with that on your dates?" asked Scott drily.
"I end with that actually," retorted Virgil. "You'd be surprised at how well-received that information is."
"Eugh," said Alan, pulling a face. "Did you have to say that?"
"Have to? No. Want to? Yes."
While Alan pretended to gag and Scott laughed at him, Gordon leant over.
"No type?" he asked, curiousity written across his face.
Virgil shook his head. "Gender doesn't matter to me, you know that. But neither does someone's self-expression. I like people for who they are. It's their personality that amplifies their natural looks or something." He shrugged. "I don't care to define it much. Bottom line, no one type. Maybe infinite types would be a better fit. Endless possibility and a world full of beauty."
Gordon gave him a half-smile, his warm brown eyes shining with a soft and tender love.
"Yeah, that does sound like you."
Tagging @knyee as requested 🫑🫑
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